I dunno Mike, getting Zucced is normie vocabulary for getting banned now.
Hoister’s petard store
May 29, 2024 3:37 pm
Watching the screen? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
May 29, 2024 3:02 pm
There is no case for the IRS addressed check sent to the state agency.
Any given state tax agency receives 100, 120 checks and 3 or 4 of them are incorrectly addressed to the IRS. Because most taxpayers just wanna pay their taxes, they don’t want to worry about the difference between state and federal right now.
Last edited 9 months ago by TheManyFacedGoy
May 29, 2024 1:26 pm
As degenerate as Trump is. Remember John Edwards used campaign funds to hide his illegitimate child and baby momma while his wife was dying of cancer
That was when the first crack appeared in my shitlibbery.
Iron Warrior
May 29, 2024 1:19 pm
Moike’s shifting eyes at the beginning cracked me up
May 29, 2024 1:09 pm
I never watch the video so I wouldn’t know if there were a bottle of alcohol. I don’t even watch prep. I listen only. I don’t like looking at screens. Thank you Sven for acknowledging that a lot of subscribers are mp3 gang!
Rube Around the Roundabout
May 29, 2024 1:08 pm
Check the label on that Bombay Sapphire. It’s more than standard alcohol content, and likely made in Scotland. (I heard labor is cheaper in Scotland and the conglomerate owners wanted to centralize distribution with their whiskey brands). I guess it’s a Scotsman’s London Dry gin.
May 29, 2024 12:53 pm
Mike, you should get a big swastika in you’re garage then they’ll notice and give you money just because its a nice decoration.
I’ve got to disagree with Sven without the beer question. The three best beers I’ve ever had were all american. Blue moon, Voodoo Ranger, and dragons milk are far and away better than anything from overseas
Agreed. IDK if they’re doing a Mania this year, but I’d like to see Mike continue to do his political speeches in some form…It would be great to release clips of something like that on twitter to an entirely new audience.
I dunno Mike, getting Zucced is normie vocabulary for getting banned now.
Watching the screen? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
There is no case for the IRS addressed check sent to the state agency.
Any given state tax agency receives 100, 120 checks and 3 or 4 of them are incorrectly addressed to the IRS. Because most taxpayers just wanna pay their taxes, they don’t want to worry about the difference between state and federal right now.
As degenerate as Trump is. Remember John Edwards used campaign funds to hide his illegitimate child and baby momma while his wife was dying of cancer
That was when the first crack appeared in my shitlibbery.
Moike’s shifting eyes at the beginning cracked me up
I never watch the video so I wouldn’t know if there were a bottle of alcohol. I don’t even watch prep. I listen only. I don’t like looking at screens. Thank you Sven for acknowledging that a lot of subscribers are mp3 gang!
Check the label on that Bombay Sapphire. It’s more than standard alcohol content, and likely made in Scotland. (I heard labor is cheaper in Scotland and the conglomerate owners wanted to centralize distribution with their whiskey brands). I guess it’s a Scotsman’s London Dry gin.
Mike, you should get a big swastika in you’re garage then they’ll notice and give you money just because its a nice decoration.
Make sure you go into the fact that Cohen admitted in court to stealing 30 grand from Trump.
Why would he do that?
I’ve got to disagree with Sven without the beer question. The three best beers I’ve ever had were all american. Blue moon, Voodoo Ranger, and dragons milk are far and away better than anything from overseas
Blue Moon is slightly-better Coors.
Voodo Ranger is Steel Reserve pretending to be an IPA.
Never had Dragon’s Milk, but with just the first two there are way better beers in the USA, let alone Europe.
Dragon’s Milk is a 12% stout, it’s expensive but it’s good. Only places I’ve seen it had it for $5 a bottle
The best beer really is american, it’s true.
I’ve never gone wrong with Sam Adams. The seasonal varieties are great.
I love Dragon’s Milk but it’s hard to find in some cities unfortunately.
I like blue moon. I also like pbr and budweiser. Snobs are malding now.
Blue Moon and Pabst is nice. Though I’m partial to my Emu Export (Only in West Aus)
“do i have to send a you’re welcome card” sounding like a seinfeld bit up in here
I could use a new Chairman speech right about now.
There are a lot of really, really good things that we lost with the NJP. Including many of the best political speeches in American history.
Agreed. IDK if they’re doing a Mania this year, but I’d like to see Mike continue to do his political speeches in some form…It would be great to release clips of something like that on twitter to an entirely new audience.
Smoking your ops with balefire.
I like my opps well done, with ketchup.
*flies away in 747*