Mike and Borz go way off their raceline as they discuss the negrification of genre fiction adaptations, the debate over race-blind casting vs race-conscious casting and why both fail, and briefly talk about the questionable life of cosmic Jew Irwin Cotler.

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Gang dem Thrones
Cosmic anti-semitism, isn’t that Cosmotheism?
Anywhere I could dl the intro song?
Waffels, 3 hours worth of it
A Russian Jew in Canada Yasha Levine has a substack that delves deeply into the Soviet-Jewish question. It needs a sub to get the full aticles
Mike, where’s all your videos of idf soldiers getting fragged?
Thankings for 4hrs 15mins of hobby contents sirs
Got instantly hate speech flagged on YouTube for saying Hitler repealed the haavara agreement and supported the Palestinian struggle.
The AI censorship is more sophisticated and targetted than I thought was possible 😂
While geographically Westeros is the British isles combined in the way borzoi describes, culturally it is sort of Europe rotated 90 degrees, making Essos a 90 degree rotated Africa. This makes the cultured cities near Westeros on essos sort of like Berbers and middle easterners. But as for Westeros, the Dornish are Iberians, the Lannister’s are Germans, the Tyrells are French, and the greyjoys are Scandinavians. The Vale sort of represents the balkans, and the north would theoretically be Russia but that’s not well emulated. Storm lands are Italy?
Essos is basically Asia and maybe a bit of north Africa thrown in.
A lake of nerd shit is before you. You see a pair of lips crest the lake. You can tell the lips are of a man who has dark features. The man says, “Not to get too deep in nerd shit!”. The man and his lips disappear back into the nerd shit.
-Excerpt from that nigger bitch’s new book.
The other David Eddings series/World was The Elenium and later The Tamuli. This was the series I really cut my teeth on for fantasy. I never went back and read the Belgriad which was what Mike was referring to and was Eddings first hit series. For 9th grade me I thought the Elenium was awesome and it had all the classic stereotypes: militant Knights, honorable rogues, malicious bureaucrats, ambitious politicians, satmran worshippers, etc. There was also a sort of jew race called Styrics that were viewd sympathetically by the Knights of the Church but not by the common people. You… Read more »
How far into Malazan is Mike? His description sounds like the first 3 he might be in for a surprise with 4-5
Fuck your small imaginary fandom.
Long shanks was that dude plain and simple 🤷🏻♂️
Ooooooh reading the description this sounds like it’s going to be a really fun episode. Unlike some of the seriousfags around here, I really enjoy the breakdown of media and entertainment, discussing the messaging and cultural impacts, and brainstorming how to approach it and dissect it. Game of Thrones specifically is an interesting show to discuss, because the first few seasons were actually pretty good overall. And like Mike said himself recent, the first few books are pretty fun as well. Lots of worldbuilding and cool characters, but there’s still a lot of degenerate tropes and anti-White blood libels snuck… Read more »
It was a great episode. I am also a thorough enjoyer of pop-culture analysis from our guys.
Sci fi fantasy content 😪😪😪
You get your preferred topics every other show, so dry your tears. Some of us like these entertainment episodes.
It’s awful. Completely boring content cannot stand it.
Sorry that you’re feeling bad right now.
Is this Sven’s alt?
They connect it to interesting shit. Give it a chance.
I got excited with original description of something like “full cosmic antisemitism” but the one now makes me yawn.
Haven’t listened yet but do they talk about Rafah?
Guns, Germs, and Stealing
Did Highschool Of The Dead have niggers in it? I don’t remember that.
Oh, you mean the show with dragons n’ sheeit.
Love these 12pm work hour streams. Gets me through the later half of the day.
10-11 AM is always the most productive time of the day for me. Before 9 I’m still tired, and after 4 I don’t give a shit and just want to relax.
It is a reasonable time for Europe too, i love it, so do not change it.
I don’t know why i get excited about early P&B stream times, I never see an mp3 til 6pm anyways.
ps thanks for the gondend love you
Shit, went to the toy store with my kid at the three hour mark and back home again and yall niggaz still streaming thas some marathon shit 👍
Yeah, formerly known as “Anatoly Schransky”, Soviet “Dissident”
This is a whole other can of Jews that was opened here, and worth further commentary, which we will do next week.
Students for western civilization”
That’s the podcast of the Canadian student dealing with his school administration.
Episode still available on SoundCloud
B: Dumas was part black and…
M: No no, Dumas didn’t write Les miserables
B: I know, that was Hugo, but…
M: Actually, you might not know it but Dumas was a nigger
B: head explodes
This is my Mike Meme in action, playing out before our very eyes and ears.
Les Niggerables
Can you hear the people nig
Nigging the song of angry gibs
Only just hit ‘audio play’ so ignore this if it’s already been covered….. they actually cast Cleopatra as a deaf actress delivering the lines in American Sign Language.
I saw a Globe Theatre production of Antony and Cleopatra when I was on a school trip in England in 2006 and Marc Antony was played by a nigger
Targaryen, the prefix is tar, tar is a black substance. They was always niggaz
You “knocked it out the park” !
From what I remember, Martin intended to have killed off Arya by the 5th book but his wife Parris liked the character so he kept her alive instead.
Huge mistake.
Who is your favorite character so far?
The casting of niggers in HOTD was probably to make following the story easier. Two families with silver hair? Now I can tell them apart.
They could have just made them wear distinctive pieces of flair.
I’m saying that the anti-whiteness is just an added bonus from HBO’s perspective.
I was in a Barnes & Noble recently. I think about 33% of the floor space was taken up by anime figurines and Funko Pop-style “collectibles”.
The last time I was in a barnes and nobles maybe a quarter of the store was wasted on “nook” devices, then another quarter on various junk like toys and board games. I also notice whenever I get a Barnes and Nobles gift card or something the website runs like a time warp back into 56k modem days, where every click resulted in another 30 seconds of loading before it began to become responsive again.
Barnes and Nobles of the last decade or more is a fail company (shame it took out so many smaller bookstores along the way.)
In my opinion, the best magic system I saw was in Dragonlance, where mages have to keep reading their books because as soon as they use a spell, the words of the incantation are burned from their minds so they have to learn it again. Fair handicap for the vast amount of power they can accrue.
Polanski’s Macbeth is most notable as an allegory for the Kennedy assassinations, complete with an esoteric acknowledgment of Israeli involvement with its casting of an actor named Balfour as the First Murderer. Polanski had intimate ties with Israeli intelligence.
Mark Bhramin took his therory into the territory of monomania, but when it came to analyzing Polanksi he was spot on.
Orson Welles?
I know Mike has read the First Law books, has Borzoi?
I just rewatched GOT last month since it had been years since I watched it all the way through, so perfect timing for me on this subject. Also, btw most of niggers in the original show WERE SLAVES. ROFL. The unsullied and the white haired bitches right hand lady…… Being the main niggers. There was two niggers who had wealth. The one who had a boat that ser Davos hired and the one who the white haired bitch asked for a loan of money, or she got his help asking for a loan of money or ships, etc idc I… Read more »
Her balls washers had no balls
Wypipo don’t season dey seasons
They also made Yasuke gay in the game too apparently
Audio is right on the money today, good job.
Remember folks, always spay and neuter your pets.
More than a feeling? More than a nigger?
(Boston or The Bee Gees, you choose)
“Swarthy” also comes from the German word for the color black “schwarz”. M✡️dern academics will look at characters described as “swarthy” such as Shakespeare’s Othello which was intended to mean dark-haired and maybe a slightly more tan complexion, and claim that it really means sub-Saharan African.
Just For Men: the preferred racial infiltration product
Noice! wheel of time gontent, i love it!
John Lennonforget it beat me to itWhat do you think of the famous Greek philosopher Testicles?
I’ve always found him quite pendulous
That guy had balls!
At least he’s not as bad as Kakistokrates.
F5 Gang has been rewarded.