Mike and Borzoi go 1.5x speed on the Al-Aqsa Floodsports of the Lex Fridman debate between Norman Finkelstein and Destiny, We cover arguments over pre-genocide, greedy Turkish landlords, and tactical Jewish morality. It's always Sunni in Philadelphi! This episode sponsored by propranolol.

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I fixed the mp3. I’m retarded.
I just downloaded it and it’s still episode 11
Never mind I see where someone else uploaded it
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Anyone know the name of the beginning song?
Listening to destiny was very difficult. What an awful person.
The Hilltops Have Eyes Youths?

Destiny, the Bari Weissperer
This show was really great, tbh I’ve had no clue about all this early Israel shit like the murder of the english lord and I appreciated the deep dive
good show this week, thanks
I’m forever amazed that (((atheist))) Sam Harris can continually bring Jews on to his show to justify Jewish domination in the most anodyne and inconspicuous terms as if it’s just some obvious conclusion everyone who was objective would come to.
At 1:28:40 the war y’all are thinking of was the Bar Kokhba Revolt or as Borzoi said, Third Roman-Jewish War. That was when the Jews were totally expelled from Palestine and it was actually renamed to Syria Palæstina from Judæa.
The Jews should have taken the L after the first Roman-Jewish war.
I don’t know about Titus but i know that hadrians twitter handle should have been kikeslammer88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kQRKhvxh34
Brianna Wu? Nah nah nah *Banana Wu*
Edit: Borzoi essentially makes this point more succinctly in the episode, but I was commenting while listening. Setting aside the fact that only 7% of modern Israel was formed by land purchases, I reject Morris’ “before 1947 everything was done according to Ottoman/British law” argument because those laws/arrangements were themselves unjust, justifying the uprisings in 47/48. Jews constantly remind us how unjust and exploitative the absentee landlord tenant farming, sharecropping and redlining laws and arrangements in the US were, and how those justify today’s reparations protocols for blacks. The same goes for Palestine then: jews buying land from absentee landlords… Read more »
After watching Destiny debate for a few years now my opinion on what position he debates from has changed from
A liberal
A contrarian
A cuckold
A actual cuckold to his core and the judeo neoliberal system fits him perfectly. This system would gladly both literally and figuratively fuck him and his wife for his enjoyment where as a Nationalist White or Arab system would put them both where they belong.
I’m glad they didn’t rehash the Tim Poole material…for more than the first 30 minutes…
In a sane, gentile-controlled world Jared Kushner would be arrested on the spot for enabling genocide.
The Kushner “lecture” and the Fridman “debate” highlight how jews get to commit genocide in settings of sanctioned propriety, while their opponents are imprisoned for “violence” and “hate speech.”
Black eyes, has a lazy eye and gets recommended by YouTube. Jewish. ((Lex Freeman))
i haven’t really listened to Lex before but after his intro if you said he was high functioning down syndrome i’d believe it
The fight between Owens and Boteach is Moolie and Schmuley
Göbbels mentioning the liquidation of the Jewish population in his diary is proof of a completed genocide, but a ministerial policy proposal of cutting of all resources to a land area you control and subsequently killing tens of thousand of civilians there directly while sustaining a starvation campaign is not even evidence of genocidal intent. Reality bending like this is only possible with Jews.
I think Lex Fridman is a Joe Ragan protégé. I started getting bombarded by him on YouTube about four or five years ago, similar to Jordan Peterson. He’s part of the whole intellectual dark web, which is basically kosher alt-right. It was the Jews attemp to steal the audience of the original alt right. He was basically Joe Rogans apprentice.
Thanks for the 4 hour show for a dude’s cross-pacific flight
Yeshayahou Leibowitz wrote in his book Jews Of Israel “For us, a total collapse can come in a day: a consequence of the criminal stupidity which makes our entire existence depend on American economic aid.”
Fingers crossed that it’s tomorrow, boys.
Fingers crossed
Finkelstein’s “I don’t know a single non-Jew who doesn’t harbor antisemitic sentiments” deserves to be a drop
The problem with arguing that Christianity is older than Judaism is that it is arguing that the final codification or canonization of the holy books or the official creed is the “beginning” or origin of the religion, which is wrong. If that were true it would mean that Christianity didn’t exist prior to the Council of Nicaea, or the various later councils which established the Biblical canon.
Christianity existed before Jesus, and it will be there even if every gospel is destroyed. He was a man of science that derived his moral code from observations of Nature. Please remember, science can only tell you what will happen… It cannot tell you what is best, or what you should do. These are Aesthetic decisions, weighted by your desires, whether they be for money and power, or justice and beauty. The Hypothosis is in the eye of the beholder. As we can see now, one flick of the pen CAN put a bunch of degenerate Kikes in power, but… Read more »
lol wut
I think the trouble here is “What is Judaism?”
Modern-day Judaism is not the same as the religion of the Old Testament; all the talmudic shit came a few centuries after the death of Christ. The Church as we understand it today is traditionally believed to have had its birth at Pentecost.
4hrs of lex and destiny, I dunno if I’m gonna make it I’ll be hanging in the bathroom
Is this on the paywall RSS feed?
Takes are a dish best served hot.
Lex Fridman sounds like (has the energy of) the DJ from Reservoir Dogs, spinning that classic 1970s vinyl.
(((Steven Wright)))
Steven Wright—Wiki implies both parents are goyish; “raised Catholic” always makes me raise an eyebrow.
As to Lex; I don’t know if he’s double digit IQ but he’s definitely a mid-wit at best.
He’s told some funny ones.
and if you liked that sample, try
Guntguard, Gatekeep, Goyboss
Before I listen, did they cover that video of Candace Owens going at it with that repulsive Rabbi?
Sounds like the worst porn possible.

lmao I didn’t think of that when I wrote it. I meant go at it rhetorically.
Peinovich & Boskovich Episode 12: Structural Hypocrisy
Download link for people who don’t know how to edit a URL:
Calm down we really don’t need to repost the same issue 22+ times
I think the “full show audio applet” has last week’s show by mistake.
The download links to last week’s show.
Fellow paychads, you can copy and edit the link to get to the new show
Can vouch. Editing the link worked for me. Well, here: https://therightstuff.biz/?s2member_file_storage=local&s2member_file_download=p-and-b-012.mp3
check out the l33t hacker here. Based.
This man is a hero.
mp3 download link is to ep #11, not #12.
Is anyone else getting last week’s episode?
Me too.
Yes, open ticket and drop new file please
Hey if you P and B-ers need material, Walt Bismarck varied his beliefs; now he’s ‘The Vitalist’. https://thevitalist.substack.com/p/why-im-no-longer-a-white-nationalist . Basically dis-identifying with the ‘hobbits’, the regular, unambitious, grug whites.
Oh wow, that dudes still around? I assumed he disappeared when his parody songs got removed from youtube.
Also that article is pretty retarded, guess he is just another republican operative (paid or otherwise)
I wonder what happened to that guy. His viral moment was the 2015-16 Trump primary campaign. I haven’t read the linked Substack article but my best guess is that ol’ Walt Bismarck was just a GOPer at heart, after all. Not sure how far he went down the WN path (if at all) since I haven’t paid attention to him or thought about him since 2016.
We need the McNabb take on this article.
If there ever was a man who exemplifies Nietzsche’s Last Man it is Destiny
Mother of G-d