In this episode, we are joined by Nick, who argues that young white men should not write off a career in tech. For now, at least, there is still some hope.
Topics: Volx; dementia determinism; skibidi-pilled; FVCK John Phillips; mandatory Israeli flag in every small rural American town; nutmeggers; Y'allternative; take the tech pill; BANTS?; Gen Alpha optimism; president Taft, corpulent fuck; Norman Borlaug.
By the way, please excuse any audio problems; there are some occasional echoes that make our voices sound doubled. This should be fixed in the next episode.
Normie cuckservatives have me seriously blackpilled man, I talk about doing legal pro white activism and they look at me like a ghost. They just want to roll coal, bitch, whine, and buy that new(cabin,boat,motorcycle,atv) product, and they still rant and rave about niggerball. It’s like they live in a bubble, is our movement just rural and urban guys? Maybe suburbanites are just too cozy n tucked away from it away, perfectly isolated from any authentic culture. Everything in the suburbs is a carbon copy, and the people are copies.
I think what’s demoralizing about higher education is when you learn what your knowledge is actually going to be used for. I think the best college degree is chemistry because you can’t feasibly replicate a lab outside of college, its one of those things that it actually makes sense to go to college for rather than something like business or philosophy which you can learn everything from from a library. Anyway even with all that being said you’ll still end up with a teacher who’s outside of class chemistry / biology research is and i kid you fucking not researching… Read more »
If someone hypothetically, in Pokémon Wildlands would like a free C# book I can post it on the forums
I work in tech and the red pill is reducing your workload to the point that you’re working only a portion of a job while receiving a full salary, such that you can take another job without your first employer knowing, and therefore earn 2 full salaries. In my role I’m trying to get promoted to the position that will let me do that. Remote work is the best aspect of tech life, if you’re in tech but not remote, you’re getting cucked, simple as.
Confederate flags all over northern Wisconsin and Minnesota
Nick’s point on the balance between not letting yourself be exploited by your employer but not also falling into the individualist no cares resentful attitude towards work is very prescient. I have a cousin who goes on r/antiwork and just bitches without putting his thoughts into a coherent and actually meaningful grievance. I like the idea of putting pride into your work because it benefits your mentality as a White man, but I don’t know how to express it to him without sounding like a wage slave cuck. Also, that sub Reddit has given this same cousin a retarded view… Read more »
I did watch the Myth20c episode. I did not hear Hank say any kill both statement, This is why i asked where he said it.
Yes it is possible i missed that part, But BANG and the commentators here tend to make up shit sometimes or maliciously misunderstand someones statement.
So this is why i asked for source on that. IE timestamp or something close.
No need to read this comment the next ep lol. Yeah you missed it. It starts at 1:15:45-1:17:00 or so. “why can’t both sides both lose, and the river to the sea be a museum of bible tourism?” Extremely cringe take.
The recent myth20c episodes ain’t hitting like they used to
They don’t even have Nick on majority of the time anymore. Hank and Hans are smart guys, but they can only take the episode content so far. They end up making the shows sound cold in their analysis and rhetorically unorganized. Also, I sense a lot of stepping around Jews and race too.
I stopped listening to those dorks when the host had an extreme boner for Elon Musk as the future a year or two ago. I don’t know what circles these people are in where they would think this subsidized retard is innovative in anything other than getting grants. He probably still fawns for Elon. I didn’t know they still did shows
Hello, first time listener. I was lured in by the topic of whether young White men should go into tech – as someone in tech, and not quite sure myself
Now for my comment: I think kids are scatterbrained these days because of the new “anything can be anything” mainstream religion. A man can be a woman, a nigger can be a human, etc. Back when things were better defined, it took less mental resources to file some information away, because it didn’t involve the mental gymnastics of resolving all the contradictions people go through today to accept a fact.
Which is also why ((( javascript ))) sucks.
So duck typing is a consequence of postmodernism?
Agreed. It’s the field I work in. Depending on how you go about it, there’s still a lot of us out there. Do not hand this field over to the street shitters.
nonono it’s supposed to be pronounced Francis fook yer yarmulke
If you get a tech job, you better be hitting the gym daily you cuck faggot. Blue collar master race.
Plenty of blue collars are fat retards who don’t gym
I wanted to agree, and I do, but every collar is retarded as fuck.
Any career that can be used to regain institutional power should always be taken into consideration. Being a plumber “like muh daddy” or being an electrician “like muh daddy” may get you a decent loving, but not mich else.
Dimitris Natsios, the president of the right-wing Niki party, called the series “deplorable, unacceptable and unhistorical” and said the film aims to subliminally convey the idea — without any basis — that homosexuality was acceptable in ancient times.
I was driving by Harrison, so I figured I’d stop there to eat and go to the liquor store. At the restaurant a negress working there recognized something on my shirt and thought it was cool. It wasn’t anything racist but it was extremely white on a level that I was kind of thunderstruck by a negress wanting to talk to me about it. Then at the liquor store, I overheard some people who looked like antifa fags talking about this really cool tattoo artist who will cover up hate tattoos for free. Plus they didn’t have the whiskey I… Read more »
V in Latin is either a vowel (u), or when a consonant, pronounced as a w. Never the “hard” v
We’ll have 100, 150 young hwites and you’ll find maybe 2 or 3 bald guys in the morning
Nike says it’s because of high testosterone, I tend to disagree.
Plenty of bald greek dudes in the world.
Stavros is the only Greek I know
I think Mackenzie Phillips made that shit up
First off I’m thinking about making “yea nigga” my comment catch phrase, second country music hasn’t been good since the outlaw days of Waylon Jennings, Johnny Paycheck, George Jones and the boys.
Yea nigga!
Real men use V instead of U
There’s some that use all u instead of all v
It is your duty to BANTS.
BANTS to me can be summarized as:
1. Take advantage of any program you can
2. If you are in a position to leech from the system or a gay giant corporation do it while contributing as little as possible without getting fired.
1. Being an actual coon.
Both Nicks have audio problems
That shit was great. The echo was well-timed at a few instances.
I’m not tech pilled but I’ll probably have to be eventually. I’m stem pilled.
Hate to sound like a broken record but it’s true. Think of it as a force multiplier for whatever your “skill” is. Know python or some other gay language (but let’s face it, it’s python) on top of standard CAD or FEA software? Suddenly you can do twice as much as someone that only did the basic MATLAB coursework.
I don’t like it much. Always feel like trying to get a down syndrome patient to work, because at a certain point I need to waste way too much time to debug code so I can get a certain part of my algorithm fixed.
I agree, but you kind of get used to it. When you work a real job, you get paid for your time either way. “real work” is generally less complicated than coursework too, no penalties if you just import a library instead of making your own algorithm. While being so detail oriented with a retarded computer may seem like a chore, it that also trains you to be detail oriented with other things. I could go on, but in short: if you know how to use a computer, it will elevate your skillset above other candidates or employees.
There’s a few places around that still has a Ukraine flag lol. Firmware update didn’t transfer properly.
Speaking of Ukraine flags, i do not hang around social media do people still have Ukraine flags on their profile? Also do non jews have Isreal flags now?
Remember to mew and bonesmash for maximum gf results
Read my comment on the next show niggers. Thank you.
Gen alphas are into the most nigger shit imagineable I’m not a gen alpha optimist. Then there’s gen beta which is worse. It’ll only get worse until we win.
They are absolutely right… Tech pays decent
My widow’s peak is turning into a mohawk.
I felt challenged by the discussion of reading comprehension, and opened up my e-reader where I am rereading War and Peace since I didn’t focus enough on the first reading. Well I was on Chapter V and managed to concentrate for several pages but I started inserting the letter v in place of o in my head “and who would meet whvm and when and where..” Thanks guys!
Appreciate the new gontent, i was wondering what to listen to at work to night.
Don’t you f*ckers dare downvote this!
Gave you some updoots for your trouble
Me too
With all the big name support i can not downboat you with a good conscience this time.
I can
Firsting is ugly
and ugly is bad
and bad is wrong
and wrong is sin
and sin leads to eternal damnation
A hot burning fire
a hot burning fire
screams of agony
screams of agony
screams of agony
A-ren-nen-nen, a-ren-nen-nen, a-ren-nen-nen-a-ren-a