In Finland doctors make ~70k and in the public sector and ~100k in the private sector. But acerage pay (and cost of living) is also lower, maybe ~30% lower on average than in America.
February 8, 2024 3:26 pm
Yokozuna was actually an islander instead of Japanese as well.
Feminine Bulge
February 8, 2024 3:28 am
used to work with a bunch of tongans, can confirm them niggas big cos they eat big fuckers would smash 1kg of rice or a whole loaf of bread with their lunch like its nothing
Last edited 1 year ago by Feminine Bulge
Quality control test
February 7, 2024 12:07 pm
Jesse, this is an product developed by a cancer survivor to aid the body in producing more human growth hormone on its own so he could build back muscle mass. You take it in milk to make you sleep. Helps in general bodily repair too.
February 7, 2024 11:43 am
“And I’m not eating well”
Oh no Mike, Jaime is going to break your arm again.
February 7, 2024 11:36 am
Sven doesn’t like doing his parody songs but there are some that need a reboot. ICEy Ways parody of Journey. I think he really did a good parody of Steve Perry.
STEEEEEEEVE perry!! (Baseketball reference)
🦢The Autiste formerly known as Swampy🦢
February 7, 2024 11:28 am
lol Nimarata got crushed by “none of these candidates” in the Nevada primary that excluded the Retarded Orange Kike Lover. Something like 60% to 30%
The presumptive vice presidential candidate colored fellow got a whopping 1.5% of the vote. He is going to really boost the ticket with that kind of popularity!
In Finland doctors make ~70k and in the public sector and ~100k in the private sector. But acerage pay (and cost of living) is also lower, maybe ~30% lower on average than in America.
Yokozuna was actually an islander instead of Japanese as well.
used to work with a bunch of tongans, can confirm them niggas big cos they eat big fuckers would smash 1kg of rice or a whole loaf of bread with their lunch like its nothing
Jesse, this is an product developed by a cancer survivor to aid the body in producing more human growth hormone on its own so he could build back muscle mass. You take it in milk to make you sleep. Helps in general bodily repair too.
“And I’m not eating well”
Oh no Mike, Jaime is going to break your arm again.
Sven doesn’t like doing his parody songs but there are some that need a reboot. ICEy Ways parody of Journey. I think he really did a good parody of Steve Perry.
STEEEEEEEVE perry!! (Baseketball reference)
lol Nimarata got crushed by “none of these candidates” in the Nevada primary that excluded the Retarded Orange Kike Lover. Something like 60% to 30%
The presumptive vice presidential candidate colored fellow got a whopping 1.5% of the vote. He is going to really boost the ticket with that kind of popularity!
There’s actually kind of a lot of niggers in Nevada too I think? Around Vegas. Guess they’re not rock ribbed Republicans yet
None of these candidates 2024
Sven, check out the Couch to 5k app. I despise running but I did the program and it was relatively painless.
It even works in your 40s. 😉