The Death Panel eventually do the Mike Tyson voice.

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I do know that every death in my area was ruled as a COVID death if they tested positive for COVID. I’m thinking in particular about a fatal motorcycle crash on an I81 overpass in our district that we responded to which was ruled a COVID-19 caused death because the guy was tested for COVID-19 which came back positive. If the guy had the flu the cause of death would have been ruled as a motor vehicle accident.
There’s two ways to defeat viruses: 1 you can maintain a healthy immune system by healthy living, or 2 you can buy a vaccine to attempt to make your immune system be able to fight viruses. The problem is that there are side effects with vaccines but there’s no side effects to healthy living. And, whereas a healthy immune system works against all viruses, vaccines simply make antibodies which may or may not work against specific viruses. But, whereas healthy living is bad for profits, selling vaccines are great for profits.
You can tell your only exposure to boxing is a Mike tyson highlight reel. Holyfield was not just a better boxer technically, he was a better brawler too. Also a better chin, and more heart, featured in better fights with a superior resume. Just a better man all round.
Trump did everything the vaxtards said. He didn’t do what should have been done- impose an actual fascist lockdown under the pretext of stopping COVID spread, and ban immigration from liberal democratic/shithole countries that didn’t do the same. Another deliberately wasted opportunity from that filthy orange golem.
People thought Dr. Fauci was jewish because of that one jew from Long Island. The “If I dont steal your house, sombody else will” guy is named Fauci
Regarding that Christian Zionist Alex heard on the radio, I’m struggling to think what comfort Christians could even offer jews? “There, there, jews, everything will be all right. Here, take the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and raze it with our blessing!”
Christian Zionists like Paul Gosar have pretty much already said this.
My Dad was at a Tyson fight. Susan Sarandon was sitting in front of him. He over hears her say “here comes the Donald, my Dad turned around to look. And KO. missed the entire fight
McNab please have more contrarian troll opinions to force Mike to talk about something other than the same five things he’s been talking about for the last 3 months. I do not want to hear the names Claudine gay or Elise hookedonphonics for at least four episodes
Really though! I feel like I’m stuck in a time loop.
Is the ghetto and the shtetl the same thing
ghetto is urban shtetl is rural.
MOIKE- Bronze Age women didn’t have panties thus Rabbi panty inspector is not bronze age
When Jews talk about 40 burnt up kids. My mind immediately goes to that video of a gang of yid kids harassing that guy trying to play a game of golf
Would you out jew the jew if that was the only way to defeat them
If Tim Scott is gay than having an arranged marriage with a white woman as an op is going to blow up thisr face unless they have a special detail to clean up all the messes faggots create from thier impulsive behavior
(((white woman)))