This is no hallucination. We've returned just when the world needs us most.
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December 15, 2023 2:40 pm
Thank you, Nike, for correctly pointing out that Cristoforo Colombo was Genovese. I’m sure you also know that Genova has been a good friend to Hellas for a long time. My ancestor was one of the 700 Genovese soldiers who fought to defend Constantinople in the siege of 1453. In overall command of the land forces was a Genovese nobleman and condottiero from Chios named Giovanni Guistiniani, or “John Justinian”. He died a few days after the fall of the city from wounds sustained in the fighting, but the Venetians spread rumors that he fled from cowardice. Fucking Venetians, almost… Read more »
During the Ancient world, the term Indian was applied to everyone east of the Indus River. That’s why America was known as the West Indies and East Asia was known as the East Indies. As in the Dutch East Indies vs the Dutch West Indies etc.
December 15, 2023 1:00 pm
Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and possibly Bolivia are the only countries in the entirety of the Americas which oppose the ZOG world order being aligned with Russia and Iran.
Paraglider Of Peace~Sky King 1488
December 14, 2023 7:03 pm
Young Whites? More like old ass, dusty, saggin ball havin Whites. Jeriatric Whites, senile Whites, fossilized Whites, Erectile dysfunctional Whites, ancient Whites
Also Typical jew Anglo caring about cell phone brands, fuckin jew lol
I met you in Ohio Nike, you’re cool AF, I was wearing the tropical shirt, I liked your stickers man, we were at the soy fields, but thankfully we were totally unaffected by the Jewish poison plant (((soy))) I told you about how I defrauded my states gibs system lol if inbred bulb head niggers get hand outs I’m getting mine
December 14, 2023 1:13 am
I remember the first time I went to an actual Indian restaurant. My mates were casually telling me how the Indians use a lot of spice to drown out the taste of rotten meat. #NeverAgain
That WoW discussion takes me back. I tried the game when the friend I used to play RuneScape with jumped ship. It was on a custom private server, so I didn’t pay a penny, but everything felt like busywork where you have to grind for ages. I stopped playing MMOs after that.
Yeah Mexican food is actually good, Indian food sucks, Thai curry is way better anyways
December 13, 2023 6:07 pm
You knew it was coming, Nike, bidpill us on auctionchadding. I’m talking about high bids, antique furniture, good prices, etc. Is paying 171 dollars for a fancy Hitler book the play? Is it the flex? Kane says, “Yes”.
I, Anglo, am now free to record more episodes. I want to bring back some regularity to the podcast. (Yes, at one time, eons ago, we had a [somewhat] regular uploading schedule).
Limeade Enjoyer
December 13, 2023 6:30 am
I was just about to sit down to eat lunch when you guys started talking about India and Indian people. I had to wait about half an hour until I didn’t feel ill enough where I would throw up my food.
We may be “young,” but we like to keep it old school.
white-presenting sicilian
December 12, 2023 10:04 pm
Just don’t be an android poorfag and you’ll get the finest bitches. It’s a win win.
December 12, 2023 1:45 pm
I can’t believe TYH is back. I’m gonna listen the heck out of this tomorrow.
December 12, 2023 7:23 am
I did solar vanlife for a year befpre bailing on zog and its bad out there but there is SO much room for decay
People arent even ambushing yuppy vans yet and policd are only mildly trepedatious rousting sites.
They are totslly cucked on it but they dont explicitly fear fkr their lives yet in most places.
Same. I saw a bit on /pol actually
There are a shitload of venezuelan refugees where im at and i dont wanna see any more lol
December 12, 2023 7:02 am
Holy shit I remember getting approached by turks for pity money when I was in Germany for a brief period of time.
Last edited 11 months ago by Zoomerman
December 12, 2023 6:14 am
“How does people not die living in absolutely horrid conditions”
Because the ones who don’t make it are already dead.
December 12, 2023 6:12 am
Funnily enough I hear the roadside indian stalls by females are much more hygienic but doesn’t taste as good. There must really be something special they put when they wipe their bread on the armpits.
December 12, 2023 12:28 am
When you’re a kid chopping down yew trees in edgeville, you don’t have to think as much as when you learn python, kids don’t really like learning skills when they can goof off. Too bad those britcucks ruined that game and we’ll never get it back. Losing you childhood is just part of becoming an “older huwite”.
December 11, 2023 11:51 pm
Good to hear that TYH are thinkpad enjoyers. What distro do you use?
December 11, 2023 11:17 pm
For the woman question, especially for you young guys: their opinions don’t really matter, just don’t fail the shit test and let them pressure you into changing your behaviors/preferences.
I remember MSN Messenger, Limewire, Piczo custom websites, eBaum’s world, FunnyJunk. Despite some shock/gore stuff coming up one way or another, even though it’s not as easy to access today, the type of things that get promoted/encouraged/discussed online today are a lot more insidious and subtle.. and more harmful in the long run.
Juice Cleanse
December 11, 2023 5:33 pm
It’s my favorite annual, previously semi-annual, podcast on TRS!
Thank you, Nike, for correctly pointing out that Cristoforo Colombo was Genovese. I’m sure you also know that Genova has been a good friend to Hellas for a long time. My ancestor was one of the 700 Genovese soldiers who fought to defend Constantinople in the siege of 1453. In overall command of the land forces was a Genovese nobleman and condottiero from Chios named Giovanni Guistiniani, or “John Justinian”. He died a few days after the fall of the city from wounds sustained in the fighting, but the Venetians spread rumors that he fled from cowardice. Fucking Venetians, almost… Read more »
One struggle against the canal rats.
During the Ancient world, the term Indian was applied to everyone east of the Indus River. That’s why America was known as the West Indies and East Asia was known as the East Indies. As in the Dutch East Indies vs the Dutch West Indies etc.
Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and possibly Bolivia are the only countries in the entirety of the Americas which oppose the ZOG world order being aligned with Russia and Iran.
Young Whites? More like old ass, dusty, saggin ball havin Whites. Jeriatric Whites, senile Whites, fossilized Whites, Erectile dysfunctional Whites, ancient Whites
Also Typical jew Anglo caring about cell phone brands, fuckin jew lol
I met you in Ohio Nike, you’re cool AF, I was wearing the tropical shirt, I liked your stickers man, we were at the soy fields, but thankfully we were totally unaffected by the Jewish poison plant (((soy))) I told you about how I defrauded my states gibs system lol if inbred bulb head niggers get hand outs I’m getting mine
I remember the first time I went to an actual Indian restaurant. My mates were casually telling me how the Indians use a lot of spice to drown out the taste of rotten meat. #NeverAgain
That WoW discussion takes me back. I tried the game when the friend I used to play RuneScape with jumped ship. It was on a custom private server, so I didn’t pay a penny, but everything felt like busywork where you have to grind for ages. I stopped playing MMOs after that.
Yeah Mexican food is actually good, Indian food sucks, Thai curry is way better anyways
You knew it was coming, Nike, bidpill us on auctionchadding. I’m talking about high bids, antique furniture, good prices, etc. Is paying 171 dollars for a fancy Hitler book the play? Is it the flex? Kane says, “Yes”.
How many years until the next episode?
I hope it won’t take another year. I’m gonna be hanging in the batchroom.
Please don’t! Vadhajtaska, you are my favorite Hungarian.
I, Anglo, am now free to record more episodes. I want to bring back some regularity to the podcast. (Yes, at one time, eons ago, we had a [somewhat] regular uploading schedule).
I was just about to sit down to eat lunch when you guys started talking about India and Indian people. I had to wait about half an hour until I didn’t feel ill enough where I would throw up my food.
great show, awful embedded player
That’s that olllld player man. A classic…
We may be “young,” but we like to keep it old school.
Just don’t be an android poorfag and you’ll get the finest bitches. It’s a win win.
I can’t believe TYH is back. I’m gonna listen the heck out of this tomorrow.
I did solar vanlife for a year befpre bailing on zog and its bad out there but there is SO much room for decay
People arent even ambushing yuppy vans yet and policd are only mildly trepedatious rousting sites.
They are totslly cucked on it but they dont explicitly fear fkr their lives yet in most places.
Wish there was more venezuela v guayana gontent
I literally only heard about the conflict here
Same. I saw a bit on /pol actually
There are a shitload of venezuelan refugees where im at and i dont wanna see any more lol
Holy shit I remember getting approached by turks for pity money when I was in Germany for a brief period of time.
“How does people not die living in absolutely horrid conditions”
Because the ones who don’t make it are already dead.
Funnily enough I hear the roadside indian stalls by females are much more hygienic but doesn’t taste as good. There must really be something special they put when they wipe their bread on the armpits.
When you’re a kid chopping down yew trees in edgeville, you don’t have to think as much as when you learn python, kids don’t really like learning skills when they can goof off. Too bad those britcucks ruined that game and we’ll never get it back. Losing you childhood is just part of becoming an “older huwite”.
Good to hear that TYH are thinkpad enjoyers. What distro do you use?
For the woman question, especially for you young guys: their opinions don’t really matter, just don’t fail the shit test and let them pressure you into changing your behaviors/preferences.
Tony was the one keeping TYH down.
Finally some good news!
This is the bombshell we needed to win!
the not so young hwytes
The not young hwytes?
I remember MSN Messenger, Limewire, Piczo custom websites, eBaum’s world, FunnyJunk. Despite some shock/gore stuff coming up one way or another, even though it’s not as easy to access today, the type of things that get promoted/encouraged/discussed online today are a lot more insidious and subtle.. and more harmful in the long run.
It’s my favorite annual, previously semi-annual, podcast on TRS!
(Ric flair wooo)
When we needed them most, they returned.
In 4 years this will be a legitimate cabinet position, it will be Pete Buttgay
George floyd had a better work ethic than these yunggins