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The Death Panel welcome James Karlsson to the pogrom.
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Also, CD-Rs? Like the ones that they gave me the last time I had an MRI, and the last time I had a CT… Since they put the images on a damn CD and give it to you.. At least at every hospital I’ve ever gone to.
I know it’s old, but I just got to watching it… Those big rounds on the shelf look like DsHK (dushka) rounds… 12.7×108, basically the Russian version of the 50BMG. Comes out of those big old Russian machine guns you see mounted on the back of Toyota pickups all over the middle east.
“Ashkenazi Life Form”
“I’m not wallowing in the sadness anymore.”
Neither am I. I’m spewing the rage now.
I just want to know when Kurtwood Smith met my father.
this tweet is relevant to the conversation about law enforcement against blacks – bears out Moike’s point about how New York was turned into a little Israel militarised city state to protect Jews
I’ve noticed YouTube also giving me videos with like 20 views quite a bit. I think this is their way of saying “look we don’t only promote certain things you can still make it on YouTube independently!”
Jews have no business existing on my mortal coil – the count should not go to “110” but rather “1” – one existence they have been exterminated, by gun or blade, from.
I humbly offer up the term Nakba denier to interefere with holocaust denier terminology.
Anyone have a link to the Greenblatt conversation?
Greetblatt is saying “Iranian propaganda” because that is the talking point that he wants everyone to use. If Israel wasn’t about to become Wasrael he would say “White Supremacist propaganda.”
It’s amazing that 30 years ago, that Google commercial was a nightmare in Demolition Man with mics listening to you always-on. It’s portrayed as an “assistant” now, but we’ve already seen Amazon totally disable some guys account – and thus his “smart home shit” (lights, door locks on his fucking house!) because some amazon driver claimed he heard “nigger.” “Hey google, fuck you nigger” Google assistant: “your bank account is on hold. Please report to a review center on hate speech to sign a reprimand to re-enable access.” Are we really that far off when Kathy Hochul recently admitted they… Read more »
It looks like MJF himself is breaching the MRI center.
You speak for us all, Sven. We are going to win.
Possible user name: Anti-semitic Mercouris.
We have a major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major, major..
It’s not only the jews are dumber, the problem with lies and deception and the you always end up believing your own lies. Same with machinations and betrayal, it always end up affecting your own camp.
The beautiful thing of the Christian way of being of no-lies, no secrets and total fidelity is that long term it is much more stable than the jewish strategy. And I am not making a religious christian apology because we are all christian in terms of morality.
Is it not more of a White thing than a Christian thing?
At least a Germanic thing.
Haiti is 65% catholic.
I knew those niggers were based……;-)
White instincts align best with Christian philosophy over other religions.
Apparently they were chanting “gas the Jews” at the Sydney, Palestine protest. It must be all the Lebos that they have there. Very based indeed. That chant needs to spread to all the Palestine protests.
I can feel a global pogrom coming. Let’s help make it happen this decade.
Superjew Michael Rapaport gets snowballed:
Buwahahahahaha!!! Awesome
1. Hatecrimes apply to all cross racial crimes equally
2. Hatecrimes are not real
3. Hatecrime charges are only applicable against whites because other races are not people and have no agency. Also blacks should be humanely destroyed like dogs when they attack humans.
I go with 3. However, we should preemptively enact the humane destruction since the presence of blacks on Human Earth is an attack.
Awe dude, that Bin Laden’s Mountain Fortress™️ was my favorite 80’s playset growing up
Oh it’s so tiresome…
In an entire hospital bombing. When it’s all said and done you might find 2 or 3 AK’s.
James kinda snuck up on me as a beloved, new character – what a witty and legit funny guy. Nice episode, boys. Also… BTN>FTN
I was hearing campus leftists referring to “the Zionist entity” in the 1980s at UC Berkeley, so it’s hardly an “Iranian talking point.”