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Sven's Palestinian next door neighbor got him sick, so Mike hosts today's show with Alex and Borzoi.
- The Justice Dept. No Chill Effect
- The Real A-log
- The Forgotten Bot
- Improvisely Propaganda
- The Genocide Party
- Come Home Dusky Man
- Israeli Selfcare Force
- Refugee Lootcrate
- John Hagiography
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Speaking of the CIA to terrible things…
The Jakarta Method – Wikipedia
CIA Stories: The Jakarta Method – YouTube
King Abdullah is half British.
Weekly Report Comment Dump:
was the north east regional really that big?
speaking of how the march for israel was psychotic religious extremism thought i’d have a look at r/atheism but as you’d expect every post as far as i scrolled (200+ threads) was generic hysterical christian hate posting, nothing at all about israels war, there was only one exception – complaining that John Hagee at the march for israel is a far right nazi and supposodly endorsed the holocaust at some point lmao
The amount of X-er and Boomer libtards clinging to the idea that we’re two elections away from an Iranian-style evangelical theocracy is all so tiresome.
What is going on with Musk, Kirk, and co. Is becoming clear. They are the people who are trying to save the Jews from themselves. They know that what the Jews are doing is becoming known and that they are dramatically losing support in the west. They think if they can convince Jews to stop, then people will give them their support again. Kirk was basically explicit about this. However, the answer from Jews so far is – Antisemitism! So basically they are just too bloodthirsty and stupid to listen to any gentile advice, even when it is for their… Read more »
Muslims groups with money should be generous to TRS because it would benefit everyone
Israel as our greatest ally should be willing to take some beaners and niggers to help alleviate the racial tensions in America. Israel has a moral imperative to tikkum olam and save these oppressed groups.
So this Hamas command bunker in the hospital had a grand total of 6 guns? You know if half a dozen weapons in a hospital is justification to bomb it, then the US air force has a lot of work to do in Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta, St. Louis, Chicago…
People in Israel just walk around with rifles so everywhere is an IDF base and a legitimate target.
Always enjoy Borzoi on a show. He’s always solid.
Iran was also invaded by Britain and the USSR during WW2.
I receive: A solution to my problem
You receive: My problem
Nimrata: “When I get into office…”
I’ma stop you right there.
Oi Vey it’s anudah Shoah those pesky negro bus drivers refusing to pick up filthy kikes.
I found that claim the internet algorithms is suppressing anti-jewish violence news by Van Jones incredibly insulting
I imagine in a city that is half debris from Israeli bombing and the warm dry climate. A motorcycle or dirt bike is probably the best way to travel in Gaza
Well the only reason Palestinians can’t Netflix and chill in Gaza or the West Bank is because of the constant bombing. If Jews stopped provoking and abusing them they probably would just Netflix and chill
This morning in Boston, “peace Jews” shut down bridge, make sure they are in control of all sides of the issue
“peace Jews”
Talk about a contradiction in terms!
I must be lucky because I just had covid the beginning of the week. One day in bed with a very mid fever 101 F the next day a bit of soreness, aches and cough. But now I feel amazing. Caught it three year ago same thing sickness for two days. Much worse fever and cough but still no long lasting symptoms.
I was briefly the kind of centrist Sargonite zoomer liberal who would take Candace Owens seriously when it came to BLM shid. I’m getting severe Déjà jew.