Strike and Mike talk about the extensive Israeli spying network running American politicians, White liberal Ton Hayden's awakening to Jewish power, an old Jew falling down and the outrage of the Audrey Hale manifesto coverup.
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Let’s be clear the tranny killer was a “murder suicide “
Now that makes me feel SO much better!
Thanks, comrade.
Menendez mentor who he wound up testifying against was a either a made man or an associate in the Genovese crime family lol. I’m not exaggerating
I just want to say thank you to JoJo for recommending the Carlos docudrama. I’m watching it right now and man is it good!
OK, so now that I’ve watched the whole miniseries I would say that the first 1/3 is better than the last 2/3s of it. The acting and production design are both excellent but the writing devolves into essentially a zio-capitalist defamation of Carlos with a bunch of admitted negative fictional content. Of course Carlos was anti-zionist which is the point of the propaganda. Still interesting though.
If Milchan is in Brighton, UK, that nigga gay.
Brighton is the Tel Aviv of Britain (gay capital).
“A classic Hollywood story involves Gene Simmons of Kiss. In the late ’90s, as co-owner of the Fox Family Channel, Saban was developing shows for children. Simmons, the fire-breathing, blood-spitting frontman of a rock band in costumes and face paint, pitched Saban an idea for a new Saturday-morning cartoon: Kiss meets X-Men, the Marvel comics superhero team. Saban liked the concept well enough to convene a meeting with Avi Arad, then C.E.O. of Marvel’s toy division. At the appointed time, Saban, Arad, and Simmons sat down. The meeting was going well, and the three began to haggle over numbers. Then… Read more »
Fuckin’ jews.
Here’s an article on that Beirut incident in 1983.
Oh no! An unruly kike died I guess there’s too much antisemitic violence in America guess you Jews have to go back to Israel now. Oh well…
On the subject of US politicians talking about the Jewish lobby – I only found out the other day that Nixon’s Vice President Spiro Agnew talked about how the government is beholden to zionism – https://www.nytimes.com/1976/05/24/archives/spiro-agnew-and-the-jews-essay.html
There’s a whole rabbit hole one could go down about Nixon’s relationship with the Jewish lobby
more like a rabbi hole – amirite ?
Any links to the articles discussed in the show. I want to share these with Pro Palestine leftists that I know.
Old Mondoweiss arricle has quotes. Archive.org has a “server error”, won’t retrieve the original article… maybe others can scan alternative archives: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20060718_tom_hayden_things_come_round/
I think that if push comes to shove, ZOG will go on the defensive in the Arabian Sea, do to Iranian Anti-Ship Missiles. ZOG will tie down Russian and Chinese forces with the Ukrain and Taiwan, and then go on the offensive in the Mediterranean Sea which is safe for ZOG given that Gibraltar, Egypt and Turkey will not allow Russian or Chinese naval forces into the Mediterranean. Georgia and Azerbaijan will prevent any direct support from Russia and thereby limit Russian and Chinese support for Iran to Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the Caspian Sea. In this way ZOG could protect… Read more »
Haim Saban owned all the shows we millennials watched as kids. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Digimon, TMNT and many others.
I’m sure a lot of you remember this if you watched those shows, especially on VHS to the very end. Basically promoting the idea of a a one world government.
Tbf with power rangers/super Sentai, marvel tried to localize them for the states with an adaptation of Sun Vulcan that never petered out except for an alleged pilot that has never seen the light of day. This one woman who worked for marvel, something Loesch kept trying to localize it, with the Bioman footage pilot being one example, it was only when she became a part of Fox Kids that she and Saban adapted Zyuranger and later Dairanger and Kakuranger for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
“Do you condemn Hamas?” they ask.
“Do you condemn the terrorist state of Israel and the terrorist organization IDF?” I answer.
Adam Schiff is related to Jacob Schiff. I looked it up back when I watched part 1 of Europa.
GM Death to Israel!
Judah delenda est
Isaac Moloch
The jew attacker was probably a nonwhite so they don’t want to stir up racial tensions. By releasing the full video.
We can only hope that’s the case so they don’t pass some kind of anti Semite law that lands more white guys in prison for bogus political charges.
I’m guessing the heeb started it and fell backwards when physically challenged for the first time in his life.
If white hedge funders tried to fund white interests, kikes would have the feds up their ass in minutes.
At the same time some wealthy whites inside the ZOG system should quietly donate some crypto to NJP since they have no effective defense and advocacy if Jews decide to fire, bankrupt and ultimately destroy their lives.
I’m really befuddled that upper-middle class whites still believe they can use their money to save themselves if and when the antiwhite Jew regime turns on them… they are regarded more intelligent then average white folks yet they still don’t seem to grasp that the ONLY safe haven is in collective action and the backing of a big pro-white organisation.
Everyone always think they are special, If they just stay in line and do not make noise they will be safe. People that are destroyed always made some “major” mistake in the minds of the system chill.
Remember the white student union? People forget that white Americans have tried to organize in their interests many times and they’ve been relentlessly attacked by the Jewish power structure every time.
Another fantastic show. I’ve got 2 more hours remaining, but am already amazed at the amount of information discussed. I don’t have the time to do this type of reading & research on my own, so while that article & some others referenced may be older info, it’s always fascinating to hear about all these layers within the Jew/ZOG spiderweb. I don’t know how anyone could possibly remain a free-fag after the first hour.
Jews fear people with credentials calling them out.
Wasn’t the might power rangers based on the cartoon voltron?
No, it was based on the Super Sentai franchise from Toei studios. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers specifically took footage from Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kakuranger throughout the three season run
It was a tragic accident what happened to that jew in california. I think his family needs to come out and do a press conference telling everyone that race or religon had nothing to do with this and that he had tons of arab friends. I also think they need to sue the megaphone company for wrongful damage.
Majorie Taylor Greeneberd can make shit up from the floor of the House because Federal Officials get immunity on the floor. Like when Harry Reid lied about Romney not paying taxes. He did it on the Senate floor not in a TV interview because it immunized him from libel
Any good book recommendations on the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Dmitry Orlov, author of The Five Stages of Collapse and Reinventing Collapse.
Easy way to discover what cop leaked the manifesto was whatever cop brought his Louder with Crowder mug into the office.
They’ll railroad Crowder for the leakers info.
Hilarious that the Jew’s name was Kessler just like Jason Kessler.
Stream cut out
No Palestinian ever called me racist
“White supremacy kills” – Rashida Taleb
Yeah, but she’s in Congress. You don’t get into congress without taking the “White supremacy kills” oath. U.S. has been completely dominated.
It dont matter. None a dis matters. = )
Okay Palestinian bad
On Rittenhouse: “Our justice system is broken it protects white supremacy. The two people who were killed deserved justice and so did our communities who continue be targeted with violence like this”.
No Palestinian ever called me goy.
A “thick tongued troglodyte” is my new favourite disparaging remark.
Over 85% of those killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001-2015 were non-hispanic White.
There were full on melt downs in the MilTwitter “Tough Guy” veteran community today. Attacking Dissident Soaps
Definitely highlighted the Jewish advocacy of key “influencers”
Also, Jews are mad at blacks for being ungrateful for teaching them blood libel and using Hollywood to run the Holocaust playbook against White Southerners
Hey speak for yourself bud. Jk lol . Edit . I thought I was replying to something else .
Stew Peters has been going hard against Israel surprisingly.
He knows which way the wind is blowing. Im sure his timeline will be flooded with #NotAllKikes posts soon enough.
The only reason there’s no footage of Margerie Taylor Greene jacking off guys in movie theaters like Lauren Boobert is because most men don’t want a powerlifter talking about Israel while they get jerked off.
I don’t think Boebert actually did that unless I heard it wrong. Libtards just hyperbolized a dark theater crotch grope and called it “jacking off guys in movie theaters.” Plus, it got filmed for mass-media “news” thanks to modern Orwellian night vision technology.
And they likely would not have so have criticized a Darkie or a Jew.
Democrap guru James Carville, who claims to have a PhD in White Trash, is not wrong to point the finger at Boebert as “White Trash” (long before this incident). But it really is the pot calling the kettle black.
The video clip is out there.
A grope link? (big deal) or a “jacking off guys in movie theaters” link? (no, I don’t wanna see it).
Yes Vaush loves going after principled leftists like Caleb “I wore a suit so I’m a serious guy” Maupin.
I still find it funny that maupin wrote the foreword to the green book lol
The Green book as in that Civil rights goyslop movie starring Viggo Mortenson?
No the book ghadaffi wrote!
Wtf Maupin supports White Jamahiriya?!
Yes, yes he does. Which is why there should be an NJP outreach to all us Tankies!
the original what is going on
But yeah Choudenshi Bioman was one of many entries in the Super Sentai franchise, MMPR was adapted from Zyuranger.
Though if you want to get really autistic, the first attempt to adapt Super Sentai for America was Marvel’s attempt to localize Sun Vulcan in the 70s/80s which never panned out. For the Bioman pilot they would’ve gotten Mark Dacascos and Miguel Nunez Jr (aka the black punk from Return of the Living Dead) to play two of the “Bio Rhythm” rangers.
Hamas is the joining of multiple Palestinian families and factions. They were there already, but Netanyahu and his crew were attempting to make a deal with these groups.
“The Hilltop Youth Have Eyes” Idea for horror movie
They definitely give off cannibal vibes, would not be suprised if they have eaten palestinans before.
They definitely make their matzah with Palestinian blood.
Too inbred to have eyes but would make a great movie after we win for Svenlettermedia
Temple Mount of Doom will be a hoodie horror where lisping, obnoxious broccoli top jewfro yoofs turn out to be literal vampires.
Hilltop boof
Yeah, right in the middle of their foreheads. The big freaks of nature!
Self-repairing corruption
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