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Strike and Mike analyze and make predictions about the possible coming war in the Middle East.
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The allies bombed a catholic childrens school on 21 march 1945 in Copenhagen, Denmark, killing 86 children and 19 adults. According to wikipedia “mistook the school for their actual target, which was roughly 1.6 km (1 mi) to the east-northeast”. On 21 March 1945, in response to a request by the Danish resistance that the Copenhagen Gestapo headquarters should be destroyed, 20 RAF Mosquitos left for Copenhagen on a mission designated Operation Carthage. The target was Shellhuset (The Shell House) on Kampmannsgade in the city centre, which housed the Gestapo.[4] One of the Mosquitos in the first of three waves… Read more »
so is the soft reboot of Snakes on a Plane going to be Kikes on a Plane
Yes, yes it will.
The patrician’s conspiracy theory would be that those guys with the headaches got blasted with bootleg microwave weapons made by a supersperg.
As despicable as Scott Ritter is when he carps on “the Nazis” periodically, he really unloaded on Aipac & the Israeli atrocities yesterday on the Napolitano YouTube program. It was surprising how far he went in this interview, exposing Jewish perfidy.
the New Atlas guy is a complete jew shill who claims “israel” is just a tool of the USA and he goes super hard against Nazis. he actually claimed the USA and the West sent 14, then 88 tanks specifically to signal how nazi the west is.
Germany’s decision to send 14 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks reveal a very deliberate invocation of Germany’s sordid history during WW2; https://youtu.be/lt0iLMoG7XU
No svenpai??
No regime can buy or sell me.
Pressured and paid off
You are proven 100% right https://twitter.com/ploughmansfolly/status/1704857968104378527
Wow wtf
Thank you so much for sharing this. Reshared.
Love me some black suns
Theyre allt least immersed in the abhorrent antiWhite zeitgeist
I’ve just come to expect the RSS feed not to work after the show is posted. That way I won’t be disappointed.
Just download it here.
Sean Avery, former NHL guy that was known for fighting and penalties and is a MAJOR shit lib, like loudly in your face pro-fag, says it was on purpose, it was on purpose.
I never realized he’s a shit lib . I’m not a sports guy but I remember my brothers talking about how they created a rule because of him. He would stand in front of the goalie and intentionally block his vision
I had no idea what happened to Adam Johnson was this egregious and committed by a nog. Sports headlines just said “skate accident results in death of player”. Fucking insane. Even the Todd Bertuzzi incident resulted in court cases.
Back from Trick o Treating. What did i miss?
Kikes and Niggers.
But will we ever really miss them?
No, no we won’t.
Tony Dog, HEEL!!!! BAD!!!!!
4hrs fam. Feels like old school strike n moike
Best damn birthday present I could get!
Thanks guys.
Happy Birthday m8
Thank you!
Happy birthday Mr Houston!
“Le Older” 🙂
One step closer to the grave!
“It’s too terrible to show”
Hey haven’t you been spamming out of context photos of skeletonal looking victims of Jewish hygiene to traumatize a generation into accepting all of the evil bullshit you guys do for 80 years?
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find out that jews are unmitigated hypocrites!
Osama Bin Laden’s body wasn’t shown out of respect for the Muslim community, but we’ll post videos and photos of Saddam Hussein’s sons’ mangled bodies for the world to see.
The 40 beheaded babies & babies in ovens meme needs to be associated with weapons of mass destruction, babies in incubators, babies on bayonets, etc.
And gas chambers
The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry | Goodreads
Anytime Jews say “our enemies murdered our children”, they mean they’re going to murder their enemies’ children. Every single time.
“Where is the evidence?” Completely true Mike. Look at how quickly that statement triggered that kike at the Washington protest. Also it triggers their holohoax priors when people demand evidence.
“Where is the evidence?”
— Ursula Haverbeck
Rename the G7 to the J7.
Regarding the dags, apparently these grugs were told that kikes escaping Israel were coming on a plane to take their land.
The whole “Hamas is ISIS” meme counts on you being a stupid burger eating American who has no knowledge of Islam or history of the region other then “Muslim r bad”. It’s the classic Jewish playbook on playing on the average American’s ignorance going all the way back to speeding up Hitler’s speeches and putting no subtitles to them.
This is an amazing point!
The Carlos series was so good that you’ll be sad when it’s over. The soundtrack was Allahu Akbar tier.
It’s classic Jewish projection. Jews literally shoved a kid in a bakery oven for kicks in the Deir Yassin massacre in 1948.
The first time I ever heard of the massacre, like I’m rather surprised that they’re survived this long for millenia.
The more you listen to these vile Jews, the more you realize that the “Nazi” was the projection of the Jew on the Germans. Their features as a race is projection and chutzpah to the Nth degree.
This documentary was a revelation to me: https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs?si=auK3wpIZbXOt3Lu5
There are videos of sadist Israel soldiers beating up women and children in the West Bank that reminded me of scenes out of Spielberg’s Swindler’s List. All manifestations of the depraved Jewish mind. Projecting them on to us.
Omg I didn’t know about that!! It’s amazing how even us don’t know half of what they’ve done
Beyond the Hamas attack being 100% justified, can’t we also just say that the jews deserved to get a taste of their own medicine?
Yes, yes we can.
Black Cornell professor, Russel Rickford, was put on leave of absence for enthusiastically calling what Hamas did “exhilarating” and “energizing” for “challenging the monopoly on violence.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I laugh like the penguin when i hear you roast those kikes
Uack uack uackuackuack
Some staircase wit, Mike should have added “dead babies? What Jewish holiday is that?”
All. Of. Them.
They’ll say you can supposedly get a Israeli passport if you convert to Judaism because you know “it’s just a religion”. Though let’s ask those Ugandans from a while back how well that worked.
Striker talking how utterly alien the Jewish view of morality and justice, just goes to show how laughable it is when conservatives try to claim that Judaism is a part of Western civilization and culture.
Judasism is “apart” from Western Civilization; it is definitely not “a part” of it.
It should be a “Two Country” solution. Complete separation divided by a wall/border policed by international soldiers. Jerusalem remains an international neutral city not owned by any one group but a council.
Obviously kikes would never agree to this but its the correct solution.
Fuck that, one state: Palestine.
Israel deserves to not exist
Nor it’s diaspora. Just saying…
Happy Halloween!
Also, death to pissrael. From the river to the sea, ect.
Israel WILL Perish!
It’s not for nothing that the Afrikaans’ version of the N word, kaffer comes from kaffir, the Arabic word for “nonbeliever” but was primarily used as a slur toward Sub-Saharan Africans since Arabs have been dealing with black insanity and ridiculousness for centuries before Whites had contact with the dark continent. I can only imagine the negro fatigue Arabs have toward blacks seeing their righteous cause of freeing Palestine being tied with BLM.
So in essence, niggers are called hellspawn by Muslims. Based!
This is what Kafir means:
I can recommend ‘The White Nile’ by Alan Moorehead for a good read on the the history of the exploration of the sources of the Nile, the African-Arab slave trade, the Anglo-Egyptian war, and the Mahdist war. It’s clear by his narration at times, that Moorehead is an Anglo-style classical liberal, most intent on denigrating the slave trade and projecting European humanism onto the black races. Nonetheless, I found it to be a valuable read. My favorite quote out of many gems comes from Sir Richard Burton, one of the first two White men to set foot in Central Africa,… Read more »
Arabs already reached nigger fatigue by the 11th century.
Fighting Muslims for fags is the Christopher Hitchens Dyke brigade’s sultry assignment.
Just like Orwell (who he wrote a hagiographic book about) Hitchens was a Trotskyite.
Local activated schizoid retard nig rolled out as bait by glowies, she just didnt have an appropriate agitprop flag for you guys lol
“smoking on scooby doo dick” Sheikh Striker confirmed for Dracula Flow enjoyer
“Latch on to my balls.”
Future Führer of Earth
Protest was peak optics, epic work.
Can you imagine a nigger trying to come up with a scarier Halloween costume than their normal nigger self? The mind reels.
Again how much you want to bet these conservatives who now are saying we can use Jews to deport Arab Muslims will also demand us to accept Uyghur Muslims because they’re being “persecuted” by “ the communist Chinese”.
The problem with taking the opposite side of whatever kikes want is kikes always have reps on both sides.
Edward Said helped in coining the term, Orientalism as a bugaboo to redirect people from talking about Zionism.
These fucking Shabbos Arabs!
I lost all respect for him when in the afterword of his book, Orientalism, he said positive things about the We Wuz Kangz academic tome, Black Athena.
I’m sure Mike Johnson’s wife will have a blast with a black male stranger adopted post-puberty. Mike Johnson probably did a tax write-off on high-end camera equipment.
Nominate Borzoi for NJP Minister of Platonism and Monotheist Ecumenism
Battle of Mosul (2016–2017) – Wikipedia
Hezbollah and Iran played an important role.
These jew controlled pro palestinian movements always latch on faggotry and other things that no one wants.
Strike, Chairman Mike, are you folks going to do it again? (DC) any weekend soon?
Why would they tell you openly so in the comments, are you retarded?
Yes, yes he is.
“Black Lives Matter Plaza” was the name given to the little 2-block section of 16th Street NW north of Lafayette Square. It was the site of a lot of big-Jew money backed anti-White activity, particularly during the Trump years and the Summer of Floyd.
As of this writing, it appears to be back to just 16th Street on Google Maps. Seems like a lot of that BLM stuff has been quietly rolled back.
>No Halloween themed Strike n Mike title card
Dark times