Strike and Mike talk about the Jewish strategic bind in Israel, and the Jewish attempt to create an academically respectable Zionist right in the West while sidelining pro-Palestine leftists.
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A grittier, darker morality.
Richmond City Council passes pro-Palestinian resolution accusing Israel of ‘ethnic cleansing’ (ktvu.com)
I stand with Richmond.
I like when he said “I reject the notion that speaking out against Israel’s military and right wing government is antisemitic.”
People need to start saying no to Jews more often. It works.
Great show guys. If anyone reading this isn’t subscribed, why not? Do it now!
MUSLIMS4TRS please come back!
He was martyred while performing his jihad duties.
Zionism is a literal slave morality if you’re not a jew.
The latest Yid chatter is now about using GAS to neutralize Hamas in the tunnels.
Konstantin Kissin’ jew-ass
Did I hear right that the Israeli military hasn’t had any actual training in years? Explains why Hamas could hit bases and those conscripts were hiding in the bachroom out of uniform without weapons.
Try that in a small operating base!
Why go for a ruck march when you can antagonize rightoids on Telegram?
They operate technologically advanced killing machines. They’re still incredibly dangerous.
I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are all merely spectators of an enormous tragedy. We don’t have to argue about who is right or wrong, mainly because those arguments are just a form of entertainment to us, even though they seem like taking up the side of truth or justice or whatever. And that’s pretty grotesque.
-Jew moderator trying to referee the pro-Palestine posts on a leftist forum I frequent. Of course he is posting A LOT and clearly pro-Israel.
I wanted to hate you so bad until I finished the comment
Agree and AMPLIFY!
Don’t forget blm mrk1 was shut down in less than a week after they started supporting Palestinians.
Phew some reason streaming wasn’t working for me. Thanks for getting the video up so soon!
2.5 hr S&M, what is this a PODCAST FOR ANTS
Don’t worry. Next week they’ll do a 4 hr episode in honor of my birthday.
Oh and Halloween too.
Golly gee, the ultimate moral relativist / nihilist stands with tribe wotta shocker
>>The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari has backed academics and peace activists in his home country in an attack on the “indifference” of some American and European progressives to Hamas atrocities, accusing them of “extreme moral insensitivity” and betraying leftwing politics.
Holy shit these kikes!
Aaah, the sheer joy of the angry f5!
You could already make a 6 part documentary about the lies they have published since this shit started. No one would be able to see it though.
Well never forget that the Samson option is not just about them nuking the middle eastern countries that surround Israel but also them nuking major cities of Europe for “not stopping the second Holocaust” and revenge for millennia of “anti-Semitism”.
Nuke the living SHIT out of all those filthy YIDS!
Not that I have an opinion on this issue.
I know about that stuff.
I guess we’re just going have to do it the old fashioned way.
So what’s the next step after Israel is destroyed by hamas? How does that help remove Jews from power in American/European media, banking, academia and government?
It’s clear Zionism is not the source of jewish power. Even if Israel were entirely erased, how does that help white Europeans? Jewry will come up with endless excuses to import infinity mud-races… Serious answers only please.
lol, lmao even.
Your hidden assumption is that nothing is happening in Israel and that it has no resources or assets that jews utilise in a way that affects the West. Off the top of my head, it would impede the Israeli “hi” tech sector’s operations with Israeli and Western intelligence, such as those Isbael Maxwell, daughter of Israeli spy who served as a British MP, Robert Maxwell. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/isabel-maxwell-israels-back-door-into-silicon-valley/
Anything that jews own is automatically a potential asset to be leveraged against White Europeans. And therefore a candidate to be denied to them either via destruction or seizure.
Ok, thanks for a legitimate answer.
Is international jewry more powerful with the State of Israel than without it? There’s the answer to your question.
I don’t think Jewry benefits much, if any, from Israel. That’s my point.
What does Israel give the Jews that they don’t already have with their seemingly omnipotent control of America and Europe?
If you can first convince Jews that Israel doesn’t benefit them, then I will feel like your question deserves serious consideration.
Jews have been debating the benefit of Israel with regards to Jewry for a long time. Most Jews don’t see Zionism as the source of their power.
They see it as their racial tribe they will defend against any non-Jews.
Assuming Israel is erased… then what? Criminals and intelligence operatives move SOME of their criminal operations to America ? In many cases, Zionism makes covert jewish subversion and criminality more difficult.
“Most Jews don’t see Zionism as the source of their power.”
Again, LOL!
95% of jews support Israel.
Don’t dare talk back to the chairman.
Yeah like Mike said, the jews themselves apparently think it’s important, they ain’t bequeathing it to the Palestinians so they can better position themselves to wipe out Whitey, so there must be something about it that benefits them, even if we can’t say with definitive proof what that is.
“I don’t think Jewry benefits much, if any, from Israel. “
Your questions have been answered repeatedly on TDS and S&M over the last few weeks. Mike has also answered these questions multiple times on Telegram, and Striker has answered them in the “Four Ways The Destruction of Israel Can Benefit The West” article on the NJP site. The fact that you choose to ignore well-trodden arguments shared in multiple places reveals your disingenuous intentions.
I disagree with most of striker’s 4 points. What’s stopping American/European Jews from importing endless brown/black people even without Zionist wars? They do it anyway right now, as most the immigrants are military-aged men, not “refugees”. They are already brought in under false pretenses. The strongest argument is that the destruction of Israel would de-concentrate certain intelligence assets, temporarily. It would essentially cut off some tentacles of a global power structure that already has complete control of western countries — a point which striker essentially grants in the article (Point #4). As for the $$ to Israel.. that would be… Read more »
The destruction of Israel would be the first sign of the vulnerability of the jews.
The destruction of America will be the last sign. One naturally follows the other.
James A. is that you?
If we can’t have a racist ethno state neither can jews
How about we get one and Jews don’t!
Well, the best way for us to get one of our own is to smash the jews’ ethnostate, leaving them on the backfoot and depending on the kindess of goyim hosts. Without an Israel to send all their dross off to, the irritation of the jewish presence will start to be felt more acutely by the host populations.
lot of newcomers in this thread
Zionism isn’t about having a jewish state in Palestine, it’s a about having a jewish state in every country. They will be easier to deal with once their little sanctuary is gone, plus they’re exposing themselves to new generations of haters, the more hysterical they are, the more insecure they are, the more desperate they are, the more they do our job for us.
You’re brown or kike or retard race. There is the more probable option of gay race.
Incredibly disingenuous.
In going with a gay race sodomite. It appears to be a running theme to pretend to be retarded for bonus “shit take” points which are probably hot in your sector. Faggot
I mean, maybe you’re correct Mr. Pessimist, or maybe we’re correct, we won’t know until Israel is smashed and the jews are scattered to the four winds. Where is your Faustian sense of scientific discovery?
If the only effect was causing them trouble and distracting them from their other objectives, it would already help europeans
“So what’s the next step after Israel is destroyed by hamas? “
Disempower all other jewish communities all over the world, confiscate their ill-gotten wealth then put their worst offenders on trial for Crimes Against Whiteness according to the same rules as the Nuremberg Trials and after their conviction execute them.
Thanks for asking.
Free Palestine, motherfucker. At least the shitty Mossad super hero characters will stop popping up on Netflix.
Kikes need to be constantly pushed to the brink to show the world how psychopathic they truly are regardless of what they might do when their backs are against the wall.
People’s square!!!
I’ve encountered Jews who would break down emotionally if you compared any of their physical characteristics to reptiles in the same way blacks would chimp out if you say they look like monkeys.
Yeah, and the republicans who condemned us are irrelevant now and can’t win elections.
The claims that a boomer tried to run Palestinians protesters over was completely false. It was another Fields type situation and these antifa/niggers surrounded his car and tried to beat the shit out of him.
Kikes did everything humanly possible to stop the anti-muslim sentiment a decade after 9/11 and now are desperate to turn the faucet back on. Not happening.
I remember. The NAXALTing was hot and heavy and began almost immediately.
“Remembering 9/11 incites hatred against muzzies so we need to stop it goys!”
The craziest pro Israel narrative is, that Israel is the only liberal democracy in the region…. While they simultaneously provide Pegasus services from NSO to all these retarded dictatorships. That these regimes ,maybe, for good use it to identify and locate feminist cunts, libtards, democrats, islamists, and others and use it to find them and kill them. And when NSO sells to these shit heads, they have to get the green light form the IDF and co. What bout muh democracy? IDF has got their tentacles in all these cunts cunnys. They use them to find domestic enemies. But bro.… Read more »
A new kosher intellectual movement needs to he created?
More like that retarded brooklyen hipster zioshit x converso crap you giys read like 2 months ago wtf was that article on that jew that was pretending to go to mass with other zoomers
Hey you guys, you got that one friend whose a plumber and has got like 7-10 kids? Well, its like I told the guy like I get it you like laying pipe and it even makes you money but god damn man. I know your a plumber and all but can you stop laying pipe my man? pfffft…
How much you want to bet these conservatives would be fine and heavily supportive of a massive influx of Muslim Uyghur immigrants because they’re escaping “communism”. So they’ll fucking lose even doing their fake and gay campaign to “ ban Muslim immigration”.
Such an easy sell, wheel out those east turkistani govt in exile twinks and have them fart the mises institute national anthem on some awful show
The “muh communism” hangup is such a frustrating wall to run into when trying to lead a right winger from genpop in our direction. I’ve had too many instances talking to boomercon coworkers recently where their fixation on it works like a damn shunt valve that lets them miss the point entirely… As if knowing that trying to make hay on the headlines about Isreal with these people would be a dead end wasn’t already making me grind my teeth enough. But venting aside, it all really is a damn 50/50 crapshoot whether their brain would short circuit on the… Read more »
But what’s funny, I remember when boomer conservatives would be quite supportive of China in the Aughts due to Free Trade and the whole “they’re not restrained by stupid unions” . They would say China is just practicing capitalism for creating tiger farms and causing other massive environmental problems that I was concerned about as a young leftist during that time period. It’s only in 2010s did this whole “China is still communist” meme came back with a vengeance.
Being a very early zoomer, that’s kind of a surprise to me since I wouldn’t have been conscious about any China ball fanning back then. Makes me wonder when they caught on to offshoring to China being the vehicle for deindustrializing the US. My dad was certainly onto it sooner than the 10s, but the fact that he was literally sent over there by a company he was working for to advise them in setting up a plant probably has a lot to do with that. I also wonder how much the whole boomercon phenomenon of looking for the shortsighted… Read more »
Also keep in mind, many boomers took the seemly pro-China stance simply to “own the Libs”. Being Anti-China from 2000 to 2010 was a liberal position because you had in leftist circles outrage over the treatment of workers in Foxconn factories , the free Tibet movement, China being the main cause for many species from elephants, tigers, rhinos, sharks,etc to become endangered, and the rise of stores like Wal-Mart where almost all of their crap was made in China. So boomer conservatives would love to mock people like me for saying that “I wanted t-shirts to be $100 and iPods… Read more »
I don’t have anything against the Chinese — although they should have gotten nuked for intervening during the Korean War. Anyway, I was skeptical of formally recognizing them diplomatically by Jimmy Carter in 1979, and then being given preferential trade status ever since. Libtards in the early 1990s, while the “giant sucking sound” was happening, were beaming on television over the idea of “a billion consumers.” Market Conservatives were also big hep cats for new trade horizons, and the business schools started even teaching Chinese. But instead it was reversed. We became the Coolies buying and consuming their cheap stuff.… Read more »
Why should the Chinks have been nuked?
Korea was in their bailiwick not ours.
We should have stayed the fuck out of there!
Well, Communism is Jewish. Always has been and always will be. It never ceases to amaze me the number of Jewish Leftist intellectuals and Liberal academia icons who actually made long pilgrimages to Maoist China and were treated there like long-lost royalty. There are a few exceptions like ultra-Orthodox Jewish Refuseniks that were reluctantly allowed to emigrate from the Soviet Union to Palestine or Israel, but this does not mitigate the general rule. You can’t adequately fight Communism without addressing the Jewish Question. That is why I became disillusioned with Reagan-Bush very quickly. The end of the Cold War was… Read more »
Hey, I’m the choir you’re preaching to there about the rather Judaic root cause. I consider the fixation on Communism a roadblock because I keep butting heads with all different types who hold that up to deflect from the path that I’ve been trying to lead them on towards acknowledging jewish motives. And it’s usually amplified by the fact that these boomers I’m going at it with are talking politics on the clock, so I’m stuck leading the conversation certain ways and feeling things out rather than just explicitly identifying the J in the alphabet soup if I happen to… Read more »
jews already using brown simps to fight their wars for them: https://www.rt.com/india/585592-manipur-israel-beni-menashe-india/
Mike is right gulf Arabs are retards. They do no manual labor and have pajeets and Filipinos doing all the slave labor. They are spoiled brats that engage in gross amounts of consumerism. You’ll see women wearing burkas but have obvious lip fillers and breast implants. Just a pathetic group of people.
Jewish power in the Middle
East supports the continuity of these Arab Kingdoms. Absent Jewish (American-Israeli) support, there would be no Arab kingdoms in the 21st century.
ha yea inb4 the heart attack was steroids
the only question now is who joins in where and how
make that two questions: what kind of futuretech are we all sitting on?
They’ll enter gaza once its been completely flattened.
They got to YANDEX awhile ago. I found the search engine PRESEARCH.COM is still pretty good.
jews straight up say that Palestine didn’t exist before israel was formed.
It existed just without home rule. It’s a bit like arguing Scots and Scotland don’t exist because we’ve been part of a state with England since 1707; if an Englishman argued that while English tanks were amassing near the Tweed, you might think he clearly had genocidal intent. You might get someone saying that they’re just Arabs who invaded in the Middle ages and the jews are the real natives. Completely false, even DNA studies from TEL AVIV university are forced to concede Palestinians today genetically originate from the historical “Canaanites” their identification with Arabisation is due to language and… Read more »
Bellingcat more like BellingBlatt
Goodbye Moisha on repeat. 110 never again.
Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire_4of6_Rebellion – video Dailymotion
500 nanoseconds late…
Hamas calls for Aid…
and Rohan will answer.
Seriously, just be ready for the worst. A major nuclear escalation isn’t off the table, and the kikes are crazy enough to push the button if they’re in risk of losing their state.
Even “normie” commentators are noticing this and talking about armageddon after seeing jews genociding women and children in Gaza. We’re much closer to a major nuclear war than we were during the cold war. The US and Russia, even North Korea, are far less likely to deploy nukes than the insane evil jews and deep down everyone knows it.
Watch it be India to take the fall for the kikes by volunteering one of their nukes.
Theres no coming back for them if they use a nuke.
i expect nukes maybe not tons but who knows.
bioweapons maybe even like race specific ones, and global cyber collapse
i expect china to use the US’ arming of these wars as grounds to refuse to sell them whacky elements like indium and gallium too meaning zog cannot resupply all the weapons israel and ukraine wasted
The video of the Hamas Guys’ warehouse filled with US, Swedish, and British anti tank weapons made me smile.
I’m very sure that Viktor Bout was involved in this, because that’s a very lucrative bargain.
link plz
nice ty
I hope Israel becomes Wasrael!!
If ZOG gets its clock cleaned internationally get ready boys, they are going to try to beat us like an alcoholic degenerate beats their stepson.
I’ll take that beating like Henry Hill in Goodfellas
My body is ready.
Huggies is sending care packages to IDF soldiers.
Israel WILL Perish
Death to Israel!
good read!
I’ll give Unz credit, he’s one of the only people on the “dissident right”, Jew or not, who will not only publish NJP material but even include the link back to the NJP site.