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The Death Panel welcome Randbot to hour two for some Literal Shaking.
- Chomskying at the Bit
- State Enforced Race Terror
- Colonize This!
- All The Ammo
- Fahkin Randfield, Team!
- Aboriginal Housing Project Of Lords
- Walter Block At It Again
- The Merchant Minute
- Perpetual Shaking Machine
- The Front Pelvis
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You know, I kind of like this Randbot fella. You guys should have him on more often.
Good episode.
The Jews are any adaptive bunched. I don’t think they wanted Elon to take over Twitter but they’ve switched tactics and now it’s the anti woke right doing their bidding. That said there is plenty of Anti Israel posts on Twitter still. It’s not all one way.
It should be clear to everyone now how much power Jews have in America that the whole political and media sphere are in a complete shitstorm all because of an ants dick of a country like Israel.
“the Jews are the only one with the mike”
Jews – meet Randbot
Dolphins are the niggers of the sea world. Team shark 4 lyfe.
Did anyone else think Sven was drinking a huge chocolate milk?
Fakkin Drunkfield, team!
I agree with the bit halfway through the show about moralfagging posters. My fear though is that if we’re not ruthless after acquiring power we’ll lose it. It seems inevitable that only a group that thinks like that can come out on top of things (hence Jews being in power now.) But I hope I’m wrong. I want righteous populist rulership. As ghoulish and hyperbolic as some, (myself included) can be online when we vent, deep down I DON’T want a day of the rope/rahowa where everyone except racist whites eventually fuggin dies. It’s for the best if the white… Read more »
The people who complain about “moralfags” with that exact term are pedophiles mad they can’t openly jerk it to kids and I’m tired of pretending it’s anything else.
I’m sure people use it in a lot of contexts but I’m sure at least one of those is making excuses for their own bad behavior.
A lot of good ol high svenergy in the second hour there
I liked randbot. Just a tad too drunk at the end but he’s an aussie, what do you expect
Christian Zionism is dumb and cringe.
The greaseman is def in his own category. He gets honorable mention because Jews hated him and bc he got cancelled before it was a thing. “No wonder they drag ‘em behind trucks.” If only he had TRS to help him understand the fallout from that joke. Enlighten the Goy. Black inventions. Ahead of its time. I wonder if he’s listening to you guys now…
I’ve lived my entire life in Australia, and I’ve never met a single person who has an accent like Randbot’s. It’s uncanny.
Once zog runs out of all these munitions, how easy of a case is it for china to make that theyre no longer selling gallium germanium, or indium etc to make all these systems?
God’s speed to Rand but I really think he ruined this episode. Exactly what value does he bring to proceedings?
Not only does he bring nothing, he also detracts from the other people on the show. Honestly, I’m disappointed in Sven and Mike for not booting him off the call when it was made clear he wouldn’t stop behaving like an obnoxious retard. Drunk or sober(lol) he’s incapable of making points beyond “niggers stupid” or “jews greedy”. There’s a reason the highlight of his career is being an unpaid intern on Ethan Ralph’s show. This is way beneath what I expect from TRS. This isn’t the Sektur™. Yes, I’m mad.
I tried to listen to some of Randbot’s long streams… It was playing in the background but all those were in most parts dull, empty and lacking preparation, research. I couldn’t finish any of those. Jerking off those 8-9 hour streams is evidently not about putting together quality content.
On the other hand that’s why the main TRS shows are great: you can immediately tell there are effort, some intellectual work and preparation put into every episode.
I feel the need to well ackshually Rand a bit on the Voice to Parliament. All that stuff about only needing 1/64th, being able to create and veto laws, etc, is speculative. I’m almost certain most of it would have been true, but a big part of the debate and why I think it was voted down was that we didn’t have any detail at all. This is what we voted on, and this is the only official info I saw from the government. There was, to my knowledge, no extant draft legislation or anything to give any idea what… Read more »
You have to get Randbot to SHUT THE FUCK UP. I’m sorry Rand. I like you, but enough is enough.
You know what. I change my mind. I do not like you Rand. I never want to hear your retarded drivel again.
They brought Rand on to explain what The Voice was and still decided to make all kinds of dumb jokes when he was talking about it.
FFS Rand lay off the booze
I would say RedLetterMedia got close to the TDS feeling of casual bullshitting with one of their Christmas Best of the Worst episodes (the one where they pretended they were going to talk about the Star Wars Holiday Special but kept putting it off). I’ve been looking for that kind of content on the internet for a long time, sensed in my gut that it must exist, but everyone online is just a weird annoying narcissistic freak nerd, apparently, unless they’re a Nazi.
I know a lot of people already know about it, but American Krogan did a great series of videos about Bioshock. Worth checking out. It’s on bitchute.
Despite his recent BS, I consider those series essential viewing. His series on jews in Visigoth Spain and other historical matters show you how they operate. His series on Bioshock Infinite as well as other vidya games show how their propaganda works.
Apparently Hitler was quick witted too and enjoyed free based humour
Hitler free based?
In Norfolk the offbrand Opie and Anthony they broadcast were called Mike and Bob
A combination of racial solidarity and morals are what make TRS/NJP so strong. There is another benefit as well; when we take power we have to be able to work with other nations. If we are genocidal maniacs no one will deal with us. And probably even attempt to harm White nations externally.
What exactly do you you mean by “Genocidal Maniacs” ? That is like the grand poobah of straw-man arguments.
“Ah, the French Champaign…”
If I never hear Rand speak again it’ll be too soon
My family thinks Leo Frank is innocent.
I like alcohol but I think it’s bad for you.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
If fucking crushes her pelvis, it’ll probably crush yours too. I mean what else is it supposed to be breaking on during a rape?
Additionally, how come nobody called out this pretense that anybody wants to bang these ugly jew broads? It’s a well documented fact that jewish women are extremely ugly. So there’s the preposterousness that anyone would want to bang them and then beyond that so much so that their pelvis gets crushed? Absurd. Absolutely preposterous.
Bruh have you seen dem yiddies? Heh, honk honk milk truck nah I’m sayin 😏
You could pull the same early 00s culture brainrape which said that suburban White women weren’t pleased by their docile husbands, and craved sex from surely hood niggers, on the crushed pelvis narrative
I’ve met so many more black incels it’s ridiculous. And they are big time simps on top of it.
No woman has anything to gain from sex with a coon
I’ve met a few White women who were with niggers, and it was always some form of duress that caused them to do it. They aren’t fucking happy ever.
You always hear about the abusive White man in a trailer park but never a ravenous Nigger threatening them all the time.
You don’t see the pairing as much as you used to, or other interracial couples in general, as opposed to even a couple of years ago, but everytime you do It’s
either the type of girl who’s trying to do a fuck you dad, or some schlubby fat girl who’s spent her whole life around midtown dirtbags ang gets wooed by some roidnigger with a section 8 pad in the suburbs, either way it never ends well
So Randbot was that kid in elementary school that would have nigger naiveness when talking over the teacher and then wondering what the lesson was.
A Bible story that comes to mind relating to the 2014 Gaza invasion is the battle of Ai. When the Israelites attacked Jericho god told them to kill everyone (except for one traitor and her family) and destroy everything, as was his habit. But this one guy held onto a bit of the treasure. God was pissed so the next time the Israelites rolled up to a town they suffered a big defeat and ran away. The kicker that makes this relevant is that the “crushing defeat” that sent those genocidal barbarians running for the hills was 36 casualties out… Read more »
I take Bible stories of Jews with a huge pillar of salt. If you look at actual recorded history, like the Roman-Jewish wars, they were vicious fighters. The Jews fought in Jerusalem to basically the last man. Not giving them a compliment, but if they have motivation they can and will fight.
I believe the Old testament to be a massively edited version of Jew war propaganda, but laugh at the fact Jews thought this editing was good enough. Is the tanakh even more genocidal?
At least rand had to sacrifice his keyboard to the whiskey Gods as penitence for ruining the show.
I can stand the guy for a shorter period, but this is the second time he ruins a show. He needs a tard wrangler but they are way too polite. Honestly, Rand, listen to the show and reflect on how obnoxious you become after a while.
Take a shot every time Rand interrupts Mike, you’ll be almost as drunk as Rand in minutes
But he doesn’t interrupt him as many times as you think. He just doesn’t stop talking.
“People are going to love this second hour” -Mike
And you were so very correct. There’s nothing funnier than Rambit drunkenly steamrolling mike and Sven whilst being aggressively Australian. Peak comedy.
Tragically funny.
Sounds like the Holocaust survivor at the end just repackaged plot elements from Ingmar Bergman’s “Seventh Seal” or Rob Reiner’s “The Princess Bride.”
‘I’m trying to help, but I’m incredibly drunk.” LOL. We know, Rand…we know.
I legitimately hope he’s okay.
He’s not ok, as a long term listener i can honestly say he has a legit problem
Was Randbot drinking today?
Randbot? Drink?
I miss randbot since i got a life.
Moike turned into Sven in hour 2, constantly bantzing Randy LMFAO
Why not put all Jews into Tel Aviv and build a wall and no go zone around it. Have the Palestinians guard the wall and patrol the coast with boats. We can then send military aid to Palestine for their services.
I will say as a female subscriber, the bit about pelvis crushed was pretty dark. These kikes need to be wiped from the face of the earth. What a horrific lie to spread
Also, death to isreal!
Noam CHOAMsky.
The spicy cold takes must flow.
The world is crying out for a 27 hour live podcast with Randbot and Striker, with both of them talking the entire time without ever pausing to listen anything the other one says.
My heart cries out that this simply must happen.
They also need to be drunk
With Alan just sitting there quietly taking a nap for the whole show.
“I think Chomsky is dead.”
“That’s right! Dead serious about going to Itchy & Scratchy Land!”
That’s an all time greatest scene. My ten year old daughter has recently gotten into the Simpsons and rewatching the old episodes with her has been very enjoyable.
No pretzel logic “bagel logic”
Sven and Mike, perverted degenerate Jim Norton married a tranny. It’s true. Linger longer
Bro… don’t fuck too hard, you’ll break her pelvis.
If TDS is a racist friend simulator, Randbot episodes are cornered at a party by the friend of your racist friend simulators.
Randy’s just being friendly mate. She’ll be awright.
I don’t like the feeling of being embarrassed on someone’s behalf, so nah.
Fuck no.
Randy pls to be putting down alcoholic beverage thank you
Naaaaaaaar !