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Strike and Mike talk about the Jewish bombing of the Gaza hospital and what the future may hold.
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Remember that it was the Jews which invited the Moors to invade Spain. Remember that it was the Jews which opened the gates of Toledo. Remember that it was the Jews which garrisoned the conquered cities of Spain for the Moors. Remember that it was the Jews which administrated and taxed Spain for the Moors. And, remember that it was the Jews which opposed the reconquest of Spain.
Always traitorous
Krystal Ball is married to a troll looking Jew.
Millennial Woes admitted that he had butt sex with multiple men during his adolescence. I don’t take his opinion seriously.
I watched John Fashcroft’s podcast on Odysee last night (I was busy til after 9PM, and I caught the last 2 sentences of this podcast). I love Johnny, but there’s a trend, apparently, to denounce “both sides”, and that as a White Advocate this Gaza War has “nothing to do with us”. The HIGHLY and totally, utterly mentally stable Christopher Cantwell popped on the show, and essentially took over. He began with agreeing with the line that this war has “nothing to do with us” and began shilling for Trump HARD. He was essentially babbling about Real Politik, and how… Read more »
I stopped listening to Cantwell since he got out of jail (for the bullshit charge & conviction). It is a shame, but he is totally gone off the deep end. His hard shilling for the GOP/Trump, etc. is a red flag. Whether in good faith or not, can’t be trusted.
I agree. I don’t want to insult him – I know he’s suffered – but if you heard him going OFF on one of the commentors – well – he’s unhinged. We were all basically saying that we were not going to vote for Trump – but Cantwell was calling the guy all kinds of names, chiefly stupid and brain dead, and all kinds of other insane things. The Chatter was snarky – but who isn’t snarky in Chat.? The guy wasn’t stupid at all. I called in briefly, I don’t recall the time stamp. I think it was the… Read more »
Striker needs some collared shirts.
No he doesn’t.
My Opa is smiling in heaven now after all the shit he experience after losing the war. God bless HAMAS!!
You’re the ultimate FUDposter. Seems like you’d like us to give up because of your perception of jewish invincibility or something
Last night my gf showed me a tiktok of a zoomer gay Jew saying this conflict has convinced him Kanye West was right. Really encouraging to see, 300k likes, zoomers are so strongly pro-Palestine across the board on both sides of the political spectrum. Inshallah the Zionists will be driven into the sea!
All jews “agreeing with us” are simply controlled oppostion.
I understand that, I just think it’s good that gay Jews are forced into that position on TikTok. Trust me, this guy is not my friend lol
Jamie pull up harvey levins response to BLM 2020
I specifically remember being at my mother in laws house years ago and for some reason TMZ was on the TV. And harvey levin and that black guy with dreads were talking so much shit about white people. I cant remember about what. To the point I told my mother in law to turn that garbage off.
The jews really are isolating themselves. They’re pulling funding from leftists and liberals after decades of destroying the right. Now they’re trying to cultivate a fake and gay right after sentencing the Proud Boys to at least 20 years behind bars? Their brute pursuit of power has left them with no ideological or moral base. There was never any intention by jews to pursue anything moral to begin with. Ben uttering the talking points of 7-8 years ago is just gold. More interesting than Ben changing tune is Bret Stephens. I remember in a video with Bret and rabbi Shmuley… Read more »
We are watching on a global scale the things thst happened during the middle ages in those small kingdoms. The Jews are isolating themselves by parasitism of multiple groups turning them on each other and then when all the groups start realizing what is happening the eyes turn to the kike. And next thing they know they’re kicked out of another nation. Thing is, there’s nowhere left to go. Ukraine wont exist in 5 years, and at current rate Israel may go first. Jews will have to go back to Europe because it’s the only white nations that wont either… Read more »
Your solution is cucked. I’m in the Sven camp on what to do.
Probably not.
“What other army does that?”
Hmmm, that’s true, I can’t remember the last time the Irish Army bombed a hospital. We did UN peacekeeping missions in Congo, Cyprus and Lebanon but I don’t think that involved bombing hospitals.
My uncle served in Lebanon with the UN in the 70’s & 80’s. Let’s just say that when he came home he didn’t have a positive opinion of the Israeli’s or the IDF.
Lmao Life Support & Levin
Talked to a friend who took the dissident right position on this issue. The only explanation why, that I could see, is that he has a conservative temperament, not a recolutionary ditto. I think that difference in temperament, explains most of the difference in analysis.
how much of that boomer trust in israel is just them being old folks who become trusting with age?
Its not with age. They grew up in a homogeneous high trust society. They simply haven’t updated their firmware. Whether thru ignorance or denial can be debated.
The past 10 days have increased my antisemitism substantially.
If that was even possible…
Hey whats the name of that Palestinian woman who’s imprisoned.
Oh yeah when I first heard about the Sampson option, I literally thought that it was just an attack on Middle Eastern countries to provoke a response by their respective allies. However, I just learned that they will literally nuke Europe.
Sometimes I wonder wtf is wrong with Jews. Like why do they have to be so shitty. They could just rule the world and be cool about it.
Steve Lookner is mad that there’s now a live news Strike n Mike.
Strikers right. The world reserve is keeping america afloat.
I met a girl from Turkey at college. I thought she was White so I got her snap. Turns out shes with a bunch of guys at once. I should of assumed based on her clothing, but whatever, I was horny. So even though I feel happy for the Turks on their Palestine stance, I’m hurt when I hear the word Turkey.
Username checks out
No seriously she even had red hair
So a high-class Turkish girl with high Euro admixture. Those are very common in western Turkey.
As I understand it the dna heritage in Turkey breaks down thusly; 38% EUropean Caucasian ancestry, 35 percent Middle-Eastern Caucasian ancestry, 18 percent South Asian Caucasian and finally 9 % is Central Asian.That is the Turkish part. Take what you will from that.
These so-called “right-wing dissidents” are still doing these dishonest theatrics without being ‘Charlie Kirk’ conservatives because there’s a likely chance that they’re either paid and/or blackmailed.
They want to inoculate potential people with dumb political stuff that will benefit Jews; it’s so simple…
Death to Israel
Hospital bombing – Boomers are already saying it was a “misfire from Hamas rockets”. One can only assume this is what FOX is saying about it?
The idea that it was a misfire is obviously crazy. The key is to be proactive and get ahead of these narratives. I managed to get ahead of the narrative with some of my family as soon as this kicked off. And got my historically zionist gen x parents to start questioning some of the jewish propaganda they have been told their entire life and my brothers agreed to dodge the draft with me. It is a small victory in the grand scheme of things. But I’ll take it. I hate to say it, but this genocide of innocents by… Read more »
idk if fox was using this but jidf shills were pushing this narrative around with a video from 2022(?) of some munition shot by someone somewhere doing a 180° and landing back near the launch site.
What draft?is this a theoretical American draft, or are you Israeli?
Theoretical American draft. I believe firmly, along with many who watch TRS that China will take Taiwan when the U.S has shifted enough of its navy and troops to the Middle east. If the U.S military engages in a war with China it will get it’s ass kicked. They will inevitably need more troops. The only Americans who can beat the Chinese are White men, so they will for sure do a draft. I am sure all the Anglo and German names will be first up.
Dear god the yahoo comments that will be read by McNabb tomorrow will be horrendous
“The genital option”?… 🤣
“Let’s get the jericho option” – Eric Striker, 2023
I fucking hate kikes so much
Bronze age gvir
Kikes are working overtime on separating Palestinians and Hamas in all their talking points after the kike blood lust shit show we witnessed in the first 4-5 days.
They’re pretending they’re distinct entities so they can pretend they’re killing someone other than civilians.
Also they are trying to tempt Palestinians with an easy option other than resistance, but I think Palestinians aren’t as dumb as Americans (conservatives), even the diaspora.
Video stream not great tonight sadly
John Rocker was cool, but fuck the Braves. . Baseball is the only sportsball I can stand these days, and my Phillies are loaded with Chad Europeans. And a few spics. But not a single nigger. Had to quit the NFL after I became WN, because well, niggers. And man I used to love my eagles, but now even the quarterbacks are a minimum quarterblack
None of these palenstian/mus reporters had any issue going against their morals when attacking whitey.
Jewish Deliberate Atrocity Munition
They’d take that as a compliment
Teheran protests beginning:
“Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the British and French embassies in Tehran in the early hours of Wednesday, an AFP correspondent said, as regional anger grew over a deadly strike on a Gaza hospital.” 7:42 pm
As someone who’s interacted with Russians quite a bit, I can tell you that there’s also a certain type of Russian that believes that everyone in power anywhere is a Jew
They might be onto something
For the sake of argument. If you come at me in a genocidal situation. If I had to defend myself outside your kibbutz at 2am. I’m watching you through your window. And I have to shoot through a crowd of Jews to defend myself It’s a self defense situation.
I’m not gonna be happy about the jihad, but I will be happy about just defending my own life.
I didn’t want it to be like this. It’s a tragedy. Inshallah.
Five people understood this comment. Am I dumb?
No. You just haven’t watched enough Sam Hyde videos.
US bases and embassies getting swarmed, protested or burned..? not sure if true
If you guys are going to do mid-show NPR style pledge-drive stuff then could you at least sell some TRS tote bags or something?
T-shirts are good advertising
NJP Wifebeaters autographed by Striker
How about a NJP Paraglider?
Yeah, I think that fixed it for real this time.
That fixed it.
Those complaining about audio turn your audio up.
Usually Mike is a little too low, but he’s been fine the whole episode today.
Crack yo speakerz, niggas!
then striker was super loud
Sound perfectly fine to me.
First ever TRS intermission?
Let’s all go to the lobby and get ourselves a snack!
sexually charged music for some reason
Any other paychads just getting elevator music for “hour 2′?
Ah, nevermind. They actually took a break.
What’s happening, why does it sound like I’m on hold when I click play?
They actually took a break. Back now.
Coolest elevator music in the Resistance.
I envision walking into the lobby of the NJP Reichsministerium Hauptamt one day and hearing that song as I step into the elevator.
The idea of nationalists and zhyds teaming up to expel anti semitic migrants is gentile projection of logic and rationality. That would make a lot of sense, but the thing is jews aren’t rational or logical when it comes to exterminating Whitey. They have a pathological commitment to exterminating Indo Europeans. I don’t think they will ever give an inch on this.
The jews are just going petal to the metal and driving all of global civilization of a cliff with them.
True. From their perspective, however, that’s perfectly logical, since we are their biggest threat.
There’s a great bit they did on TDS years ago where they say theres two kinds of Jews. The ones who play the long game, and the “get in the car, were killing the whites” Jews.
I’ve been using this ever since. And it seems the get in the car kikes are done with optics, and thank God. Because now the world sees what they are like.
Thank God for mask off kikes, because if all we had was the long game ones, I don’t think we’d have any reason to be optimistic.
Jignats have high time preference. They’re the niggers of jews.
I’m in the Breitbart comments. All I did was say that theres no way a stray rocket could bring down a hospital building but an Israeli JDAM could and the boomers have lost their minds lol.
I made a few comments but they keep getting deleted. Our guys should swarm this.