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Strike and Mike talk about the Jewish bombing of the Gaza hospital and what the future may hold.
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Sven so much.
objectively loud and audible. all claims of quietness have been debunked
Mike keeps getting quieter
He said the line! Thanks Jew!
I prefer the term Hitlerian
BLM stands with Palestine because they’re fucking morons who think that jews are White.
We stand with Palestine because we’re sick and tired of jewish occupation, both in our own nations and all over the world
Like clock work, the ADL will send some yenta to explain that jews aren’t White, and like clock work niggers will be like “nah.. day White”
Niggers don’t understand gene stealing only Blue Jean stealing
I dont think so. I think they are just playing the heel to get finklethink going. Dumb conservative sees that BLM supports Palestine so without further research he assumes that he’s on team Israel. They can’t have everyone supporting Israel or there’d be no finklethink. BLM is really unpopular so having it on “our side” is a negative. The same is true of Rashida Tlaib.
Ignore the audio fags. It sounds fine like always.
I didnt catch the live in the beginning because the schedule is and always will be erratic and gaslight tier. But Mike’s levels were fine throughout the entire recorded version. I can hear him
Audio is fine
Audio is fine for me
Everything sounds fine to me
The audio is fine
Israel MUST Perish!
Audio is GOOD: Mike is too low. Video is OK.
Audio is good on my end
Then stop takin’ shit outta the house!!!
Brothers protestors broke through the barricade, the Israeli embassy in Turkey is being invaded!
What’s the update
Turkish army tear gassed the protestors bro. Donmeh Jews run Turkey, that’s why they’re always waging wars on orthodox christians. I’m not very pro Turkey although there are some good civilians who still have the spirit of Islam in their hearts.
You’re my favorite dune coon MUSLIMS4TRS. In the Ethnostate, id totally let you stay, as long as you bring your own woman, because we can’t be allowing race mixing.
You are very kind Brother, I appreciate that a lot. But when a non-white like me takes up the White Nationalist cause, there is only one choice and that is to leave with my people. Can you imagine how horrible I would look if I was waving goodbye to my people and telling them I’m staying with you guys? My people would think I was a sellout and White people would also look down on me. To preserve my dignity I have to leave with my people. But I would INSIST that we remain brothers and visit each other to… Read more »
Kikes love nigger culture even though they’re the ones who created it.
Makes sense they’d love it then, no? Killing people, taking what you please, and projecting your issues into others.
Did I just describe kike’s or niggers
Looking at a 14:1 Striker to Moike volume ratio
Novel approach: turn striker down then the entire show up
Israel is a blight and must be dismantled.
Please increase Mike’s gain a bit.
Of course, Striker is late. Let’s set GiveSendGo campaign to buy him a cheap ~$200 Garmin fitness watch. He can use it to brag about fitness activity too. (I’m using Polar, because they are from Finland.)
Good evening, fuck Israel!
Wow, only 7mim late; Striker channeling his white side this evening.
The half Puerto Rican COMMUNIST Eric Striker runs on colored people time.
I don’t understand. I click at 5:06, and for some reason, no stream?
Could israeli interference be behind this?
Show is 6 gorillion minutes late OH GOD
Sever The Hands
I demand free month
Sometime soon if Israel is taking serious damage from neighboring Arab states they will be threatening to nuke the US if we don’t send in troops. Boomers will somehow justify this by quoting passages from the book of Revelation and they’ll beg their mulatto grandchildren to enlist.
605 wtf
Wake up striker
Live at 6:30ish
Is the show on CPT? F5 enthusiast here.
Is this a real question?
What is reality?
did daylight spergingtime happen?
Biden is about to leave on his plane that will be shot down by Israel so that they can blame it on Iran and start WW3. It’s been nice knowing you guys.
They will wait until him and the pajeet UK PM are standing near each other and drop a JDAM.
Can we throw Justin Trudeau into the mix?
Jeeze, I do wonder if we are going to get a ww3 hard push coming from this slaughter of civilians by the Zionist devil machine
Show is 3.2 seconds late, the west has fallen.
I knew this would happen. Israel snuck into Striker’s room and dismantled his wheelchair.
5 min now. Any later and I may have to rethink this whole “Holocaust never happened” thing…
This lateness is nigger tier behavior.
NormanNC where are you nigga? I’m worried. You’re usually the first or second comment.
Hope he’s ok. I’m waiting to make my obligatory “show is 3.2 seconds late the west has fallen” post
I can already hear the boomers in my church say how that woman who was in the hospital looking in the camera was “being dramatic”
I am not a religious man, I do not go to church. But if I did I would not rest until my lungs were dry dispelling and countering the zionist propaganda and defending the Palestinians with all the proof, evidence, and arguments that we make here on TRS/NJP. Every one of our guys who goes to church no matter the denomination NEEDS to stand up and voice the truth to every one in their congregation about the truth of what is going on right now in Gaza. It doesn’t matter if you lose friends or you get kicked out, anyone… Read more »
is there an odysee link? Can’t get the live feed working on brave. Edit, nvm changed from 17:30
It isnt going yet right?
It is now 18:00, but still. If possible, I will gladly take an Odysee link. If there isn’t one, no worries.
I have also had some browser issues with the live feed. Though I have found that audio live works way better than video live.
Brave doesn’t work for me at all for live video. Constant buffering. You should try another browser, Opera works well for me.
Opera works for you? Damn. I’ve tried Brave, Opera and Firefox and it buffers when live. Gonna have to do audio only for live shows. And I even tried turning off the Brave shield, and turning off adblock just in case it was interfering, but made no difference.
Yeah a Hamas-tier rocket isn’t going to level a building and cause that many casualties. GTF outta here.
Abbas was supposed to meet with Joe Brandon tomorrow. He cancelled after those filthy kikes blew up the hospital.
Remove Abbas!!!
May the resistance bless him with their feet!!!
Fox News isn’t even mentioning the hospital shit. Fucking disgusting. Maybe Rachael Campos Duffy got a stern talking to for raising Mark Levin’s blood pressure.
Fox is saying on their website that it was a “Hamas-run hospital”. NO. It was a Christian hospital run by the Anglican archdiocese. Fucking pigs.
Even if it were a Hamas-run hospital, there’s no justification for what happened.
None at all. Its just infuriating that Fox would go so low as to lie to the boomers in their audience that it was as if to justify it.
Well of course!!! Hamas is the good guys!!!
Oh yeah, for the first time ever conservative media has actually become interesting. Just invite Mark Levine on to strategize and it’s like observing a Kek in his zoo enclosure.
And of course CNN is flopping out the house nigger Tim Scott live to flap his gums “we must support Israel, I love chiggins, what else on my script” *negro teeth light up*. He just totally negated and dodged the hospital story.
Disgusting. Republicans really are all niggers, but Tim Scott is a real nigga. They should just give him the nomination.
White line go up!
You guys should follow Ramzan Kadyrov on telegram. He just made a very long post against Israel warning them that the Palestinians are not alone, there are millions of us. You could sense his anger. He also emphasized that there are non-Muslims who hate Israel too.
Recently Russian media was given a directive to tone down the antisemitism on TV, that’s very interesting because it’s mainly ethnic Russians on TV (not Muslims), this means the Slavs are also getting pissed at Israel. I think things are gonna get real interesting!
rowdy ramzan kadyrov and 1000 chechen mountain men could take occupied al-quds in a couple of days.
I don’t know who that is, but if he’s anything like those white Muslim MMA fighters, those dudes are just built different. White men, raised in the harsh mountains, infused with Muslim Fanaticism? They really are the last dudes on Earth I’d wanna fight. It’s like the perfect storm for super soldiers. Best genes, hard environments, and absolutely ready to die for this shit.
This is what we should strive to be, minus the whole being Muslim shit. I like the hats though, so we should consider what kind of headwear we are going with in the ethnostate
Brother he is the president of Chechnya and Putin’s closest ally. Ya he’s just like Khabib and the rest of those strong guys. To be honest their form of Islam is quite moderate, it’s their culture that is strong.
Israel just bombed a Gaza hospital. 500+ casualties
Piers Morgan interviewed Mohammed Hijab yesterday for 20mins. Hijab conceded every premise and Piers interrupted for the remainder—thus handing a propaganda victory to Israel. I can tell you with 100% certainty that most Muslims would much rather Mike and/or Striker defend Palestine. If Muslims heard you guys and how smart you are, they would hoist you up on their shoulders and make you guests of honour in our lands. The problem is: just like there is a blockade on Gaza, there is also a blockade on TRS! I wish somehow Strike and Mike could coach these Muslim e-celebs in how… Read more »
I’m sure that was infuriating. So I won’t watch it.
We are all Goyim in the eyes of the Zionist Entity.
Goy First!!! White Second!!!
Mohammed Hijab sounds like a joke name created by the likes of Tommy Robinson
His real name is something else, Hijab is his pseudonym
Start running Instagram web coaching services but for Muslim pundits to learn from TRSNJP
We’re happy to have your perspective here. We could honestly use more a few more non white goyim from different parts of the world, just for the unique perspective and boots on the ground info.
i pray for hypersonic missle strikes
You know the magnitude of the political moment when it compels Striker to roll out of bed early.
Furthermore, I consider that Israel must be destroyed.
You know…you might just have to change up your signature phrase sooner than we all thought.
Best political podcast out right now. There’s nothing like it.
Simply amazing podcast. A big, beautiful podcast. It heals the body. The best.