In hour 1, Alan and Warren review the latest with the siege of Gaza and the imminent ground invasion by Israeli forces. In part 2, Alan dives into the unusually high levels of PTSD experienced by Jewish soldiers during the Yom Kippur War, Warren reviews the day's headlines coming out of Gaza, including Israeli-American war crimes and lies, and finishes with a reading of Joseph Goebbels' timely essay, The Creators of the World's Misfortunes.
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That Goebbels’ article was incredible. Thank you so much, Warren!
Death to Israel and heil Hitler!!
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the Libsyn player that’s used for the free hour is very buggy. It’s also used for the NJP Weekly Report if I recall. It crashes out of nowhere sometimes, or skips to random spots.
Great episode. Humanity may be down for the count now but soon everyone will see just how demonic and evil these jews really are and the whole world will turn against them
Excellent episode
Alan, From CoC: Jews are at the extreme of this Middle Eastern tendency toward hyper-collectivism and hyper-ethnocentrism – a phenomenon that goes a long way toward explaining the chronic hostilities in the area. I give many examples of Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism in my trilogy and have suggested in several places that Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism is biologically based (MacDonald 1994, Ch. 8; 1998a, Ch. 1). It was noted above that individualist European cultures tend to be more open to strangers than collectivist cultures such as Judaism. In this regard, it is interesting that developmental psychologists have found unusually intense fear reactions among Israeli… Read more »
Everybody talks about the prophetic abilities of Nostradamus, but people barely mention Joseph Goebbels. Thanks guys 👍
Those WW2 Hungarian marching songs are cool btw.
Thanks for the show, glad you made it back safe Warren.
Alan must be the proudest dad on the planet. I’m gutted I wasn’t at the PA Conference that Warren and Tony went to as i dare say that will be the only opportunity i would have had to meet them.
Keep it all up, men. We simply HAVE to win.
Spectre: The audience doesn’t know what kind of content they want. It’s our job to tell them what they want.
Factcheck: True
You see, Alan Balogh had a kerfuffle at the hospital when Warren was delivered. Transcription error.
The two f’s in his name didn’t come across.
Let’s pretend that Jews are actually high IQ af. Therefore we have to let them rule aka continue destroy our nation? How they have subverted this country is so thoroughly documented, that I can’t believe they’ve earned their positions based on merit. There are other measurements as well, such as being moral. I’ll start calling it MoraleQuotient lol. Based on that measurement they’re dead last. Seriously why would I want highly intelligent and sociopathic people in charge? That’s the worst combination.
You see a lot of the fatalist, Darwinian thinking among comfortable conservatives, where people with power and wealth deserve it because they have worked for it and achieved it.
you two sound so similar this episode most of the time i can’t tell who is talking haha
I could listen to you two 24/7, especially with some Emily wit thrown in!
Goebbels was absolutely spot on in his assessment of Jewry and their deluded minions. Unfortunately for NS Germany, the Jews (through their stooges) were able to entrap them in war, and orchestrate the literal crucifixion and gang rape of the German nation. And, finally, to add insulte to injury, project their nefarious crimes onto Hitler, and thus blame the victim!
The upshot is, Jews are without question, the penultimate, demonic Gegenrasse.
Outstanding comment. Jews are absolutely a counter race. I explained this to someone recently who kept insisting that the jews are white by saying they’re a counter-race of parasitic imitators. I used a comic book analogy to make my point in terms that he understood with The Flash and Reverse Flash: The Reverse Flash is a speedster, has a similar uniform to The Flash but with the colors in the opposite areas, has impersonated The Flash on several occasions to commit crimes and destroy his reputation, but does that mean he is The Flash or the same as The Flash?… Read more »
His predictions didn’t immediately come true, so many decades have passed since then and Jewish power has grown over the West. However it is true that Jews in the US are running out of any remaining popular support and sympathy. That’s their last fortress. They falsely believed they can always get assistance from the American people as long as they run the system. However nobody has endless opportunities, sooner or later you run out of chances: the Iraq and Afghanistan wars seriously depleted their moral capital so they cannot ask young white guys to join the military and jump into… Read more »
I unironically hope Jews completely cease to exist in the human gene pool
I felt this so much when they were discussing the war tactics ZOG and Israel will be remembered for.
“In 1952, Egypt was taken over by General Mohammed Naguib. Otto Skorzeny, former commander of the Waffen SS Commando Regiment, was sent to Egypt the following year by former General Reinhard Gehlen to act as Naguib’s military adviser. Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS and Wehrmacht officers to train the Egyptian army. Among these officers were former Wehrmacht generals Wilhelm Faharmbacher; Oskar Munzel; Leopold Gleim; and Joachim Daemling. In addition to training the Egyptian army, Skorzeny also trained Arab volunteers in commando tactics for possible use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone. Several Palestinian… Read more »
The only Christians that exist are the Amish and the Russian Orthodox. I agree with Mike that 99.9% of people that claim Christian are just kike worshippers or faggot hipsters.
Christian’s disgust me at this point.
It really wounds me that my Catholic sect capitulated to the Jew.
Catholics should take the Degrelle Pill at this point…
Thanks for the show and post. Love the show you two do. Best father son team podcast on the net. Okay, you got me, I haven’t heard any other ones. You two still rank among my top 5.
Eerie how applicable that piece at the end was
Jewish? American Landlord stabs his Muslim tenants, killing boy
Even if the person who did this wasn’t jewish the jews are directly responsible for his death because of their unrelenting media blitzkrieg and atrocity propaganda broadcast across all major media outlets in Europe and north america. They are inciting and encouraging this kind of behavior with their wall to wall propaganda.
Exactly. If it’s a goy it’s a weaponised foxnews shabbos
For the crime of stochastic terrorism, we sentence to death by gassing those members of the press for whom it has been established in a court of law that they were individually involved in the promulgating of said terror.
Gassing is too dispassionate, easy, and fast. The sentence shall be pressing under weight.
I have to disagree with Warren’s comparison with Israelis with Skynet in Terminator since there is a cold, calculating, and apathetic aspect to Skynet. Israelis remind me more of the Martians from the original Mars Attacks cards from 1962 (not the campy Tim Burton movie). Their combination of high tech weapons, bringing destruction from the skies, and doing ghoulish atrocities against humanity for the sake of humiliation, blood lust, and sheer cruelty eerily echo the stories and footage I see out of Palestine from killing pets to destroying houses of worship. Though ironically in the storyline told in the cards,… Read more »
How bout h g Wells’s original martians? High tech death weapons from above (check) bloodsucking vampires (check) tentacled octopus monstrosities (check)
According to the bible Christians are the chosen people of God, not jews. jews are causing Christians all over the world to suffer and die. Which is why even if jews were to never harm White people again I would say fuck Israel. Let the Muslims have their way with them, and withdraw all Western support.
Regarding the PTSD being harder on Israelis, Jews has a built in response to that with the meme of “generational trauma” from “centuries of persecution”. This excuse is also used by their golems like blacks to excuse them of their behavior. It’s interesting that this meme of “generational trauma” is never used with Germans, Irish, or Russians , or even Palestinians.
You know what really pisses me off is when these fucking blood thirsty boomers (don’t worry not you Alan) who try to what aboutism with China in regards to what is happening in Gaza. They’ll say “CCP is genociding the Uyghurs” while foaming at the mouth at exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza. Also these same Boomers will say they don’t follow the mainstream media, they listen to Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin. These boomers are not just physically circumcised but mentally and spiritually circumcised.
Level the boomer strip
Help me doctor schmocter, i want my enemies to die horrible deaths but the torah tells me im gods chosen people but i dont have any goyim to die for me!!
Oh and please Rx me mdma, im going to a psytrance rave in gaza tomorrow
Oh and make america pay for it, its their fault for not enlisting anyway
Death to the synagogue of satan!
Every single one, from the oldest to the youngest, will be hunted down and eradicated. We will destroy them so utterly the term “Jew” will be an insult that the true meaning has long been forgotten, just that its use validates an instant honor duel.
Burn every Talmud and Rabbinical text. Blot out the memory of Israel.
Funny how the jews solution to everything is just dump a fuck load of money into it, they have nerd soldiers so they think they can fix that with just giving them like 50k worth of armory per solider to over come them being pencil neck nerds.
Warren and Warren’s
Warren and Son’s Telegraph
Absolutely timely report. Thank you!
The Balogh report