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Strike and Mike narrative jam the Zio-right on the Palestine war.
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Short blurb. The Texians were whites who were invited to settle the land as long as they would convert to catholocism and pledge allegiance to mexico. There were only a few thousand people in Texas before that shift, mostly in san antonio and the various missions (like the alamo). Or, in other words, the white anglos were invited to come fight indians and clear/settle land, at the invitation of the mexican government, and then claimed the land as their own soverign, because they did the heavy lifting and fuck lazy mexicans who wanted to move north after the land was… Read more »
Eric mentions people not wanting to buy a new iPhone because of being worried about data collection or privacy or spying (or any of that in any combination). I regret to tell anyone who will listen than most people don’t give enough of a crap about that to move sales in any direction. If iPhone sales are lagging, it’s for some other set of reasons. Dumbphone sales are definitely up, but this seems related to social movements that are about being less up their phone’s asses all day long and doing things in meatspace.
It’s mostly because literally nothing changes about the iPhone beyond adding another camera lens or two with each update. Soon they will have six gorillion micro lenses covering the back panel making it impossible to put a protective case on it resulting in more broken screens and driving the price up. I use an iPhone because I’m tech retarded, not because I give a shit about the fruit company. Been on an XS max since I got a good deal on one when the 12 came out, and they slowed down the 8, and killed the battery life. Unless I… Read more »
Pro tip, if you have any radio on, you can be tracked. wifi, cell, bluetooth, doesnt matter. Having those one, they are trying to connect to something, it’s the functional equivalent of your phone saying “can anybody hear me!?”
Its why your phone can triangulate your location without gps. It’s why modern parking garages not only know how many cars, but approximately how many people enter an exit.
Hey Eric, I’ll pass on your regards to Syrian girl.
“Arch of Titus”
Modern Theophany: Designs & Collections on Zazzle
Scroll down 5 rows to find the Arch of Titus art. You’ll have to go through the list of materials to find the one you want to have it printed on.
Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire_4of6_Rebellion – video Dailymotion
“Samson Option”
Stealing the Atom Bomb: How Denial and Deception Armed Israel: Mattson, Roger J: 9781515083917: Amazon.com: Books
If China wants to move on Taiwan, now would be a good time.
Millennium Challenge 2002 – Wikipedia
If that’s the same Frame Game, he did a series of videos with Jean-Francois Gariépy about the two blacks guys who had the cops called on them and the free programs blacks get from the government. Those two blacks got a couple hundred grand each and free college tuition at Arizona State University. Those shows last I checked were still on JF’s Bitchute channel. It was quite a presentation, 14+ hours.
“Lawrence of Arabia”
Lawrence of Arabia 1962 2160p UHD HDR Full Movie – YouTube
In case any of you haven’t seen it. Starts at 4:20
Who was the American that tried to defect to China. I can’t find a thing on it.
Wasn’t it North Korea?
Edit: I’m thinking of a different guy.
These disingenuous faggots on Twitter would be absolutely nothing if they weren’t being held up by censorship. Hopefully some of their readers are still able to find their way here.
“Like good christians they bore the whips and chains.”
This is the reason I’m not a christian. It’s a disgusting philosophy.
You just bear the downboats.
Bear?! I REVEL in them!
New fag, here. I think I listened to this three times already. Timed my first sub poifectly. Love it.
Free Palestine,
Hail Hamas!
o/ brother!
That Brian berletic guy is an idiot and he harps on ‘Nazis’ but will never mention kikes. He went so far as to claim 14 then 88 tanks were sent bc of Nazis.
The concept of civilians is really fraught in a country with compulsory military service. There will literally never be peace. There will be a mass expulsion / extermination one way or the other, and I have picked a side. I want the indigenous warriors of God to win, because they can actually peacefully exist without draining our nation of resources and bribing/destabilizing neighbors. There’s an inbred, tay-sachs ridden, baby-penis sucking wart that literally invented genocide on the face of the Levant, and inshallah it will be destroyed. Israel is a disgusting, diseased state that exists as a result of treachery… Read more »
IIRC Arabs with Israeli citizenship are not subject to conscription into the IDF (because, let’s be honest, they would justifiably turn their guns on the kike officers the second a war kicked off), so they’re the only true civilians in Israel.
Hard cucking and coping going on at WND as you would expect. Everything at WND is hollow and fake. It was maybe a year or two ago I last checked, there was alot of pushback against their narrative and their jew worship. This time it looks like they’re vigorously censoring the comments section. This conflict revived the left of the aughts that was respectable compared to the left we have today. Brings back alot of memories. Jews are abandoning and disavowing the left all over and sacking the ones that speak out. How the hell are they going to manage… Read more »
What’s WND?
World Net Daily, a Boomer conservative site that I used to like back when I was a dumbass Boomer.
I’m surprised that Alex Jones tier BS is still around. I used to read it because I hate shitskins and got duped into the glass the Middle East, all of it meme.
Haven’t listened yet, so I don’t know if it was mentioned. I love how Hamas using paragliders, motorcycles, etc. have adapted the Blitzkrieg to fit their situation.
So rad, balls of steel on those men. Historical military achievement, for sure.
Show me the photos of 40 decapitated babies, Jews.
Oh gawd, we can’t disrespect the dead by providing physical evidence goy. Next you’ll be saying we should exhume alleged mass graves at Treblinka to prove that there’s actually 50 trillion Jews buried there.
Creating new and hilarious Jewish fiction before our eyes. My historical favourite has to be the one where “the Nazis put us poor Jews in a road mixer and then used our crushed up bodies to pave the road,” believe me, goy! Incredible.
I’m beyond sick of media outlets calling adults in a cuntry with mandatory conscription, “civilians.”
“Local Man Literally Too Angry to GO P”
That kid with the Swastika on his phone isn’t an Arab lol He’s a Black Indian
51:00 – It is “Teva Pharmaceuticals” in Israel that manufactures most of the Tranny drugs.
I will also add to what you guys said, they also manufacture many of the most extreme RX Opioids too, for example: Oxymorphone which is 7x the strength of Morphine (heroin is only 5x morphine strength). These companies are pretty damn evil.
Jewtards will begin filling Trumps bags. All court proceedings will be traded for a full on war with Iran. They will go all in on Trump. Killing two birds with one stone. Getting contard whites to die for israel
omg im terrified how plausible this sounds
At about 1:55:40 Mike talks about it being so cathartic “watching them run and scream”. Does anyone have a link to the video clip Mike is referring to? I really want to see it and hear the screaming jews.
some links on this thread page
Anne Frankly, BAP:
Hey, that’s my joke!
LIHOP and false flag aren’t the same thing. It’s possible Israel knew something was going to happen but didn’t think it would be this big.
i dont ever see jews as ever risking a single jew or even their own capital, only goyim.
thusly these takes (not yours) seem like puddle fallacies from people observing them capitalize on tragedies.
i think youre right on dropping the ball on chatter or maybe thinking it would be a sieze-able shipment that would implement iran and lebanon without the possobility of casualties.
I HAD to tune into Strike & Mike today!
4hr genocide of Jewish opinion.
So many people and organisations exposing themselves and where their loyalties lie
Warren on Mark Collet tomorrow BTW
allahu akbar mp3 released allow to complete close ticket
Do not redeem.
sir why do redeem do not redeem!!!!
A Yo!
Death to Israel!
Yo gimme this mp3 yo.
The worm is turning
Not being able to listen to the replay right now is like another holocaust.
Can you convince Jazzhands to do an FTN if the state of Israel is officially destroyed?
We need a special edition regardless.
It’d be nice to have him back, atleast for this moment.
I’m angry/resentful at him for not being around, especially for an event like this.
He’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. I do believe he said he won’t be gone completely though
Whole weeks worth of content
Well there’s two that I’m tracking: the (I apologize, Uncle) “German” tattoo artist who looked pretty dead in the back of that truck and the kidnapped yenta on the motorcycle who has indeed emerged in videos since.
Another fact seldom mentioned is that Israel was founded because of the large surge of supposedly holocausted Jews into Palestine from 1945 to 1948. War torn Europe was abandoned by tens of thousands of displaced Jews (who were never “gassed”), who then turned around and dispossessed the Palestinians.
Alright let’s get the replay up
Mp3 gang gang
There are so few people of consequence taking the anti-Israel position on twitter right now.
Cassandra MacDonald (nee Fairbanks), is taking a cautious, Israel-skeptical position.
And then some dude I wasn’t too familiar with, Sam Parker, a former Senate candidate or something, is pretty effectively fighting every piece of Zionist atrocity porn disinformation that comes out. He seems like a good dude.
Amazing show guys! Strike and mike giving THE BEST takes yet again when shills and retards get it wrong.
Good show.
Q anon tier boomers will throw you a curve ball some times, I talked to one who was… if I understood correctly seeming to imply all that footage was crisis actors lmao. I wonder how many Trump people are just like that at this point, just so “skeptical” that they just think all that footage of this conflict is just crisis actors hired by Bill gates haha.
yea on /pol after a few days of pro-israel shit failing miserably i started seeing a flood of fake anti-israel posts poisoned with covid crap and crisis actor shit