Strike and Mike talk about urban liberals falling victim to their own ideology, sex slavery as a mass phenomenon due to the onlyfans economy and the mainstreaming of extremely online homoerotic conservatism.
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Some military autism: The Merkava is not the best tank in the world. I once shared the impression that Israel develops the best gear simply because money isn’t an object to them (courtesy of our tax dollars) and that they’re free to experiment with novel and radical designs. The IDF’s own evaluations of the tank are less than impressive and it’s because of the novelty of the design. The Merkava has its engine in the front, and almost all other modern tanks have their engine in the rear to offset the front heavy armor. The thinking behind the Merkava design… Read more »
Striker’s point that the Euro illegal aliens are middle class is RETARDED.
has he been to Europe lately? has he seen these ppl?
The majority of people migrating to Europe are economic migrants, not “asylum seekers” fleeing warzones. This makes populist claims that their hands are tied because of some UN refugee agreement moot.
If you OWN a smart phone and can AFFORD to pay the $10,000 smugglers fee to get to Europe, you are MIDDLE CLASS by AFRICAN and MIDDLE EASTERN standards.
Striker, your point at 2:10 sums it up nicely. As an addendum, historically we say that 80 percent of people were engaged in food production. Many believe wrongly we have risen above that. Maybe briefly in the 1900’s this was true, but now all the truck drivers, hvac mechanics, service and gig workers, maintence people to fix the fridges and stoves of renters, and as you pointed out all the third world producers of our bananas and coffee. We have not broken that percentage of 80 percent. All the excess has merely been gobbled up by middle men and beurocrats.… Read more »
Bread and butter issues are what will get you elected. Their is so much more room to elucidate the truth in basic moral principle and egalitarian science than the finer points of history most don’t even remember. Hitler would have been against seed oils. If he had caught one wiff that it was bad for his people. Nein, Nein, Nein! Love ya bro.
1:19 Is the reason why, at the risk of seeming finkle-thinked, that I hate liberals more than conservatives. Choosing ideology over your relationship with your family/friends, to me, is something an actually moral person would never do. It’s insane that the girlfriend of the journalist who was murdered is protecting the suspect because of her political beliefs. That is deranged.
I support you snow niggas and I’m literally a pajeet.
“racial disempowerment”
“you lose the signal”
A perfect example of why I’m a dedicated Strikerist.
“sex work” is sick and twisted, but its promotors certainly have rational arguments for it. The feeling of sickness about it is a prerational feeling, though you can post hoc formulate rational arguments about family formation and civilizational health etc.
“At least not through the front door.”
“He didn’t deserve what happened to him!”
Hey, it’s not my fault you’re pussies.
“They’re being killed en masse.”
jew mad bros?
At least Orban has articulated that the inability to “do something!” Comes from Washington and its NGOs.
Never let it be said he didn’t do the least he could do.
The least he does the more you like it.
I posted before Striker got to that part. Also I never downboat you spam
I didn’t think it was you. There are a couple of retards in the comments.
Im convinced tjat The National Justice Party is America’s last political solution
So are the jews.
Where’s the lie?
From my impression it seem more like the jews are the problem
Well, no shit sherlock. But do you think the jews don’t know that the NJP is the greatest threat to their system???
NGL the sexual dimorphism in negroes isn’t distinct enough for me to detect that was a tranny in that homo shitlib activist murder story.
Great show, many thanks.
Imagine taking a job at Black Rifle Coffee as some 2a bro with punisher flags on your fulfillment laptop and then your Jewish boss sends you an email offering to … what was it? … “buttfuck the shit out of each other”..?
“total nigger death”
Why would you even waste the resources on that?
Faithful contributors to the NAACP.
Do you want to live in a world where niggers are like 75% of the world’s population?
Get out of here…
“insulted his christian faith.”
OK smart-guy where the fuck is Lampooza?
“dissident right”
Aw, to hell with that!
National Socialism or NOTHING!
The ADL thanks you for your service.
That Mike rant on TDS 1093, was freaking great. “Conservatives say the government should not interfere in the economy. Ok you aren’t apart of the conversation anymore”. So true.
“nationalism vs. socialism”
There is a famous 19th century American novel: Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy in which the author advocates for socialism but calls his system nationalism.
If you have the money but only take the free content you’re just being a faggot!
I’m very open about my beliefs with all my friends family and even co-workers. All of my girlfriends also knew my beliefs. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to listen if they view you as a moral and intelligent person. Speak out; don’t be afraid.
Correct. It’s sometimes tempting to agree and amplify liberal fearmongering and portray yourself as an amoral criminal, but it is more wise to just speak the truth even if it requires more work with counter narrative building.
For anyone who is new and listening for the first time, you can mail cash and these guys are very quick in updating your subscription. I’ve never had to follow up and they always get the months right. I’ve renewed twice with no issues. This is how they treat me and I’m not even White, very honourable classy team.
I’m so happy I can now share Strike & Mike with other Muslims!
May God increase your guys’ subscribers and may this platform grow and take over the whole western world, Amen.
All praise to you and our increasing numbers of Muslim allies!
You always have such a nice way of touching my heart and making my day. God be with you always brother.
Striker waits for the paywall hour to drop the buttfucking comment.
They guy who was outed as a nazi, he was actually a former nazi and now a wigger. The reason his house was blown up was probably a retaliation from another gang.
But yeah, the press is just desperate for criminals who aren’t literal apes. And they also they want to make the Nordic Restistance Movement look bad. The never go out with pictures of a nigger unless they are actually convicted.
The status of Whites today is closer to that of actual helots than any of the other gay classifications Moldblatt came up with, seeing as it’s effectively legal, and a rite of passage for some classes, to murder us.
Lampoosa xD
Inoffensive comment in full agreement with the hosts.
Insubstantive statement of agreement.
Non-sarcastic and serious affirmation of further comments.
Un-ironic affirmation of the host’s assertions.
unfunny pun in reply to your affirmation
Star Trek or Sopranos reference
Making it more financially profitable for women to be mothers vs having a career early in life or having an onlyfans account would go a long way to resolving the issue. Of course the problem with that in our current state would be the hordes of poc capitalizing on such a system while white people continue to be outnumbered and replaced. We simply need the whole nazi package, no half measures will suffice.
ACKSHUALLY MIKE, those onlyfan subscriber losers are simps, not cucks, they’re too asocial to even be cucks.
speaking of failed sceptics and cuckservatives wanting to get their shitting meme war 2.0 going, sargon was in the US last week doing the rounds with the blaze and faggot jew dave rubin