In the first hour, Alan and Warren discuss the second GOP debate, along with Joe Biden and Donald Trump's pandering to striking auto workers.
For hour two, Alan talks about the history on the racially charged Schmeling-Louis fights of the 1930s. The discussion then moves on to Elon Musk's summit with Jewish leaders, the upcoming HBO documentary about Sines v. Kessler, takeaways from the Pava LaPere murder, and Jewish meddling in Moldova's elections
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I subscribed a couple of years ago when Alan and Warren joined TRS, specifically to hear their father / son conversations, and knowing that Alan knew William Luther Pearce. With FTN gone I was considering not renewing my membership but glad to see great gondend is back!
I still like the name Between Two Baylogs.
Another suggestion for show name
“The Balogh Report” or “Balogh & Balogh”
What if I want to hear the whole thing WITH ads from Sven, and other pro-White advertisers?
gas the press got gassed. press f
you guys should have called it “what is going on” as Borzoi joked at on the 3rd rail
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. RIP Gas the press and welcome the Alan(small text) and Warren report! This will be a great show guys I just know it!
I think the paid version should be at the top and the onus of the extra click should be on the free listeners.
RIP Gas the Press. You were a real one
They gassed Gas The Press?
They did an optics
Gas The News wouldve been better optics
Great show!
Like Warren, I didn’t even realize there was a Republican debate the other day. When political debates—which have already been fake since their modern media inception—devolve into brown detritus arguing over who loves Israel more, there’s just no point in paying attention.
I did the thing – downloaded file, started listening to ff edition. I had no idea what you were subjecting free fags to! Then I thought, hey, what about some paychad commercials? But instead of shilling, its just Borzoi and Sven cutting in with words of encouragement or based quotes? ha
I’m happy to see Alan on the show, I appreciate everything he brings to the table. This was a great first episode and I look forward to more.
Alan has many years of experience in these politics and his viewpoint bring valuable wisdom to the table.
Great show, glad we have an Allen and Warren podcast!
Friendship ended with BTN. Now GTP is my best friend.
Chat-Gas The Press
Bowie, MD is pronounced boo-eee
I watched the whole debate and it was terrible. The moderators could not control anyone except to stop Vivek from getting a word in on anything. One of the moderators couldn’t even speak English well.
New shows are all well and good. I’m happy I could hear more from Alan. Any update on Jazzhands and when he’s coming back with FTN? Man I miss his content and takes.
I think he retired for the time being. If he comes back it probably won’t be for a while and we probably won’t know at any point beforehand.
Thats a shame. FTN was one of the biggest reasons why I subscribed. Hopefully he comes back.
He will be coming back soon! His deranged and overly enthusiastic fans have bitched enough, he has heard your calls and he will be back with Boneface as his cohost in the near future.
Good show
Really excited for more episodes
Thanks borzoi I was so confused why I had ads until I got to the part where your voice pops in
I elect Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer to play Heather Heyer in the upcoming movie.
itll be anya taylor joys. or milly alcock
greg conte and richard spencer will be played by kevin james and john goodman. doesnt matter which is which.
If Rappaport the wigger jew was younger he’d be playing Spencer. He loved playing the “White guy” in anti White movies.
Dancing crabs for Dianne Feinstein
We need to legally codify secondary citizens such that they can’t vote without meeting certain criteria. Retards and degenerate niggers don’t need a vote because if they aren’t competent enough to get a fucking drivers license you don’t get a say in my, MY fucking country.
I’ve got a good feeling about this new show.
Next podcast: [redacted] the Whitehouse
Ah shit, you know this is gonna be good when the title of the podcast is a borderline fed post. Can’t wait to listen
I know, Right?! Edgiest Podcast title yet!