Strike and Mike talk about the Liming verdict, the principle of race as applied by the US criminal justice system, Armenia "taking the W" and the Nazi in the Canadian Parliament.
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by Mike P
Strike and Mike talk about the Liming verdict, the principle of race as applied by the US criminal justice system, Armenia "taking the W" and the Nazi in the Canadian Parliament.
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Russia has already started doing trade with Azerbaijan and moving on.
May Armenia accept White Jamahiriya before it’s too late
Armenia gov wants to pin the blame on Russia instead of being known as traitors.
According to RWA: The upper class in Armenia view the Nagorno-Karabakh armenians as “red necks” and sold them out. They’re more interested in becoming an EU vassal than allies with russia. If not for Russian peacekeepers they would have been exterminated a long time ago.
Despite all the embarrassment and political failures Yerevan is still 98% ethnically Armenian.
The left will also run out of viable whites which will fracture their party in a similar manner. Dem whites keep the non whites united.
KIkes dont want a one party state but once Trump leaves thats exactly what we’re going to get.
ngl, Brandon kneeling over during debates would be funny, and I’m not going to pretend it wouldn’t be.
I like when the conversation veers into how pointless and empty social media is these days. I don’t even criticize people who waste time with video games. Nothing can compare to the black emptiness of disappearing into the void of twitter or facebook or almost any message board. It makes no fucking difference and when you eventually realize that anything in the real world is so much better that you’re left with regret over all the time wasted. Also, people are much more cordial even in the modern world (which is admittedly hellish) compared to on the internet (as long… Read more »
But where else will I see sugma grindset broccoli head on street interviews?!?
“BakedAlaskification” – Striker
Striker is fuhrer of the phrase makers
Roger Waters can’t speak at a university because look at this black and white photo of a sad Jew in a Fievel hat standing behind a bared wire fence. This is why the myth of the Holocaust needs to be destroyed because we can’t have any kind of real political discussion without someone bringing out the goddamn violins!
David Icke has vocally defended Palestine from what I remember so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the main reason they went after him using the “he’s calling us lizard vampires!!!111” as a cover
Ben Garrison? As in Ben “The Chimp Choking Champion” Garrison? Ben “Empty My Nine on the Welfare Line” Garrison? I haven’t about heard about that mongrel murdering maniac in years! Geez, that guy is the definition of bad optics.
Ben Garrison knows everything we know. He’s always been afraid to say so.
Liberals are checking out because their entire worldview was blown out of the water after Trumps election. Once the progressive movement went full authoritarian they couldnt defend their positions anymore.
sounds like youre describing the art of internet trolling
Trump is a spineless faggot who doesn’t deserve another meme vote after the shit hes done since getting elected.
Are you going to vote? Who else? A write-in? Doing what your enemy hates (get Trump into office) is a reasonable thing to do.
I’m going to write in big chungus for president. That’s more honorable than voting for any candidate.
Hello Hasbara. It’s been a while.
Stop being a faggot, Mr. Republican.
Instead of Big Business agreeing with Civil Rights Law, maybe companies like Target go along with the race issue because to do otherwise would require an acknowledgment of some basic racial realities, which the ZOG system is virtually incapable of doing.
Or maybe filthy Capitalist pigs just love NIGGERS!
Raytheon specifically demanded its outside counsel IP firms hire niggers. They spent most time on firm reviews discussing hiring niggers. Imagine finding a nigger with a law degree and an engineering degree. It is all fake.
Whites need to using their hiring practices against them. Claim to be Hispanic, native indian, etc. Force them to start demanding DNA tests.
One of the jobs my brother applied for required a tribal ID verification to be considered an Injun during the hiring process. I don’t know what company but he works in the tech industry.
In a few years it won’t be hard to find a nigger who’s a doctor professor of engineering and medicine and law an’ sheeit because they’ll just be given these credentials for being niggers.
John Leguizamo is Colombian not Puerto Rican.
You dont necessarily need to speak spanish/mexican since 2nd/3rd gens probably dont either.
What’s wrong with a White person lying about their race if it’s necessary in order to avoid discrimination?
We may have no choice. It may be the difference between working or living on the street.
Just troll them, “we’re all one race.. the human race…”
That’s also the result of “let’s not make this about race!” which conservatives repeat non-stop.
Striker is right again. Whites need to wise up and practice jury nullification too. Hang that jury if you can.
I love hanging. In all its glorious permutations!
Eh, the coalburner question will be problematic… these women have mulatto kids..
and will probably take the black side if given the chance.
mud puppies will take whatever side they feel gives them the most up cummies
Big time
You don’t want to know what William Pierce’s solution, in ‘The Turner Diaries’, was.
Yes I do!
There’s no problem in solving this to anyone with GUTS!!!
Tbh they should all be exiled to Africa, along with their spawn.
Whites can practice jury nullification but be prepared to have all your info doxxed and attackers/protestors on your doorstep soon after.
You’ll probably be thrown off the jury.
if this is how the american judicial system is going to be, then bowers deserves to walk.
Soon enough staying inside your home won’t be optional.
Long term, whites need to move in packs otherwise if blacks see whites solo or with their gf/Wife they’ll go out of their way to attack.
And if you successfully defend yourself they’ll charge you with racially motivated murder.
Assuming you’re caught 😉
You will be
Even with whites, cops don’t have a 100% success rate. Obviously not suggesting anyone test that theory but……whites need to defend themselves.
I agree. I carry a firearm at all times in legally allowed spaces. I’d rather be alive with a chance than dead.
It’s why I have my passport and everyone in my family has their passport and the means to get out of this country if necessary. If it comes down to me defending myself and my family then I’m going to do it every single time and if they attempt to arrest me then I will flee to a country who will either protect my family and me or at the very least not actively pursue deporting me back to the US.
Don’t get caught!
You see the African distaste for European justice when black writers for the Root and other black “intellectuals” bitch about White idea of diplomacy , using reason, logic, and talking things out as a silk glove to sugarcoat the justice system’s “White supremacy”.
Jews and blacks have a great deal in common
Jews are basically what niggers would be if they weren’t retards.
I’ve been looking at videos and pictures of montevideo, Uruguay. Very nice European style city that a white person could live in and not have to deal with any of the shit that goes on in America. My goal is to save up enough money and move there one day. I think this country is a lost cause and white people are in physical danger if they remain.
White countries/cities without an army to defend against unchecked immigration will be destroyed. Russia & Belarus stand a much better chance of being a long term safe haven than anywhere else.
I’m old enough to remember when the Alien and Sedition Acts were taught in history class as a cautionary tale about government overreach and political suppression. Even libtards used to believe this. Now, we have far worse suppression, because it isn’t actually found in any legal code, and it’s targeted exclusively at Whites. And libtards are the most enthusiastic proponents.
You know, come to think of it the Klan was a kind of hood law also – the law of men wearing white hoods. None of the the local officials have an appetite for that kind of hood law though.
Compare that newspaper’s bad faith interpretation of Ethan Liming’s death to one of the shit lib Patron Dindu saints Tamir Rice whom they love to bring up in comparison to this case.
“He was just a black child with a toy gun!”
If they’re guilty of assault, how are they not also guilty of Felony Murder? By definition they should be
Do you guys know about the jig that was caught on video paralyzing a man during a robbery and black jurors refused to convict?
The best show on TRS. I love everyone on the Death Panel and in the NJP, but Strike and Mike always deliver the big brained takes I crave.
Btw, what would be a good way for an expat in Europe to support the NJP?
Snail mail money order?
Hail Evropa!
Damn. Mike’s volume is super low again
It’s most pronounced on speakers. If you switch to headphones, the difference is not as pronounced
Striker is drinking high-pricrd energy drinks in solidarity with the decadent UAW workers.
That’s why he’s poor!
He even has internet and a smartphone, look!!!
mmmmmmbig house
I can hear them in the attic
video ok
Bang is temporary NJP is eternal
it’s toasted
Hail Striker
Hail JOJO!
All hail NJP!
the borzoi n sven program has ended
where mp3
WITCH BURNER, my favorite song to hear all week!
Live between 5:30-:545
see you at 7:03pm
Hell yeah best Tuesday in a long time!!
Then I HAVE to watch!