Spectre, Borzoi and Dharma King sit down first to discuss a topic we don’t normally address – the jews – and then we take a hard right turn into the fabulisms and fun of an academic lane African American European professor, leading us onto a path of discussion of psychosis, Whiteness, existence and meaning. I’m not gonna lie it gets weird and you’ll love it.
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
Producer: A Borzoi/Spectre Joint
National Justice Party - Get Vetted!
National Institute for Gamer Review/Kultur Terror
Dr Nigger seems to be located in Birmingham – whose city council just recently declared itself bankrupt. These things are related.
Serious question: Does anyone outside of Jew York even know who that jigger faggot is?
NGL, I miss Spectre’s Twitter dunks on journos and BIPOX.
This professor seems to be a malfunctioning golem, which makes him way more interesting than, say, Christopher Rufo. Both are attempting to “de-Palestinize” White people, but this guy undermines that goal by ceding that Whiteness is an immutable characteristic (“it’s not something you can educate out…you can’t change it”) and that integrating different races is impractical. In a weird way, these black golems are more productive than the usual conservative ones.
Spectrum, Bozo and Drama Queen back at it again
New Turd Fail lineup dropped
I laughed at the goat joke.
Upload your episode when shit on Cockerill’s cope stream!!
You know who dropped more truth bombs about the heebs and the ADL, with significantly less resources in a more hostile environment on that god-forsaken website? Dr. Andrew Joyce. God I miss this man so badly.
Ibram X. Kendi’s IQ is definitely more than 100. SAT takers are not, for obvious reasons, representative of the general population. With a 50 percentile SAT score, Kendi’s IQ is probably about 110, which probably puts him at the 95th percentile of Black intelligence.
Nope, I had it right. Emil Kierkegaard actually crunched the numbers and basically validated my back of the envelope math.
Kendi scored 1050 on the SAT which correlates to an IQ of approximately 102. He is at best in the top 30% of the nigger distribution
102 basically makes him a genius level nigger.
The problem I see with the assessment you linked to is that it seems to assume that SAT takers are representative of the general population. For obvious reasons, they are not a representative sample since low IQ individuals have little incentive to take the SAT. If I understand the blog post correctly, this is a fatal flaw in the author’s logic.
Emil Kierkegaard is one of the foremost researchers on intelligence and psychometry as well as more or less a race realist. The point you raise is addressed in the article. Read it again, more carefully this time.
The Black British professor isn’t wrong. Psychosis is a state of being out of touch with reality. Are the mass of propagandized White people in Britain actually in touch with the reality of what is happening to their race, why it’s happening, and who is doing it? When they’re perpetually gaslit by their national broadcaster about the character of their racial enemies and their own racial character, aren’t the mass of White people objectively detached from reality to a large extent?
A can be independent of B but not separated if it is in a privileged position in relation to it.
Look, niggers want to eat their cake and have it too. They really just want to have the cool civilizational things White people made, but they want to get rid of all White people and their culture.
Niggers want to have White civilization and be niggers too.
Niggers want to have your cake and eat it too.
Also jews want the same thing because jews are just niggers with lower time preference and slightly higher IQ.
Telling niggers to just shut the fuck up is the ultimate way to deal with them
Treating niggers as rabid animals anywhere they infest is the way to handle them.
To be a bugman momentarily, niggers should be treated exactly the same the Inquisition handles Chaos cults.
I know I’ve talked about this before but if DK is bringing back Rightwing Dharma squads, I would love for him to do a deep dive on the rise and fall of the “Free Tibet” movement which I think it would be timely because surprisingly even the most fanatical anti-China hawk never brings up Tibet or the Dalai Lama these days.
Honestly I don’t know that much about the movement but it definitely glows and yeah it’s a good topic
Spectre is correct to an extent that you can argue that some black intellectuals’ Anti White hate is fueled by them knowing the truth. As obnoxiously anti-White he is, James Baldwin wrote about how no matter how classically educated he was, a backwoods White redneck had more of a connection and a right to claim an inheritance to the works of Beethoven, Dante. Homer, and DaVinci then he ever would.
Fact check: true.
The Occidental Observer posted an article recently about Blacks and Begging and Mike on the last TDS mentioned how those black Marxists were wanting to have it both ways of wanting to immigrant to Europe while wanting their country to have “economic independence”. Fundamentally blacks want the benefits and comforts of White European civilization and technology while still having the privilege having the Air Jordan on Whitey’s neck. It’s not unlike with Jews wanting to have Israel while also wanting to control our own countries and leech off of them. Honestly unlike other races like the Chinese or Arabs, the… Read more »
Damn, you beat me to it I see
When it comes to niggers, what we have is the worst of both worlds. We’re expected to be responsible for them, but we aren’t able to even criticize them, much less rule them in any way. If we’re expected to be responsible for them, then we should be able to rule them with an iron rod for their own good (and especially ours). If we’re not allowed to rule them, then we should not be responsible for them in any way, financially or otherwise. Total separation. But jews and niggers think this status quo they’ve created is somehow going to… Read more »
It’s bad for blacks to live in White society under White norms and expectations of behavior. It’s great for blacks to live in White society placed on a pedestal and worshipped as an ebony calf. There’s nowhere in Africa they’re going to get a better deal than that.
I disagree with DK when he says Elon Musk put the Jews in a difficult position. The Jews put the Jews in a difficult position. Now they’re asking Elon for help in diverting attention from Jews as a group, and directing it toward “woke” organizations going too far. When you see rabbis calling for the banning of the ADL, then you can begin to see the narratives they’re trying to weave.
The Asian community must be delighted that Borzoi has been welcomed as an official in a successful White nationalist organization. It’s very heartfelt and opens the door for further participation by future generations of Chinese, Hmong, etc.
The only problem is that all asians hate each other