Strike and Mike talk about the NJP event, the right being DOA on the immigration issue, why we are "third worldists," Christopher Rufoism and the failure of internet slacktivism.
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by Mike P
Strike and Mike talk about the NJP event, the right being DOA on the immigration issue, why we are "third worldists," Christopher Rufoism and the failure of internet slacktivism.
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Very entertaining
Writing “Leo Frank did it” on the moon with Aryan space lasers is the 3rd step.
Elon Musk is basically Lex Luthor.
Striker is right on again about Reservoir Dogs. That was always my favorite Tarantino movie. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is probably my second, with Pulp Fiction being third.
I don’t understand the praise for OUATIH. I thought it was good but not great: loved seeing the shit kicked out of those hippies at the end and Quincy Toronto’s cinematography is always above average but I couldn’t identify anything the film had to say other than some nostalgia for the “good old days” of an industry Quantum Tarantula sees is now in decline. What he says will be his final film is scheduled to start production this Fall. I am very curious how he decides to conclude his career (although I have a feeling he’ll do like Miyazaki and… Read more »
Fire of an episode. Dupes can get fucked. I’ll lend my strength to the organization that kikes don’t allow on Twitter. When kikes offer supposed red meat to WN’s you better kick that shit out of their hand because you can bet the farm on the prescence of the poison pill. Nothing kikes offer is good enough for me. When kikes are in power Elon Msuk is a billionaire. When the NJP takes power, Elon Musk will be in prison.
Excellent take on Reservoir Dogs.
“Banning the ADL”
I certainly hope that includes putting them on trial for Crimes Against Whiteness.
If you listen to the dialogue at the very end, I’m pretty sure Mr Pink got shot/apprehended off screen. I watched the movie recently and enjoyed it a lot.
“the proper locus of rights is the group”
Beyond Human Rights: de Benoist, Alain: 9781907166204: Books
It’s a tragedy how the author of that book murder-suicided himself after a wrestling-related head injury.
I’m sure there is some inside meaning to that but I’m too tired to get it.
“Charles de Gaulle”
I am reading this book right now!
“Brown eyes, brown hair.”
All four of my grandparents had brown eyes and brown hair. Both my parents had brown eyes and brown hair. Even my brother had brown eyes and brown hair. But my sister had blonde hair and blue eyes and I have red hair (Gin-ger pow-er! Gin-ger Pow-er!) and kind of blueish-green eyes (with brown flecks). Soooo….European genetics as represented in one White family.
Yep, we both have brown hair and brown eyes and I just had a blonde hair blue-eyed baby boy.
“Thomas Chatterton Williams”
It’s his kids that have blue eyes…
I KNEW it! Striker is a Nazi-Maoist!
Welcome to the movement comrade!
The Disintegration Of The System : Franco Freda : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Shit, I thought it was funny.
The “Libs Owned” shit is just a cover for Republicans to ship slave wage labor all over America.
The relative of Trotsky is another David Axelrod:
Falling Far From The Family Tree – The Forward
Christopher Ruffo is just a butt hurt untermensch. He’s mad he had to settle for a mid Asian wife. He’s mad that white nationist movement would never accept him. So he’s just gonna do the bidding for Jews and the crumbs they feed him
Mike….. for once… just once
PLEASE just try waiting until someone is done speaking before saying something.
We actually want to hear what you guys are trying to say.
Fuck that! Don’t listen to him Mike! Roll over EVERBODY like a Tiger II tank!
Striker! QUIT SMOKING!!!
Wtf i love spam houston now
Admit it, you always did.
I think black Africa could do alot better than today under the right rule. Most of the them could easily become middle income countries under the right circumstances. Just look at Rwanda. A high IQ tutsi authoritarian, who keep the black people in check. Throw them in jail if they litter.
I live in a small town in Ohio; lately, I am seeing huge number of Haitian and Mexicans. These folks speak zero English, and usually have their grocery carts filled to the brim, I wonder how they’re paying for all that food ….Our government has truly failed us.
I’m in central Minnesota and it’s the same except central/south Amurrican squats, and mapooch that even the Mexicans can’t understand what the fuck they’re saying.
I don’t wonder at all where they’re getting the “grocery” money from. When the Covid tap was turned off on rural Whites that money was literally reappropriated to the invaders.
That $2k a month ebt the morbidly obese ruralite was getting? Yeah now the goblina with six shrieking offspring destroying my store are getting that while Daryl and Butch are using that $30 a month the county generously allots them for ramen and cornmeal.
I actually lost the plot as to why Rob Rundo is in jail. Is he still be hounded by that one punch all those years ago?
He’s being hounded because of his politics. The punch is a pretext.
I get called a third worldist constantly cuz i refuse to compromise at all on israel (there is no third position, free palestine)
I see far more libtards living a more trad white life as opposed to all of the conserrrrrvitives I see who are all racemixing and being trashy degenerates.
That was a prediction Rush Limbaugh got really wrong. And he was insistant during the Obama years that Obama was going to be one of those guys who never would leave the spotlight
Get vetted to go to the meetings at least. The people going really are the best of the best. The nicest smartest people you’ll ever meet. Not to mention the most fun you’ll ever have at an after party. Hearing Emily do the guitar solos from Bohemian Rhapsody in karaoke will be a memory I’ll always remember.