…Miseducated Guess or PseudoBeau of the Fifth of Whiskey or Bix Nood Clan or The Pict-Aninnies or Academic Negro Fatigue or Arachnological Evidence of Spiders or The Shores of Oooga Booga or We Wuz Nazis n Shit or…
Borzoi and Spectre DO NOT discuss country music (outside of two brief bits) but instead discover that the most dangerous thing is a nigga with a research paper.
The Omission of an Ancient African Irish Population from Contemporary Western Education
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
Producer: A Borzoi/Spectre Joint
National Justice Party - Get Vetted!
National Institute for Gamer Review/Kultur Terror
I forgot all about that Nick Cage movie I know I saw it but I remember nothing from it
This episode taught me of the loophole that is PEER reviewed research.
Great episode my wiggas
OK so explain Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy then bigots
For some reason I can’t skip ahead on the media player. I need to restart the podcast every time. Anyone else having this problem.
This Afro-centric crap is hilarious until they aim their pseudoscience bullshit at you. Then it just makes you mad. I don’t think it will convince anyone in Ireland and there are enough people in this country with a spine to tell them to go fuck themselves.
The Dravidian people are considered to be some of the first people to migrate out of Africa. These first migrants traveled around the coast of the Indian Ocean from west to east and their descendants became the darker people of southern Arabia, the Dravidians, the Black peoples of Indo-China, Australian Aborigines, the blacks of New Guinea and the Melanesians of the South Pacific. Later on the Dravidians were probably conquered by people from the Persian gulf region and later by the Aryans. Further east they were conquered by East Asians from the area which is now China. Every one who… Read more »
Oliver Cromwell ousted the niggers from Ireland?
Fuck it, Roundhead back on!
Holy shit, just how much bad scholarship are niggers allowed to get away with.
The Maiden Stone is in FUCKING SCOTLAND. This dumbass negress “scholar” can’t even keep straight which country whose history she’s trying to steal
She calls it the Jacobean Era because this paper was written with Wikipedia as the source
The Dindu Kush
Ok, Pict-aninnies killed me. Thanks, goys
That Oliver fellow has a really little nose which is at least one endearing quality or perhaps an even sinister part of the op
Honestly good content, but my favorite thing about Sunday night shows is I know when I wake up, and get most of my work day over with, I have a TDS on Monday.
Except when it’s a holiday. Fuck there isn’t a holiday tomorrow is there?
you know what’s retarded?
just when you think you have the profundity of nigger stupidity figured out, along comes this boon, with one extra iq point, who is somehow able to vastly exceed the erstwhile nadir.
the smarter they get the more complex their failure.
It’s not possible for a White man to plumb the depths of a nigger’s vanity, self-deception, and sheer stupidity, because even the most idiotic White will never ever ever be able to be THAT STUPID.
So niggers brought the technology and knowledge to build castles, towns, bridges and city parks in Ireland, but they forgot to build those things back at home? Unless… wait, no it can’t be.. the Old Sod is actually Wakanda!? Erin go bragh bros, I don’t feel so good.
They did but the evil White colonialist destroyed them all. Or slavery or something.
“This article sounds like it was written by an A.I. nigger” = LULZ to the Max 😂
The complete obsession of Sub-Saharan Africans is really something to behold.
The adoration of the most anti-social and vile hominids is getting on my nerves, justifying the most barbaric of all races while the most ethereal get the axe.
This has to stop.
The Greek orator you’re thinking of was Demosthenes. He also would speak with rocks in his mouth to help his stutter.
I wake at 4:35
To be on time at the mill
Cuz its those durned Chinese
And Russkies we must kill
It’s a damn shame
Spectre’s right, that lamp is right on the edge of being tacky and untasteful. It has a reasonable nice art deco maybe Roman appeal to it. But it’s more of an office desk or living room side table lamp. If it was on a night stand next to a bed, (esspecially if you had one on both sides). I think any Women would probably give you a little side eye.
🎼🎵caaaant fiiiind a chedder-maaaaaan🎶
What about Scott Baio Wolf?
He’s in charge of our nights.
He’s in charge of our wrongs and our rights.
I want Scott Baio Wolf in charge.
What % of nigger migrants in Europe could point on a map to the country theyre currently in??
None, negroes not being human lack the ability to build a mental map relating spaces and places.
James Watson got his doctorate/nobel prize revoked but this nignoid still has its madters degree
Specter don’t listen to Borzoi about content, everyone wants you to grab the Beaux by the horns and be your true self 😁
I’m not sure what’s worse saying that the original Irish are black, or that we share ancestry with imaginary black anglos.
I’ve been trying to find an authentic hula girl lamp, those damn things are fucking hard to find and expensive as hell when you do. My apartment decor is kinda nautical/beach/pirate themed, so a vintage hula girl lamp is the perfect addition, I’ll find one eventually.
I want to give that black woman a free car
I appreciate Borzoi wanting to spend a while on this “We Wuz Kangz” crap because one of the first TDS episodes I listened to was them doing the deep dive with Greg Johnson about disproving and making fun of “the Egyptians were black” meme. I discovered it because I was wanting to counter the constant “all blacks r Kangz n Queenz” bullshit I was hearing in college. What’s funny about Afrocentrism is that it shows how humility is an alien concept to blacks. The constant thread in “We Wuz Kangz” memes is always “we iz better then u whitey!” You’ll… Read more »
Instead of the Lieba Gaballah Erin it’s the Nigga Gaballah Egot
Dude, I thought you guys were being assholes with this rich men song but apparently it is indeed being adopted as an anti racist anthem. I was just told that the DC crowd wants to keep us separated and Anthony proves it. I am at a loss. I don’t hear that shit at all. Still, when I tell my homie Mexicans are attending universities they don’t belong in at the cost of Whites, I get crickets. I guess an Internet sensation isn’t going to solve race?
AK nation recently said that black people are determined and widespread liars (in his own way of course). This illustrates the issue.
Spectre talking about how historians being afraid to call out how stupid, primitive, and savage actual precolonial sub-Saharan African history is akin to WWII historians being afraid to touch the Holocaust is something I’ve noticed for a while even before I was redpilled. Case in point I noticed even liberal academics would acknowledge politically incorrect facts about Native Americans, Arabs, Chinese,etc but saying things like precolonial blacks practiced mass human sacrifice and casual cannibalism would be called “racist”. I’m reading Loot by Barnaby Phillips which is about the Benin bronzes and how Britain got them and while it’s a very… Read more »
Good stuff.
“We wuz leprekangz!”
Ok based
Hiberniggas, mcnigga
Nice, we wuz kangs is ever green gontent. If there is ever gontent to get stock alogging its that.
Spectre’s version of the Christmas Story leg lamp.
My exact thought.
There’s no such thing as a foundational black – foundations of civilizations require humans.
“Faux Beau”
I’m gonna have to ask the Fiarna to expel the Blue people directly into the sea
Modern problems require Ulster cycle Riastrad solutions.
How many jews were melted down to make that lamp?
between 69 and 420
All of them
Let’s see the lamp…
Let’s see Paul Allen’s lamp