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So did the Norks use axes to kill American soldiers to send a symbolic message? “If you try and fell Kim’s beloved tree, we’ll treat you like a tree and cut you down!”
I hope so.
For the 25 years after the Korean War ended (especially during the Vietnam War), it was common for US soldiers to get KIA on the DMZ occasionally. They captured one of our Navy spy ships in 1968 and shot down a 31-crew Air Force spy plane in 1969.
The whole concept of “small town justice” is based on racial homogeneity. It’s effectively White self-policing of group behavior. It only works WITHIN the White community. If you don’t have that White supermajority community, then it doesn’t apply.
Because if you try to impose White cultural norms and standards on any nonwhite member of your quaint little backwater town…you’re gonna be in for big city trouble.
Mikes correct. All of the productive parts of Ukraine (minus Odesa – which will eventually be Russian) are now under Russian control.
But their most important resource is almost gone: people, especially young men,
Here is your snapple fact for the day.
The name Kentucky bluegrass derives from its flower heads, which are blue when the plant is allowed to grow to its natural height of 60 to 90 cm (2 to 3 feet).
It’s nice to hear someone hates country music as much as I do. I’ve been saying this for years, country music is the White version of nigger rap! Thank God Sven brought this correct opinion into the mainstream.
Sven: I know Mikes not listening when he’s not interrupting me
“Try that in a small town”
What about that nigger Singletary who shot little Kinsley and her father?! HE tried it. And was there any ruralfag backwoods justice served up? NO. Whatever happened there Mr. and Mrs. Smalltown? The NJP had to come out and make it an issue for you. Plenty of those guys were probably “city slickers.”
How much did this Aldeen faggot donate to the family?! I sent $300 and I don’t have Aldeen money.
Fuck all this small town/big city bullshit.
They hate us because we’re WHITE…not because of our zip codes.
Try derailing a train in a small town
How was the show title not: “Jason Malding”?
Broke: potemkin village
Woke: Contemptkin village
They control these forums through ads.
Korean axe wound 😭😭😭😭
Smallville ruralfag larpers BTFO’d.
Your gun will do NOTHING.
Your Bible will do NOTHING.
Your muhbigtruck will do NOTHING.
I’ve lived in multiple small southern towns my whole life and most of the people in them worship niggers. 99% of muhbigtrucks never go off-road and are driven by some faggot who buys a subwoofer and plays loud rap music with the windows down.
I’d die laughing if Kim Jon did a communiqué to the international press saying: “Hey America, we have one of your beloved niggers here. What are you willing to give us for him?” 🤣🤣
They literally would do that, too. Remember this little banger? The White House has rallied in condemnation of a North Korean publication that took its racist views of President Obama to the 10th degree, calling him — once translated into English — a “clown,” a “dirty fellow” and someone who ought to go live with the monkeys.The printed piece, as reported by The Washington Post: Mr. Obama is somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being. … It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African… Read more »
Reminded me of something:
Try not getting grifted by beaner cops in a small town
Substack is the modern day blogging platform.
True. That’s why Striker is banned from it.
Theres no way they could allow someone like Striker (too many facts, zero trigger words) on that platform.
I appreciate my Bang post getting into show notes
We all do, Warren.
I wouldn’t have a problem with Muslims. As long as they were White.
Johann von Leers – Wikipedia
Not based at all but this guy is European
Dolby Atmos sounds like your classic kike move by raising the barrier to entry.
Jason Aldean – Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) – YouTube
This is the comment I left:
“Boy is this song a cope. All the crap that goes on in big cities is also going in small towns. Especially the mass influx of illegal aliens with their human trafficking and drug dealing. And if the locals tried to do anything about it the feds (whether FBI/BATF or the military) would roll into town and start arresting people and filing lawsuits. You all need to wake up!”
I won’t be surprised if they delete it.
“It’s going to become nigger nigger music.”
Trace Adkins – Honky Tonk Badonkadonk – YouTube
Already has.
How many Donks would a honky tonk badonk if a honky tonk could badonkadonks?
“we should just execute people who watch western movies.”
That’s retarded…
It’s just a joke, dude.
Show starts at hour two. Freefags, BTFO!
“North Korea won that war.”
The Secrets Of China’s Cold War Strategy | Mao’s Cold War | Timeline – YouTube
North Korea confirmed ecofash gang
I like how the hispanic/latino debate has ended in calling all of them mexicans
Why should I have to differentiate which flavor of spic is which. They’re all Mexicans to me.
“CMT are the real racists”
Critical MAGA Theorists?
0% javaris comes out of his house to defend this cuck.
Waiting on Sven to release “Try That with a Small Hat”
Svens right. Theres no way Mikes comments could be interpreted as mean. Its truths that must be heard and understood from whites throughout america.
Once america reaches a 700-800m population, there won’t be a square inch within america to get away from any of this.
America will break up into pieces or an NJP-led white revolution will likely take place long before the population reaches such an astronomical level.
As everybody on TRS has been talking about it for years the USA is already too fractured, too divided, too chaotic, too low-trust as a society that the current trend (mainly mass non-white immigration) cannot go on forever.
I really want to travel and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is one of those places of choice. I am scared of being detained in similar countries, but I think once they understand the value blacks are to american ethics us Whites will probably be safer.
Actually, CMT IS like Biden. They’re both owned by Jews.
Kim is a huge fan of Clint Eastwood which is why they won’t execute you for watching Western movies.
It will be interesting to see how quickly america gets this military groid back vs Otto Warmbier (“an American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 on a charge of subversion.”)
Was Warmbier a jew? I remember hearing that but idk for sure.
He was a confirmed matrilineal Jew who went on a Birthright trip to Israel and was active in university Jewish groups. He was made good in a camp like his people deserve. With any luck, the nigger will meet a similar fate.
Red-state or rural Whites a-logging urban or blue-state Whites is like the cow at the end of the line at the slaughterhouse a-logging the cow at the front.
The “thats what you get for living in the city” fags will act all shocked when the troubles find them and the people they mocked are either extinct or simply not inclined to ally with miserable, untrustworthy traitors.
Rename the American military to the National Army so that the Army Corps of Marine Soldiers is canon
Columbia, TN is a nigger hell hole. Saturn plant moved there in the 90s. Detroit blacks were shipped there. Saturn took a shit and the white families went back home. The niggers stayed.
what’s this studio cowboy think about the mcmichaels? can we find his twitter??
aw shucks inb4’d again
Phil Collins is based, I refuse to believe he wasn’t being sarcastic.
Philadelphia Collins is more BASED
“Operation Paul Bunyan” lol
NJP should send North Korea a poplar sapling for their friendship museum.
Juche Uber Alles!
Something that Striker said once.
Same for Iran for the White Jamahiriya bloc founding
A few of my Jackson Flying V’s are made of poplar.
I can’t picture you playing poplar music
it’s honestly impressive this nig dipped the jags and hopped a tour bus
right up to the part where he ran into north korea though lol
i cant wait to see what stupid shit zog trades for him awww inb4 im posting it anyway
imagine the norks got the us to withdraw the nuclear submarine we just parked in busan sk that’d be such a huge flex
The Norks probably closely watched how desperate ZOG was to get that tranny gorilla back from the Russians.
I want the norks to trade him to Putin for something so the US gets to be humiliated by Russia again
An Irish Actor Playing Oppenheimer Proves Once Again That Jews Don’t Count | Opinion (msn.com)
I still argue that Oppenheimer should have been played by either Idris Elba or Jonathan Majors
anne frank starring lizzo
Or the bud light tranny
starring Sharon Needles
im finna hide yo
Get this shoah in before sundown to ruin the sabbath
Please tell me we’re covering the country song about crime, PLEASE
Dead 33 years. Still racist.
Roald Dahl condemned for “undeniable racism” by his museum (msn.com)
James Henry Hitler and the Giant Reich
A childhood classic
if you dont like what we tell ya to believe in, well kill ya