GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
by Seventh Son
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
Honestly it’s pretty disingenuous to call svens stupid, tone deaf comment a joke. It’s not a joke when he doubled and tripled down and cried when people held his feet to the fire on it and was basically strong armed into giving a half ass apology. A good portion of njPool Party members I talked to were disillusioned with him after his little nigger tier freak out
go way
OK Sven!
One of the first TDS episodes I heard had you guys telling all the other shows to ‘up your quality or gtfo’ or something to that effect. Pretty funny I think it might have been specifically about audio quality
I know you’ve retired Borzoi, but with all this disney alogging, it’s time for another Poz Button. Just low effort post for about 10 minutes then just leave for about an 20 minutes and “with that im going to hit the poz button.” Then end it an hour later so people thinks its a full show and the alogging comments will flow in.
Fellow addict
“Eagles are pretty cool…”
Bald eagles are like buzzards.
“Civil war”
The Jewish Confederates (NS): Rosen, Robert N.: 9781570033636: Books
Like you said on Just Jesse last december after Woes, bless his heart, let some troon on Millenniyule
“You can’t do big tent nationalism if the tentpole is a feminine penis.”
“bless his heart”
Translation from the original Southern: what a dumbass.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Collin, he was the person who really got me thinking racially, but that shit had my eyes glazed over
“You remember how BANG was…”
Yeah, even more gay!
I’m curious how many people here have gotten the covid vaccination?
Edit: Ashamed to admit it???
I got 4 and I’m getting it again in the fall with my flu shot.
Oh you did NOT!
I’ve admitted it on here before. I got it. I’m in commiefornia and have a wife and three kids to feed. Genuinely thought my job was a stake. A few coworkers held out and wound up being vindicated but I don’t think I could have handled that level of stress over the few months it was unknown.
No real regrets. No adverse reaction, and it wasn’t a hill I cared to die on.
I’ve admitted that I got two jabs of Pfizer. Perfectly healthy here and proud to help contribute to Svens dividend income.
Didn’t expect Markov chains, tbh. Got a professional exam this Fall, and MCs are on the syllabus
“B, C, D-tier show”
Which level was Hate House?
Tier HH 😉
I lol’d at the cropped boomer show title image
Best show, we love it
we demand borzoi be a permanent guest each week, on a new progrum called John N Jesse
or johns n jesse, with that insufferable S at the end, furthering the meme of contempt for the audience
No, we must RETVRN to JVST JESSE.
I think you mean Chang N Dunstan
johns n jesse
great episode!
OK I’ve wanted to say this before but I keep forgetting: that guy at the beginning talking about no record of 6 millions jews dying sounds like Ronald Reagan.
I thought it was?
I don’t think Ol’ Ronny would say something like that.
It’s Reagan, but I don’t think he’s actually talking about the Holocaust, it’s out of context somehow. I don’t remember the story behind it
He’s probably defending Comrade Stalin from accusations of mass murder. And well he should! Hail Stalin!
USSR anthem (Stalin version) lyrics and translation – YouTube
Part of what is going on is that the people who leave make more noise than people who simply just stay and gonsoom gondent. Shit I probably consumed for 5 years before I commented.
I barely went on BANG because I couldn’t stand it on there. Now it’s a lot better. I only go on once in a while though so I can’t speak with much authority.
BANG can be a rough place. You post something funny in good faith, and you have 5 faggots come on to “WELL AKSHULLY” you about how wrong and dumb you are. It’s mostly good these days but I know what you mean. I butted heads with a bunch of people over the years but they all either left or got banned so I feel vindicated for not liking them.
“BANG can be a rough place.”
Where would be the challenge in that?
Well, don’t be wrong and dumb.
Almost 1.5hrs? We eatin good tonight, boys
Jesse is back on the menu boys.
I noticed years ago doomcockgobblera “sources” are fake, he makes them up.
Once you understand the concept of finkelthink, almost everything about America makes sense. Whether it’s Disney Alogs, cuckservatives/libtards, etc. everything is a finked tard fight.
God, Borzoi talking about women not being strong, not being heroic gave me flashbacks to reading God Emperor of Dune, the 4th book in the series. Frank Herbert became a super faggy libtard and has an army of women in it and preaches at you about how superior women are. It is the worst book I have ever suffered through. Books 1-3 are great though.
“Books 1-3 are great though.”
The first one was great. The other two were just average.
Conservatism has no natural appeal. It only exists because there is no free market of political ideas. It’s a planned economy for politics too.
Cool I got noticed. I’m gonna have to push back on you pushing back on me though, i agree with you 110% but let me push back a little.
I miss the Poz Button because it introduced me to a lot of movies I wouldn’t have otherwise heard of like Network and Heaven’s Gate. You’ll never see movies like that recommended on a streaming site if it’s even available. Also your Brave Little Toaster review is hilarious. Highly recommend that one to anyone who hasn’t listened.
where can I find the brave little toaster review?
B(orzoi) tier shows were always my favorites. Glad to hear it could come back!
Wait what happened to the godcast?
Nobody cares.
Read Myles Poland’s response to Thomas Dalton’s article and it will all make sense.
Fuck Myles Poland just read Dalton:
Jesus the Jew – The Occidental Observer
The only US symbol that absolutely must be destroyed is the US flag. Nothing else in Americana better represents this system, nor is as strongly despised by the world. No one on Earth burns the great seal of the US in protest. They hate the stars and stripes. So do I.
The Maple Leaf flag also needs to be burned
The Red Ensign is the true Canadian flag
Yep. The maple leaf flag is an ugly abomination.
I drifted away from TRS because I didn’t like that you tolerated gays at one point in time.
That’s just an outright defamatory lie. Nobody here ever liked fags.
We used to give Greg Johnson a pass. Didn’t work out, wouldn’t recommend.
nigga is this true
You guys should check out Louis Rossmann. He equally alogs companies on anti-consumerist practices and always, on cue, misses the point by thinking people can vote on this with their wallet, and that better products will replace F.E. amazon because “the market knows”. His heart I think is in the right place, but his inherent unwillingness to even consider the fact that this is the desired outcome, makes all his video’s utterly pointless. Which is both sad and entertaining. Doesn’t help he’s extremely smug about it.
I dont think they actually want to follow Youtubers more than already addressed this phenomenon. Honestly I’m surprised someone here would be following someone named (((Rossman)))…
I could’ve sworn Rossmann was Jewish too, especially how he looks, but somehow he is apparently not.
Its more in the sense that its interesting to witness, just like the disney aloggers, how people so perfectly miss the mark without fault. Its the true representation of mkultra. They are just hardwired to not understand or even conceive the fact some could have the destruction of the content or company as its endgoal. And if youre going to echoquote him btw, better have evidence. I cant find it. Hes just an honest to god bootstrap enjoyer that, to his credit, actually did just that as far as we know. But as mikes joke on the previous TRS, the… Read more »
I’ve been here since 2015
Borzoi, have you read “No Man Knows my History”?
It’s one of my favorite books, despite the few errors. Some of the children she claimed Smith fathered through polygamous marriages were proven as not actually his through DNA testing. This was decades after she wrote the book. I want to read Rough Stone Rolling too. It apparently portrays Smith more sympathetically than in Brodie’s biography.
American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857: Denton, Sally: 9780375726361: Books
A Gathering of Saints: Lindsey, Robert: 9781501153112: Books
You mean that book about the King of the Utards?
Damn now I got to change my name after Sven pronounced it as Virgingetorix.
I view the rings of power as scriptures such as the New Testament, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc, and the one ring to rule them all is the Torah. Ultimately, you can’t make the Hebrew Bible serve you because it only serves the Jews. And so the Gentiles were all deceived and the Jews control the one Book to rule them all.
Against the Galilaeans: Roman Paganism’s Champion – Ostara Publications
I think the real question here is was the new indiana jones good?
It was more entertaining watching the seethe from the Disney Alogs
Why would jewish revenge flicks be worth watching?
Cool explosions and chase scenes, suspense, drama.
I watched the Half In the Bag on it. It probably would be entertaining to watch, especially with the twist at the end, but I’m not gonna rush to the theaters. It’s something I’ll maybe watch in 5-10 years.
Rand was right that Godwinson is the British version of Wyatt.
North Carolina lieutenant governor tells Moms for Liberty “it’s time” to start reading Hitler quotes (
Best Carolina
The Punisher de-construction makes the Indiana Jones fiasco look like the most autistically nerdily faithful fan-fic
The point Borzoi makes about people being unable to think past “Corporations only want money” is so true. Any time I get into conversations with people about corporations pushing this stuff, they only can think that corporations are doing it because they think it will make money. They are stuck thinking these groups end goal is only greed and completely disregard that they might have any goals beyond that.
Well they are indeed greedy it’s just social and cultural returns are worth a lot more to them
As if these corporations aren’t making tons of money off the tidal wave of brown consumers coming into this country over the last 50 years.
LEZbros not like this
“I want Windows XP back”…..great reference.
Now I want a milieu and a sphere
You’re in it bro
The kvetching from the anti-wokes about communism is the 2010s style 80s nostalgia we never asked for.
hard endorse
Edit: I have one request. When Mike becomes Fuhrer if I could PLEASE be put in charge of our gulag system.
Fuuuuuuck Yeaaaàaah
Sven, just want to say that Prussian blue is probably my favorite song of all time.
Also, first.
Zero Days for me.
I’m more of “The Asians were the hardest part” enjoyer.
Im a giant fan of that song too.
H-1begone and The Glory are my favorites right now.
Zero Days will always be #1 for me, H1Begone and N Towers are right behind it though.
Tied with Zero Days
I just bought it today.