Is there confirmation she’s jewish? She just struck me as weird looking and bug eyed
June 21, 2023 11:05 am
No Evidence??? #1 They tried to say that the Germans exterminated Jews in Germany and Western Europe but they admitted that they made it up. #2 They tried to say that the Germans were responsible for Soviet executions in Poland but admitted that they made it up. Now they are down to Auschwitz, Operation Rhineland and Einsatzgruppen. No evidence of a conspiracy to fabricate German atrocities??? The Allies were already planning how many National Socialists they should purge in 1943! The show trials were decided on to add a legitimizing veneer to the war.
June 20, 2023 6:25 pm
I’ll get some hate for this but, this faggot argues like a theist. Same mindset, same misunderstanding of evidence/burden of proof. Same fucking bullshit as religious apologists spew.
June 20, 2023 12:05 pm
auszurotten (the word used in Himmler’s note to mean “exterminate” as partisans) is also used in ways that doesn’t mean literal killing. It could have meant complete removal as in transferring out of the country. That is, if this note is legitimate.
June 20, 2023 7:27 am
The film reel of US soldiers marching civilians to Buchenwald is proof of the desire to frame the nazis for war crimes. I’d like to see a ‘serious guy’ argue that the shrunken heads were real.
June 20, 2023 7:19 am
Little kids aren’t soldiers? Did anyone watch “American Sniper”?
June 20, 2023 6:10 am
That was brutal.
HamasHang-gliderEnthusiast 🇵🇸
June 20, 2023 3:35 am
Is there any way to play this like i normally play a show? I have it as a live stream only so i am
unable to pause and return to where i was?
June 20, 2023 12:01 am
I don’t really care about shootings, people get shot in contested territory all the time. The Einsatzgruppen was not a systematic extermination camp. I want to know what he says is the physical evidence for the mass gassings of millions of people, which the chemistry testing of the alleged gas chambers suggests is impossible, considering that the cyanide compound concentrations in the walls are lower than background levels from other samples in the camp. As for the Alibi, I’d like to see a citation for the source that shows that there were 6 million Jews that were suppose to have… Read more »
June 19, 2023 8:37 pm
Actually surprised this even happened.
June 19, 2023 3:36 pm
Ryan Faulk did a great video on Where did the Jews go (same title) where he proves there weren’t even enough Jews in the German controlled territories at the right times to make the Legally mandated numbers.
Download is OK; my mistake.
Thanks again; you are courageous.
Ned Bébert
June 19, 2023 9:07 am
Mike, God Bless you Man, you’re a true Hero, This was hard to take due to Cockerall being a mong, but excellent work
Tiocfaidh Ar La
June 19, 2023 8:28 am
Mike’s opening argument was perfect. Hail \o
June 19, 2023 8:17 am
Cockerill please stop
Last edited 1 year ago by Adolfin
June 19, 2023 7:02 am
I am 75; have known for 25 years that the holocaust is fake after scrutinizing the aerial reconnaissance photographs of the camps published online in 1998 by Dalton. The joy I felt when I realized it never happened remains with me to this day.
Good job Mike.
June 19, 2023 6:28 am
Please fix download.
June 19, 2023 3:53 am
This is hard to listen to. I can’t imagine what it was like for Mike. I think my blood pressure is up about 10-15 points and I got an hour left to listen to.
June 19, 2023 3:32 am
Why is Matthew talking about evidence? Wasn’t it his job to PROVE the holocaust?
Punished White Home Owner
June 19, 2023 12:24 am
Poor Evalion. WLP’s warning about attracting broken people is really ringing true right now. Cocktail is somehow more pathetic with the simping for sloppy seconds. Though part of me thinks it’s a long troll and ill not shut that out just yet.
June 19, 2023 12:00 am
Nice work, Borzoi. Now I know why you’re CEO and CTO of TRS.
June 18, 2023 10:53 pm
Good shit Mike. Helluva job as always.
June 18, 2023 8:46 pm
Well that was a tiresome slog to get through. To even have a debate about the specifics of a controversial event that may or may not have happened 3/4 of a century ago, and is still being lauded as the worst crime ever, is beyond pathetic. Like the rest of the world gives a fuck about what happened to a bunch of meddling jews potentially getting their just dues, while at the same time having “liberal democracy” shoved down their throats, doing to them what was being done to the Germans during the Weimar period. How many war crimes, atrocities… Read more »
June 18, 2023 8:34 pm
Amazing debate! Thank you for sharing Mike! It was amazing for a few reasons and let me explain. 1) it played out exactly as anyone would expect. Matthew was himself completely spergy in an annoying ACKSHUALLY kind of way while not ever actually addressing ZEE GAS CHAMBERS. Everyone knows the basis of the holocaust myth is the gas chambers so his attempt to assert that that’s not his perception of the holocaust is dishonest in itself. Furthermore, he continually used ad hominem attacks and refers back to debate parameters and your rhetoric style, etc in a way to deflect from… Read more »
Last edited 1 year ago by thefacilitator
Punished White Home Owner
June 18, 2023 8:22 pm
Never seen this cocktail guy before but 30 seconds in and it’s obvious he’s clout chasing.
Eva Brawndo
June 18, 2023 7:37 pm
That dude’s expressions and ham hands were distracting af
Lawrence Jelq
June 18, 2023 6:58 pm
The state of holocaust affirmation is “we have proof that 1.2 million people were transported on trains; prove they weren’t also killed”.
People with a more comprehensive awareness of the progress of the holocaust affirmation narrative ought to make a “diff” that visually demonstrates how much has been changed.
Woof. You’re a good sport for entertaining this guy, Mike. This wasn’t a debate in the sense that you two would present information and then parry and you’d both arrive somewhere. I’ve never heard of this guy before, but he is a BAD FAITH actor.
June 18, 2023 4:32 pm
In a just world Matthew would be stuffed into a locker and left there indefinitely or until the screaming and kicking stopped.
That doesn’t surprise me a bit!
But what was “Argon’s” excuse?
BTW Happy Father’s Day!
June 18, 2023 3:59 pm
Twice she implied her and her husband fucked during the debate. This post-debate was worse for Matthew than the debate.
June 18, 2023 3:52 pm
In a world where the Holocaust happened… This is a Nationalist emergency. Electric Floor is Charged ! FROM LENI RIEFENSTAHL >Fade in on Adolf Eichmann in black and white so you know it’s dramatic We’re in a race against the Israelis and I know what it means if the Israelis have a bomb >cut to Eichmann’s office, Matt Damon as Heinrich Himmler. The British have a 32 year head start on concentration camps. 35. >Cut to panning shot over Polish swamp land. We’ve got one hope. All of Deutschlands industrial might and exterminating/expelling Innovation collected here. A secret death camp.… Read more »
There’s some typos and I should of included Mengele in there but what you gonna do
Comrade Dyatlov
June 18, 2023 3:45 pm
Is that Evalion? Holy fuck time has not been good to her… from reading Goebbels speeches on youtube to choker necklace cokeslut. Oh well not surprised since a she got railed out by a ton of fashy bros years ago. Her vagina was the Nuremberg Rally Grounds 2.0.
Let’s be honest , if a high-school girl is putting out political video content where she’s all gung-ho about what’s generally considered the most extreme positions one can have (as she did back in the alt-right days) … you’re dealing with a wild card, she could be trolling this guy on a level that a man couldn’t even conceive of, I’d be freakin amazed and humbled by it hahahah.. Or, more likely. she’s just kind of a lunatic. I’m not clued in to what she’s been doing the past 5 or 6 years.
Last edited 1 year ago by white-presenting sicilian
Fatidicus (Sauna Commando)
June 18, 2023 3:10 pm
Wow she is blown out. I vaguely remember when she switched from nazi to commie years ago. Lucky for us.
June 18, 2023 2:49 pm
This chick comes across like someone larping as a pillhead. The mannerisms are too exaggerated for this to be real. I bet she’s just trolling that cuck to make him look like a retard on his own livestream.
Not making any judgments on that chick she can drink as much as she wants to and do whatever stuff she wants to with her husband during a debate, but oh my gosh why are you talking about that in the post-debate analysis? It’s just not professional AT ALL
The Ghoulish_Knight
June 18, 2023 1:55 pm
Posting that stuff in the middle of the international race war and likely losing our existence, good luck man…
June 18, 2023 1:35 pm
“Why did you post that”
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
June 18, 2023 1:01 pm
Moike knocked it out of the death camp. My favorite debate so far.
June 18, 2023 12:02 pm
Lol the girl who used to end her videos with “stay sane” actually went off the deep end.
white-presenting sicilian
June 18, 2023 11:50 am
That’s Evalion??? The girl who not-so-long-ago was doing the teenage right wing edge lord bit? This is surreal man… we have this guy who I’m guessing is in his 40s, absolute fucking pussy in every sense of the word, and he’s on Skype with Evalion!! of all people to help him lick his wounds, meanwhile she’s not just drunk she’s on bona fide narcotics and/or heavy psych meds.. And all they can say is basically “well gee, Mike actually talks like a man with a pair of balls, I’m so overwhelmed and impressed!”… she’s talking about how she “had a… Read more »
Is there confirmation she’s jewish? She just struck me as weird looking and bug eyed
No Evidence??? #1 They tried to say that the Germans exterminated Jews in Germany and Western Europe but they admitted that they made it up. #2 They tried to say that the Germans were responsible for Soviet executions in Poland but admitted that they made it up. Now they are down to Auschwitz, Operation Rhineland and Einsatzgruppen. No evidence of a conspiracy to fabricate German atrocities??? The Allies were already planning how many National Socialists they should purge in 1943! The show trials were decided on to add a legitimizing veneer to the war.
I’ll get some hate for this but, this faggot argues like a theist. Same mindset, same misunderstanding of evidence/burden of proof. Same fucking bullshit as religious apologists spew.
auszurotten (the word used in Himmler’s note to mean “exterminate” as partisans) is also used in ways that doesn’t mean literal killing. It could have meant complete removal as in transferring out of the country. That is, if this note is legitimate.
The film reel of US soldiers marching civilians to Buchenwald is proof of the desire to frame the nazis for war crimes. I’d like to see a ‘serious guy’ argue that the shrunken heads were real.
Little kids aren’t soldiers? Did anyone watch “American Sniper”?
That was brutal.
Is there any way to play this like i normally play a show? I have it as a live stream only so i am
unable to pause and return to where i was?
I don’t really care about shootings, people get shot in contested territory all the time. The Einsatzgruppen was not a systematic extermination camp. I want to know what he says is the physical evidence for the mass gassings of millions of people, which the chemistry testing of the alleged gas chambers suggests is impossible, considering that the cyanide compound concentrations in the walls are lower than background levels from other samples in the camp. As for the Alibi, I’d like to see a citation for the source that shows that there were 6 million Jews that were suppose to have… Read more »
Actually surprised this even happened.
Ryan Faulk did a great video on Where did the Jews go (same title) where he proves there weren’t even enough Jews in the German controlled territories at the right times to make the Legally mandated numbers.
Could you link to the video?
Download is OK; my mistake.
Thanks again; you are courageous.
Mike, God Bless you Man, you’re a true Hero, This was hard to take due to Cockerall being a mong, but excellent work
Mike’s opening argument was perfect. Hail \o
Cockerill please stop
I am 75; have known for 25 years that the holocaust is fake after scrutinizing the aerial reconnaissance photographs of the camps published online in 1998 by Dalton. The joy I felt when I realized it never happened remains with me to this day.
Good job Mike.
Please fix download.
This is hard to listen to. I can’t imagine what it was like for Mike. I think my blood pressure is up about 10-15 points and I got an hour left to listen to.
Why is Matthew talking about evidence? Wasn’t it his job to PROVE the holocaust?
Poor Evalion. WLP’s warning about attracting broken people is really ringing true right now. Cocktail is somehow more pathetic with the simping for sloppy seconds. Though part of me thinks it’s a long troll and ill not shut that out just yet.
Nice work, Borzoi. Now I know why you’re CEO and CTO of TRS.
Good shit Mike. Helluva job as always.
Well that was a tiresome slog to get through. To even have a debate about the specifics of a controversial event that may or may not have happened 3/4 of a century ago, and is still being lauded as the worst crime ever, is beyond pathetic. Like the rest of the world gives a fuck about what happened to a bunch of meddling jews potentially getting their just dues, while at the same time having “liberal democracy” shoved down their throats, doing to them what was being done to the Germans during the Weimar period. How many war crimes, atrocities… Read more »
Amazing debate! Thank you for sharing Mike! It was amazing for a few reasons and let me explain. 1) it played out exactly as anyone would expect. Matthew was himself completely spergy in an annoying ACKSHUALLY kind of way while not ever actually addressing ZEE GAS CHAMBERS. Everyone knows the basis of the holocaust myth is the gas chambers so his attempt to assert that that’s not his perception of the holocaust is dishonest in itself. Furthermore, he continually used ad hominem attacks and refers back to debate parameters and your rhetoric style, etc in a way to deflect from… Read more »
Never seen this cocktail guy before but 30 seconds in and it’s obvious he’s clout chasing.
That dude’s expressions and ham hands were distracting af
The state of holocaust affirmation is “we have proof that 1.2 million people were transported on trains; prove they weren’t also killed”.
People with a more comprehensive awareness of the progress of the holocaust affirmation narrative ought to make a “diff” that visually demonstrates how much has been changed.
God, what a weenie.
Here is the Dalton debate with Cockerill:
Woof. You’re a good sport for entertaining this guy, Mike. This wasn’t a debate in the sense that you two would present information and then parry and you’d both arrive somewhere. I’ve never heard of this guy before, but he is a BAD FAITH actor.
In a just world Matthew would be stuffed into a locker and left there indefinitely or until the screaming and kicking stopped.
In mine craft or whatever.
In minecraft, death by swirly or atomic wedgie.
Like Argon and Based Massa?
Based Massa is a not so good troll attempt
That doesn’t surprise me a bit!
But what was “Argon’s” excuse?
BTW Happy Father’s Day!
Twice she implied her and her husband fucked during the debate. This post-debate was worse for Matthew than the debate.
In a world where the Holocaust happened… This is a Nationalist emergency. Electric Floor is Charged ! FROM LENI RIEFENSTAHL >Fade in on Adolf Eichmann in black and white so you know it’s dramatic We’re in a race against the Israelis and I know what it means if the Israelis have a bomb >cut to Eichmann’s office, Matt Damon as Heinrich Himmler. The British have a 32 year head start on concentration camps. 35. >Cut to panning shot over Polish swamp land. We’ve got one hope. All of Deutschlands industrial might and exterminating/expelling Innovation collected here. A secret death camp.… Read more »
There’s some typos and I should of included Mengele in there but what you gonna do
Is that Evalion? Holy fuck time has not been good to her… from reading Goebbels speeches on youtube to choker necklace cokeslut. Oh well not surprised since a she got railed out by a ton of fashy bros years ago. Her vagina was the Nuremberg Rally Grounds 2.0.
Let’s be honest , if a high-school girl is putting out political video content where she’s all gung-ho about what’s generally considered the most extreme positions one can have (as she did back in the alt-right days) … you’re dealing with a wild card, she could be trolling this guy on a level that a man couldn’t even conceive of, I’d be freakin amazed and humbled by it hahahah.. Or, more likely. she’s just kind of a lunatic. I’m not clued in to what she’s been doing the past 5 or 6 years.
Wow she is blown out. I vaguely remember when she switched from nazi to commie years ago. Lucky for us.
This chick comes across like someone larping as a pillhead. The mannerisms are too exaggerated for this to be real. I bet she’s just trolling that cuck to make him look like a retard on his own livestream.
I choose to believe
Not making any judgments on that chick she can drink as much as she wants to and do whatever stuff she wants to with her husband during a debate, but oh my gosh why are you talking about that in the post-debate analysis? It’s just not professional AT ALL
Posting that stuff in the middle of the international race war and likely losing our existence, good luck man…
“Why did you post that”
Moike knocked it out of the death camp. My favorite debate so far.
Lol the girl who used to end her videos with “stay sane” actually went off the deep end.
That’s Evalion??? The girl who not-so-long-ago was doing the teenage right wing edge lord bit? This is surreal man… we have this guy who I’m guessing is in his 40s, absolute fucking pussy in every sense of the word, and he’s on Skype with Evalion!! of all people to help him lick his wounds, meanwhile she’s not just drunk she’s on bona fide narcotics and/or heavy psych meds.. And all they can say is basically “well gee, Mike actually talks like a man with a pair of balls, I’m so overwhelmed and impressed!”… she’s talking about how she “had a… Read more »
Makes perfect sense. Its the perfect grift.