The purpose of opposing the Holocaust narrative is to oppose Jewish power.
June 18, 2023 11:33 am
Jesus Christ. When the girl started talking I had to turn it off.
June 18, 2023 11:31 am
I only listened to the debate near the end. Cockerill came off as effeminate, snide, and dishonest. The only real incriminating things he brought up were the Grand Mufti’s alleged anecdote from his meeting with Himmler. I’d like to see the actual document and the context that it was said in. I only liked the closing statements at the end. I will say that if you’re in the affirmer side, you will agree with Cockerill. If you’re in the denier side, you will side with Mike. I lean towards the denier side. I admit that I am not as knowledgeable… Read more »
This was a bit on TDS in the early days. They would talk about what that kind of film would look like, and Sven did a parody series of Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives where he’d review death camps as portrayed in “eyewitness” accounts.
If I had the free time, I would create a troll social media personality ANTIFA who rails against Nazis and just say a bunch of stupid shit: -affirming every wild tale of the Holocaust (for obvious reasons) -claiming that Nazis are afraid to debate on social media because they know they would lose (obviously not true, any right wing perspective, save for mainstream normie cucks, is banned) -constantly rail against the “anti-semitic white-owned media” (laughably untrue) The last point is pertinent because the “anti-semitic” accusation draws attention to the jewish aspect to the forefront. An effective troll account could be… Read more »
June 18, 2023 11:28 am
Cockerill is the embodiment of the atrophy in American academic, popular and elite figures and the increasingly mongrelized pool they must draw from.
Whether it’s Destiny and his gyrating Grendel jaw, or this Jon Favreau impersonating puddle of Impossible Human Meat and his Wiki-PhD, this sytem is hobbled without total control of information flow.
Having long since partitioned familial achievements from this government in the scope of that debate, it was moralizing. They are really on their back foot at this point. Mike was fantastic.
Best grug post in the whole comments section so far
June 18, 2023 11:25 am
A Cockerill retard has entered the chat.
June 18, 2023 10:44 am
A few additional questions: -If the Allies only claimed to find out about muh-Holocaust after the war, wouldn’t their clear and documented efforts to target German non-combatants cast considerable doubt on any war-crimes accusations against the Germans? -If the lethal dose of cyanide is so minuscule for humans, how did zero Sonderkommando and camp personnel not get exposed? Shouldn’t the whole camp have been killed with that much cyanide floating around? -Wouldn’t giant open holes in the roof lead to uncontrolled escape of cyanide? Seems like it would stretch out the time required for the “gas chambers” and would lead… Read more »
June 18, 2023 10:35 am
At first I was just irritated by the low-grade back and forth over quasi-evidence that is “sketchy” at best and “conjured” at worst. Then it occurred to me that this is bullshit topic is the foundation of our entire foreign AND domestic policy.
June 18, 2023 10:27 am
“but they might have shot a lot of them”
Jesus, are you so weak-minded that you fall for this hauloco$t 2.0 bullshit?
This “hauloco$t by bullets” thing only made its appearance after hauloco$t
deniers punched holes in the original story. And just like hauloco$t 1.0 they
conveniently don’t have the bodies.
She knew she was Jewish the whole time. I remember when she appeared on 8chan and everyone was falling all over themselves while my Jewdar was pinging like crazy.
June 18, 2023 9:54 am
Why does that drunk girl voice make me so irritated?
Because it’s an affectation you can tell she never turns off.
June 18, 2023 9:33 am
If Cockerill in this debate was the corpse of a holocaust victim, Mike was an open fire pit, followed by a bone crushing machine.
Dr. Zeus: the bag-footed
June 18, 2023 9:25 am
You’re a retard.
June 18, 2023 8:58 am
“It’s called confidence… It’s something I have and it’s something Mike Enoch has but it’s not something you have”
Fentanyl Luther King
June 18, 2023 8:17 am
“What is your definition of the holocaust?”
“I’m feeling sleepy. Are you feeling sleepy?”
June 18, 2023 7:59 am
-Look at all these fake documents and bullshit claims the allies made about the Germans, alleging the Holocaust. -Yeah but do you have a document that *says* they were gonna write fake documents about the Germans? -Nigga I don’t need that, I have the fake documents. This is essentially what Cockerill is asking for when he says “YoU hAvE nO eViDeNcE”– a written document by some US or British official saying hey btw we are gonna frame the Germans. The fact that we clearly have evidence of them framing the Germans is apparently not enough to prove that they framed… Read more »
The shrunken heads film is proof enough of a conspiracy to blood libel the Germans.
Last edited 1 year ago by Banastre
white-presenting sicilian
June 18, 2023 7:43 am
Smart thing to publicly post on the internet birdbrain
Last edited 1 year ago by white-presenting sicilian
June 18, 2023 7:31 am
so we went from 11 million killed in the Holocaust to only 6 million Jews cuz the Jews admitted they lied about 5 million non jews to now apparently the narrative is more Jews were shot than gassed even though the initial plot was they had the Wansee conference in January 1942 because shooting Jews was too inefficient.. hmmmm
Cockerill is such a pathetic, gurning, mewling worm. Mike was beyond charitable to that faggot.
The audacity of Cockerill to accuse Mike of being “too sensitive” when Cockerill tried to say Mike’s opening speech was “boring” while Cockerill is the most droning, obsequious suckup to jews prattling on up his own ass I have ever heard was peak chutzpah.
June 18, 2023 6:36 am
All Matthew does is say, “all of the evidence is on my side” but quotes no one. He might say, “tauber agrees with me”. Then Mike quotes tauber, contradicting the claim matt makes, the matt acts smug.
The Arch-Vile
June 18, 2023 6:06 am
That…Was brutal…Holy shit, you killed him, Mike – Oh, god, now that I said that, it must mean you literally committed an act of murder!
June 18, 2023 5:47 am
Comin in clutch
Last edited 1 year ago by Hektor
Mr Olonzo
June 18, 2023 5:45 am
WTF was that? The dark import of the subject matter made the anxiety ridden girl consume alcohol, get tremendously drunk then tell Matthew he is wholesome, that she and Mike has confidence, Matthew does not and that Matthew’s confidence was ‘impacted’ by the debate but ‘the holocaust totally totally happened…’. Matthew realised he’s a chump cut the stream and fucked off to twiiter spaces.
Last edited 1 year ago by Mr Olonzo
white-presenting sicilian
June 18, 2023 5:35 am
Omfg.. I rarely comment but I can’t help myself right now. The holes in the roof were absolutely not designed or constructed at any point for the purpose of introducing toxic gas to that room. Anyone with a shred of experience working with rebar reinforcement can see that. Even if the holes were chopped out after the initial construction of the building, they would never ever just bend the steel haphazardly and then tie in additional reinforcement (or anything) to it. The appearance of the holes shows what could be nothing other than a total half-ass job of punching holes… Read more »
Grand Oven Lord 1488
June 18, 2023 4:59 am
>You need 50 times as much gas to kill lice than you do humans!
>They used about 6 kilograms in the gas chambers
So each delousing took upwards of 300kg (660 pounds) of Zyklon B then. I don’t envy the soldiers that had to haul that up the ladder every time some sheets got lice
Biggy Smallhat
June 18, 2023 3:49 am
This cockrider guy sucks.
Judge Holden 🇵🇸
June 18, 2023 3:36 am
Oh man, I was going to save this for tomorrow since it’s past 2:30 am but it sounds too good to pass up.
June 18, 2023 3:35 am
enable odysee comments or I shall lock you in a doggy cage and put the blanket over it. you’ll think its night time yuh dumb dog
“You need to provide me with sources that back up your extremely logical assertions and arguments. Oh you can’t because that’s retarded and impossible?? MiKe OwNEd!!!!”
-Matthew cocksleeve
June 18, 2023 2:36 am
Evalion looking more and more like Ayn Rand as she ages. When she finally releases her breakout novel, the transformation will be complete.
Sad. She had potential. She used to sing happy birthday for Hitler. Reached 50,000 subscribers in a short period of time.
June 18, 2023 2:12 am
Cock-frills: “Mike you are the lawyer for the Nazis here, this is basically a court trial.”
Also cock-frills: “Asking me for the evidence and sources I’m going to cite and use up front is an insane handicap for you. Totally unreasonable”
I don’t think there’s such a thing as academic snark. It’s just being a low rent asshole. Cockroll gets an F from his advisors and the jews. He’s done.
June 18, 2023 1:22 am
When these dooffuses say charismatic it just means that the argument made sense (was accurate), but of course when you are in a society where recognition of fact is arrogance and pride that’s a bad thing.
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
June 18, 2023 12:55 am
Oh the humanity! What a train wreck. There are bullet ridden cattle cars all over the tracks.
Drink every time he calls Mike charismatic and you’ll still only be half as drunk as his smeagol-esque co-host when she admits Matt has no confidence.
God of the Thigh Gaps
June 18, 2023 12:42 am
Skipped around, the drunk jewish woman was saying the bombing of Dresden makes her sad and want to drink, lol ok.
June 18, 2023 12:30 am
Why does “serious intellectual academic guy” associate with this embarrassing goofy pill head who heavily implied she was banging instead of listening to the debate or whatever she was supposed to be doing?
I think the lamp shade story and the soap story and the shrunken heads, are all very clear proof that the Allies were trying to make the Germans look bad. Mike should have brought that up more because he kept asking for proof of allies lying or conspiring to make the Nazis look bad. I think a lot of the Jews after the war just basically got absorbed back into the Soviet Union and they started shipping them to Israel. I mean at the start of war there’s only a couple hundred thousand Jews in Israel and by the fifties… Read more »
Temp User
June 17, 2023 11:55 pm
What is currently being declared as factual about Ukraino-Russian war Right now is the same exact thing done with the Nazis in WWII, except in REAL TIME ______________________________________________________________________________ Ukraine kills people for the sole purpose of blaming Russia, it is outraging to the point I might change careers into journalism and go there myself to aid in investigations. ______________________________________________________________________________ War crimes of Russia are being falsified in immediate fashion whenever Russia reports an incident of Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donbass, say a church for example, Ukraine will, withing the hour make the EXACT same claim in Ukraine held territory.… Read more »
Last edited 1 year ago by Temp User
June 17, 2023 11:37 pm
So, is there a point in listening to this? Like I’ve already listened to Mike do probably hundreds of hours of holocaust refutation at this point and that’s on top of my own personal refutational studies; and I’ve heard this other faggot’s voice like once and it made me want to gouge my eardrums out. So like was there anything new brought onto the table or any particularly hilarious meltdown by what’s his name, cock-something? I just assume Mike gave him a standard trouncing, what race is this cock guy even? Like in the thing they showed on Friday’s TDS,… Read more »
As for the point of the debate Mike was challenged so he had to put the half-breed in his place. It’s what we call optics. And good for Mike that he did it.
He had a journal entry where some official wrote about witnessing a “gassing of emaciated old women” that Mike didn’t have a counterpoint for. That could be considered new circumstantial evidence in his favor (proving nothing but worth reading up on), as well as the reported number of shootings in the east stretching the scale of what could plausibly be explained by the mere killing of partisans. But Matt failed to establish with anything other than conjecture that such killings were a matter of exterminationist policy, and implicitly treats them as actions isolated from the rest of the timeline of… Read more »
For me it’s just like, ok if the dude actually believed in the holocaust, I’d maybe listen to the debate, but once you start moving it elsewhere and via different means, that tells me you don’t believe it either, you’re essentially a denier, too, just a cowardly one trying to suck up to jew power. It’s just pathetic.
That “Journal Entry” was deboonked in the comments here. Apparently it was Kremer recounting what he supposedly wrote in his journal in a Polish court. I may be missing some details, but there’s a comment around here somewhere that explains it.
Proof Cockerill was lying about Kremer diary. He quoted Kremer’s explanation of his diary in a Polish court in 1947 and pretended that was the actual diary. The diary entries are far more ambiguous. “Particularly unpleasant was the gassing of the emaciated women from the women’s camp, who were generally known as ‘Muslims’. I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women. I cannot say how big the group was.” SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947 in Cracow
In other words the jew’s just-so story invented in the 80s
to make up for the fact that hauloco$t deniers had wrecked
their long-claimed death statistics for the camps.
The purpose of opposing the Holocaust narrative is to oppose Jewish power.
Jesus Christ. When the girl started talking I had to turn it off.
I only listened to the debate near the end. Cockerill came off as effeminate, snide, and dishonest. The only real incriminating things he brought up were the Grand Mufti’s alleged anecdote from his meeting with Himmler. I’d like to see the actual document and the context that it was said in. I only liked the closing statements at the end. I will say that if you’re in the affirmer side, you will agree with Cockerill. If you’re in the denier side, you will side with Mike. I lean towards the denier side. I admit that I am not as knowledgeable… Read more »
That would be amazing. A Hollywood production that portrays every idiotic Holocaust legend with 100% sincerity, all in one movie.
This was a bit on TDS in the early days. They would talk about what that kind of film would look like, and Sven did a parody series of Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives where he’d review death camps as portrayed in “eyewitness” accounts.
If I had the free time, I would create a troll social media personality ANTIFA who rails against Nazis and just say a bunch of stupid shit: -affirming every wild tale of the Holocaust (for obvious reasons) -claiming that Nazis are afraid to debate on social media because they know they would lose (obviously not true, any right wing perspective, save for mainstream normie cucks, is banned) -constantly rail against the “anti-semitic white-owned media” (laughably untrue) The last point is pertinent because the “anti-semitic” accusation draws attention to the jewish aspect to the forefront. An effective troll account could be… Read more »
Cockerill is the embodiment of the atrophy in American academic, popular and elite figures and the increasingly mongrelized pool they must draw from.
Whether it’s Destiny and his gyrating Grendel jaw, or this Jon Favreau impersonating puddle of Impossible Human Meat and his Wiki-PhD, this sytem is hobbled without total control of information flow.
Having long since partitioned familial achievements from this government in the scope of that debate, it was moralizing. They are really on their back foot at this point. Mike was fantastic.
Cockrell name gay lol
Best grug post in the whole comments section so far
A Cockerill retard has entered the chat.
A few additional questions: -If the Allies only claimed to find out about muh-Holocaust after the war, wouldn’t their clear and documented efforts to target German non-combatants cast considerable doubt on any war-crimes accusations against the Germans? -If the lethal dose of cyanide is so minuscule for humans, how did zero Sonderkommando and camp personnel not get exposed? Shouldn’t the whole camp have been killed with that much cyanide floating around? -Wouldn’t giant open holes in the roof lead to uncontrolled escape of cyanide? Seems like it would stretch out the time required for the “gas chambers” and would lead… Read more »
At first I was just irritated by the low-grade back and forth over quasi-evidence that is “sketchy” at best and “conjured” at worst. Then it occurred to me that this is bullshit topic is the foundation of our entire foreign AND domestic policy.
“but they might have shot a lot of them”
Jesus, are you so weak-minded that you fall for this hauloco$t 2.0 bullshit?
This “hauloco$t by bullets” thing only made its appearance after hauloco$t
deniers punched holes in the original story. And just like hauloco$t 1.0 they
conveniently don’t have the bodies.
Hey, it’s not my fault you’re a faggot.
They’re constantly changing the goal posts.
I only listened to the last 1/3 of the debate. I wonder if the shrunken heads film was discussed?
Deniers should just argue on the original Holocaust narrative that the affirmers were pushing.
Golem posts
The ADL thanks you for your service.
Listen, if all you can say is what Cuckroll tells you to say then that’s pretty pathetic
Bye-bye Argon! LOL!!!
Boo hoo hoo! LOL!
LMAO what is up with this girl??
She realized that she’s Jewish and clearly lost her mind after that, likely taking meds to ease the psychosis.
She knew she was Jewish the whole time. I remember when she appeared on 8chan and everyone was falling all over themselves while my Jewdar was pinging like crazy.
Why does that drunk girl voice make me so irritated?
Because it’s an affectation you can tell she never turns off.
If Cockerill in this debate was the corpse of a holocaust victim, Mike was an open fire pit, followed by a bone crushing machine.
You’re a retard.
“It’s called confidence… It’s something I have and it’s something Mike Enoch has but it’s not something you have”
“What is your definition of the holocaust?”
“I’m feeling sleepy. Are you feeling sleepy?”
-Look at all these fake documents and bullshit claims the allies made about the Germans, alleging the Holocaust. -Yeah but do you have a document that *says* they were gonna write fake documents about the Germans? -Nigga I don’t need that, I have the fake documents. This is essentially what Cockerill is asking for when he says “YoU hAvE nO eViDeNcE”– a written document by some US or British official saying hey btw we are gonna frame the Germans. The fact that we clearly have evidence of them framing the Germans is apparently not enough to prove that they framed… Read more »
The shrunken heads film is proof enough of a conspiracy to blood libel the Germans.
Smart thing to publicly post on the internet birdbrain
so we went from 11 million killed in the Holocaust to only 6 million Jews cuz the Jews admitted they lied about 5 million non jews to now apparently the narrative is more Jews were shot than gassed even though the initial plot was they had the Wansee conference in January 1942 because shooting Jews was too inefficient.. hmmmm
The “diff” needs to be memed. Is there a famous movie scene of someone walking their story back to nothing?
Holy shit. That bitch is tore up.
Pictographic evidence of gas
Hehe, i get that reference
You didn’t have to do your googles?
Cockerill is such a pathetic, gurning, mewling worm. Mike was beyond charitable to that faggot.
The audacity of Cockerill to accuse Mike of being “too sensitive” when Cockerill tried to say Mike’s opening speech was “boring” while Cockerill is the most droning, obsequious suckup to jews prattling on up his own ass I have ever heard was peak chutzpah.
All Matthew does is say, “all of the evidence is on my side” but quotes no one. He might say, “tauber agrees with me”. Then Mike quotes tauber, contradicting the claim matt makes, the matt acts smug.
That…Was brutal…Holy shit, you killed him, Mike – Oh, god, now that I said that, it must mean you literally committed an act of murder!
Comin in clutch
WTF was that? The dark import of the subject matter made the anxiety ridden girl consume alcohol, get tremendously drunk then tell Matthew he is wholesome, that she and Mike has confidence, Matthew does not and that Matthew’s confidence was ‘impacted’ by the debate but ‘the holocaust totally totally happened…’. Matthew realised he’s a chump cut the stream and fucked off to twiiter spaces.
Omfg.. I rarely comment but I can’t help myself right now. The holes in the roof were absolutely not designed or constructed at any point for the purpose of introducing toxic gas to that room. Anyone with a shred of experience working with rebar reinforcement can see that. Even if the holes were chopped out after the initial construction of the building, they would never ever just bend the steel haphazardly and then tie in additional reinforcement (or anything) to it. The appearance of the holes shows what could be nothing other than a total half-ass job of punching holes… Read more »
>You need 50 times as much gas to kill lice than you do humans!
>They used about 6 kilograms in the gas chambers
So each delousing took upwards of 300kg (660 pounds) of Zyklon B then. I don’t envy the soldiers that had to haul that up the ladder every time some sheets got lice
This cockrider guy sucks.
Oh man, I was going to save this for tomorrow since it’s past 2:30 am but it sounds too good to pass up.
enable odysee comments or I shall lock you in a doggy cage and put the blanket over it. you’ll think its night time yuh dumb dog
“You need to provide me with sources that back up your extremely logical assertions and arguments. Oh you can’t because that’s retarded and impossible?? MiKe OwNEd!!!!”
-Matthew cocksleeve
Evalion looking more and more like Ayn Rand as she ages. When she finally releases her breakout novel, the transformation will be complete.
“The Chickenhead”
holy shit, now that you mention it. That is uncanny.
Wait, its not that Evalion is it?
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
“What a wicked thing to say, to point out her ethnic ways. What a wicked thing to do, to know Evalion’s a Jew…oh, Ayyyyyye!”
It’s ok though, many a creature is cute in their larval form.
Is that that Evalion chick? THAT’S what she’s up to now?
I’m howling with laughter
Sad. She had potential. She used to sing happy birthday for Hitler. Reached 50,000 subscribers in a short period of time.
Cock-frills: “Mike you are the lawyer for the Nazis here, this is basically a court trial.”
Also cock-frills: “Asking me for the evidence and sources I’m going to cite and use up front is an insane handicap for you. Totally unreasonable”
Where’s this Tom Dalton debate?
“He didn’t lay a glove on me.” Of course, faggot. This was a knife fight, and you got cut to ribbons.
There were many segments of the debate where I could not tell if Cockrell was arguing in bad faith or is genuinely stupid.
I don’t think you need to choose.
Cockrail shills in the comments.
Bro is she that ditzy or is she drunk?
oh she is drunk
I don’t think there’s such a thing as academic snark. It’s just being a low rent asshole. Cockroll gets an F from his advisors and the jews. He’s done.
When these dooffuses say charismatic it just means that the argument made sense (was accurate), but of course when you are in a society where recognition of fact is arrogance and pride that’s a bad thing.
Oh the humanity! What a train wreck. There are bullet ridden cattle cars all over the tracks.
Drink every time he calls Mike charismatic and you’ll still only be half as drunk as his smeagol-esque co-host when she admits Matt has no confidence.
Skipped around, the drunk jewish woman was saying the bombing of Dresden makes her sad and want to drink, lol ok.
Why does “serious intellectual academic guy” associate with this embarrassing goofy pill head who heavily implied she was banging instead of listening to the debate or whatever she was supposed to be doing?
Veronica I can hear you
Veronica …. Veronica ….
Ugh let me call this drunk whore 🙄
Lol. Lmao even
I think the lamp shade story and the soap story and the shrunken heads, are all very clear proof that the Allies were trying to make the Germans look bad. Mike should have brought that up more because he kept asking for proof of allies lying or conspiring to make the Nazis look bad. I think a lot of the Jews after the war just basically got absorbed back into the Soviet Union and they started shipping them to Israel. I mean at the start of war there’s only a couple hundred thousand Jews in Israel and by the fifties… Read more »
What is currently being declared as factual about Ukraino-Russian war Right now is the same exact thing done with the Nazis in WWII, except in REAL TIME ______________________________________________________________________________ Ukraine kills people for the sole purpose of blaming Russia, it is outraging to the point I might change careers into journalism and go there myself to aid in investigations. ______________________________________________________________________________ War crimes of Russia are being falsified in immediate fashion whenever Russia reports an incident of Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donbass, say a church for example, Ukraine will, withing the hour make the EXACT same claim in Ukraine held territory.… Read more »
So, is there a point in listening to this? Like I’ve already listened to Mike do probably hundreds of hours of holocaust refutation at this point and that’s on top of my own personal refutational studies; and I’ve heard this other faggot’s voice like once and it made me want to gouge my eardrums out. So like was there anything new brought onto the table or any particularly hilarious meltdown by what’s his name, cock-something? I just assume Mike gave him a standard trouncing, what race is this cock guy even? Like in the thing they showed on Friday’s TDS,… Read more »
As for the point of the debate Mike was challenged so he had to put the half-breed in his place. It’s what we call optics. And good for Mike that he did it.
He had a journal entry where some official wrote about witnessing a “gassing of emaciated old women” that Mike didn’t have a counterpoint for. That could be considered new circumstantial evidence in his favor (proving nothing but worth reading up on), as well as the reported number of shootings in the east stretching the scale of what could plausibly be explained by the mere killing of partisans. But Matt failed to establish with anything other than conjecture that such killings were a matter of exterminationist policy, and implicitly treats them as actions isolated from the rest of the timeline of… Read more »
For me it’s just like, ok if the dude actually believed in the holocaust, I’d maybe listen to the debate, but once you start moving it elsewhere and via different means, that tells me you don’t believe it either, you’re essentially a denier, too, just a cowardly one trying to suck up to jew power. It’s just pathetic.
That “Journal Entry” was deboonked in the comments here. Apparently it was Kremer recounting what he supposedly wrote in his journal in a Polish court. I may be missing some details, but there’s a comment around here somewhere that explains it.
Here’s the post by leo:
Proof Cockerill was lying about Kremer diary. He quoted Kremer’s explanation of his diary in a Polish court in 1947 and pretended that was the actual diary. The diary entries are far more ambiguous.
“Particularly unpleasant was the gassing of the emaciated women from the women’s camp, who were generally known as ‘Muslims’. I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women. I cannot say how big the group was.”
SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947 in Cracow
“the reported number of shootings in the east “
In other words the jew’s just-so story invented in the 80s
to make up for the fact that hauloco$t deniers had wrecked
their long-claimed death statistics for the camps.