Louis and DK take a break from their coverage of the Slavic Refusal War to discuss giant stompy robots and what PC gaming was like in the 90s, with special guests Alex McNabb and Wrench
Well like Warhammer 40k this is a bunch of crap I couldn’t get into as a kid and for damn sure can’t get into now. Vainly holding out hope for the Descent/Freespace/Colony Wars/Freelancer NIGR special
Wayland Smith
June 15, 2023 9:24 pm
Sven should study Dr Kerr (seen in this YouTube w/a fellow who resembles McNabb) for pipe skills on camera. https://youtu.be/VSAhj9H_xa4
Wayland Smith
June 15, 2023 9:16 pm
The common themes betw scenario X and 40K…
So much time spent on these games… all those furrowed brows… like boomers listening to vinyl… all for some shitty parasites w/green visors stacking chips in the back room, a Burroughsian nightmare
Herman The German
June 15, 2023 9:08 pm
I still have the PS1 X-Com disc by Micropros. It changed my life.
Last edited 1 year ago by Herman The German
Wayland Smith
June 15, 2023 8:40 pm
Content famine widespread on TRS
NJP meatspace priority
warren & emily post is link to a non-TRS pay site
Hi IQ gang on NIGR
Great show!
National institute for Giant Robits
Need zeta gundam content
Mazinger Z is essential to the movement i swear
Well like Warhammer 40k this is a bunch of crap I couldn’t get into as a kid and for damn sure can’t get into now. Vainly holding out hope for the Descent/Freespace/Colony Wars/Freelancer NIGR special
Sven should study Dr Kerr (seen in this YouTube w/a fellow who resembles McNabb) for pipe skills on camera.
The common themes betw scenario X and 40K…
So much time spent on these games… all those furrowed brows… like boomers listening to vinyl… all for some shitty parasites w/green visors stacking chips in the back room, a Burroughsian nightmare
I still have the PS1 X-Com disc by Micropros. It changed my life.
Content famine widespread on TRS
NJP meatspace priority
warren & emily post is link to a non-TRS pay site
Hi IQ gang on NIGR