On F-16s being huge vacuum cleaners for rocks & stones: <Jonathan Frakes voice> Yes. You’re right again. It’s fact. It’s the same problem for all jet aircraft. But only to a degree. Do one good sweep of a Ukrainian airfield for stones and particularly metal, and you’re in business. The harder part is instilling in airfield workers/aircraft mechanics to not contribute to the problem as they work. The even bigger issue is the training of the pilots and mechanics, and supplying them with support equipment and spare parts. The lack of this will result in half the aircraft being parts… Read more »
i forget where i saw this, and it pre-dated the chinese spy balloon meme, but that a swarm of “pseudo-satellites,” high altitude solar blimps essentially, which never really need to land, and at various altitides for various purposes. these would be used as a spoof network in the pacific theatre during war with china. spec8ficappy against hypersonics. asiatimes had an article on US/Jap/Taiwan now cooperating on a constant real-time 3d surveillance of that entire theatre. I assume it’s jot just the MQ-4 Reaper drones (spiritual successor to the U2, utilizing Gorgon-Stare/Argus), but maybe even submersible drones too, and pseudosatellites, giving… Read more »
Rickert 🪂 🇵🇸
June 12, 2023 2:07 pm
This is the gontent i been waiting for. <3
June 12, 2023 11:06 am
Great show.
Ukraine does have a limited amount of troops. The 50-60K that were training throughout the west during the war. By the end of this summer these troops will be dust while Russia can move in at full force.
Also Russia has full air superiority because gayto refuses to enter the war knowing it would spark a much wider conflict. The advantage will always heavily favor Russia.
Good show NIGRs
On F-16s being huge vacuum cleaners for rocks & stones: <Jonathan Frakes voice> Yes. You’re right again. It’s fact. It’s the same problem for all jet aircraft. But only to a degree. Do one good sweep of a Ukrainian airfield for stones and particularly metal, and you’re in business. The harder part is instilling in airfield workers/aircraft mechanics to not contribute to the problem as they work. The even bigger issue is the training of the pilots and mechanics, and supplying them with support equipment and spare parts. The lack of this will result in half the aircraft being parts… Read more »
Russia & China : “we’re so back !”
If God exists he doesn’t speak English…or Hebrew.
What’s the song at the end of the episode?
National Institute for Gopnik Review. Noice.
i forget where i saw this, and it pre-dated the chinese spy balloon meme, but that a swarm of “pseudo-satellites,” high altitude solar blimps essentially, which never really need to land, and at various altitides for various purposes. these would be used as a spoof network in the pacific theatre during war with china. spec8ficappy against hypersonics. asiatimes had an article on US/Jap/Taiwan now cooperating on a constant real-time 3d surveillance of that entire theatre. I assume it’s jot just the MQ-4 Reaper drones (spiritual successor to the U2, utilizing Gorgon-Stare/Argus), but maybe even submersible drones too, and pseudosatellites, giving… Read more »
This is the gontent i been waiting for. <3
Great show.
Ukraine does have a limited amount of troops. The 50-60K that were training throughout the west during the war. By the end of this summer these troops will be dust while Russia can move in at full force.
Also Russia has full air superiority because gayto refuses to enter the war knowing it would spark a much wider conflict. The advantage will always heavily favor Russia.