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I want to ban all strippers and all LGBTQ and all porn and all prostitution. Ban everything that doesn’t fit into the patriarchal heterosexual family. I’d also ban adultery and divorce. They all should be put into concentration camps.
Man y’all ran over Alex with a great point! If there’s piles of shoes then why aren’t there piles of small hats?!
Listening to one show but posting for another.
Bodies just dissolve in water. Science.
Tranny = botched axe wound murderer
Reduxx is a TERF website. It’s good content.
I agree with Sven’s plan to send Mexicans to Afghanistan to help with agricultural expansion. Instead of having poppy farms, they can have Papi farm.
Uh, yeah, no.
I wouldn’t do that to the Afghans
There seems to be a different, more sanitized artsy cover for the Menorah Horwitz book from the one shown in that article. I wonder if they thought the original was too on-the-nose.
More likely they thought it wasn’t on the nose enough!
Scumbags! Jews! But I repeat myself.
Oh man, I love walking in and smelling the baked goods! Be careful with those homemade cakes or you will get fat as fuck!
The Poppy Is Also a Flower , Yul Brynner, Omar Sharif, Angie Dickinson, Stephen Boyd, SUBT. Español – YouTube
Don’t knock it until you’ve seen it!
Men and women are being separated and at the bottom of the photo I see additional prisoners. The Nazis were completely surrounded and unarmed unless you count a cane.
The population of Ogden Utah was dumped in and completely consumed by the Danube.
“Somebody is going to be running the state.”
State power is the only real power.
passive-agressive twink
“Lampshade Girls”
New parody song!
Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls (Official Video) [HD REMASTERED] – YouTube
Just can’t help being a faggot can you?
Johann Strauss II – The Blue Danube Waltz – YouTube
I have viewed piles of wood
That don’t correspond to smelly Likuds
Maybe it was a Moike fan leaving those comments
nvm they said that already
In The Moon is a Harsh Mistress they had water on the moon. The reason they rebelled was because they were forced to send food tribute to earth and was running out of water because of it.
But yeah dumb book, but i enjoyed reading it at the time.
As was the style at the time
Yeah, they were literally mining ice on the moon to grow wheat to ship to earth and were steadily losing their limited water supply. I doubt it will ever be economical to grow food on the moon for export (why not just use a rotating station in space to grow food?) and it’s becoming obvious that humans can’t survive long term in low gravity so some kind of rotating habitat is going to be necessary.
I was killed in soapy boar
“Kill your mailman… just not on the day my welfare check comes.”
I walked by the “Shoes on the Danube Bank” when I was in Budapest on vacation. I swore loudly in my language – some boomers, who by all account understood me, looked on in horror. lol
Haha, I cracked jokes with my wife while pointing at them. Some people also looked. Nice city.
Upvote Spam Houston posts, recite Spam Houston posts at the watercooler, place Spam Houston posts in fortune cookies, embroider Spam Houston posts and gift them to your mother, ask your doctor about Spam Houston posts, start a change dot org petition to make all posts Spam Houston posts, teach your children to read using Spam Houston posts, rewrite all song lyrics with Spam Houston posts, quote Spam Houston posts while arguing with your spouse, graffiti Spam Houston posts in public bathrooms, fill your heart with Spam Houston posts, interrogate prisoners under threat of Spam Houston posts, pickup chicks with Spam… Read more »
Hey! This guy gets it!
Well, you’re too stupid to get anything. So…
ALL yentas should be named Menorah Horowitz. It would just make it easier.
Point of autism: The “Lindy Principle/Effect” is that the longer something has been around, the longer it will continue being in use because it’s been around longer without already being replaced. ie Lindy would say that cars will be replaced before bicycles because bicycles have been around longer and have not yet been replaced.
Well, racial comrades, it’s Midnight on the Beast Coast the lamictal has worn off and it’s time for Ol’ Uncle Spammy to hit the road to dreamland! Thank you all for playing along [place sarcastic eyeroll here] and Nighty-night!
1956 Betty Hutton – Hit The Road To Dreamland – YouTube
And just remember…starting tomorrow it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy!
I’m afraid to leave a comment
Have no fear Armand! You’re amongst friends! And thank you for that friendship!
Thank you for your kindness and support, Spam. I am forever in your debt.
Fuckin’ A bubba right and I won’t forget!
“You get to be the knee or you get to be the back”
Mind blown! And there’s no one I’d rather have blow my mind than YOU, jowtest! Thank you for being my friend!
What faggots! If either of you had a sense of humor it’d be a fuckin’ miracle!
If they were actual nazis they would’ve banned Spam Houston ages ago…
I honor your comment even as I disagree with it. Heil Hitler!
And you know what? Heil you too! Because you’re a heckuva guy!
Oh look! More humorless twats! Boy, am I surprised!
Instead of wasting massive amount of resources transporting kikes all over the place just to be shot and gassed, why wouldn’t the extremely efficient germans just shoot them on the spot.
And aren’t you intelligent for pointing that out! Thank you! And keep up the great work!
Its an easy comment to make to cucks when they bring up the holohoax.
What a friend you are! Thank you, jowtest, thank you!
I’ll bet those numbered tattoos are fake as well.
Thank you for having the courage to call that out, jowtest! We are all blessed to have you here!
Quit holding hands you homos!
Spam Houston finally made peace with Jesus.
That may be a swing and a miss, Auschtitz. But I praise you for your efforts.
YOU may worship a jew but NONE of us is perfect! And that’s OK.
I would never swing at you, Spam. I turn the other butt cheek.
That certainly is a disturbing remark. But since you’re one of us I give you the benefit of the doubt. And bless you!
Jesus may be the King of the Jews, but Jews are the kings of spamming.
Well, you certainly have the right to your opinion. But I think the comments for today’s show prove you wrong. Of course everybody has a right to be wrong sometime. So you just keep being you!