Wait, you’re telling me we spent centuries modifying wheat to make it super tall and then some geneticist came along and made it short again. That sucks.
May 22, 2023 9:18 pm
1800s wheat grew tall, but modern wheat grows short because they want all the plants energy to go into the grain heads and not into the stalks. Prior to industrialization the stalks were used to make thatched roofing and other materials.
Soldier of 4chan
May 22, 2023 6:54 pm
“We dip into a gas station real quick, and I’m surrounded by niggers suddenly!”
“I’m like wtf? What are you doing here? Are there just places where they put you up around here, and you can just be nigger in the middle of Pennsylvania Dutch land? Like they just have a nigger spot and you’re just at the gas station?”
“Nowhere is safe, it’s very depressing.”
Fixing any of that requires state power, which feels very far away. To answer one of your questions, yes, they do just put them up around here.
Anti-twink Aktion
May 22, 2023 3:23 pm
I understand what Mike means, sometimes when i’m around the more nice people in my family who aren’t from the city, It gets annoying when someone hasn’t said something cynical and condescending in over 30 minutes
Benny Big Boy
May 22, 2023 3:03 pm
I know libtards that “hate both sides” but they need to vote biden because trump. everyone needs to write in hitler.
Anti-twink Aktion
May 22, 2023 2:55 pm
Play prep in the car in public with less than 3 bars of 5g connection without buffering challenge (impossible)
May 22, 2023 2:37 pm
I turned on Twitter today and saw the exact video Sven is referring to, let out a defeated sigh then kept scrolling. The next video was of literal nigger thugs helping a shaking, bent-over, feeble old White couple into their car. Like, they were so old that they didn’t appear to be able to move around, they had the walkers and everything, and these niggers were just gingerly picking them up like rag dolls and placing them into their car…..obviously staged to illicit the reaction. The reaction: “This is what any good human would do” “Wow, so many negative posts,… Read more »
May 22, 2023 2:12 pm
I want Sven to do an American tour and complain about each state ♥
May 22, 2023 1:34 pm
First off, heads up guys, Castle Hill has Holocaust Handbooks collection on sale for 70$ and it is an absolute treasure trove of info easily worth many times that. Second, I’ve been working on a small project in my spare time to put together an LLM (large language model or chat-GPT-like model.) I’m basically looking to make something that could hypothetically debate the holocaust (either side, maybe) or maybe locate primary source citations for claims you might use during a debate, et cetera. I’m just trying to get a handle on what kinds of tasks we would (ideally) like to… Read more »
I started trying transcription myself but every service I’ve found has crazy limits on free/cheap tiers (300 min per month). Transcribing 1000+ episodes with AI would cost like way north of $2,000. (Human transcription was like 10x that.)
Last edited 1 year ago by Mossberg88
Comrade Dyatlov
May 22, 2023 1:10 pm
This whole country is standardized Walmart mulattos. I’ve been all around and it all sucks. You aren’t missing shit in Wyoming, Mike. Cheyenne is a total shithole, but the rest of the state is just driving forever until you get to the next Walmart hub. Drug abuse is so fucking bad there that health care workers have started to count Gabapentin as a controlled narcotic in certain area facilities (it was that way when I worked in Cheyenne). Even NY wasn’t that bad. I guess it’s fine if you’re independently wealthy and want to check out in a Home Depot… Read more »
I stayed in Cody once and it was pretty nice. The geography of Wyoming is beautiful. But I don’t doubt you.
May 22, 2023 1:06 pm
“No matter which way you look at it, it will always lead to the jews”, Micheal Collins Piper on discussing the faux conspiracy theories around major events. In the JFK assassination blame the CIA it’ll lead to a jew behind it. The Mafia? Same thing.
Fentanyl Luther King
May 22, 2023 12:58 pm
I pasted that chapter of America vs America a while ago in a BANG effortpost. Looking forward to hearing the discussion on it.
My check from the Kremlin came through today, all good in the neighborhood.
May 22, 2023 12:12 pm
I wish the system was merely a sham.
It’s actually an aggressive all-encompassing EVIL!
It MUST be destroyed at all costs and by whatever means necessary!
May 22, 2023 12:01 pm
“You look like a fucking retard…”
Nah, he just looks like a real Bohunker.
May 22, 2023 12:00 pm
Yeah I was looking up why it feels like I’ve been seeing so many niggers and that major white block where demographic charts would label it as “less than 6 niggers” got niggerbombed in 2012.
Anybody notice that liberal talking heads and conservatives are beginning to criticize anti-whiteness? Did they all get their new instructions from an NGO at the same time?
Or maybe it’s like here in my country when a topic they don’t like gets too much attention from the public they start talking about it so people think something is being done about it but no, nothing, it’s just a move to try and douse people’s anger so they can get to the next topic. Round and round we go…
You can’t prepare for a new global conflict while simultaneously waging an internal civil war against the population that forms the backbone of your military.
Wait, you’re telling me we spent centuries modifying wheat to make it super tall and then some geneticist came along and made it short again. That sucks.
1800s wheat grew tall, but modern wheat grows short because they want all the plants energy to go into the grain heads and not into the stalks. Prior to industrialization the stalks were used to make thatched roofing and other materials.
“We dip into a gas station real quick, and I’m surrounded by niggers suddenly!”
“I’m like wtf? What are you doing here? Are there just places where they put you up around here, and you can just be nigger in the middle of Pennsylvania Dutch land? Like they just have a nigger spot and you’re just at the gas station?”
“Nowhere is safe, it’s very depressing.”
Fixing any of that requires state power, which feels very far away. To answer one of your questions, yes, they do just put them up around here.
I understand what Mike means, sometimes when i’m around the more nice people in my family who aren’t from the city, It gets annoying when someone hasn’t said something cynical and condescending in over 30 minutes
I know libtards that “hate both sides” but they need to vote biden because trump. everyone needs to write in hitler.
Play prep in the car in public with less than 3 bars of 5g connection without buffering challenge (impossible)
I turned on Twitter today and saw the exact video Sven is referring to, let out a defeated sigh then kept scrolling. The next video was of literal nigger thugs helping a shaking, bent-over, feeble old White couple into their car. Like, they were so old that they didn’t appear to be able to move around, they had the walkers and everything, and these niggers were just gingerly picking them up like rag dolls and placing them into their car…..obviously staged to illicit the reaction. The reaction: “This is what any good human would do” “Wow, so many negative posts,… Read more »
I want Sven to do an American tour and complain about each state ♥
First off, heads up guys, Castle Hill has Holocaust Handbooks collection on sale for 70$ and it is an absolute treasure trove of info easily worth many times that. Second, I’ve been working on a small project in my spare time to put together an LLM (large language model or chat-GPT-like model.) I’m basically looking to make something that could hypothetically debate the holocaust (either side, maybe) or maybe locate primary source citations for claims you might use during a debate, et cetera. I’m just trying to get a handle on what kinds of tasks we would (ideally) like to… Read more »
Good on you dude; I tried using regular old speach-to-text to transcribe episodes and the results were hilariously bad.
Cool! What transcription tech do you use?!
I started trying transcription myself but every service I’ve found has crazy limits on free/cheap tiers (300 min per month). Transcribing 1000+ episodes with AI would cost like way north of $2,000. (Human transcription was like 10x that.)
This whole country is standardized Walmart mulattos. I’ve been all around and it all sucks. You aren’t missing shit in Wyoming, Mike. Cheyenne is a total shithole, but the rest of the state is just driving forever until you get to the next Walmart hub. Drug abuse is so fucking bad there that health care workers have started to count Gabapentin as a controlled narcotic in certain area facilities (it was that way when I worked in Cheyenne). Even NY wasn’t that bad. I guess it’s fine if you’re independently wealthy and want to check out in a Home Depot… Read more »
I stayed in Cody once and it was pretty nice. The geography of Wyoming is beautiful. But I don’t doubt you.
“No matter which way you look at it, it will always lead to the jews”, Micheal Collins Piper on discussing the faux conspiracy theories around major events. In the JFK assassination blame the CIA it’ll lead to a jew behind it. The Mafia? Same thing.
I pasted that chapter of America vs America a while ago in a BANG effortpost. Looking forward to hearing the discussion on it.
You pasted it but have you tried Pasta-ing it? You’ll turn things around. Tremendous.
Let the tony and Mike romance memes begin
Moike’s back and Bakhmut falls to the Wagners. I think there’s a conspiracy here.
My check from the Kremlin came through today, all good in the neighborhood.
I wish the system was merely a sham.
It’s actually an aggressive all-encompassing EVIL!
It MUST be destroyed at all costs and by whatever means necessary!
“You look like a fucking retard…”
Nah, he just looks like a real Bohunker.
Yeah I was looking up why it feels like I’ve been seeing so many niggers and that major white block where demographic charts would label it as “less than 6 niggers” got niggerbombed in 2012.
“I live a very depressing life.”
You should try mine.
“God’s country”
Signs (2002) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers – YouTube
When is Mike going to be back in studio? It’s a better show when he is.
Tony embracing the Ted lifestyle?
rigger, were you at the thing
I wish i was, but Swedes are not allowed.
Someone said “old thing good new thing bad” so I made the change.
Does Tony the Dog get confused when Tony Hovator visits?
No but I do.
Sven just loves ALOGing humanity.
Humanity deserves it.
Anybody notice that liberal talking heads and conservatives are beginning to criticize anti-whiteness? Did they all get their new instructions from an NGO at the same time?
Or maybe it’s like here in my country when a topic they don’t like gets too much attention from the public they start talking about it so people think something is being done about it but no, nothing, it’s just a move to try and douse people’s anger so they can get to the next topic. Round and round we go…
You can’t prepare for a new global conflict while simultaneously waging an internal civil war against the population that forms the backbone of your military.
I wish a nigga would
Destiny is going against anti-white narratives now so I wouldn’t be surprised if such a call went out and for the aforementioned reasons.
Lol Funny you said Destiny because that was the purpose of this post. That guy is a weather vane when it comes to Jews shifting narratives.
Gay faggot nigger homos