Warren welcomes James Karlson of the White Papers Policy Institute (WPPI) to the show to sound the alarm about the catastrophic levels of nonwhite immigration under the Biden regime.
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‘”Please rape me.” Warren Balogh 2023
The other day in the north metro of MN I saw an illegal trying to sell little stuffed animals on a stick in a laundromat patking lot. I was bewildered by this sight.
“Talkin’ ’bout d’mocracy”
Hitler Democrat by Leon Degrelle | Goodreads
This is the book you want to read. Trust me.
Bagel nigger – your “story” is so absurd it’s laughable! I realize that kikes like (((David and Sarah))) love sick depraved behavior. Heebs are 2-3% negro anyways, so perhaps they simply wanted to pump up their genetic “roots”. But Whites don’t need ANY of that demented mongrel DNA. But thanks for the lulz!
You really are a homo.
Nothing says progress like interracial cuckold porn.
If Jack is a member of Patriot Front that proves two things.
1.He’s not White.
2.He’s a Federal employee.
Uh, OK, I must have missed it. What happened to David?
(I meant this as a joke but upon reflection it would only be funny if I was talking about the Proud Boys. I hope I haven’t besmirched the honor of the PF.)
I fully agree with James that it’s possible to come back from demographic collapse. But “Kazakhstan” is Russian, to say they “took back” their country from Russians would be like saying Native Americans are the native population of the US. Every city and town in Kazakhstan was founded by Russians. During Imperial Russia that area was almost fully Russian while all kinds of central asian tribes lived separately from them similar to how white Americans lived with the indian tribes. The Kazakh identity was invented by the Soviets and they suddenly gave them a country. Cities went from 90% Russian… Read more »
Hmm, I see a fellow slav in the comment section, noice.
Donald Trump -5 million Whites in 2020. The only thing that has changed is Joe Biden presidentially pooping and farting with his son’s laptop. Good luck with that.
I live in suburban Oregon and we are getting high rise apartments next to our neighborhood for migrants. It’s being built by a jewish developer out of Florida.
The neighbors are fighting it, the planning commission recommended against it, the final vote will be May 22nd. Yes, the nimbies are on it. I’ll let you know what happens.
Glass jars. Eggs. Styrofoam. 2 other things
I’m going to have to take extra high blood pressure meds before I listen to this aren’t I?
I thought so.
Oh, this is a bad one.
Still wrong.
I second this motion!
>stormtroopers kicking down doors
hell ya
now we’re talking
my town was literally Mayberry when I was growing up. there were a few black families, but most of them owned small businesses. that was it for diversity. then, a few decades ago, there was one mexican restaurant, and the little mexican couple who ran it were kinda funny, silly, but likable. then came abuela, all the cosssins, my seeester, my braaather, etc. in 40 years, we have gone from about 80% white and maybe 10,000 people, to an urbanized, corporate mass of brown people, nearly 40,000 people and only 58% white. everything is crowded and shitty. it’s only a… Read more »
Sounds like Hazelton, PA. that is now 59% “Hispanic”. Lou Barletta led a battle for years to prevent it, yet the ACLU Jews & libtards managed to derail all of his efforts thru lawfare.
The town of 20,000 I grew up in was 97% White. A few years ago I saw a picture of the “graduating” 4th grade class at the elementary school I went to and there were broccoli topped dark skins regularly scattered throughout. Kind of afraid to see where it’s at now considering:
A) I “graduated” from the same school in 2006 so it’s not that long ago and
B) I was seriously considering moving back there to have and raise children because it was a great place to grow up. Might have to find somewhere else sadly.
Very happy to see this episode.
Can’t count the number of times in the past couple years when I’ve found myself wondering why it seemed like TRS wasn’t talking much about immigration anymore.
“TRS wasn’t talking much about immigration anymore”
Post Trump Stress Disorder
Talking about immigration/border issues gives one to many memories to Trump days and his eventual betrayal. You might be right on that lol
The third world invasion is running wide open, and we’re being displaced from our own nest. I see beaners, groids, and, foreigners everywhere.
It’s getting pretty bad, yet the gullible average White is still sadly somnolent.
“yet the gullible average White is still sadly somnolent.”
You know what they say about denial…
I just wanted to commend you all for your demonstration in Gastonia.
The video posted today is truly next level production, and I am very proud of you. Thank you! Long live the NJP!
Indeed! Seems like we’re reaching the point where we can summon 40-50 people at a moments notice to any given place around the country! NJP will continue to grow and at this rate will become a voice that cannot be silenced! NJP! NJP! NJP!
The relationship between the rare MAOA version and antisocial behaviors has raised eyebrows because, quite simply, this gene is not distributed equally across ethnic groups. In the Add Health database, 5.5% of African American men, 0.9% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men have 2R. (No information is currently available on the frequency of 2R in males of African black descent outside the United States.) Since the rare MAOA variant is virtually non-existent in whites, all of the males in Beaver’s study were black Americans [6].
At some point I expect the federal government along with jewish NGOs to negotiate for the release of the tens of thousands of MS13 gang members currently imprisoned in El Salvador (2% of their population) and place them in less populated areas of the US. Under the guise of human rights or whatever. The dying oppressed American population won’t have the will to stop it
We should move MS13 into black and Jewish neighborhoods.
I also like the point that yeah it’s scary and completely evil what the jews are doing turning the boiler to 11 on immigration turning us to a minority In record pace, that we shouldn’t give up hope. An organized white plurality, or even say just 10-20 million block of white nationalists would have more sway than we have had in decades, as with a will there’s a way to back track this demographic issue once we have the reigns of the state, just like Kazakhstan did turning their people from 45% back to about 80%. The jew wants to… Read more »
Exactly! Well said
“ Kazakhstan”
This is too good a comment to make a lame joke about Pan-Turkism!
Nice collab. A pleasure to listin to. I’m glad you guys brought up the point of falling back to Trump/republican party just “one more time” to stem this mass influx of immigration in recent years to “buy us time”. I was scared for a moment you’d say” that might be a valid option” before I came to my senses and realized you’re a devout hitlerist. Also the point of if our guys gave support to Trump it’s equivalent to pulling down our pants sticking your ass out and saying ” Go ahead trump!” Was hilarious even if it was a… Read more »
I just got back from visiting my in-laws in Mississippi and it is shocking the amount of beaners that have flooded that state in just the past 8 months(last time we went to visit).
I live in the northern Rockies and you can really see the increase here too.
I’m not surprised. I live in North Carolina and the number of shitskins(outside of the antique farm equipment) has increased dramatically over the past 10 to 15 years. There is no way this shithole of a country can exist much longer in it’s current form.
In my case the increase is noticeable just since last year. Like the last 6 to 8 months.
I believe it. It’s happening in every single state and every single White nation.
Same. I’m in central Minnesota farm country and everyone is pissed including those who “really don’t mind the Hispanic population” of our very small town as of last year.
I live in the middle of nowhere Midwestern farm belt. Mexicans started flooding in about 10 years ago to work in the small factories and agriculture/lawn care. Now the Africans are starting to pour in. At one time we never heard any foreign languages in the grocery store etc. Today you always hear people speaking Spanish every time you go to any public space in the county.
I do not know any official figures but the increase in non-whites must be huge.
The county is about 600 sq miles and census says 25K population.
Yeah even the Midwest and Northwest are now being flooded with non-Whites. Originally I’m from central Illinois and when I return home to visit I see the non-White population has increased drastically especially beaners and pajeets. Almost every gas station, hotel, and convenient store in the county I grew up in is owned by dot heads and the farms all have Aztecs working there.
I’m surprised Warren and White Papers didn’t mention the planet reaching 8 billion this year with Africa and India leading the charge. I know people in our circles say “muh fertility rates are also going down even in Africa” but that doesn’t stem the fact there’s probably more blacks on this planet compared to any time in recorded history. And that number is starkly contrasted with the overall trend of decline with white populations in the Western world. I do have to push back just a little on the notion of them throwing blacks under the bus because as said… Read more »
“clutching pearls over China’s neocolonialism in Africa.”
The only thing a negro should be used for is a piñata and that’s pushing it.
God I’m sick of them, I got internally transferred at work and it’s a team full of niggers and I can’t turn my head without seeing a nigger and I just wish that the Roman Legions on their marches to Chad had put everything they saw to the sword.
all hail the white and warren papers. a huge stack of documents that are frequently lifted to allow applications from Fagfrivious and Bluh’Kwasha to be placed at the very bottom
dont forget:
while theyre accelerating,
theyre suppressing this info as hard as possible to try to slow the noticing, and RUN OUT THE CLOCK UNTIL THE BOOMERS DIE because THAT is when the demographics will take a 15-20% drop off and it will be impossible for 100% of Whites to form a majority
you;ll HAVE to form a multi ethnic coa;lition for or against the “bud light” du jour
Warren, you’re absolutely right about jews kicking up so much dust that the immigration issue became obscure. I remember Philosophicat lecturing how the demographic/immigration battle is over with. I guess the greatest success for the jew about Trump was demoralizing people thinking anything on immigration was possible.
Its really shit to say, the tranny issue, the black on white crimes issue, and a lot of jew corruption, like the epstein stuff are all distractions from the immigration issue – the biggest bomb the jews are dropping on whites.
If you haven’t been reading White Papers lately, you’re missing out. 🔥🔥🔥
Looks like I’d better start!