Jazz and Warren reflect on what Hitler would think about the preservation and even the carrying forward of his legacy in the face of what would have seemed like complete and total ideological annihilation at the time. From national socialism itself to the preservation of the inherent and enduring nature of the German Spirit. Jazz also pulls off the unthinkable feat of showing Warren pictures of Hitler he's never seen before.
See Kyle!
00:00:00 - HBD Hitler
00:10:00 - History of Provokation
00:25:00 - The Indomitable German Spirit
00:45:00 - Porsche-Piech Rout of Jewish Greenmailing Efforts
01:10:00 - DeSantis Clout Casino
01:30:00 - Is ZOG Doing OK?
01:51:00 - BREAK
01:55:00 - Jazz Owns John Rich
02:20:00 - The Russia Standard
02:26:00 - HBD Hitler and Heads Will Roll
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Warren Odysee : https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4
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The cable jack on your headphones is good too because then you can use different lengths of cables, like a short one to attach to your phone or a longer one for your stereo or computer.
There was a punk version of the Condor Legion March I heard on YouTube years ago but can’t find it now if anyone knows what it is.
I actually prefer my headphones to have a cable that can ben unplugged at both ends. Because if the cable gets worn out or eventually broken inside you can replace it.
Sorry I was trying to search something lol
Ever since Karl Lagerfeld died, can find his clothing line items at steep discounts. Needless to say, Lagerfeld (& Hugo Boss) comprises a lot of my attire lol.
Industrial capitalism (Germany) > Financial capitalism (US/GBR), hence why it needed to be destroyed.
A bit late to comment but Ferry Porsche was actually the son of Ferdinand Porsche. Ferdinand Porsche designed the VW Beetle among many other vehicles. Ferry Porsche designed the Porsche 365 sports car and Butzi Porsche, son of Ferry, designed the 911. Ferdinand also designed tanks during WW2. He was sent to prison for a while by the Jews after WW2. I believe it was Joachim Piper that was the war hero that worked for Porsche after the war but the Jews somehow managed to blackmail Porsche into firing him. As a Nazi and car enthusiast I obviously love Porsche.
Jazz the cord on your headphones is designed that way so you can replace it and don’t need to spend 400 bucks because the cord has a short
I used to buy redneck Riviera all the time because the liquor store had these gift set versions that came with jerky and it was really cheap especially after Christmas and it’s actually a decent whiskey, at least back then for 20-25 dollars
It may please Jazzhands to know that the minute my state embargoed Russian vodka, I searched far and wide, and managed to locate two bottles of Russian Standard’s Imperia vodka, their top shelf label. One for me, and one for a relative haha. Great stuff!
I want to hunt down more! It may be a while before any more of their bottles are shipped Stateside. I suspect that the only Russian bottles that we will be able to get in the next 30 years are the ones that are already here.
All hat. No cattle.
hb269 passed Florida house with YEAS 112 NAYS 0. Imagine a single person standing up to the big bad Jew.
Gayest bill ever
Metalocalypse did a parody of Karl Lagerfeld in the episode where they go on a diet to lose weight because they don’t fit into Eric von Wiechlinghammer’s “special leather” outfits.
I looked at HBD Hitler in the notes and kept trying to figure out where the Human Biodiversity aspect was
Jazz and Warren on FTN is the best FTN ! Video segments are awesome – good job.
Tito’s is fucking trash and it’s usually almost $30 a bottle. i’m still getting russian standard for $15 a bottle and rs gold for $20 in california. You just have to shop around at smaller stores that have small distributors that haven’t cucked yet. the big chains won’t carry it anymore.
Capitalism stinks!
The pivot to China is easily explained. Allows endless spending on a military build up for a war that will never take place. Its a cold war 2.0.
The massive mistake they made with russia was assuming they would never strike back. The Ukraine war will be remembered as the turning point in zogs ultimate destruction.
great episode today, thanks guys
DeSantis is basically just Jeb Bush wearing a backwards hat holding a skateboard like steve buscemi
What I love about capitalism is my small business can pay my Mexican laborers $8.75 an hour in a warehouse why my sexy front desk lady makes $25 and hour and doesn’t have to work that much. I can also make her do me favors if she wants to keep her job. I love capitalism! If you want to be rich you gotta put hard work. I just don’t understand why young men don’t want to work hard. That is why I have to hire Mexicans/Guatemalans as contractors so I don’t need to check their immigrant status or anything. I… Read more »
Hey, do you know the hit trend of Mind Goblin?
I listen to TED NUGENT and KID ROCK! Those are ALL AMERICAN HIT TRENDS to me young man!!!
Aaron Tippin – You’ve Got To Stand For Something – YouTube
“Buggie and bonnet people.”
OK you force me to post this again…
Red Storm Over the Village Film English Subtitles (bitchute.com)
VW Buggie and Bonnet swastika ornament people
The Mennonite’s : “finally someone with balls”
zog deposing bolsonaro was a disaster for them lmfao look at lula and china being BFFs now talk about cuttimg off your scnoz to spite the goyim
i maintain that this jan 6th model that got foisted in favor of bolso was a biden/jleft spook op to reignite the south american proxywars or yore
Balsonaro, trump, etc were all part of a zio “strongmen” op thats now being reversed. Imo the op was a last ditch effort to stop the inevitable loss of control on the world stage.
i agree with that statement
same time obama was doing antibibi crap i think he was doing antilula stuff too.
their position is the same today: no to likudniks but yes to right wing stooges for use in preventing chinese access to grafeno/B&RI
same crap with juan gaido, peru, bolivia
jazz in southern AZ i had the pan-hispinx station on and they shilled every hour about this interview the dj did with some* yenta mayor of a city in israel about how antisemitism has no place i greater spicdom*
this was in spanish too
winter 22/23
Yeah, just a bunch of German words for 12 minutes. Good to know that Odysee didn’t take it down like I thought.
Am I the only one getting a blank space where the video is supposed to be?
I had to go to Odysee to watch it.
Warren’s rant about the media using the term “slave labor” to describe convict labor reminds me of A book I read a while ago called Our Gigantic Zoo by Thomas M. Lekan. It’s about the post-war German crusade to save the Serengeti. However there’s a lot of information about Nazi policies regarding the environment and conservation. Of course policies like habitat restoration and a conservation plan to try to bring back the extinct auroch through selective breeding is portrayed in the most bad faith way possible. The author pathetically tries to portray this as trying to make a “German master… Read more »
FYI – Unrelated post but just wanted to say if you have put in a vetting request you need to log in to your NJP account and complete one more step before you will get an email response. I’ve been checking my email and haven’t see anything. Then logged into NJP account and there was an additional action item to complete on the platform before an email communication will be sent. If you’ve been waiting on a vetting response for awhile you might want to check in.
What type of mic do you use?
Shure Sm7B
Shure thing, nnnguy. Man I want to like Logitech/Blue as they are European but you look at their G series stuff and its all mud meat models for their ads.
Under capitalism, what’s the point of owning a refrigerator when all have to fill it with is goyslop?
Think you’re talking about Duck Dynasty Warren oh never mind you got it
Warren: sorry for the little rant
Jazz: just keep filibustering for a sec
Warren: Fine. Yes I will keep filibustering then
*Warren continues to rant
Lmaoooo. I died laughing
The beetle was originally called “KdF-Wagen”, because it was part of the Kraft durch Freude program.
Making a prisoner help society by working and slavery are different things.
I think you’re hitting a happy medium between audio and video. I’m often doing other things while listening. I watched parts of this one, but listened to most of it. I was able to follow and enjoy both ways.
Thanks, I didn’t want to do a complete departure from podcast format because that’s where 70 to 80% of our audience is.
Honda gang gang
tap water with ice is the official drink of the white man.
Remember every word in the speech. Still gives me goosebumps. https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/The-National-Socialist-Revolution-14-years-of-struggle:d
Can someone tell me what is going on in Sudan with the urban youths killing each other with AK-47’s and fighter jets?
You just did. Wrap it up, Janice
What is going on there? Why are the teens fighting each other?
It’s what they love doing.
I’ve listened to that speech enough to know what it means but subtitles would be nice.
Apparently not everyone read the entirety Scott Howard’s, The Transgender Industrial Complex. Karl Lagerfeld was a homosexual and a supporter of lgbt.
A notoriously flagrant homosexual, at that.
no I didn’t read that book cover to cover and I don’t know anyone else who did either. That’s funny that Lagerfeld is a fag. Wonder if some Jew molested him before the war. In any case, ir proves Warren’s point which was that no matter how filled to brim they’ve filled their heads with propaganda, Lagerfeld’s German spirit, perverse though it may be, still crops up from time to time.
I read the book cover to cover. It is how I read all of my books. I feel that I may miss a crucial piece of information if I do not.
Warren is back!
“The greatest story never told” is a great red-pill documentary about Hitler. A bit long but worth it, even woke up my big brained buddy about the truth about Germany/Hitler in WW2
mp3 download 404
I post this clip again. This video had millions of views on youtube before it was removed. There is hunger for truth all over the world. This is Nationalism (odysee.com)
Wow, first!
mazel tov, goy