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Fish finders and retirees bomb pipeline. Excellent headline nyt
Why is Schumer demanding no more video be released by fox?
Hey Sven read my tweet cool!
I thought he was killed fighting with the Azov Battalion!
“Trotsky went there”
The Assassination of Trotsky (1972) Starring Richard Burton – YouTube
I think the pipe makes Sven look intellectual.
Like Mike.
Lot’s daughters got him drunk and then raped him not the other way around. Reread Genesis
Sven’s idea of putting in extra explosions, gunshots, and troopers like the Star Wars Trilogy re-releases is brilliant. I would do it if I only knew how
@56:20 in hour 1
The tragedy of Bobby Fischer is that he had the mind and soul of White Jamahiriya trapped in the flesh body of a jew. That’s why he went gloriously insane (he wasn’t wrong though).
“Shut the fuck up, jew” is the proper response to something like 90% of political arguments.
That Colbert clip will be a good example for historians about how vile this political system was. “A pee pee poo poo funny man makes a mockery of railroaded political dissidents.” Honestly, did the Soviets ever do shit like this?
No they didn’t!
Soviet Anthem sung in English (1944 Translation) – YouTube
My White Nationalist story arc just hit its climax. A show named off my comment lulz
The audio gives me Monday deja Vu all over again.
Geopolitics in the second hour… Funny podcast-bros… we lost.
What happened to the paywalled RSS feed? I can only see the free version in Podcastaddict?
I’m not an American. This is the first time I have ever heard of Stephan Colbert. People like him should be silenced with force. Antisocial psychopath don’t contribute anything to society, people who don’t contribute anything to society whouldn’t have rights (tards etc excepted of course).
Yeah, but what would you do with antisocial psychopaths who DO contribute to society?
Non of them do
Gulag the living fuck out of all of them!
Just like a Communist Auschwitz.
The Japano-Chiropean Pan Indoslavic phenotype
wtf is an a-log
We vote for democrats in Kentucky, Sven, we have a democrat governor, and we voted for bill clinton twice in the 90s and that’s when we were even Whiter than we are now. I mean I didn’t, I was just a kid and liked Ross Perot.
” liked Ross Perot”
Into the gulag with you!
Anyone who says “1/6” out loud in reference to Jan. 6 is a faggot. Reminds me of that tragedy on 9/11.
Talked to chatGPT about the “Nazi Potemkin Village.” Apparently, they built a “model German village” during the Berlin Olympics as a tourist attraction. It was not meant to fool anyone. So no, the Germans did not create Potemkin villages. There was no need.
Irony, Matamoros literally means kill blacks in Spanish. No cap, on God.
I want to find the video they say exists to watch and translate. Oh no audio I get it now.
I can’t help but to think that there was a missed opportunity for an aqua teens joke during the Mexican tummy tuck segment. At least a reference to Mastershake’s shitty South American chin implant and nose made of coconuts.
Chuck Eichenwald
Who is that in your icon? He seems vaguely familiar.
The FTN interview with Cantwell was valuable in the sense that we forget how absolutely retarded and uninformed normies are, when we don’t consume their media and interact with them. It’s literal Idiocracy levels of stupidity out there and only getting dumber. I guess the mass were always dumb, but I think we’re reaching record levels. Praying to the sun flare God
Making a cogent response is an option, or just down vote because I said the quiet part out loud
A lot of the white people I know hate niggers and Jews.
But what about mongoloids and mestizos???
I assume all Jan 6 political prisoners will be force fed fox News propaganda and come out fervent republican activists, if the recent Cantwell ftn interview is any indicator. I have zero doubt 90% who weren’t charged with felonies will vote Republican, and those with felonies, will rock bumper stickers for trump or DeSantis.
For the down voters. Show me the reality you live in, where these people won’t come out republican activisists
I see what you mean. It’s depressing either way, but it’s good to at least remember that the people that went are basically the 6% ideological conservatives and it’s only the 6% that are helpless idiots.
I do disagree that they would still vote for Trump, but I do agree they will start thinking like Chris and will still be under the impression that the Republican party isn’t a useless dumpster fire of kike interests.
I noticed Colbert (or his social media team) censors the word Trump as T**** in the title of any YouTube video mentioning him in the title. I glanced at all videos and it seems like something they only started doing within the last couple weeks. Weird.
Their writers can’t type God, so no surprise there. It’s the same level of them calling him fascist. Pure larp
I enjoy one of the headliner insurrection photos where it shows Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth. True embodiment of a boomer storming the capital. (Check out “When the Eagle Cries” on Youtube for the most cringworthy patriotic music video possible)
If you want some cringeworthy material, you can check out Jon Schaffer’s side project Sons of Liberty. One record only: Brush-fires of the Mind, available on YouTube. The lyrics are over the top political American heavy metal, 100% patriotic, conservative, anti-communist, John Birch Society, libertarian/“Don’t Tread on Me”, anti-New World Order, anti-racist/“they are trying to divide us”, “investigate the Fed” type. It reaches beyond stratospheric levels of cringe! Worth listening to for the fun of it!
Pete Davidson is to Nick Kroll
Jesse Eisenberg is to Michael Cerra
…how many more of these keichel equations are out there?
Math doesn’t add up to me because Michael Cera is a goy
Cera is gay race, you’re fine
I would love to see an american/mexico clusterfuck border war.
Under current regime that would just be an excuse to import more mestizos.
Isn’t literally everything under this regime an excuse for the mud flood?
“Tourists” is the new “joggers”
Just call them tourist’s!
Has anyone else noticed that when Alex is wearing a black t-shirt it blends in with the black headrest on his chair, and it looks like he’s wearing a classic vampire high collar cape.
You look at him? Weird.
There is nothing better to listen to while dropping logs than the Merchant minute.
Laughing helps the bowels move along.
Jfc I thought you were talking about lumberjacks until the second sentence.
A-logging Defamation League