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The Death Panel do the unprecedented.
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- Hitler, The Absolute Madman
- On 5th Avenue
- Your Books Stink, Applebaum
- OMG The Article from Prep!
- Pile Of Trash On Fire Outside Town
- Buckhead Antifa
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Going back to Mike and Warren Point that libertarians are more honest about national socialism TIK’s video on why Hitler was a socialist is actually surprisingly good.
I’ll watch it but you better be right!
Only issue of course is that its 5 hours long
Every aspect of the Ukraine war is Jewish. Jews are getting whites to get killed fighting each other and they think it’s funny. Putin and Zelensky are both Jews, along with Henry Kissinger that put Putin in power. Both the Russian and the Ukrainian side are drafting young men against their will. This isn’t the first time a war was staged to get whites killed. The Vietnam war was the same thing.
You are a jew lol
Says the jew. If you think a real WW3 nuclear war is coming you are fooling yourself. Russia will stage a small nuke and the war will come to a stand still because both sides are in on it. But, that’s all you jews have now is your poor attempt of a gaslighting tactic such as “you look Jewish” or “you’re a jew”. Fuck you.
the goyim know
Come up with a valid response or shut your jew ass up.
why yo u say putin a jew you double standard falafal
Here is an article with a picture of the flyer from goyim.tv: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.atlantajewishtimes.com/antisemitic-flyers-distributed-in-south-atlanta/amp/
Goyim TV is low IQ.
Oh so you are actually a jew
If Putin was a jew he wouldn’t have caused the virtual expulsion of jews from Russia. I am not saying I like the guy, but I dislike jews more. Besides, the way to beat the jew is by supporting what destroys them.
I cooka da pizza
I was thinking that in response to Satan Club they could start a school Holocaust Debunking Club.
I’d rather have an anti-woke leftist in my group of friends rather than an ideological Republican because an ideological Republican blindly follows Ayn Rand because they think big corporatism and endorsing the Jewish fake free market is how they own the “wokes” when it’s Jewish corporations and investment firms (i.e. Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet) with majority Jewish managerial boards pushing the “wokeism” in the first fucking place. Fuck Ayn Rand. Heil Hitler and Hail Mussolini and hail the Spanish Reconquistadors that kicked the jews out and created the Spanish golden age. Also the “go woke go broke” is a fraud because… Read more »
“For centuries the forces around society forced jews to be seperate” OK so why the fuck didn’t they assimilate? “Christians banned usury so the only people who could do it were jews” OK why are the jews doing the opposite of what everyone else around them wants?
I don’t give a fuck “look at that ass” was definitely for my benefit.
Misseure Peinovich, you ever going back on “Our Interesting Times”? I stay subscribed to him but now realize I always just listen when you and Jones comes on the show.
Ps can we get a Dean Irebodd supercut episode? Was searching for parts last night. Very hard to piece together. Thank you!
The police are not incompetent. Left-wing terrorism has been permitted by the government since the ’60s. This is not difficult to understand.
It tells me there is a concern over good examples.
I think any & any charges of “Muh soggy knees” from libtards against us should be considered as well as moot.
Well cour dalene is an interesting city.
It’s where Gregory “Pappy” Boyington of Baa Baa Black Sheep fame came from
Boyington was kind of a scumbag.
The shitlibs are so far off the fucking rails, they make Norfolk Southern look like a well run railroad.
I’m glad the Propaganda Ministry is at last solving the prep-never-addressed problem that has vexed the both the Party and the Proles for so many years.
Buckhead? Why not “Buckbroke”?
Mike’s analysis on current foreign policy is the best content.
It’s Purim tonight, hide your chickens and your chillins.
I wonder what miracles we’re gonna get!
I support sven bringing back the word “Dank”
Wasn’t there also an SPLC employee involved in the Stone Mountain armed march by blacks at the tail end of the BLM chaos?
when the so-called centrist people pearl-clutch over narratives on jewish control and support it being illegal to say that, then I just say so if saying this is so problematic shouldn’t we be prosecuting all the people that constantly spout those kind of narratives about white people? of course doing so would be another shoah
I was thinking the red fabric in the Striker cartoon was symbolizing the red flag of Internationaler jüdischer Bolschewismus
Also, purple isn’t a color that automatically implies disease and illness, the Caesars wore purple cloaks
The red dress represents Communism.
The caption on the poster that Tik couldn’t figure out says:
жуд это зараза народов!
which means “The Jew is a plague of the peoples!”
зараза translates as infection.
“Tik couldn’t figure out”
Yeah, Sure, Right.
Tik knew EXACTLY what it said!
Leave some nice comments
As if I could.
I reported the video for hateful conduct.
I hope you’re joking because the anti-semitic comments are golden!
Can we have the trs radio plugin again?
Keep Growing NJP!!!
The Mississippi Courts found the men accused of lynching Emmet Till not guilty. It is therefore a settled fact they in fact did not lynch him.
These cartoons from “Der Giftpilz” are quite accurate depictions of what all people that have lived with Jews have been complaining about for as long as the Jewish diaspora has existed. There is not much if any hyperbole, and nothing seems to have changed. In our modern western societies, criticism of Jews is of course basically illegal. They have gone from “Don’t say that about us, that’s a lie” to “Not all of us are like that, and pointing this out leads to muh six million” and now it’s “There’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. Shut up or we’ll… Read more »
The Prep image is green and purple. Is this the issue?
Mike needs a mute button that can instantly silence his co-hosts.
Shows that contain more Mike and less from his co-hosts get less listens than this program.
The only buttons needed are more Carl drops for Sben.
Tik frequently complains about the amount of Nazi’s in his YouTube comments correcting him.
The correction will continue until takes improve.
TIK is a douche. His takes will never improve!
We need to cut such people with Cuck takes out of our lives. I’ve subscribed to TRS because I refuse to listen to people with cuck takes.
I’d rather hear about star trek ramblings than green and purple theories
The original Encounter at Farpoint episode had Q on the bridge holding a Mac 10 in a hood nigger outfit rapping to Picard.
Same. Talk about LOTR, to Red Letter Media again, not this irrelevant, monotone, BORING repetitive british youtuber.
I think the reason purple is used so often is that too much black ink bleeds through on the back of the page. Small sections of black pigment, such as black hair, are okay, but large splotches of black like in an over-coat, skirt, or suit are noticeable on the opposite side of the page and lessens the readability of the black print on the reverse side. Essentially purple is a stand-in for black. You’ll notice the cover images use black ink, but the paper is different and bleed through isn’t the problem that it would be on thinner and… Read more »
Alex coming in with solid 1st five minutes content.
I found this gem yesterday. All the documents were meticulously destroyed, except the video footage used to make this video.
Anyone have any interesting diversitah encounters recently?
No, thankfully.
TIKhistory is an autistic libertarian so anti-Nazi that he makes nazi apologia on accident on a monthly basis
Alex bringing the crossover we always wanted
TIK is good at doing WW2 battle autism. Most of his other stuff is hilariously dumb.
I miss the onion gondend.
Jews suck baby penis
Was outside the paywall for a week because my low agency ass forgot to drop the MO in the mail. My 8 year old son knew I was bummed about not being able to listen so he secretly made me a video on the school laptop that he takes home every night. He wrote TDS on a piece of paper, held it up to the camera, did the “THIS is TDS…on therightstuff.biz” voice, then proceeded to bitch about my wife/his mom for five minutes in talk show format. It was a decent substitute, but I’m glad to be a paychad… Read more »
The kid’s a prodigy!
Your boy sounds like true gift, and a total Chadlet! Bless him and your Fam.
They fear this
The Eternal Sven fears the pen and paper TDS freefag.
That kid has talent. Also did he call his mom a kike?
Nigger Faggot Tower completed
Jews did 9/11
Yes, yes they did.
Could I be the….
Here I am.
Rock you like a hurriance.
Doing eveything I can