Listening to Jesse’s stream-of-concious rants for 90 minutes is some of the best content on TRS.
March 3, 2023 3:46 pm
I enjoy watching speedruns lol
March 3, 2023 10:50 am
I’d still like watching jontron even if he didn’t know racial crime stats
Eugene Hicks
March 3, 2023 10:40 am
I’m like 2 TDSs and a Strikey Mikey behind and this show goes straight to the front of the line. And it’s a long one. Thanks sben
March 3, 2023 4:06 am
I didn’t even know the green line thing existed. I’m totally off of social media for years now. I consider myself blessed.
And I laughed when you talked about your youtube feed. I have like muslim dating apps advertise to me, probably for J-posting too much. And the recommendations are a mixture of car stuff, dagoth ur AI memes and “pig pipes for 10 hours”.. yeah i dont know. I dont think youtube knows either.
Last edited 2 years ago by Trotsqui
March 3, 2023 2:04 am
I appreciate Sven and actually enjoy listening to him over all the other guys on TRS just because he has those grug real talk racist reacts. He doesnโt care what people think and I love that. Heโs the most relatable.
Bling Laden
March 2, 2023 10:59 pm
I’m a huge fan of the TRS podcast called “& Jesse Show.” Very hot stuff.
Fatidicus (Sauna Commando)
March 2, 2023 10:34 pm
I find it strange that despite being a foreigner I can read Sven better than many in the audience. Similar phenomenon with normies watching Sam Hyde.
Fatidicus (Sauna Commando)
March 2, 2023 9:49 pm
I assume Sailer retweeted Rivelino as a joke. Rivelino is a typical full if shit mystery race masculinity guru. Sailer’s best content is when he directly proves the opposite of what a libtard claims on twitter, especially on niche topics that require serious autism to recall immediately.
Yeah I wouldnโt call Sailer or his audience midwits exactly; they are just in denial. Sailer is a comfortable boomer who pretty much knows the score but who is too comfortable to jeopardize the little niche he has carved out for himself. Heโll dog whistle the JQ while attempting to play the good cop in a game of good cop vs. bad cop but the bad cop has been banned off of social media and neither the good cop nor the bad cop have any power, so itโs bootless. โWhy wonโt Jews stop doing the bad things, donโt they know… Read more »
Last edited 1 year ago by H.P. Hovercraft
Honk Hogan
March 2, 2023 9:08 pm
Hey Sben. I enjoy the JJ gontent but skip the Tuesday stream because I’m an audio only consumer. If you find a way to post an audio clip, I’ll be on it. Good luck with the bureaucrat-gang.
Maybe if you played it on something that wasn’t a N64, but I didn’t have that luxury.
March 2, 2023 5:49 pm
Thank you for content sir. It is appreciated.
March 2, 2023 4:02 pm
The best way to plan for an Apocalypse USA is to teach your children Russian as a second language.
March 2, 2023 4:02 pm
Almost feel like I was trolled into listening to that.
Thanks, chief
March 2, 2023 3:51 pm
Rocky isn’t a special effects heavy movie. An expensive romcom will have a lower budget, than a cheap sci fi movie.
March 2, 2023 3:39 pm
Comfiest show on here, thanks Jesse.
Hydrated Quadriceps
March 2, 2023 3:34 pm
Look at me, I’m the midwit now
March 2, 2023 3:11 pm
I’m going to be blunt and honest with you Sven. For your Tuesday stream if your just messing with your guitar or playing NHL 94 I won’t bother. But if you are talking about shit or doing content with randbot I will watch. Maybe not live but I will consoom gontent over the next day or 2
March 2, 2023 3:07 pm
The one man poz button concept really works. I consumed the content please to be good sir. I had no idea there was anti-RLM that would ackshually which what is obviously solid analysis but there you go.
The Arch-Vile
March 2, 2023 2:55 pm
Technically, you’re four levels deep, depending on how you choose to view the source of it.
Jee sven thanks for my shout out. But I would ask yu refrain from picking fights with dingo. He might do another midnight stream.
March 2, 2023 2:18 pm
i like the postman and waterworld and kevin costner why do people denigrate him did he do a heckin mel gibsarino?
March 2, 2023 2:13 pm
Very uncanny–the exact same thing happened to me in the last couple weeks. The pro-Star Wars Sequels anti-Redlettermedia accounts were pushed on me and I gave in and watched them. I can tell from your description that it was the exact same video.
March 2, 2023 1:58 pm
You should watch Steven seagul movies you would find both hilarious and a critique on the Jews at the same time.
I want to make sure you mean Sea gull as in the bird and not the kike actor
Buck Breaker Strickland
March 2, 2023 1:57 pm
Iโm so tired of niggers. Makes me sick to have to live around the most universally hated races on the planet. Fuck America and this bigger loving country.
March 2, 2023 1:55 pm
transformative content is so cringe right?
i saw one dude who made a video called styxhexenhammer is a fed.
wew laddy pok. hard wew.
March 2, 2023 1:53 pm
I’ve never seen The Postman, maybe there’s a redemption arc by the end or something, like when Maverick grows up and stops being a selfish asshole.
Super Mail Fatality
March 2, 2023 1:46 pm
Rickert ๐ช ๐ต๐ธ
March 2, 2023 1:41 pm
I dont remember anything from postman, only that its the longest movie ever made. It just never ends, keeps going and going.
It has a nigger sifekick who takes over for the hero.
March 2, 2023 1:11 pm
Fetterman isn’t exactly an exemplary individual in many ways but the hoodie thing is probably just to cover up that tumor on his neck. I don’t blame him for that.
March 2, 2023 1:08 pm
My contempt for these perpetually infantilized retards is immeasurable. Anyone dedicating an entire youtube channel to defending the third rate kosher schlock that passes for film these days because it was cool when they were six, needs to go rope themselves immediately.
Or at least take a few cold showers and then look in a mirror.
Rickert ๐ช ๐ต๐ธ
March 2, 2023 1:01 pm
I had no idea Lucas did so many references. That Vader’s Noooo was a Frankenstein scene is news to me, but it makes sense because i always thought that scene was very off and did not fit.
Lucas is full of these references. If you are a film nerd or even mildly acquainted with the classics they jump out at you. The first Star Wars film in 1977 has numerous plot lines, characters, references and direct copying of shots from Kurosawaโs Hidden Fortress. One of the prequel movies, IIRC probably episode 3, has direct copying of shots from Leni Riefenstahlโs Triumph of the Will, etc. References or copying shots can be okay as an extra, but they donโt make a movie good in themselves. And if the reference doesnโt work for the scene it is counterproductive. The… Read more »
Last edited 1 year ago by H.P. Hovercraft
March 2, 2023 12:58 pm
You can tell Sven has worked in an office at some point because of how many times he used the phrase โcircle backโ
What George Lucas can brag about with the prequels was the countless meme templates. And making an anti-semetic caricature with Watto
March 2, 2023 12:46 pm
Iโve grown to hate the alpha beta shit. Every single man alive in the modern age is a beta. Genghis Khan was an alpha. Hitler was an alpha. If you think youโre alpha in modernity, chances are youโre just a douche bag.
Sad about Tuesdays. I must be in the minority who doesnโt care for Strike and Mike, but loves watching you rant, particularly when Randbot joins. The Puccboi streams were great, although I admit I watched them after the fact rather than live.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
March 2, 2023 11:58 am
n i g g e r
March 2, 2023 11:34 am
first of all i love just jesse secondly the critical drinker is really mid but disparu is pretty good
Listening to Jesse’s stream-of-concious rants for 90 minutes is some of the best content on TRS.
I enjoy watching speedruns lol
I’d still like watching jontron even if he didn’t know racial crime stats
I’m like 2 TDSs and a Strikey Mikey behind and this show goes straight to the front of the line. And it’s a long one. Thanks sben
I didn’t even know the green line thing existed. I’m totally off of social media for years now. I consider myself blessed.
And I laughed when you talked about your youtube feed. I have like muslim dating apps advertise to me, probably for J-posting too much. And the recommendations are a mixture of car stuff, dagoth ur AI memes and “pig pipes for 10 hours”.. yeah i dont know. I dont think youtube knows either.
I appreciate Sven and actually enjoy listening to him over all the other guys on TRS just because he has those grug real talk racist reacts. He doesnโt care what people think and I love that. Heโs the most relatable.
I’m a huge fan of the TRS podcast called “& Jesse Show.” Very hot stuff.
I find it strange that despite being a foreigner I can read Sven better than many in the audience. Similar phenomenon with normies watching Sam Hyde.
I assume Sailer retweeted Rivelino as a joke. Rivelino is a typical full if shit mystery race masculinity guru. Sailer’s best content is when he directly proves the opposite of what a libtard claims on twitter, especially on niche topics that require serious autism to recall immediately.
Yeah I wouldnโt call Sailer or his audience midwits exactly; they are just in denial. Sailer is a comfortable boomer who pretty much knows the score but who is too comfortable to jeopardize the little niche he has carved out for himself. Heโll dog whistle the JQ while attempting to play the good cop in a game of good cop vs. bad cop but the bad cop has been banned off of social media and neither the good cop nor the bad cop have any power, so itโs bootless. โWhy wonโt Jews stop doing the bad things, donโt they know… Read more »
Hey Sben. I enjoy the JJ gontent but skip the Tuesday stream because I’m an audio only consumer. If you find a way to post an audio clip, I’ll be on it. Good luck with the bureaucrat-gang.
I am also an audio man
Episode 1 was a crummy commercial for a shitty pod racing game.
hey that game was awesome
Maybe if you played it on something that wasn’t a N64, but I didn’t have that luxury.
Thank you for content sir. It is appreciated.
The best way to plan for an Apocalypse USA is to teach your children Russian as a second language.
Almost feel like I was trolled into listening to that.
Thanks, chief
Rocky isn’t a special effects heavy movie. An expensive romcom will have a lower budget, than a cheap sci fi movie.
Comfiest show on here, thanks Jesse.
Look at me, I’m the midwit now
I’m going to be blunt and honest with you Sven. For your Tuesday stream if your just messing with your guitar or playing NHL 94 I won’t bother. But if you are talking about shit or doing content with randbot I will watch. Maybe not live but I will consoom gontent over the next day or 2
The one man poz button concept really works. I consumed the content please to be good sir. I had no idea there was anti-RLM that would ackshually which what is obviously solid analysis but there you go.
Technically, you’re four levels deep, depending on how you choose to view the source of it.
Star wars (initial content/1) <- RLM (content nitpicking content/2) <- RLM haters (content nitpicking content/3) <- You (content nitpicking content nitpicking content nitpicking content/4)
This comment would put us 5 levels deep. Star Wars (1) <- RLM (2) <- RLM haters (3) <- You (4) <- this comment (5).
Or 4 depending on how you look at it.
Woah. Lets do another level.
Jee sven thanks for my shout out. But I would ask yu refrain from picking fights with dingo. He might do another midnight stream.
i like the postman and waterworld and kevin costner why do people denigrate him did he do a heckin mel gibsarino?
Very uncanny–the exact same thing happened to me in the last couple weeks. The pro-Star Wars Sequels anti-Redlettermedia accounts were pushed on me and I gave in and watched them. I can tell from your description that it was the exact same video.
You should watch Steven seagul movies you would find both hilarious and a critique on the Jews at the same time.
I want to make sure you mean Sea gull as in the bird and not the kike actor
Iโm so tired of niggers. Makes me sick to have to live around the most universally hated races on the planet. Fuck America and this bigger loving country.
transformative content is so cringe right?
i saw one dude who made a video called styxhexenhammer is a fed.
wew laddy pok. hard wew.
I’ve never seen The Postman, maybe there’s a redemption arc by the end or something, like when Maverick grows up and stops being a selfish asshole.
I dont remember anything from postman, only that its the longest movie ever made. It just never ends, keeps going and going.
It feels like I’m binge watching a season of a streaming TV show
It has a nigger sifekick who takes over for the hero.
Fetterman isn’t exactly an exemplary individual in many ways but the hoodie thing is probably just to cover up that tumor on his neck. I don’t blame him for that.
My contempt for these perpetually infantilized retards is immeasurable. Anyone dedicating an entire youtube channel to defending the third rate kosher schlock that passes for film these days because it was cool when they were six, needs to go rope themselves immediately.
Or at least take a few cold showers and then look in a mirror.
I had no idea Lucas did so many references. That Vader’s Noooo was a Frankenstein scene is news to me, but it makes sense because i always thought that scene was very off and did not fit.
Lucas is full of these references. If you are a film nerd or even mildly acquainted with the classics they jump out at you. The first Star Wars film in 1977 has numerous plot lines, characters, references and direct copying of shots from Kurosawaโs Hidden Fortress. One of the prequel movies, IIRC probably episode 3, has direct copying of shots from Leni Riefenstahlโs Triumph of the Will, etc. References or copying shots can be okay as an extra, but they donโt make a movie good in themselves. And if the reference doesnโt work for the scene it is counterproductive. The… Read more »
You can tell Sven has worked in an office at some point because of how many times he used the phrase โcircle backโ
Or he has a secret crush on Jean Psaki
What George Lucas can brag about with the prequels was the countless meme templates. And making an anti-semetic caricature with Watto
Iโve grown to hate the alpha beta shit. Every single man alive in the modern age is a beta. Genghis Khan was an alpha. Hitler was an alpha. If you think youโre alpha in modernity, chances are youโre just a douche bag.
Sben alpha.
Is there any way to get your work in Europe anymore?
There used to be a supermarket chain called Alpha Beta.
But drawing green lines that are straight or crooked to create the illusion of opinion though.
Every good leader is a good follower. Every man a beta to their fรผhrer, every fรผhrer a beta to God.
Spoken like a true beta.
Seek self improvement and stop trying to compare yourself to other men.
As a metric im here…so theres that
But can you chuck wood?
lol @ green line theory
get off the internet, incels
Next you’ll tell me bone smashing is dumb.
“Hover hand” is the most accurate overly-online internet photo analysis because you are judging your peers.
As a terminal BANGer i have no idea what this green line meme is.
Google “Behind the Green Door”
Nice try not falling for the old google ru trick.
Google “lemon party”
Sad about Tuesdays. I must be in the minority who doesnโt care for Strike and Mike, but loves watching you rant, particularly when Randbot joins. The Puccboi streams were great, although I admit I watched them after the fact rather than live.
n i g g e r
first of all i love just jesse secondly the critical drinker is really mid but disparu is pretty good
Don’t let McNabb hear about this take
Go you