<Nigger music beats overplay> Ahh…the inner city umm….continues to be critical. Every day, ahh…the African American community experiences inequities and ….ahhh..struggle. Here to help explain this disparity is um….ahh…Chairman Mike Peinovich, from the ahh…National Justice Party, or NJP as they say.
So Chairman, why um….like….why are you racist?? Were you like, taught to be racist by your dad, or something??
Last edited 2 years ago by golimar
March 1, 2023 3:32 pm
The Traffic Troons series will be turned into a series of videos on SchlomoTube, with some very light sanding off the edges.
March 1, 2023 3:29 pm
Unsolicited advice incoming: Link to TRS clips odyssey channel. Then tell free-fags to go rock themselves.
March 1, 2023 2:46 pm
Rush Limbaugh’s show was literally 2 hours of gontendt in a 3 hour show.
Based Bobby
March 1, 2023 2:36 pm
we did it reddit!
March 1, 2023 2:27 pm
He’ll yeahhhhhh breb
March 1, 2023 1:26 pm
I enjoy the yelling at bad actors complaining about no free content segments
Rickert ๐ช ๐ต๐ธ
March 1, 2023 1:23 pm
Water world nationalism is the way forward, All hail global warming.
Light Infantry
March 1, 2023 1:11 pm
Celtic Gods & Goddesses: The Most Important Deities Guide List of Celtic Gods Lugh โ Celtic God of Justice and Mischief The Dagda โ Celtic God of Agriculture, Fertility and Seasons and King of the Gods Aengus โ Celtic God of Love, Youth, Summer and poetry Manannan โ Celtic God of the Sea Cรบ Chullain โ Demigod and Warrior Hero Belenus โ Celtic God of Fire Donn โ Celtic God of Death Neit โ Celtic God of War List of Celtic Goddesses Danu โ Celtic Mother Goddess The Morrigan โ Celtic Goddess of War รine โ Celtic Goddess of Love,… Read more »
A 30 minute show on TV is only like 21 minutes and an hour show is only actually 45 minutes.
March 1, 2023 12:30 pm
My unsolicited advice is we have to find an aging old billionaire, marry him for his money, wait for the inevitable, then we can afford to give away free TDSes.
There’s that George Soros guy, he’s really old and I’m told he’s a Nazi!
March 1, 2023 12:28 pm
I need 10-12 hours of gondent every day please. I listen to nothing but racisms at work all day so Iโm forced to go listen to old E. Michael Jones shit on Odysee to occupy my time. Lately though Iโve been going back and listening to jazz and Jesse and old FTN
Nationalize the railroads!
The Rake is the best because it come from my nation, so he is superior to TRS
If you really do a UI update please for the love of Christ keep the theme dark.
Although I love watching prep I gotta ZIP and go RECRUIT for the army. It’s a shitty job but also an even shittier reference.
Unsolicited advice I missed the random quotes at the top of the screen
White Nationalist Public Radio
<Nigger music beats overplay> Ahh…the inner city umm….continues to be critical. Every day, ahh…the African American community experiences inequities and ….ahhh..struggle. Here to help explain this disparity is um….ahh…Chairman Mike Peinovich, from the ahh…National Justice Party, or NJP as they say.
So Chairman, why um….like….why are you racist?? Were you like, taught to be racist by your dad, or something??
The Traffic Troons series will be turned into a series of videos on SchlomoTube, with some very light sanding off the edges.
Unsolicited advice incoming: Link to TRS clips odyssey channel. Then tell free-fags to go rock themselves.
Rush Limbaugh’s show was literally 2 hours of gontendt in a 3 hour show.
we did it reddit!
He’ll yeahhhhhh breb
I enjoy the yelling at bad actors complaining about no free content segments
Water world nationalism is the way forward, All hail global warming.
Celtic Gods & Goddesses: The Most Important Deities Guide List of Celtic Gods Lugh โ Celtic God of Justice and Mischief The Dagda โ Celtic God of Agriculture, Fertility and Seasons and King of the Gods Aengus โ Celtic God of Love, Youth, Summer and poetry Manannan โ Celtic God of the Sea Cรบ Chullain โ Demigod and Warrior Hero Belenus โ Celtic God of Fire Donn โ Celtic God of Death Neit โ Celtic God of War List of Celtic Goddesses Danu โ Celtic Mother Goddess The Morrigan โ Celtic Goddess of War รine โ Celtic Goddess of Love,… Read more »
A seeming non-sequitur, yet relevant to my interests.
Boy do i have advice to give, first advice is always read my advice.
Tomorrow i might give another great advice so make sure to tune in.
๐๐ปCan we get Mike to do an in-depth rant on negative liberty?
“Why didn’t you speak up when njp slaughtered 6 million small businesses”
Hey Mike if you want some anti-Semitic writings from a Catholic check out St. John Chrysostom’s “Against The Jews” there’s some fedposty stuff in this https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/chrysostom_adversus_judaeos_01_homily1.htm
Against the Jews by John Chrysostom, Paperback | Barnes & Nobleยฎ (barnesandnoble.com)
A 30 minute show on TV is only like 21 minutes and an hour show is only actually 45 minutes.
My unsolicited advice is we have to find an aging old billionaire, marry him for his money, wait for the inevitable, then we can afford to give away free TDSes.
Send progress reports from your search lol.
There’s that George Soros guy, he’s really old and I’m told he’s a Nazi!
I need 10-12 hours of gondent every day please. I listen to nothing but racisms at work all day so Iโm forced to go listen to old E. Michael Jones shit on Odysee to occupy my time. Lately though Iโve been going back and listening to jazz and Jesse and old FTN
Or you piss yourself and your mommie has to clean it up beta?
Shut up, nigger.
paraphrasing mike and warren “listen to the bad guys for intel”
Surprised that Chicago hasnโt cut off its caucus
they deserve to get paid for this content, simple as
Watch out shlomo, Mike back in studio!
Niggers are faggots.
Moike in studio!!!
Light Infantry, please think before you comment, then don’t.
Dude is like a bottomless pit of shitty takes
sounds like I made you piss your panties.
Little bitch bald bull.
I will do whatever the fuck I want.
you need a paper hat
Good to see that the TRS annual employee reviews have gone out. I was worried Moike was going to go 100% WFH. Oy vey.
Sven so much.