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So here's my promised explainer on the Greg Conte situation, as best as I can offer. It sadly is over 30 minutes. I was hoping to make a short statement on it but there is simply too much info.
Brief rundown:
- Greg Conte was NJP Chief Of Staff
- Greg was removed, replaced by Tony
- Greg submitted demands to have Mike and Tony removed from the NJP, himself restored to his former position
- If these demands were not met, he threatened public embarrassment
- The demands were not met
- Greg Conte signed away the NJP LLC to the remaining Board Members on 2-13-23
- Public embarrassment, MONSIEURS!
- Greg Conte says he removed Tony (and thus the NJP) from the LLC Checking Account the same evening
- Greg Conte posts 14 minute voice rant on Telegram making all kinds of accusations
- Greg Conte published a screenshot of a transfer of funds to a Crypto Account
- Greg lies and says the Account was Tony's personal account
- Greg suspiciously demands the NJP release its full financial records (just like the ADL wants!) to prove its innocence
- NJP Responds via Telegram regarding Greg's threats and removal from the NJP
- Greg backpedals on Telegram feigning ignorance of an NJP Crypto account
- NJP's Checking Account was restored to its rightful owners
- Everyone clapped
Does Richard B. Spencer have any takes on this? Just asking for the LOLs!
Yes he does, but you need to pay for the privilege: https://radixjournal.substack.com/p/things-fall-apart#details
Is he seriously claiming NJP is falling apart? he of all people?
“Greg suspiciously demands the NJP release its full financial records (just like the ADL wants!) to prove its innocence”
Well, this was certainly a suspicion of mine.
Hey it’s you again
-88 dislikes
It’s always me again.
I LIVE on dislikes!
MORE bitches!
As you command mein Fuhrer.
I’m somewhat of a downboat bandit myself
Is it just me or did this all start up about the time of the NJP’s operation in East Palestine?
I’m just wondering if all this “controversy” was timed to distract from that great action?
I highly doubt it. This seems exactly like the typical personality difficulties every successful group eventually faces.
Greg isn’t helping to dispel the myth that Italians are niggers. Moor like Kunta Conte, amiright?
Hey nigger, watch it or I’ll call Paulie
In an amazing turn of fate, Greg is actually now the most contemptible Italian we know, ascending beyond lil Schizo Johnny! LOL
I initially gave Greg the benefit of the doubt. Regrettably. Sven. You make a great ambassador for the NJP. Thanks for clarifying. But I still believe there’s a way to utilize the title ‘monsieur’ absent the cringe factor. Formality is necessary.
There are ways of being formal that don’t require you to use foreign words like a pretentious faggot. Reminds me of No White Guilt always throwing around archaic words that no one uses so he seems smart. I swear that faggot studies a thesaurus before every stream and writes down words that he thinks the fewest number of people use.
Humorless twats.
So Greg bought an English-German dictionary and a copy of Etiquette for Dummies in an attempt to coup d’état successful White nationalist organizations… What a tool.
NWG is a practitioner of ‘neuro-linguistic programming’. Which is essentially… three five dollar words used to describe “trying to trick people by repeating things and using metaphors about things you see and feel”, so his thesaurus addiction isn’t surprising.
Greg sounds like Richard Spencer on meth
Sounds like?
Everything works out in the end.
So…. no more Prussian Socialism?
Sadly, that’s likely the case. Too bad. Good show.
That show SUCKED! That’s what’s SAD!
Greg and his co-host disagree.
Greg, his co-host and their Lucky Pierre.
To give a lil credit, the Dutch east indies was a good show. Greg Conte is a faggot.
Jazz hands German Romania posting… I want it to continue.
I don’t remember the context but a few weeks before all of this I remember Mike saying “hey, if I want a humorless lessons, then I’ll just listen to Prussian Socialism…adoish!”
Greg is free to continue his Prussian Socialism podcast if he wants to; he started it before TRS picked it up. It’s on his Telegram and whatever podcast service he was using.
I enjoyed his podcasts but his behavior in this little incident has soured me on wanting to make any special effort to seek it out. I don’t think I can listen again now, knowing what I know.
Burning his credibility like he has makes it kinda hard to take anything he says seriously.
Seems Ralph has been incesentanly emailing Conte to try and get him on…thats if he could stay conscious long enough to actually interview him. Watching that fat fuck nod off in the mid sentence from his xanx induced stuper is the only thing worth watching on that entire channel
It’s nawt truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
It’s Not True (Stereo Version) – YouTube
LOL! Conte fanboi.
He sounds like what you’d get if you mixed a TTS generator with Dr. Evil and the fat red stapler guy from Office Space
Dr. Milton
Monsieur Greg Cohente
76 comments for a JJ! The People love drama!
Sven is the official tard wrangler of the NJP.
I’m kind of a hard myself so I just believe what sven tells me to believe
“I’m kind of a hard myself ”
Take your lithium, Greg.
You edit your comments to fix spelling. I live with my spelling mistakes. We are not the same.
Also you’re a faggot
100-120 dislikes on one of Spam’s posts, you’ll find maybe one or two hate comments in the morning
Why yes Sven does tard wrangle Randbot.
Keep Mike as the chairman and give him the ceremonial position anyway. My suggestion 🤷♂️
Good work guys.
Excellent presentation, Sven. This was necessary, and you delivered. Bravo.
Thank you Sven. Funny that greg hasn’t said a peep since the 16th. The NJP and TRS will outlive all detractors as it has always done so
Greg, you are clearly in the wrong. However, my Hitler like compassion is kicking in and besides gassing you like the kekes fantasize about, I advise you to go to a work camp, in other words the gym. It will really help you out with your problems, both mentally and physically. I did it myself and it works. Really liked your shows and contributions, so please take this advice as kindness.
To much information without oversight “Monsieurs, what is going on!!!”
Not gonna lie, I was kind of surprised when I heard about this the morning it dropped. Looking back, Conte’s egotism is obvious, but hindsight is 20/20. I was a huge fan of his show, being an autiste for history and language myself, and way before NJP I would tune in to Spencer’s old pod, mostly for Greg’s takes. Funny that he decided to follow suit after Evan and Richard. I wasn’t surprised for long though. All I needed to see were the names of the NJP Committee members on the official statement. Did Conte think he could go it… Read more »
Wish people would just go to work every day and do the best they can instead of trying to be The Next Hitler.
It’s about being ready for the next Hitler.
I wish I had seen his unhinged rant. It looks like he took it down.Never mind. It’s there and I mistook it for a song.
He did implicate himself in what could be interpreted as a criminal act in it…
The state looks down on extortion…..
It was a podcast. When the closing music hit, I lol’d irl.
how u do cross out text
only a boomer would post this…. how do you do this?
Based on the behavior of Telegram niggers and the presence of actual literal feds there, I honestly have no desire to get on that platform. I don’t want to melt my brain.
The most annoying part is after you sign up your phone starts blowing up with updates from random bullshit constantly. I made an account once just to look at Sven’s account real quick and that was it, and I was getting updates on gold prices and stock trading shit for like 3 weeks.
You can mute notifications.
I follow some channels on it and you’d have to go looking for those people. I don’t know how to find the feds on there. There’s no replies and these guys don’t have open comments.
When I first heard his audio I thought it was a really shitty ai voice clone.
Sven doing something he promised? WHAT IS GOING ON.
MONSIEUR DUNSTAN, WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
He sounds totally insane and unhinged in those recordings. Turns out he was a gay nerd and a cuck the whole time. Brimming over with impotent rage. He couldn’t even keep somebody from banging his girlfriend, but he thought he could commandeer a corporate organization on a whim? Tsk-tsk.
Maybe his girlfriend was a stupid whore? Have you taken this possibility into consideration?
His girlfriend could be a stupid whore and he could be a gay nerd cuckold at the same time. Why not both?
Keep calm and monsieur on.
Unfortunate that Greg turned out to be a weird megalomaniac. Live and learn, I guess.
On the other hand, I am deeply disturbed to find out that “Tony” Hovater is actually Bill. NJP will have to work hard to regain my trust after this revelation.
I lost track of 10000 dollars in crypto currency since we last spoke. Bill says it’s not my business, I tend to disagree.
We have our chequing accounts out by the pool; it’s really kinda romantic.
Indeed, “Tony” is the first person who doesn’t go by his real first name that I can trust
Does this mean that Tony the Dog is in actuality Bill the Dog?!
We demand transparency!
At least the monsieur memes were pretty funny.
behead messieurs, kill messieurs, roundhouse kick messieurs into the concrete.
Every man a monsieur!
Too many years of Simpsons and Seinfeld made Americans afraid of high registers. Greg definitely miscalculated the blowback for using such a formal word. He should have just said dudes… It literally nullified his argument. It’s now all about the use of the word Monsieur.
‘Gentlemen’ or ‘Mr.’ are perfectly fine words that normal people actually use. Using weird language that people haven’t used commonly for well over a century doesn’t make you seem smart, it makes you look like you’re trying to put on airs and pose as better than everyone else. To be frank Greg is just kinda weird and the way he talks shows it.
The fact that he was lying nullified his argument. The use of the word monsieur just made it into a lolcow moment.
Jesse’s assessment on Greg initially was the same as mine. Super autistic, great historical knowledge, seemed like a good & noble guy. I think that while this is sad, the bigger thing is the adversity that NJP has overcome. For someone who seemingly looked like a loyal soldier, to an outright attempt at subversion, they’ve battled against it all.(not to mention slander, deplatforming, etc.) I feel this will make the NJP stronger and my faith in them will not waiver. Hail Victory!! Hail NJP!!
Amazing what people can come up with. I have semi-regularly revisited the fantastic episode of Strike & Mike 143, https://therightstuff.biz/2021/01/05/strike-mike-episode-143-order-of-nine-gayops/ where they talk about gayops in WN spheres. Particularly the section where Striker talks about Dr. Pierce’s warnings of “hobbyists” and gossips.
Anyone who hasn’t listened to that episode really should.
Apparently Conte is the only person that didn’t know “NJP Exposed” is a parody.
Yeah every shit-stirrer is always “Just asking questions”
Re the “Monsieurs” bit, there’s actually a word in English that’s the plural of “Mister”, it’s “Messrs.” but it’s archaic and hardly anybody uses it.
It’s not pronounced like messieurs though, it’s pronounced like “messers”
Yeah he messed up
Yeah that guy was the real life equivalent of the meme with Tyler Durden saying “end all of your advice with idk tho, never take responsibility for anything.”
I’m glad you explained this simply so we can all move on from this. Sad to see Conte go like this
Thanks Sven it sucks you even have to explain this bullshit
Warren seems so nice that I guess people think he’s a pushover. Ironically enough Greg said in his Christmas Prussian socialism that the most important part of a mass movement was that the pressure would make the best people rise to the top. Looks like he was right.
He definitely comes off as the sweetest and most good-hearted member of the NJP/TRS. He has on more than one occasion needed Emily’s street smarts to stop him from doing something stupid in a black city.
My wife always says she likes Warren… probably that’s why.
Warrens gave the most fire NJP speech
Monstergirl fetishists on suicide watch
Good job Sven! Having to explain the bull shit is a giant pain in the ass.
Does anyone have a direct link to Conte’s “Messieurs” rant? Thank you.
Also: how would anyone even be able to replace Mike? He’ll pass the baton at some point decades from now, sure, but now? In his hecking prime? That’s so many levels of retarded gayop race mindset I can’t even comprehend it.
Edit: Archie Bunker Nationalism kindly sent me the Telegram rant (thank you!) so for anyone like me whoms’t hasn’t heard it and don’t Telegram: https://files.catbox.moe/zihdh7.mp3
If you’re on Telegram, you can go to his channel and it’s the second to last thing he’s posted.
I don’t have Telegram and nothing happens when I click the “preview channel” link on that page. Do you have the direct link to the specific rant post? Thank you, friend.
I’m a techboomer, so I’m afraid that, other than downloading the physical file, I don’t know how to get it off of Telegram. I’d be willing to email it somewhere if you’re that curious. Sven played most of it here already, tho.
haha a fellow techboomer, I see. But bro, if you could email me the file (mossberg88 at protonmail dot com) I’d be so grateful (or upload it to e.g. https://catbox.moe/ or something, if it’s too big or if it’s easier).
I have heard so much memeing about this damn rant I need to take it all in lol
I will be hanging from the batchroom. Thank you, friend.
Spaghetti status: spilled.
Mike’s dog is Chief of Staff now?
Now yuo see
Too moar weaks!
Monsieur Anthony Amadeus Hovator The Third Esquire, WHAT, BY JOVE, IS GOING ON???
Was there any particular reason they had you replace Greg as chief of staff in the first place?
No, his koi fish is.
Lil Tony is a biter. Beware of Doge.
Have you ever seen a Yorkie get a hold of a rat? Man, them jews don’t stand a chance!
Ackshuallaly, it’s “Messieurs,” which is plural for “Monsieur,” because he was addressing more than one Monsieur.
MONSIEURS is funnier tho
Touché, monsieur.
he did the Monsieur Mash
It was a Mossad Smash
The only good thing that has come from this is the “WHAT IS GOING ON!” drop, that shit is Kino.
Remember his NJP speech? When he raised his voice some people laughed at him because he sounded like an embarrassing sperg.
I’m NGL, they were right.
I never liked his Goebbels LARP. Bad taste.
I was cringing at the end of his speech. I was coping about it to myself, saying it wasn’t that bad and I am just sensitive to stuff like. “Maybe other people won’t notice.” Glad we don’t have to cover for his spergery anymore
Oh crap I didn’t see this before I posted.
phhhhhucking hhhhhhhhhhhh-mon-hhhhhhhh-sieurs
it’s not about putting warren in, it’s about getting mike out. Mike is the ultimate chairman, and he will lead us to victory for sure.
Well… bye.
I always had the feeling that Conte didn’t really wanted to be part of the NJP. He was always low energy on meetings. Didn’t seem to be part of the group. On his podcast (which i enyoyed a lot) he sometimes let stuff slip; like the fact that he really had preferred to live a cosy upper middle class lifestyle, and that this dissident life was beneath him. He wasn’t a happy soldier.
Funny I have listened to almost all of his podcasts and I never got the impression he wanted to live a cosy upper middle class lifestyle. I recall a comment he made about being willing to sleep on a concrete floor to fight zog (or something like that). Happy to be disproven though.
I cant remember witch episode. It was basically ” I know arabic, I should be working for the goverment. But I’m doxxed and have to do this instead”. But maybe I read too much in to it. I remember him from the Spencer period, back then he always presented as a classist douche. People rarely change.
Behead those who insult Svenlam!
You can use reaper on Linux. Just saying