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So here's my promised explainer on the Greg Conte situation, as best as I can offer. It sadly is over 30 minutes. I was hoping to make a short statement on it but there is simply too much info.
Brief rundown:
- Greg Conte was NJP Chief Of Staff
- Greg was removed, replaced by Tony
- Greg submitted demands to have Mike and Tony removed from the NJP, himself restored to his former position
- If these demands were not met, he threatened public embarrassment
- The demands were not met
- Greg Conte signed away the NJP LLC to the remaining Board Members on 2-13-23
- Public embarrassment, MONSIEURS!
- Greg Conte says he removed Tony (and thus the NJP) from the LLC Checking Account the same evening
- Greg Conte posts 14 minute voice rant on Telegram making all kinds of accusations
- Greg Conte published a screenshot of a transfer of funds to a Crypto Account
- Greg lies and says the Account was Tony's personal account
- Greg suspiciously demands the NJP release its full financial records (just like the ADL wants!) to prove its innocence
- NJP Responds via Telegram regarding Greg's threats and removal from the NJP
- Greg backpedals on Telegram feigning ignorance of an NJP Crypto account
- NJP's Checking Account was restored to its rightful owners
- Everyone clapped
His style of speaking was grating and didn’t invigorate the crowd. People just don’t care about history as much as they care about the present and the future. His inability to weave history into anything relevant today was intentional and served primarily his own pride.
Had me laughing when you said time feels compressed and you don’t know if an event was between 2 weeks ago or 10 yrs haha. Same bro
I have nothing against Greg personally but I do know this….these real academic types have really bad social skills and probably don’t belong in leadership positions as oppose to men of the people like Tony, Mike, and the Baloughs
Greg Conte bringing you delusion of adequacy, whether you like it or not, to quote Greg’s opening line from the Prussian Socialism podcast.
I’m somewhat of a monsieur myself
Wanted to like Greg. Tried. Never could.
The fact he made this public telegram post, and thus making a scene, already lowered the credibility of the claims for me. If he had the incentive of outing a false agent, to protect the NJP/TRS from harm (financial, reputation) he would have tried to solve this as quietly as possible. When he made that post, you forego any hope of resolving this quietly, so you’re already doing this out of spite and desperation. And the chances of all of the board members being so corrupt that it was just “you against the entire board oh gawd im such a… Read more »
Well, I would’ve been far cattier and engaged in all manner of uncharitable speculation, but I’m a bit of a bitch.
Idk what he has against Mike, but Local organizing hates Tony Hovater.
I’m getting the feeling something is going on here. Can someone explain? I mean, explain what is going on? Was there a Coup de’a’twat or something?
Not so much a coup, as Tony worming his way higher up in the org and getting his way over the protestations of everyone below him who has ever had to deal with him.
Okay, but what about those among the higher ups that has ever had to deal with them? I doubt he promoted himself among the ranks. I don’t know Tony, but this seems like simple FUD op.
>Tony is worming his way up
>In an organization he founded
Adolf Hitler wormed his way up to the top position in the NSDAP. Who was he working for? Did he have an agenda? 🤔 (sarcasm)
Sigh, I guess my attempt at humor has failed so far…
@#$%& damn it! “Coup de’atwat'” was a decent quip, and this retard SethApex ruined the joke. But I’m going to resist the urge to joke-splain…
Fwiw I got it but chose not to engage to leave you hanging. 😛
Also – leave it to cointelpro’ers to ruin movements as well as jokes.
reAppreciate the clarification, Sven. When this all started unfolding, it was something I first saw on Shadowman311’s Poa.st. And then every faggot with an obvious axe to grind — split between dumbfucks madonline specifically at Sven for TDS1000 and fuckwits angry at TRS in general because of whatever animosity between TRS and their show formerly on TRS — starts doom-posting about NJP as if they ‘knew it all along’. “OH HAY YEAH IM DISSIDENT RIGHT AND PRO-WHITE AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO DEMONSTRATE MY PRO-WHITE BONA FIDES BY FURIOUSLY COUNTER-SIGNALING NJP BECAUSE FUCK SVEN AMIRITE HAHAH NO I DONT NEED… Read more »
While I am happy that some clarity was provided, I feel it would’ve been better if this’d come from Randbot.
God dammit. Why does shit like this always happen. Why is it that every year or so, someone gets a wild hair up their ass and decide to blow up like a retarded child? This movement in its current configuration is the best it’s going to be for a long time. Either shut up and fall in line or just go away. The NJP is the organization that we need to be “all hands on deck” for. No side projects, no personality cults, no childish in-fighting. This is a movement that demands steeled men with a sense of duty and… Read more »
Amren, borther.
The movement would be infinitely better without Tony Hovater in a position of power. Everyone in local organizing hates his guts, but he gets his way because he’s friends with Sven.
I don’t know you, and I don’t know Tony. The only partisan leaning I have here is to the NJP. What reason you may have to allege this about the local groups about Tony may be true but I’m going to put my trust in the board here. Like I said in my previous post, Tony didn’t promote himself up the ranks and Sven is not an NJP member, only TRS. The board itself seems to trust Tony and if there truly is enough of a local displeasure against him then I’m sure their concerns can be brought to the… Read more »
I dont know you from adam but I know Tony and all I can say is he is a class act in my book.
according to a lot of downboats, not many people agree with you…
Ah, Sven, the secret puppet master of the NJP. We might as well rename it the SvenJP. Combined with the revelation Bill Hovater has tricked us for years into thinking he’s Tony, I’d say these are dark days at TRS/NJP. Guess I’ll join America First now.
Damn it. It’s like he’s been reading too many stories of court intrigue and such. I wish he would have just bowed out gracefully. I liked his speeches and his podcast.
Things are too serious for stupid games like this.
I’m sorry to hear this, I really enjoyed Prussian Socialism and his FBI speech. But what he has done is unconscionable. So now I will say what did not out of politeness: he’s cross-eyed and kinda faggy.
Same. I always thought he was a little on the NRX’y side.
He definitely gives off some fag vibes. In the Frederick the Great episode of Prussian Socialism (which was well done and interesting to be fair), Greg and his co-host were heavily alluding that Frederick was gay and were acting like it was cool or sophisticated. We really should have learned this lesson after Richard Spencer: people born into wealth who put on airs of having class and education in a pompous way are always going to be poison for our politics. Hitler was the son of a middle class man and became a poor working class laborer in his youth,… Read more »
I got Spencer vibes from him as well, at least as far as the signaling about being classy. I didn’t want to start shit so I said nothing.
Something occurred to me the other day. We’re all deeply and fundamentally pro-social. To arrive at the same conclusions you have to be at least a bit anti-social. Seems to be the basis of all the “drama” over the years. Granted, Hitler figured this out ninety years ago.
It’s a shame. I’ll miss the historical spergery.
What do Greg Conte and Howard Dean have in common?
Attempting to subvert and disrupt the NJP hierarchy is awfully jewwy behavior Gregory. Shame shame shame
Thanks for this Sven.
If there are any history autistes in this comment section please start a History podcast to replace prussian socialism for me.
If you go back and listen, Lauritz’s honoring our history podcasts were honestly better anyway.
Thanks I’ll check them out
Where do I find those?
Great Men of Our History is a great show on Amerikaner. Rob Rundo is a frequent host on the various Roman leaders / Generals.
“Myth of the 20th Century” guys are still the best and always was.
still post a warren and michael even though there was a modern bollidigs
I must admit, I heard Greg’s rant before hearing anything else, & came away not only feeling that his evidence presented wasn’t really indicating any clear wrong doing… But also that the whole thing, particularly the last part, was very spergy & very larpie