The Death Panel will be celebrating this important Federal day of reflection and gratitude by liberating some old unavailable material for your perusal. Mike will be on WHITE RABBIT RADIO with HORUS THE AVENGER today at 4PM Eastern time, so don't miss that.
BANG user "BullSchmitt" recently posted in a thread about our best bits and moments, "A lot of you are posting funny moments, but for me the what has really deeply connected with me the most has been The Death Panel's analysis of 'Century of the Self' and the Third-Wave experiment (TDS497, 498, 579, & 580). Every aspect of the deconstruction atomization and atomization of our society they discussed is why I am a WN/NS."
So today I'm restoring three of those episodes from the archives, and for your convenience making them available here.
[Episode 580 is missing from my archive, probably because I was absent for that show. -Sben]
TRSclips should repost 579 on odysee. So many good takes on April 20th, 2020!
I laughed so hard at the nigger-inventing-the-wheel segment when Sven said “this is like a wheelbarrow if it were invented by a retard”.
Also I need to remember “give a man to fish and he eats for a day – give a black man a wheelbarrow and you create a Malthusian Trap”
You should do more like this – going through the old archives as there’s absolutely wonderful material going back years. I was listening to an excerpt from an episode made years ago which had (unfortunately) Richard Spencer* as a guest – Sven did a segment “The Blackpill” with exaggerated and absurd “black pills” which were hysterically funny.
*It almost goes without saying that listening to it really brought home how mundane and uninteresting Richard Spencer can be.
The old TDS shows had me looking to my archives. Tds567, which is still available for download, is something else. First corona show where everyone is freaking out and Sben is wiping down everything with lysol. Classic, total classic. What a time to be alive. I hate it.
Frank Svappa
“Helen Keller”
So in her photos why isn’t she all googly-eyed like other blind people?
crisis actor
“The Thing”
The original is still the best!
The Thing From Another World ( Horror Sci Fi 1951) James Arness, Kenneth Tobey & Margaret Sheridan : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
“Holocaust Handbooks”
They’ve been facing some challenges:
The Year 2022 at Castle Hill Publishers – Castle Hill Publishers
Man, Israel has really just been having an ongoing revolving door in government 3 and a half years. That Morrakiu storyline just never stops.
I think it’s time to revisit the numbers of dead attributed to Mao:
50 to 70 million. Totally unbelievable.
Lines from COMMANDO:
“Don’t disturb my friend. He’s DEAD tired.”
“Go blow off some steam Bennet!”
“You’re funny Freedy, that’s why I’ll ki11 you last.”
“Remember when I said I’d ki11 you last Freddy?
“Your piss ant men trying to talk tough make me laugh. When Matrix gets here he’ll laugh too!”
Plus many more.
I actually watched The Wave when it was first broadcast. I was like 16.
I wish I could find the article that totally debunks it.
Here we go!
“Lyle Burkhead”
Lyle Burkhead – Metapedia
Debunking The Third Wave:
The Third Wave – evidence from people who were there (archive.org)
Did Sven really have that mustache? lol
The dark crystal show was incredible
15 Warning Signs Someone Wants To Destroy You And See You Suffer 1. Their tone is off. They speak to you differently than they speak to others. 2. They act like they are better than you 3. Your happiness doesn’t excite them 4. They downplay your success 5. They always focus on the negative 6. They doubt your dreams or ambitions 7. They trash-talk you behind your back 8. They try to isolate you from your friends and family 9. They act all friendly when they want something from you 10. They try to take control over your life 11.… Read more »
“Once you have 80 million dollars…”
I’ll be retiring!
OK I’ll give 10 million dollars to TRS/NJP.
You’ve been gone a while it seems.
Yes, yes I have.
“this is how Communism failed the A/B test.”
Everybody should read this book:
Stalin – The Enduring Legacy – Black House Publishing
Really eye-opening!
This article is also really eye-opening:
Inconvenient History | A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry
Universal healthcare for Whites ONLY!
Get these Yids and their mudskin political clients the fuck OUT!
The original Social Credit:
Social credit – Wikipedia
My comments today will be based on TDS579.