Too bad, I liked Greg’s podcast. Shouldn’t have to be this way but unfortunately it is. Good luck brothers o/ o/ o/
Bling Laden
February 19, 2023 2:45 am
One time I went to Wendy’s and ordered the spicy chicken nuggets. When I got to my car, I checked inside the bag and realized they didn’t give me my ranch sauce. I stomped back inside the store and threw my Wendy’s bag onto the counter.
“What,” I bellowed, “is going on?”
February 18, 2023 9:35 pm
I always somewhat liked Greg, but I’m glad to see that this will likely leave the rest of the party unscathed. I do want to say one thing to all the people saying his behavior was “cringe” or “people think that stuff is stupid and it’s not how people act” – well, that is exactly the same reaction 99.999% of people have to cartoonish holocaust/Jew obsession or injecting nazi/Hitler stuff into everything. Perspective.
February 18, 2023 3:41 pm
Thank you, Sven. I don’t know how this stuff works and I was goncerned.
February 18, 2023 3:07 am
I just pulled up this stream on Odysee…its nearly 8 hours long! What time stamps are the good parts and really gets into meat of this issue?
The situational irony, sarcasm, and the general shitty petty humour must be a purely American phenomenon. Generations of people getting fed Seinfeld and The Simpsons to the point where you can’t even have a serious conversation anymore.
I can show you clips of Hitler himself on Reichstagram freaking out over billions of Reichsmarks being transferred from labouring Germans to the international Jewish clique 😝
I mean I love Die Fahne Hoch as much as the next goy, but dawg, that shit was corny as hell.
February 17, 2023 2:34 pm
The 14 minute thing Greg put out was really fucking wierd to me. At times yelling, saying shit in different languages. If shit went down just put out a short version that explains wtf happened, not some gay theater kid shit. Obviously the enemies are gonna be hitting him up for some information about NJP. Is Greg a bitch? Guess well find out
It was the best thing ever. It pre-empted the ability of people in the “NJP IS COLLAPSING” camp from taking his side. All you have to do is play that message and enemies suddenly find something else to talk about.
Last edited 2 years ago by Punished White Home Owner
I haaaaate when people say hyperbolic stuff like “there’s no two sides, ever” in a deadpan voice. I mean there hasn’t been so far but never exclude the possibility there could be, because that comes off as “you can never question us” to people outside of this sphere, and bad actors use that. Just saying.
Can we not spend the whole show talking about movement drama. Greg never had any clout with me one way or the other. We all know it’s bullshit and it’s meant to make you waste time
I’m happy we got an explanation but I’d rather not listen to a 3 hour shit talk fest about it. It happened, Supporters aren’t getting scammed, the NJP is fine, let’s move on
Everybody Loves Raymondsbruck
February 17, 2023 1:01 pm
The Crock-of-Shit Monsieur
February 17, 2023 12:58 pm
Thank you for adressing this. It really shows that the NJP has an immaculate track record and is dealing with this kind of obstacle in very professional fashion.
Hail NJP. Hail Sven. Hail White People. Hail Victory.
ok, someone posted it on twitter…buckle up chuckle fucks.
February 17, 2023 12:52 pm
Why the fuck does everyone always try to reach the spotlight for some sort of fame? Geez, I really don’t understand these people. I wish I could be around a party like this so I could dedicate my life to it without ever having a mic or camera in front of me but, alas, I live an ocean away, surrounded by filthy, disgusting patchouli communists. Fuck my life…
White Metacomet
February 17, 2023 12:31 pm
If i see one more post about someone called cunty….
Adolf Quisling
February 17, 2023 12:31 pm
Evidently, Sben did not conduct a dozen hour exhaustive and expert psychological examination of every single member of the NJP committee to confirm that any one individual that the TRS guys may have had only limited interaction with prior to the party formation did not have any subtle signs of personality dysfunction that might potentially become a problem at some future date. This reflects poorly on Sben.
Furthermore, I consider that Israel must be destroyed.
Adding the fact that Sben is just a humble Podcaster and not even with the NJP.
February 17, 2023 12:29 pm
The fuck..
Greg Konte the Prussian-Socialism guy, ffs I loved that show of his.
How much longer faggots need to learn one simple rule
– dont punch to your right
Granted I dont have the full story I will still say: such behavior should be beneath someone as cultured as yourself Greg
February 17, 2023 12:26 pm
I don’t often use the word ‘cringe’, but that quote in German followed by the scratchy old 78 acetate from the 1930s was Mel Brooks tier comedy
To give him credit… he’s the only member that speaks German.
February 17, 2023 12:09 pm
I trust the council. Fuck traitors.
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
February 17, 2023 12:01 pm
And this is why nothing ever works out well when you try to do favors for someone you feel sorry for.
February 17, 2023 11:52 am
“Would Missieur care to super-size that?
–OberGregenFührer Conte, Divisional Commander of the Fry Attendants: circa 2024
Last edited 2 years ago by Radicalized_Normie
February 17, 2023 11:50 am
Transparency and honesty is the best policy. Very much appreciate that these things are addressed, even if they are just lies. It’s a bit like the disproving the holocaust: we all know it’s all bad faith and fake claims. Despite this, they can create doubt in well meaning people if these claims are not torn out before they take root.
Bitter Almonds
February 17, 2023 11:34 am
I’m so out of the loop, I had no idea about any of this
I’m glad you guys don’t let this stuff fester like you used to because you wanted to be civil upstanding people. Now you even got your own drama fags to get your narrative out. I admit I watch drama too sometimes, because people like Ethan Ralph’s lives are like a slow moving train crash you can’t look away from.
February 17, 2023 11:16 am
“Missieurs could be here, he thought, as the 8 dollar wine coursed through his powerful veins.”
Too bad, I liked Greg’s podcast. Shouldn’t have to be this way but unfortunately it is. Good luck brothers o/ o/ o/
One time I went to Wendy’s and ordered the spicy chicken nuggets. When I got to my car, I checked inside the bag and realized they didn’t give me my ranch sauce. I stomped back inside the store and threw my Wendy’s bag onto the counter.
“What,” I bellowed, “is going on?”
I always somewhat liked Greg, but I’m glad to see that this will likely leave the rest of the party unscathed. I do want to say one thing to all the people saying his behavior was “cringe” or “people think that stuff is stupid and it’s not how people act” – well, that is exactly the same reaction 99.999% of people have to cartoonish holocaust/Jew obsession or injecting nazi/Hitler stuff into everything. Perspective.
Thank you, Sven. I don’t know how this stuff works and I was goncerned.
I just pulled up this stream on Odysee…its nearly 8 hours long! What time stamps are the good parts and really gets into meat of this issue?
So there’s two spots that are worth checking out.
2:22:15 – Randbot addresses some of this situation himself. I thought it was very good. This goes on for about 15-18 minutes
3:13:45 – Sven joins. He explains the situation and shits on so many people. It’s amazing. This goes on for a little over an hour
This is the new normal. I will regularly be shitting on people on randbot and elsewhere.
thank you
Crickey that looks like me show, cobber
When I listened to Conte’s message on Telegram it did kind of sound like someone unhinged.
Were Adolf Hitler’s speeches unhinged? Or emotive?
I also remember Hitler’s Telegram freakouts over 10k Reichsmarks being moved from one business account to another while calling people monsieurs.
The situational irony, sarcasm, and the general shitty petty humour must be a purely American phenomenon. Generations of people getting fed Seinfeld and The Simpsons to the point where you can’t even have a serious conversation anymore.
If you call somebody Monsieur, then that means you’re a cultured and learned man. Something your average American can’t comprehend.
I can show you clips of Hitler himself on Reichstagram freaking out over billions of Reichsmarks being transferred from labouring Germans to the international Jewish clique 😝
Extremely comparable situations right there from someone not at all mad
Was Hitler lying?
I doubt it. But the Conte situation did come as a shock to me and many others. I still like Conte so I don’t want to cast aspersions on the guy.
No they werent
I mean I love Die Fahne Hoch as much as the next goy, but dawg, that shit was corny as hell.
The 14 minute thing Greg put out was really fucking wierd to me. At times yelling, saying shit in different languages. If shit went down just put out a short version that explains wtf happened, not some gay theater kid shit. Obviously the enemies are gonna be hitting him up for some information about NJP. Is Greg a bitch? Guess well find out
It was the best thing ever. It pre-empted the ability of people in the “NJP IS COLLAPSING” camp from taking his side. All you have to do is play that message and enemies suddenly find something else to talk about.
Oh Gawd! Saying things in different languages (German) The horror! Oh my gawd the micro aggressions… ugh
Do none of you people know the plural form of mister?
Nobody speaks like that in 21st century America, there’s no need to talk like we’re in a Charles Dickens novel.
21st century America where two homosexual men can traffic babies.
you sound gay. are you gay?
Are you assimilating to 21st century American standards, Monsieur?
You’re way ahead of me on that one, Monsignor Assmuncher, given what a fag you’re being right now.
mister (plural misters)
I haaaaate when people say hyperbolic stuff like “there’s no two sides, ever” in a deadpan voice. I mean there hasn’t been so far but never exclude the possibility there could be, because that comes off as “you can never question us” to people outside of this sphere, and bad actors use that. Just saying.
It’s nice to see the Kraken finally getting released.
Well said Sven, being transparent is the only way to be. I am just sad and very disappointed in Greg.
I wish I’d’ve known you were on Randbot last night, I woulda watched him for once lol
Damn nigga that’s cold
Ice cold 🤣
Can we not spend the whole show talking about movement drama. Greg never had any clout with me one way or the other. We all know it’s bullshit and it’s meant to make you waste time
Ive wondered what set it off for conte? Not enough to read through all the 💩 though 😷
Not sure why you got so many down votes for this.
I’m happy we got an explanation but I’d rather not listen to a 3 hour shit talk fest about it. It happened, Supporters aren’t getting scammed, the NJP is fine, let’s move on
The Crock-of-Shit Monsieur
Thank you for adressing this. It really shows that the NJP has an immaculate track record and is dealing with this kind of obstacle in very professional fashion.
Hail NJP. Hail Sven. Hail White People. Hail Victory.
Mötley Crüe sang it best
Anyone have a link to his gay rant? I don’t have Tee-gram anymore.
He ghey now 2!?
ok, someone posted it on twitter…buckle up chuckle fucks.
Why the fuck does everyone always try to reach the spotlight for some sort of fame? Geez, I really don’t understand these people. I wish I could be around a party like this so I could dedicate my life to it without ever having a mic or camera in front of me but, alas, I live an ocean away, surrounded by filthy, disgusting patchouli communists. Fuck my life…
If i see one more post about someone called cunty….
Evidently, Sben did not conduct a dozen hour exhaustive and expert psychological examination of every single member of the NJP committee to confirm that any one individual that the TRS guys may have had only limited interaction with prior to the party formation did not have any subtle signs of personality dysfunction that might potentially become a problem at some future date. This reflects poorly on Sben.
Furthermore, I consider that Israel must be destroyed.
Adding the fact that Sben is just a humble Podcaster and not even with the NJP.
The fuck..
Greg Konte the Prussian-Socialism guy, ffs I loved that show of his.
How much longer faggots need to learn one simple rule
– dont punch to your right
Granted I dont have the full story I will still say: such behavior should be beneath someone as cultured as yourself Greg
I don’t often use the word ‘cringe’, but that quote in German followed by the scratchy old 78 acetate from the 1930s was Mel Brooks tier comedy
Illusions of grandeur…
Wonder if Richard will take him back in? It’s not like he can go back to substitute teaching he ruined the best thing he had going for him.
Greg Conti??? What a shame!… I guess that the next Prussian Socialism should be about Ernst Röhm along with Gregor and Otto Strasser.
Maybe von Stauffenberg
More like Walter Stennes
To give him credit… he’s the only member that speaks German.
I trust the council. Fuck traitors.
And this is why nothing ever works out well when you try to do favors for someone you feel sorry for.
“Would Missieur care to super-size that?
–OberGregenFührer Conte, Divisional Commander of the Fry Attendants: circa 2024
Transparency and honesty is the best policy. Very much appreciate that these things are addressed, even if they are just lies. It’s a bit like the disproving the holocaust: we all know it’s all bad faith and fake claims. Despite this, they can create doubt in well meaning people if these claims are not torn out before they take root.
I’m so out of the loop, I had no idea about any of this
Same here. After seeing so much of this I really don’t care anymore. I just assume the best with TRS.
Totally agree, these guys have earned it
I’m glad you guys don’t let this stuff fester like you used to because you wanted to be civil upstanding people. Now you even got your own drama fags to get your narrative out. I admit I watch drama too sometimes, because people like Ethan Ralph’s lives are like a slow moving train crash you can’t look away from.
“Missieurs could be here, he thought, as the 8 dollar wine coursed through his powerful veins.”
Monsignor Hovator!!! I challenge you TO A DUEL!!!
Roundhouse kick a monsieur into the concrete
This is more like carefully lining up 6 million rakes and stepping on all of them
I am thankful that monstergirl freak is nowhere near us anymore and is publicly disgruntled because he has future mass shooter written all over him.
Almost everyone in his circle does tbh
Around wankers to hentai, always say bye-bye
Mongoose episodes of the third rail were Hot Stuff (to quote Richard Spencer).
I really enjoy his Swampman theory of history.
Different strokes I guess. Hated that autistic shit.
Couldn’t listen to those episodes; that guy was way too spergy and unable to shut the fuck up when anyone else was speaking.
I have always resented how anime, and by extension the grosser, weirder side of anime somehow became adjacent to WN.
I don’t like Anime just thought those episodes were entertaining. As they were more about history.
gay nigger retards
Can’t say I’m a fan.
Don’t like em’
Simple as
It’s a shame they don’t know how to quietly fade away
They are just the worst.