Nigga coffee truck!!!!
I used to have coffee truck drivers cell phone number at one point when I was a stone mason
Shit was off the chain .
My coffee cake
Yo don’t even f wit me
February 2, 2023 10:08 pm
We only dissected frogs. I just remember the curly intestine was so perfectly made. Like a machine.
And the tray had this wierd black gummy substance that the whole cadaver was pinned to
And the smell
February 2, 2023 9:58 pm
Coffee truck!!!
Last edited 2 years ago by Ark
February 2, 2023 1:48 am
Relational Algebra is the language of databases. Matrix math (linear algebra) is the language of math in programming still written most commonly in Fortran. Geometry is the study of shapes. Calculus is the study of nth order effects (how the change in one variable effects change in others)
Roman the Barbarian
February 1, 2023 10:08 pm
Magnesium burns very easily with bright and extremely hot flames, and its fire cannot be extinguished with water. This is why it was a component in the incendiary bombs used in the fire bombing of German and Japanese cities.
I had to take biology to graduate from my local community college, and we had to dissect a freeze dried cat. An old Chinese lady was in my group that did all the work, and the only thing I learned is that expression “more than one way to skin a cat” is completely false. There is only one way to skin anything, make circles around the paws and neck and then make lines to the middle.
My first two years in college I majored in skipping class and playing euchre. There was one class I think I went to a total of 5 or 6 times (basically test days) all semester and still somehow pulled a B-.
I was reading Ann Coulters “How to talk to a liberal: if you must” in my AP history class 10th grade 2004. I wasn’t really a conservative but I enjoyed pissing off my California liberal teachers.
Soda Crackhead
February 1, 2023 1:06 pm
My PC is still on Windows 7. But I almost never use it.
February 1, 2023 1:05 pm
Comments on being btfo by Mike hating graphs bore-soy?
Nate Higgers
February 1, 2023 1:04 pm
sic semper proditoribus
Forest Brother
February 1, 2023 1:00 pm
Sven explains how i felt about math courses in high school
February 1, 2023 12:40 pm
TDS Y2K, when your TDS files turn over to 000 all your firmware will be deleted.
February 1, 2023 12:38 pm
Roach coach
H.P. Hovercraft
February 1, 2023 12:28 pm
Coffee break; take the Borzoi cigarillo pill. Do not inhale the devil weed. Absorb nicotine through the mucous membranes as Quetzalcoatl intended.
Last edited 2 years ago by H.P. Hovercraft
February 1, 2023 12:19 pm
When I was in school they had a policy of you didn’t do 5 or more assignments you’d automatically fail. I never did them but I set the curve on the final so they passed me with a D
February 1, 2023 12:17 pm
One thing a lot of high schools don’t offer is discrete math. Combinatorics, probability, basic proofs, that sort of thing. That’s a lot more useful than calculus if you’re going into a comp sci major. At least my HS didn’t offer it 20 years ago, maybe that’s changed now, but with the general direction of public schools I doubt it.
Hell yeah, always looked forward to the Roach Coach showing up
February 1, 2023 11:39 am
Mike hates graph. Bor-SOY BTFO!!
February 1, 2023 11:33 am
We didn’t have AP black studies but AP us history might have well been black and Jewish studies lol. Our Jewish teacher made Howard Zion the only required book for our study. It’s a miracle I got a 5 on the exam lol, failed the class but got the AP done.
Nigga coffee truck!!!!
I used to have coffee truck drivers cell phone number at one point when I was a stone mason
Shit was off the chain .
My coffee cake
Yo don’t even f wit me
We only dissected frogs. I just remember the curly intestine was so perfectly made. Like a machine.
And the tray had this wierd black gummy substance that the whole cadaver was pinned to
And the smell
Coffee truck!!!
Relational Algebra is the language of databases. Matrix math (linear algebra) is the language of math in programming still written most commonly in Fortran. Geometry is the study of shapes. Calculus is the study of nth order effects (how the change in one variable effects change in others)
Magnesium burns very easily with bright and extremely hot flames, and its fire cannot be extinguished with water. This is why it was a component in the incendiary bombs used in the fire bombing of German and Japanese cities.
Phosphorus what?
Is another element used in incendiary weapons? Yes.
I’m gonna try sparking up some of my vitamins.
Edit: for peaceful, scientific purposes in a safe, controlled environment.
“I remember certain things from learning stuff.”
– Chairman Mike
We are so back
I had to take biology to graduate from my local community college, and we had to dissect a freeze dried cat. An old Chinese lady was in my group that did all the work, and the only thing I learned is that expression “more than one way to skin a cat” is completely false. There is only one way to skin anything, make circles around the paws and neck and then make lines to the middle.
Lol jesus christ.
The moment when you realize that the very reason why Mike won’t be on TDS this Friday is because he’ll be on somebody else’s show…. #Feelcheated
The “why?” thing reminds me of Stand and Deliver.
That 39 second clip entirely validates “why” I haven’t seen that movie. Orale!
What’s the best way to send Jesse a drop
The main email. [email protected]
My first two years in college I majored in skipping class and playing euchre. There was one class I think I went to a total of 5 or 6 times (basically test days) all semester and still somehow pulled a B-.
Loved euchre.
Iirc the balancing checkbook course was called business math.
Honestly, I retained more practical knowledge from Shop and Home Economics than from anywhere else in my schooling.
Biology is trash
I’ve never heard of a coffee truck. That sounds cool
For Mike to read. Enjoy!
I hate graphing too. Equations are based.
I was reading Ann Coulters “How to talk to a liberal: if you must” in my AP history class 10th grade 2004. I wasn’t really a conservative but I enjoyed pissing off my California liberal teachers.
My PC is still on Windows 7. But I almost never use it.
Comments on being btfo by Mike hating graphs bore-soy?
sic semper proditoribus
Sven explains how i felt about math courses in high school
TDS Y2K, when your TDS files turn over to 000 all your firmware will be deleted.
Roach coach
Coffee break; take the Borzoi cigarillo pill. Do not inhale the devil weed. Absorb nicotine through the mucous membranes as Quetzalcoatl intended.
When I was in school they had a policy of you didn’t do 5 or more assignments you’d automatically fail. I never did them but I set the curve on the final so they passed me with a D
One thing a lot of high schools don’t offer is discrete math. Combinatorics, probability, basic proofs, that sort of thing. That’s a lot more useful than calculus if you’re going into a comp sci major. At least my HS didn’t offer it 20 years ago, maybe that’s changed now, but with the general direction of public schools I doubt it.
The concept of probability is one of the most useful things i learned in school.
When I was in college they took attendance. And it would affect your grade. So fucking gay.
we had mandatory attendance at my college. me and my buddies would have to sign in for each other whenever someone missed class
Heil Hitler!
“We did 30 minute breb Monday, we don’t need to do breb today.”
Proceeds go do nearly 30min of breb.
Oh Seventh Sven!
Peace be upon you.
Do not kill off the trip hop Nixon.
“If your Shoah don’t have trip hop Nixon,
Then your Shoah could use some fixin’.”
[ to paraphrase The Dead Milkmen ]
The cigars are on the way. Inshallah.
> Florida NJP > Tampa > Ybor City > based Cuban cigar roller > [ based crypto-NJP lector ] > [ based inter-dimensional Quetzalcoatl-nicotine-morph ]
The Sventecostalist Creed
I lived off Empanadas from a roach coach in Hackensack in my early 20s
Thanks for the dissection talk while I eat my leftover Whole Foods rotisserie chicken for lunch. I didn’t vomit at all.
Heh, Whole Foods? More like Whole Paycheck
coffee truck, coffee truck!
Hell yeah, always looked forward to the Roach Coach showing up
Mike hates graph. Bor-SOY BTFO!!
We didn’t have AP black studies but AP us history might have well been black and Jewish studies lol. Our Jewish teacher made Howard Zion the only required book for our study. It’s a miracle I got a 5 on the exam lol, failed the class but got the AP done.
I don’t think we should do this:
Proceeds to do 26 minutes of this.
If you’re reading this, you just lost the game.
I was on such a good streak smh
I will find you