“That which goes unspoken long enough eventually goes unthought.”
That’s why optics cucking and not naming the Jew and resorting to euphemisms hasn’t worked for over a century now.
Back when everyone was Jew aware you could use a euphemism with a nod and a wink and be understood; but people stopped naming the Jew for long enough that after a few generations most people were Jew-blind.
Knowledge transfer between the generations broke down.
Last edited 2 years ago by H.P. Hovercraft
H.P. Hovercraft
January 28, 2023 10:27 pm
ZOG wears GAE as a skin suit.
FUD-Thirsty Ghoul
January 27, 2023 11:06 pm
Scott Greer truly believes in Might Makes Right; since he is so weak, he cucks to every moral belief the jews force on him. He is one of the many reasons that I will NEVER believe in Might Makes Right. I refuse to be like him.
Banned History
January 27, 2023 9:56 am
Scott Greer’s voice sounds like the jack-in-the-box from the Island of Misfit Toys.
I don’t even know who Scott Greer is I just enjoy Sven and Borzoi ranting about him.
January 27, 2023 9:50 am
Have them send you the check and start the process of them requesting the money from you. Be slow. Either get the account info they want you to wire it to and then have the account shutdown at the bank, or figure out how they want the “pickup” to happen. They may rent out an Airbnb or something and someone will be at that address, or they’ll just take the money via a transfer and run and leave you with product. You can follow and film. It’s probably some mule, or negress, that gets paid a cut. It’s too bad… Read more »
January 27, 2023 8:53 am
hey sven E;R did a video on knives out and glass onion
January 27, 2023 4:39 am
January 26, 2023 10:51 pm
Zion is the old Jerusalem and the USA is the “New Jerusalem”, the monkey “shining city on a hill”.
Last edited 2 years ago by Edelweiß
January 26, 2023 7:46 pm
Sven: I am one of those people that you make fun of for the vaccine-stuff…. you guys are still very wrong on that issue but your solo Just Jesse episodes are GREAT. You do damned good content on your own.
Ah, that theme music got me all nostalgic for old school Shoahs.
January 26, 2023 6:57 pm
Pleased to be greeting you on your jesse day, I’m sending a cashiers check with movers please to be buying many gulab jamun on your momentous day.
extra rupees in cashiers cheque for TRS paywall subscription service, please to be putting into account with name “paki_hater_1776”
January 26, 2023 6:23 pm
January 26, 2023 5:37 pm
“cuckservatism is dead” should be posted everywhere.
January 26, 2023 5:32 pm
Yesss….my jam… Hitler is surfing the cosmos in pit vipers to this intro
Wilmo Forwardslash
January 26, 2023 5:22 pm
> 22:35
yeah, I remember “the GAE” was a term RamZPaul used for a while (and still might be, for all the shits I give) – which just tells you how clout-blinded he and his takes are
If you’re wanting to waste the scammer’s time just direct them to the covid discussions on TDS lmao
Last edited 2 years ago by Zyklonoclast
🪂 Auschtitz🔻🇵🇸
January 26, 2023 4:21 pm
When first subscribed to TRS a few years ago, I would complain about Sven’s interruptions on TDS. Now I’m eagerly waiting for this nigga’s solo hour show.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 26, 2023 4:01 pm
With “pro-Whites” like Greer, who needs anti-Whites?
January 26, 2023 3:53 pm
Holy shit, the premises that Scott Greer are working on is insane. These non-Whites are pushing aside the White immigrants in who can claim to be a victim? So, Scott, you’re fine with White people being blamed for problems that either didn’t exist or were all because of kikes? Gtfo
January 26, 2023 3:48 pm
“Anyone can be a globalist” he thought, “I’ve never been in this online discussion before. ANYONE can be a globalist.” The cope felt good on his thoughts as he realized he didn’t have to say jew
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
January 26, 2023 3:37 pm
The year is 2040. Chairman Mike is well into his fourth term as god emperor, Alex now exclusively spends his time training for cross-ethnostate bicycle races, and Jesse has a successful music career but still chooses to release weekly episodes of Just Jesse for his day one’s.
Moike: “Look here’s the thing, there must be some mistake, I thought I was going to be God-Emperor for the Huwite race when we win?”
January 26, 2023 3:35 pm
youre not an old man yelling at clouds
youre speaking from the heart of truth
great monolgue jesse its nice to hear you uninterrupted on a soulful trip.
Need to do some mental gymnastics to keep those brain cells from atrophying
January 26, 2023 3:13 pm
This Scott Grier fag has an obvious tell I’ve seen before. That nervous little chuckle every time he rolls out the important part. “A lot of this stuff originated with our people, haha..”
He knows he’s lying, and there’s at least some part of him inside that winces every time he does it.
January 26, 2023 3:12 pm
I would keep raising the sale price. “Sorry, for this type of payment arrangement I’m gonna need more money. You understand right?” If he goes along with it then it’s confirmed. He wouldn’t care since it’s a fake check, but if it were legit he’d say fuck off.
I think the loophole is that they aren’t forging or stealing personal checks, and the bank doesn’t care because they don’t lose money. So no institution/law enforcement will take action for you. The argument is that you voluntarily deposited a cashier’s check and assumed the risk of it getting returned.
Kommandant Reicher
January 26, 2023 3:03 pm
Have the pajeet send the check to the PO box, delay 2 weeks making up retarded excuses “in the hospital, super GRIDS is acting up, I’ll let you know when I can meet with the movers.” This alone will probably generate some hilarious emails from the street shitter. If you want to take it to the next level meet the movers in a public place and dox them.
January 26, 2023 3:00 pm
“GAE” has actually been around for a couple years now. I think it more accurately describes the people who use it than its intended meaning.
January 26, 2023 2:49 pm
great podcast. always remember to name them (jews) and shame them (jews). I was listening to Mein Kampf the other day at work. Specifically the part about how to make propaganda. Propaganda isn’t for the person who’s been in the thing for years. Nor is it for the “smart guy” who always wants a new hot take. propaganda is for the dumb normie. How can we get the dumb normie to know what’s actually going on. We do that by naming the jew, and shaming the jew.
January 26, 2023 2:46 pm
They should just cancel school for the rest of winter and put the kids in those hibernation learning beds from Venture Brothers.
January 26, 2023 2:44 pm
I’m not sure how you can get righteous vengeance on this scammer pajeet, but I hope that you find a way. This kinda shit always pisses me off.
January 26, 2023 2:23 pm
Get the check, deposit the check in savings, tell the pajeet to send the movers, make .00001% interest on the check for 2 weeks, make 1 cent. Just make sure your bank won’t charge you for pajeet check bounce. Profit
January 26, 2023 2:22 pm
Oh shit Jesse in the beginning sounds like might be on vacation in Oxycodone, Mexico.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 26, 2023 2:21 pm
Seventh Son
January 26, 2023 2:14 pm
well friend, i’ll be sending a cashier’s check
January 26, 2023 1:50 pm
Just Jesse, TRS’s only organic podcast, no sodium mcnabbinate or other preservatives and filler here.
This opening theme slaps gay niggas.
“That which goes unspoken long enough eventually goes unthought.”
That’s why optics cucking and not naming the Jew and resorting to euphemisms hasn’t worked for over a century now.
Back when everyone was Jew aware you could use a euphemism with a nod and a wink and be understood; but people stopped naming the Jew for long enough that after a few generations most people were Jew-blind.
Knowledge transfer between the generations broke down.
ZOG wears GAE as a skin suit.
Scott Greer truly believes in Might Makes Right; since he is so weak, he cucks to every moral belief the jews force on him. He is one of the many reasons that I will NEVER believe in Might Makes Right. I refuse to be like him.
Scott Greer’s voice sounds like the jack-in-the-box from the Island of Misfit Toys.
I don’t even know who Scott Greer is I just enjoy Sven and Borzoi ranting about him.
Have them send you the check and start the process of them requesting the money from you. Be slow. Either get the account info they want you to wire it to and then have the account shutdown at the bank, or figure out how they want the “pickup” to happen. They may rent out an Airbnb or something and someone will be at that address, or they’ll just take the money via a transfer and run and leave you with product. You can follow and film. It’s probably some mule, or negress, that gets paid a cut. It’s too bad… Read more »
hey sven E;R did a video on knives out and glass onion
Zion is the old Jerusalem and the USA is the “New Jerusalem”, the monkey “shining city on a hill”.
Sven: I am one of those people that you make fun of for the vaccine-stuff…. you guys are still very wrong on that issue but your solo Just Jesse episodes are GREAT. You do damned good content on your own.
Two more weeks
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
I couldn’t find that boogie on the verb…
Ah, that theme music got me all nostalgic for old school Shoahs.
Pleased to be greeting you on your jesse day, I’m sending a cashiers check with movers please to be buying many gulab jamun on your momentous day.
extra rupees in cashiers cheque for TRS paywall subscription service, please to be putting into account with name “paki_hater_1776”
“cuckservatism is dead” should be posted everywhere.
Yesss….my jam… Hitler is surfing the cosmos in pit vipers to this intro
> 22:35
yeah, I remember “the GAE” was a term RamZPaul used for a while (and still might be, for all the shits I give) – which just tells you how clout-blinded he and his takes are
“I’m a Zionist”
Is it just me or does he have a striking resemblance to that guy who became a meme crying over the star wars trailer, with the mole on his face.
The “Z” in his name stands for Zionist
I’m off brand Rick!
If you’re wanting to waste the scammer’s time just direct them to the covid discussions on TDS lmao
When first subscribed to TRS a few years ago, I would complain about Sven’s interruptions on TDS. Now I’m eagerly waiting for this nigga’s solo hour show.
With “pro-Whites” like Greer, who needs anti-Whites?
Holy shit, the premises that Scott Greer are working on is insane. These non-Whites are pushing aside the White immigrants in who can claim to be a victim? So, Scott, you’re fine with White people being blamed for problems that either didn’t exist or were all because of kikes? Gtfo
“Anyone can be a globalist” he thought, “I’ve never been in this online discussion before. ANYONE can be a globalist.” The cope felt good on his thoughts as he realized he didn’t have to say jew
The year is 2040. Chairman Mike is well into his fourth term as god emperor, Alex now exclusively spends his time training for cross-ethnostate bicycle races, and Jesse has a successful music career but still chooses to release weekly episodes of Just Jesse for his day one’s.
the chairman only seeks power so he can rid Hollywood of jews get a career in film to pursue his true dream, creating new seasons of Babylon 5
Moike: “Look here’s the thing, there must be some mistake, I thought I was going to be God-Emperor for the Huwite race when we win?”
youre not an old man yelling at clouds
youre speaking from the heart of truth
great monolgue jesse its nice to hear you uninterrupted on a soulful trip.
Old man yells at faggot
wtf im questing in hinterlands right now are you a sorcerer?
u playin old school wowcraft or new poz
Remember that ’80s comedian Emo Phillips? The way Greer talks reminds me of him.
Scott Greer uses all 187 of those IQ points to not say jews. What a shame.
Need to do some mental gymnastics to keep those brain cells from atrophying
This Scott Grier fag has an obvious tell I’ve seen before. That nervous little chuckle every time he rolls out the important part. “A lot of this stuff originated with our people, haha..”
He knows he’s lying, and there’s at least some part of him inside that winces every time he does it.
I would keep raising the sale price. “Sorry, for this type of payment arrangement I’m gonna need more money. You understand right?” If he goes along with it then it’s confirmed. He wouldn’t care since it’s a fake check, but if it were legit he’d say fuck off.
I think the loophole is that they aren’t forging or stealing personal checks, and the bank doesn’t care because they don’t lose money. So no institution/law enforcement will take action for you. The argument is that you voluntarily deposited a cashier’s check and assumed the risk of it getting returned.
Have the pajeet send the check to the PO box, delay 2 weeks making up retarded excuses “in the hospital, super GRIDS is acting up, I’ll let you know when I can meet with the movers.” This alone will probably generate some hilarious emails from the street shitter. If you want to take it to the next level meet the movers in a public place and dox them.
“GAE” has actually been around for a couple years now. I think it more accurately describes the people who use it than its intended meaning.
great podcast. always remember to name them (jews) and shame them (jews). I was listening to Mein Kampf the other day at work. Specifically the part about how to make propaganda. Propaganda isn’t for the person who’s been in the thing for years. Nor is it for the “smart guy” who always wants a new hot take. propaganda is for the dumb normie. How can we get the dumb normie to know what’s actually going on. We do that by naming the jew, and shaming the jew.
They should just cancel school for the rest of winter and put the kids in those hibernation learning beds from Venture Brothers.
I’m not sure how you can get righteous vengeance on this scammer pajeet, but I hope that you find a way. This kinda shit always pisses me off.
Get the check, deposit the check in savings, tell the pajeet to send the movers, make .00001% interest on the check for 2 weeks, make 1 cent. Just make sure your bank won’t charge you for pajeet check bounce. Profit
Oh shit Jesse in the beginning sounds like might be on vacation in Oxycodone, Mexico.
well friend, i’ll be sending a cashier’s check
Just Jesse, TRS’s only organic podcast, no sodium mcnabbinate or other preservatives and filler here.
Sorry friend. 🙁
Thomairus cheated with time zones, i was first! you gotta believe me.
First. My favorite show.