The flat earth cope for day and night on the opposite sides of the earth is that the sun is like a flashlight that only shines on one longitude slice of the flat earth at a time, rotating westerly, how they square that with the changing declination of the sun with the seasons I have no idea.
Feminine Bulge
January 25, 2023 8:29 pm
this is pure roundie cope
January 25, 2023 7:10 pm
Spherecucks btfo
January 25, 2023 5:35 pm
My mate got into flat earth, tried to convince me and my cobbers that ground harnesses were just a tool used by Klaus Schwobbo to control us.
I still remember his scream as he fell
I hate the moon hoax people. Probably the greatest achievement of the White race due to the contributions German scientists with almost no jew involvement and many of our guys looove promoting moon conspiracy BS.
Obsidian 7
January 25, 2023 2:07 pm
I never heard of an ice wall at the south pole until after Game of Thrones show had an ice wall… I wonder if these schizo’s just steal cawntent from television and movies.
Roman the Barbarian
January 25, 2023 1:53 pm
“In America, anyone can become president” used to sound like a good thing.
January 25, 2023 1:36 pm
Seven-layer-bean-dip-Earf gang checking in
January 25, 2023 1:33 pm
The entire reason I speculate that white guy had the camera set up the way he did was anticipating zog kicking in his door. He was probably hand waved as a paranoid kook by today’s upper midwit class. The guy just looks like a prepper. All white people are gonna need camera systems similar to his
Forest Brother
January 25, 2023 1:31 pm
Sven I do the sleeve trick as well. You and I both know that it’s still uncomfortable af
January 25, 2023 1:04 pm
long arms confirmed nigs
White Noise
January 25, 2023 1:02 pm
I know the earth is round because if Jesse was to push on the gas, a bit harder, the velocity of travel for prep in the car would in fact, cause it to be released hours earlier than Tuesdays Striking & Mike.
Last edited 2 years ago by White Noise
January 25, 2023 12:26 pm
If this episode is all gay movies I’m gonna lose it I swear
I was told the earth is round to get people to not believe in Christianity, and that in the bible it says the earth is on “two pillars”. which apparently means its a disc?
The Church has never taught that the earth is flat, but she always said the earth was in the center of the universe. The Church’s enemies went to great lengths to “prove” geocentrism is wrong specifically to get people not to believe. And they succeeded brilliantly.
Did they really? I heard Galileo was just being an asshole and other heliocentrists were in good standing with the church. Seems like a Jazzhands question.
Galileo was “being an asshole” in that he was not practicing as a Catholic at the time of his trial and was part of a movement to undermine the Church. What really got him in hot water was 1. He used underhanded means to secure an imprimatur for his book on heliocentrism and 2. He effectively told the Church hierarchy that he knew better how to interpret Scripture than they did. A cool but little known fact about Galileo, though, is he had a conversion experience a few years before he died and recanted his previous position and accepted the… Read more »
Flat. Hence PLANEt Earth
Wait, can we live in hollow earth AND flat earth? What about TUBE earth? (Bong noises intensify)
Last edited 2 years ago by avoidingthegiardia
January 25, 2023 11:57 am
Of all the sell outs I expected from these dark dark days at TRS globe cucking was not one of them. Man these days are so dark that they are responsible for the majority of violent crime.
January 25, 2023 11:54 am
Just when you thought that the Republicans and Trump 2024 couldn’t get any gayer…….
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will join former President Trump later this month for the launch of his 2024 South Carolina campaign team, the first major event of the calendar year for the former president’s reelection campaign.
I don’t care what shape the earth is. The kikes are ruling over all of it and genociding white people. As long as Jews are doing what Jews do, then the shape of the earth is irrelevant. Let’s catapult the Jews into space so they can report back
My Big fear is that the big holohoax debate finally happens and the hoaxer decides to win by default by offhandedly commenting about how the Ferengi could beat the Romulans in a spelling bee and then flash forward nine hours and all you hear is Mike saying, “… So in conclusion Dr Deanna Troy was not a Borg, and the Deus ex machina of Wesley Crusher saving the Enterprise was an overused trope and this needs to be pointed out.”
The flat earth cope for day and night on the opposite sides of the earth is that the sun is like a flashlight that only shines on one longitude slice of the flat earth at a time, rotating westerly, how they square that with the changing declination of the sun with the seasons I have no idea.
this is pure roundie cope
Spherecucks btfo
My mate got into flat earth, tried to convince me and my cobbers that ground harnesses were just a tool used by Klaus Schwobbo to control us.
I still remember his scream as he fell
The earth is shaped like a bagel
the earth is fat
Keto earth when?
I hate the moon hoax people. Probably the greatest achievement of the White race due to the contributions German scientists with almost no jew involvement and many of our guys looove promoting moon conspiracy BS.
I never heard of an ice wall at the south pole until after Game of Thrones show had an ice wall… I wonder if these schizo’s just steal cawntent from television and movies.
“In America, anyone can become president” used to sound like a good thing.
Seven-layer-bean-dip-Earf gang checking in
The entire reason I speculate that white guy had the camera set up the way he did was anticipating zog kicking in his door. He was probably hand waved as a paranoid kook by today’s upper midwit class. The guy just looks like a prepper. All white people are gonna need camera systems similar to his
Sven I do the sleeve trick as well. You and I both know that it’s still uncomfortable af
long arms confirmed nigs
I know the earth is round because if Jesse was to push on the gas, a bit harder, the velocity of travel for prep in the car would in fact, cause it to be released hours earlier than Tuesdays Striking & Mike.
If this episode is all gay movies I’m gonna lose it I swear
Why hello sir
I was told the earth is round to get people to not believe in Christianity, and that in the bible it says the earth is on “two pillars”. which apparently means its a disc?
idk, i dont fucking get it. its retarded
The Church has never taught that the earth is flat, but she always said the earth was in the center of the universe. The Church’s enemies went to great lengths to “prove” geocentrism is wrong specifically to get people not to believe. And they succeeded brilliantly.
Did they really? I heard Galileo was just being an asshole and other heliocentrists were in good standing with the church. Seems like a Jazzhands question.
Galileo was “being an asshole” in that he was not practicing as a Catholic at the time of his trial and was part of a movement to undermine the Church. What really got him in hot water was 1. He used underhanded means to secure an imprimatur for his book on heliocentrism and 2. He effectively told the Church hierarchy that he knew better how to interpret Scripture than they did. A cool but little known fact about Galileo, though, is he had a conversion experience a few years before he died and recanted his previous position and accepted the… Read more »
yeah like any German on the Holocaust.
If you’re implying he was tortured or something, no.
as a man with long arms. you can either have short sleeves, or a too big shirt.
marine from small indiana town railroaded at jan 6th trial.
TRS needs to organize and lead an expedition to the South Pole!
world is a snow “(((GLOBE)))”. flat af, with crystalline entity over the top of the widthless flat disc. we live on that.
world aint thicc
Flat. Hence PLANEt Earth
Wait, can we live in hollow earth AND flat earth? What about TUBE earth? (Bong noises intensify)
Of all the sell outs I expected from these dark dark days at TRS globe cucking was not one of them. Man these days are so dark that they are responsible for the majority of violent crime.
Just when you thought that the Republicans and Trump 2024 couldn’t get any gayer…….
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will join former President Trump later this month for the launch of his 2024 South Carolina campaign team, the first major event of the calendar year for the former president’s reelection campaign.
Still waiting on Jewish Vulgarity content
I don’t care what shape the earth is. The kikes are ruling over all of it and genociding white people. As long as Jews are doing what Jews do, then the shape of the earth is irrelevant. Let’s catapult the Jews into space so they can report back
If the Earth was flat, cats would have pushed Jews off of the edge of the Earth by now.
Two and a half hour discourse on “Gayniggers from Outer Space” plz.
Just kidding, let’s talk “Der Ewige Jude” instead!
Tds owes us a full three hour show with nothing but denials.
Can’t believe they ended up doing Baldwin content when we were almost having a real show.
I demand a podcast about trains hosted by Shane and Greg
Im game for that
I would love this!
Dats a nigger quiz
First niggers
Please. No movie talk.
Movies are so gay just stop
My Big fear is that the big holohoax debate finally happens and the hoaxer decides to win by default by offhandedly commenting about how the Ferengi could beat the Romulans in a spelling bee and then flash forward nine hours and all you hear is Mike saying, “… So in conclusion Dr Deanna Troy was not a Borg, and the Deus ex machina of Wesley Crusher saving the Enterprise was an overused trope and this needs to be pointed out.” star trek
but who cares.
We can have a beer and talk about that irl one day
Depends, movies are good if i have seen them. Or if its some important popular movie, like shitting on starwars.
the star trek + movie discussion was good. Them consternating about whiners on the forum complaining about it was pretty cringe tho
Go to YouTube if you want banter about movies