Mike and Warren welcome special guest Jack McKraken of the Justice Report to talk about his recent reporting on the scandal in New York where a young White man is being railroaded for allegedly putting up swastika stickers.
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You know what’s funny. All the watcha doing rabbi with Jew cemetery vandalism they never have video despite all the money for security cameras. But those Jews on mount Zion vandalizing the Christian Graves. There was video. So these jew graveyards have security cameras but they never have video to give the public of the vandalism because it’s a jew doing it
How are Jews changing thier behavior. They are still censoring speech, they are still promoting degenercy, they are still doing financial scams, they still are letting Sam Bankman-Freid out on bail. By the way has anyone seen him lately. Is he still in the country with no plans to ever mention his name again hoping the public forgets. Are they swinging less chickens??
In every US state and territory if you are convicted of any felony(including non violent felonies and misdemeanor domestic violence) you are permanently prohibited from owning, possessing, or using a firearm/ammunition. If you are a felon or have been convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence and you are caught with a firearm or ammunition then you are looking at 5 to 15 years in Federal prison if convicted.
Disagree. Some states have automatic restoration of gun rights depending on charges.
It is a Federal law. Federal law prohibits convicted felons, domestic abusers, and anyone who has been involuntarily committed from ever owning, possessing, or using firearms/ammunition. It has already been taken to the supreme court and upheld. Federal law overrides state law. The only way you are getting your 2A rights back after a felony conviction or misdemeanor domestic violence conviction is if you receive a full pardon/restoration of rights by the governor(for state convictions) or the president of the United States(for those with federal convictions).
just saw that someone donated $109, lol
FFS put your hands in your pockets and give this lad a few quid you cheap bastards !
Tucker Carlson is such a piece of shit. There is no more excuses or plausible deniability. I’m adjusting my friend enemy distinction to factor in whether one still shills for Tucker Carlson or now. He clearly is just as anti-white as any other fox news or media figure. People who still shill for Trump are just as bad as those who still hang thier hopes on Trump. He is Jared Kushners neighbor. He chose to be Kushner’s neighbor and all the other Palm Beach jews.
I think the fag flag is a hate symbol. I see it as a direct threat to rape my kid. And I see it as a jewish supremacist symbol threatening subjugation. Bring it on Kike argue me on this
This is another situation were internet censorship allows subhumans like Cathy Holchal do this shit. If we were on Twitter she would be bombarded with swastikas or photoshops of jews giving her a facial or what have you
Maybe release this episodes to the freefags.
seconded. with fundraiser info.
Agree! People need to hear about this hero.
Why isn’t the Star of David listed as a “Hate Symbol?”
The episode transitioned from Rage Pilling to White Pilling nicely. Bravo gentlemen.
The power fisting guys tend to sticker over here.
LoL nice oh noooo
womp womp big whiff
what a rollercoaster as this guy tries not to get banned
spam donation link in jones’stream/comments
You can scrub the video.
We will win.
I listen to American journal with Harrison every day. He’s okay on 90% but just cucks on racial jew issues. He even denies the 6 million number on air pretty sure
He ruins it everytime with saying stupid shit like that
time for alex of house jones to play shadowlegends
NJP ‘til I die!
300$ every year till you die.
I know that talking about crowder et all. is gay but you guys should check out crowders last two free shorter podcasts. He’s basically starting a shitstorm between himself and the daily wire, where he’s (sorta) exposing the daily wire and playing secret recorded conversations with daily wire. The issue itself is sorta gay (exploiting junior employees), not that we wouldn’t expect this, but it’s interesting that Crowder in his unceremonious exit from big conservatism seems to be flipping the chess board and dragging down people on his way out.
Normalize saying fuck kikes
C’mon Jack! You gotta talk more guy!
Lol good luck getting a word in.
We should rename the White House to the shabbos house lol
Warren talked on Mark Collett’s show on how villains in real life are not cool as fictional ones but far more evil. I mean it’s humiliating that the face of ultimate evil doesn’t look like Sauron or Darkseid but is some sleepy eyed nasally voiced pear shaped whiny Jew. But ultimately it’s far more insidious since it’s how they’re able to get away with acts no matter how monstrous with their constant illusion as history’s greatest “victim”.
The 2% rule thing, the NJP doesnt really owe anyone an explanation. If nobody gets that 2% jew represenation is just symbolic and it still breaks jew power they’re just seething spergs. The appropriate response is to roll one’s eyes at spergs.
I just wish you guys were center stage in u.s. politics already. Sieg Heil. 卐
If you are questioning the point, you are doing the opposite of what you should be doing. You should push the rhetoric on jews and mke them explain why they deserve overrepresentation.
This shit makes me want to take a page from the Westboro Baptist Church and disrupt cop funerals with race traitor signs and pigs loving the juju cum
I’m a Hindu nuffin
A hate symbol is any symbol that jews don’t like
God willing New York police get in fatal shoot outs with feral negros every day this year. And I hope the groids win
I’d rather the ferals set their eyes on the jews.
Race traitors disgust me more than jews. Always will. They enable the jew to jew. If not for the race traitor the jew could do nothing but kvetch in the wind
>X is worse than jews
There wouldn’t be any race traitors at all if it werent for jews so your comment is just stupid. Nothing is worse than the jew and saying otherwise just looks like you’re deflecting for them. I don’t know whats worse your blatant fedposting or countersignalling jew hatred
gay spooks are like chinese palace eunuchs, guaranteed no intergenerational ambitions possible to be problematic, just indulgence and excess
Yeah. Gayrace is remarkably regime compliant. Homos have the political sophistication of 60yo cat ladies.
Well as Jazzhands put it so perfectly “without Jewish power faggots would have to go back to snatching kids in the middle of the night with a white van”
Kathy Hochul is married to a Jew.
tacit on wut GRONZ??
The article they are talking about.
We’re live niggers.
Wuts going on dunite? Hasnt loaded führer me yet.
I miss the hom&m music with fish
WEF conspiracies are the equivalent of the leftists who say the real reason America supports Israel is Evangelical Christians. It’s like, show me a single policy Evangelicals have actually gotten passed that wasn’t advocated for by more powerful interest groups.
While you’re waiting, check out the latest reporting from Justicereport.news https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/01/19/report-nasa-fears-china-will-conquer-the-moon-promotes-anti-white-diversity-programs-on-earth/ NASA Administrator Bill Nelson is accusing China of trying to take over the moon. While there isn’t much evidence of his assertions regarding China, there are many examples of Nelson’s hawkish, Zionist foreign policy stances. Nelson says America is in a space race with China but the USA will come out on top. Based on the anti-White, diversity programs coming from both NASA and US Space Force, there is a lot of room for skepticism. Martin Heidegger talks with several military veterans including NJP Board Member Michael McKevitt about their views on… Read more »
Also I’m up in the air about crowder. He’s obviously better about things than the DW people…edgie..but I think he may have been trying to play hardball.
That fucking Daily Rake story about the woman in the hospital…these judges need to be disrobed and disbarred. And then subjected to criminal punishment by the State.
you mean, by the Province?
a doiiishh
Warren!!! You and Emily should do Modern Politics once a week as a pay wall show!
It takes 20 hours to edit one episode. That would be too much work.
Just an idea… I’m and ideas man, Chuck. I get ideas
Shitty Jew actor, Ben Savage, is trying to run for Jew Adam Schiff’s HoR seat because he is running for Jew Diane Feinstein’s Senate seat. The ethnic nepotism on display never ceases to amaze me.
There’s no over representation goy- that’s just an antisemitic trope
Someone just pointed out that Jews are 6% of Congress while only 2% of the population. They’ll be even more shocked when they see how much political funding is Jewish. I have a feeling it’s more than 6%.
Go check out Open Secrets. They even have a category called “Zionist money” that isn’t just Jews, but Israeli lobbyists specifically.
6 million percent
Meanwhile Schiff’s last opponent in 2018, was a homosexual drag queen called Maebe A. Girl.
Hail Victory
Hi friends.
I fucking love Justice Report
Got dat Mack Kraken
R is a country full of Niggers.
Oh shit I fucked up the n tower- my baaaaad goys
We love the poorly educated!
love it