holy crap that obscene anti-White sheboon “comedy” rant – I mean holy FUCKING shit that was actually broadcast ?
H.P. Hovercraft
January 23, 2023 2:48 am
The MLK statue was done by a Chinese sculptor.
H.P. Hovercraft
January 23, 2023 2:26 am
Wasn’t the Jew on The Sopranos, Hesh, also a music producer who got rich off of rap music? He was basically the Rick Rubin type.
Last edited 2 years ago by H.P. Hovercraft
January 21, 2023 1:41 pm
Hey, but Angel of Death will always be a killer.
January 20, 2023 7:51 pm
Missed a “fuck you its january” oppertunity right at the start.
January 20, 2023 5:10 pm
“Brown hands holding up a turd as if it’s not a fucking joke.” Kek.
Last edited 2 years ago by Bandit
January 20, 2023 2:40 pm
You should edit in Mike interrupting you on your solo shows
January 20, 2023 9:50 am
Premium Orb Cawntent
Assoteric Titlerist
January 20, 2023 5:45 am
The angle I first saw the MLK statue photographed from, I also thought it looked like an image of someone giving head. In other pictures, it became unmistakably turd-like.
Wilmo Forwardslash
January 20, 2023 4:30 am
> the munchie munch munch munch
It’s basically moment like these that make me think at times that bipocs just might be more disgusting about sex than f(g(x))
and this definitely confirmed my bias that EP is for [the same demographic that weed is for]
FUD-Thirsty Ghoul
January 19, 2023 9:56 pm
Becoming a nazi ruined Angel of Death, not cuz I get mad but just cuz it’s so lame now. Since I know none of this shit happened I just find myself chuckling to myself saying, “lol what a bunch of fucking boomers” still great music, though
Also, Hell Awaits and Show No Mercy were the best Slayer albums
Yea you are right! Maybe Jews used songs like that to promote holohoax lies, even if us goyim thought it was promoting us at the time
January 19, 2023 8:26 pm
I like Art back when it was funded by the Aristocracy/Monarchy.
Wilmo Forwardslash
January 19, 2023 7:59 pm
you forgot to call reuben a haaaack frawwwwdddd
January 19, 2023 7:46 pm
If you check that link I posted, it’s an interview with the singer of Slayer. He talks about how Columbia records refused to put out Angel of death. And then Ruben’s company took it over. Probably because Angel of death has that lying about Auschwitz. But it was probably the Jews at Columbia giving Ruben a chance to start his own company as he talks about
I still argue that Reign in Blood is better because it is stripped down and sparse, especially after Hell Awaits that is just epic and drenched in reverb. It’s good contrast. Angel of Death with a “big” Arena/Radio Rock like The Black Album production? Cmon – what’s the point of that? Postmortem into Raining Blood is still one of the best album closers of all time in thrash. Kerry himself said that Rick Rubin hardly stopped in the studio at all on subsequent albums and the engineers and themselves did most of the actual production. Danzig as well. (“He stopped… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Veni.Vidi.Vici
January 19, 2023 6:36 pm
I’m a bit of a prog fag and I enjoyed the first mars Volta album that Rick jewbin “produced.”
I guess the reality is he took naps while the musicians actually produced the album.
Dr. Zeus: the bag-footed
January 19, 2023 5:38 pm
This is why I want to nominate Jesse for Führer. He’s a true man of the people. Without you, Jesse, there is no TRS, and no NJP. Love you brother!
Same here! Actually in 2020 I wrote in Jesse and James
Forest Elephant
January 19, 2023 5:02 pm
Funny thing about them admitting that the MLK turd statue looking like a man going down on a woman since MLK was notorious for his bizarre sex orgy parties with his fellow black ministers. It’s just more proof that so called “muh black Christianity” is just another version of their savage tribal voodoo cults from Darkest Africa.
January 19, 2023 4:48 pm
>see “LEZ”
>No beer man
Fuck this dishonesty
January 19, 2023 4:43 pm
I always learn something from these
January 19, 2023 4:15 pm
I enjoyed the snare talk, very informative.
Fuck Rick Rubin. He’s the music equivalent of the kosher verification rabbi who goes to a food factory to do nothing and collect a pay cheque, so they can get the Jew seal of approval.
January 19, 2023 4:14 pm
i could see the MLK statue being a penis but oral sex is a stretch that i can’t see
To be fair you have to have a very bipoc-level IQ to understand her visual interpretation of the Embrace Statue. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Lezdog’s negroidistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation – her personal philosophy draws heavily from Nastynibba Vulga literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about… Read more »
Ace McNasty
January 19, 2023 3:49 pm
Stream was very comfortable, a great friendship simulation.
Further evidence that Just Jessie is the best show on TRS.
Hydrated Quadriceps
January 19, 2023 3:48 pm
Niggers need to shut their goddamn monkey mouths up
Ace McNasty
January 19, 2023 3:48 pm
It’s a turd and that’s all anyone can see, same with niggers, though then might have be told first.
January 19, 2023 3:39 pm
what a curious peek into the mind of the sheboon art critic with regards to the mona lisa
January 19, 2023 3:27 pm
As far as the sculptor of that statue goes, go check out the Awards section on his Wiki page:
>Guggenheim Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
>Art For Justice Fund Grant, Ford Foundation
>Soros Equality Fellowship, Open Society Foundations
>Artadia Award
>Renew Media Arts Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation
Dude is just a piece of shit being held up by largely Jewish interests.
Reign in Blood came out in 1986. The sound quality on that record is horrible but the songs are incredible and the band itself is legendary. Terry Date is a good producer and audio engineer. He’s worked with Pantera, White Zombie, Rob Zombie, Deftones, Melvins, Helmet, Soundgarden, Dream Theater, Overkill, Dark Angel, Limp Bizkit, Soulfly, Korn, and Prong.
Last edited 2 years ago by Opeth0423
January 19, 2023 2:57 pm
destroy mouse and log-in to microphone to change settings microphones have always required login credentials and always-on technology goy.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 19, 2023 2:45 pm
Why is that nigger turd even in Boston? To flex on a historically really White town?
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 19, 2023 2:25 pm
Jimmy Iovine produced some of my favorite Heartbreakers albums, like “Damn the Torpedoes,” “Hard Promises,” and “Long After Dark.”
Superb cast.
holy crap that obscene anti-White sheboon “comedy” rant – I mean holy FUCKING shit that was actually broadcast ?
The MLK statue was done by a Chinese sculptor.
Wasn’t the Jew on The Sopranos, Hesh, also a music producer who got rich off of rap music? He was basically the Rick Rubin type.
Hey, but Angel of Death will always be a killer.
Missed a “fuck you its january” oppertunity right at the start.
“Brown hands holding up a turd as if it’s not a fucking joke.” Kek.
You should edit in Mike interrupting you on your solo shows
Premium Orb Cawntent
The angle I first saw the MLK statue photographed from, I also thought it looked like an image of someone giving head. In other pictures, it became unmistakably turd-like.
> the munchie munch munch munch
It’s basically moment like these that make me think at times that bipocs just might be more disgusting about sex than f(g(x))
and this definitely confirmed my bias that EP is for [the same demographic that weed is for]
Becoming a nazi ruined Angel of Death, not cuz I get mad but just cuz it’s so lame now. Since I know none of this shit happened I just find myself chuckling to myself saying, “lol what a bunch of fucking boomers” still great music, though
Also, Hell Awaits and Show No Mercy were the best Slayer albums
Yea you are right! Maybe Jews used songs like that to promote holohoax lies, even if us goyim thought it was promoting us at the time
I like Art back when it was funded by the Aristocracy/Monarchy.
you forgot to call reuben a haaaack frawwwwdddd
If you check that link I posted, it’s an interview with the singer of Slayer. He talks about how Columbia records refused to put out Angel of death. And then Ruben’s company took it over. Probably because Angel of death has that lying about Auschwitz. But it was probably the Jews at Columbia giving Ruben a chance to start his own company as he talks about
I just listened to this interview last week and it’s stuck in my brain and then you mentioned that today LOL
Line about Auschwitz I meant to say, also defender of the Aryan race. So the Jews refuse to put that out but Ruben capitalized on that
Neil Diamond hard
I still argue that Reign in Blood is better because it is stripped down and sparse, especially after Hell Awaits that is just epic and drenched in reverb. It’s good contrast. Angel of Death with a “big” Arena/Radio Rock like The Black Album production? Cmon – what’s the point of that? Postmortem into Raining Blood is still one of the best album closers of all time in thrash. Kerry himself said that Rick Rubin hardly stopped in the studio at all on subsequent albums and the engineers and themselves did most of the actual production. Danzig as well. (“He stopped… Read more »
I’m a bit of a prog fag and I enjoyed the first mars Volta album that Rick jewbin “produced.”
I guess the reality is he took naps while the musicians actually produced the album.
This is why I want to nominate Jesse for Führer. He’s a true man of the people. Without you, Jesse, there is no TRS, and no NJP. Love you brother!
I wrote him in and left the rest of the ballot blank the last two times I went to the voting booth
Same here! Actually in 2020 I wrote in Jesse and James
Funny thing about them admitting that the MLK turd statue looking like a man going down on a woman since MLK was notorious for his bizarre sex orgy parties with his fellow black ministers. It’s just more proof that so called “muh black Christianity” is just another version of their savage tribal voodoo cults from Darkest Africa.
>see “LEZ”
>No beer man
Fuck this dishonesty
I always learn something from these
I enjoyed the snare talk, very informative.
Fuck Rick Rubin. He’s the music equivalent of the kosher verification rabbi who goes to a food factory to do nothing and collect a pay cheque, so they can get the Jew seal of approval.
i could see the MLK statue being a penis but oral sex is a stretch that i can’t see
To be fair you have to have a very bipoc-level IQ to understand her visual interpretation of the Embrace Statue. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Lezdog’s negroidistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation – her personal philosophy draws heavily from Nastynibba Vulga literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about… Read more »
Stream was very comfortable, a great friendship simulation.
Fuck it, artificial dopamine rush hat back on
Further evidence that Just Jessie is the best show on TRS.
Niggers need to shut their goddamn monkey mouths up
It’s a turd and that’s all anyone can see, same with niggers, though then might have be told first.
what a curious peek into the mind of the sheboon art critic with regards to the mona lisa
As far as the sculptor of that statue goes, go check out the Awards section on his Wiki page:
>Guggenheim Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
>Art For Justice Fund Grant, Ford Foundation
>Soros Equality Fellowship, Open Society Foundations
>Artadia Award
>Renew Media Arts Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation
Dude is just a piece of shit being held up by largely Jewish interests.
Reign in Blood came out in 1986. The sound quality on that record is horrible but the songs are incredible and the band itself is legendary. Terry Date is a good producer and audio engineer. He’s worked with Pantera, White Zombie, Rob Zombie, Deftones, Melvins, Helmet, Soundgarden, Dream Theater, Overkill, Dark Angel, Limp Bizkit, Soulfly, Korn, and Prong.
destroy mouse and log-in to microphone to change settings microphones have always required login credentials and always-on technology goy.
Why is that nigger turd even in Boston? To flex on a historically really White town?
Jimmy Iovine produced some of my favorite Heartbreakers albums, like “Damn the Torpedoes,” “Hard Promises,” and “Long After Dark.”
a delightfully talented non jew record producer. His work with Petty was incredible.
I see a turd also. Then again I see a turd every time I look at an image of MLK.
St. Anger snare drum, aka The Trashcan Sound.
Still better than the Lou Reed collab tho.
Only Slayer album I go back to listen to is Show No Mercy.
Finally got around to finishing your book. Good stuff 👍
I haven’t read his book yet 😭
It’s a good book man, collections of the old essays and some (new) (back when borzoi was still young and bright eyed) essays
If I ever see you irl I’ll give you my copy
It’s an enjoyable read.
definitely enjoyed the recent odyssey stream of content
Didn’t I do it for you