Bad Boys was a good movie despite Penn being a kike fag. Plus the bad guy was a spic rapist thug
January 12, 2023 11:51 pm
In regards the DNA thing- the ‘DNA from the garbage’ thing is likely bull. Here’s how Slate and others are reporting it really happened- they got the DNA from the knife sheath. They matched that against 23andMe, Ancestry, etc. They found a close relative, probably the father, calculated how close the relationship would be, and realized that Kohlberger was probably their guy. The ‘DNA from the garbage’ is just parallel construction to divert attention from the fact that basically any white person in America can now be identified with maybe one or two degrees of separation from some relative who… Read more »
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
January 12, 2023 11:42 pm
Can’t really explain why, but Just Jabbie is the best TRS show as of late.
January 12, 2023 11:21 pm
I hardly listen to the first two Black Sabbath albums, bunch of songs you’ve heard 10000000 times and besides everyone knows they got good on Master of Reality onward anyways.
Technical Ecstasy sucks but the song Dirty Women is killer.
Never Say Die sucks too
The Dio albums are fucking killer.
Born Again is weird but has some good songs on it.
Also the Tony Martin era is highly underrated
Dehumanizer and the Heaven and Hell (the band) albums are really cool too
I would say good art isn’t a waste of time. By it should be the to tell you what is right, and to call you to action. But you shouldn’t live vicariously through it.
January 12, 2023 8:23 pm
I’m running this nigger farm now Finkelstein and I wanna know, what the fuck are you doing with my time
Last edited 2 years ago by Hektor
January 12, 2023 7:24 pm
Sven has always been my favorite not just at TRS but any media. I’d rather listen to him than anyone.
I like Sben talking about audio stuff because that’s been a passion of mine since I was in my teens but I do miss people calling in and also the bantz between he and jznds
January 12, 2023 5:47 pm
They should make autoclave safe mics.
January 12, 2023 5:41 pm
Come here for Mike and Warren Report…. but all I got is Just Jabbie.
Per your discussion yesterday about standardization, the US rail system used to use multiple gauges, but “[i]n 1886, railways in the south managed to convert the gauge on an estimated 11,500 miles of track in a period of just 36 hours.” And they converted all the rolling stock at the same time. This used to be a white country…sigh…
Here is a nerdy video on the project:
January 12, 2023 5:08 pm
Haven’t listen yet but did he do this content because there won’t be a a Mike and Warren tonight?
you should use the synth intro music more often, I really like it
January 12, 2023 3:59 pm
Love the head fake to shake off the non sven enjoyers.
January 12, 2023 3:25 pm
exactly right sven
even a banner drop can be trackes back with traffick cams, ringdoorbell, on*star, gait recognition.
even walking to a protest, they can track you and look for leverage over you.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 12, 2023 2:38 pm
I’ve watched “Dawn of the Dead” probably 100 times… I don’t even remember the “niggers and spics” line, but I’m sure I must have laughed at it.
I think that is in the director’s cut versions you get now not in the original release version. Entertaining film though.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 12, 2023 2:33 pm
After “Night of the Living Dead,” the wops loved that shit and made a bunch of their own knock-off zombie films. Romero was the first to make zombies want to eat people. Before that, they were just undead niggers who wandered around Caribbean islands or whatever.
The Italian zombie films are great along with the hordes of ripoff films they did.
January 12, 2023 2:27 pm
The cozy mid-day just Jesse vibes meeeaaaann.
January 12, 2023 2:26 pm
Kohberger definitely murdered those college students. If the police truly have the evidence/information stated in the arrest affidavit then no doubt they got the right guy. Every mistake a killer could make this guy made. So much for his glorified criminology degree and 8+ years of school. The fact that we have a surveillance state and better forensics compared to 40 years ago is not a bad thing it is just a matter of who controls the system which utilizes these tools.
I always hated zombie shit because all zombie fiction just comes off as libertarian survivalist fantasy larping. Ironically capeshit was more believable because zombie fiction relies on “muh trusty shotgun” being more reliable at killing shambling zombies then tanks, bombs, jets,etc or the harsh reality of race never factors into this world where society collapses. It’s funny because when people would say “I’m collecting supplies for the zombie apocalypse”, they were basically dog whistling about “preparing for the next chimpout”. When I was a young normie comic book fan, I remember calling out Max Brooks in a Q&A at a… Read more »
That’s why I like Italian zombie films it’s just practical effect gore, goofiness, and awesome synth scores
January 12, 2023 1:32 pm
The synth TDS intro was my favorite. That shit ruled. I was so bummed when u stopped using it
January 12, 2023 12:59 pm
Putin it on odysee so we can drop in rubles, comrade.
Ok, that was a terrible Russian accent. I’m probably gay. And Juice.
January 12, 2023 12:53 pm
lovin the just jesses recently
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
January 12, 2023 12:52 pm
Real Seventh Day AdSVENtist hours.
Everybody Loves Raymondsbruck
January 12, 2023 12:33 pm
My favorite “proofs” used for “hEs jEwIsH” is when bad physiognomy analysis of poor photos is trotted out as though that hasn’t been also used to call all of our people Jews. A standard that can be used to accuse our people of being Jews with the only defense “he can’t be Jewish because I like him” is a useless standard
Intro was fire
Good show
Bad Boys was a good movie despite Penn being a kike fag. Plus the bad guy was a spic rapist thug
In regards the DNA thing- the ‘DNA from the garbage’ thing is likely bull. Here’s how Slate and others are reporting it really happened- they got the DNA from the knife sheath. They matched that against 23andMe, Ancestry, etc. They found a close relative, probably the father, calculated how close the relationship would be, and realized that Kohlberger was probably their guy. The ‘DNA from the garbage’ is just parallel construction to divert attention from the fact that basically any white person in America can now be identified with maybe one or two degrees of separation from some relative who… Read more »
Can’t really explain why, but Just Jabbie is the best TRS show as of late.
I hardly listen to the first two Black Sabbath albums, bunch of songs you’ve heard 10000000 times and besides everyone knows they got good on Master of Reality onward anyways.
Technical Ecstasy sucks but the song Dirty Women is killer.
Never Say Die sucks too
The Dio albums are fucking killer.
Born Again is weird but has some good songs on it.
Also the Tony Martin era is highly underrated
Dehumanizer and the Heaven and Hell (the band) albums are really cool too
I mean Vol 4 is my fav BS album but Paranoid not good – really ? Ozzy was already at his peak – War Pigs live in Paris 1970 is just jaw dropping
I’m here to upboat the Tony Martin stuff.
I would say good art isn’t a waste of time. By it should be the to tell you what is right, and to call you to action. But you shouldn’t live vicariously through it.
I’m running this nigger farm now Finkelstein and I wanna know, what the fuck are you doing with my time
Sven has always been my favorite not just at TRS but any media. I’d rather listen to him than anyone.
Jabs & Jesse
jabhands mcpfeizer oh gawd goy
ivermectin & the mad wop
I like Sben talking about audio stuff because that’s been a passion of mine since I was in my teens but I do miss people calling in and also the bantz between he and jznds
They should make autoclave safe mics.
Come here for Mike and Warren Report…. but all I got is Just Jabbie.
Get out. JJ is the best show on the network
Per your discussion yesterday about standardization, the US rail system used to use multiple gauges, but “[i]n 1886, railways in the south managed to convert the gauge on an estimated 11,500 miles of track in a period of just 36 hours.” And they converted all the rolling stock at the same time. This used to be a white country…sigh…
Here is a nerdy video on the project:
Haven’t listen yet but did he do this content because there won’t be a a Mike and Warren tonight?
You’re not allowed to listen to Mike and warren.
you should use the synth intro music more often, I really like it
Love the head fake to shake off the non sven enjoyers.
exactly right sven
even a banner drop can be trackes back with traffick cams, ringdoorbell, on*star, gait recognition.
even walking to a protest, they can track you and look for leverage over you.
I’ve watched “Dawn of the Dead” probably 100 times… I don’t even remember the “niggers and spics” line, but I’m sure I must have laughed at it.
I think that is in the director’s cut versions you get now not in the original release version. Entertaining film though.
After “Night of the Living Dead,” the wops loved that shit and made a bunch of their own knock-off zombie films. Romero was the first to make zombies want to eat people. Before that, they were just undead niggers who wandered around Caribbean islands or whatever.
The Italian zombie films are great along with the hordes of ripoff films they did.
The cozy mid-day just Jesse vibes meeeaaaann.
Kohberger definitely murdered those college students. If the police truly have the evidence/information stated in the arrest affidavit then no doubt they got the right guy. Every mistake a killer could make this guy made. So much for his glorified criminology degree and 8+ years of school. The fact that we have a surveillance state and better forensics compared to 40 years ago is not a bad thing it is just a matter of who controls the system which utilizes these tools.
Romero isn’t Italian. Romeo is.
Southern Dago
Do I smell a new podcast in the works?
No that’s Moikes new mic.
Mmm, benis gondend.
Can you send rand moikes old mic? Shipping might be more than the value of the mic though
I think Striker needs it more
I always hated zombie shit because all zombie fiction just comes off as libertarian survivalist fantasy larping. Ironically capeshit was more believable because zombie fiction relies on “muh trusty shotgun” being more reliable at killing shambling zombies then tanks, bombs, jets,etc or the harsh reality of race never factors into this world where society collapses. It’s funny because when people would say “I’m collecting supplies for the zombie apocalypse”, they were basically dog whistling about “preparing for the next chimpout”. When I was a young normie comic book fan, I remember calling out Max Brooks in a Q&A at a… Read more »
That’s why I like Italian zombie films it’s just practical effect gore, goofiness, and awesome synth scores
The synth TDS intro was my favorite. That shit ruled. I was so bummed when u stopped using it
Putin it on odysee so we can drop in rubles, comrade.
Ok, that was a terrible Russian accent. I’m probably gay. And Juice.
lovin the just jesses recently
Real Seventh Day AdSVENtist hours.
My favorite “proofs” used for “hEs jEwIsH” is when bad physiognomy analysis of poor photos is trotted out as though that hasn’t been also used to call all of our people Jews. A standard that can be used to accuse our people of being Jews with the only defense “he can’t be Jewish because I like him” is a useless standard
always liked the synthwave version.
Darkwave Season 9 intro confirmed?