We're back! Lauritz, Spectre and Dharma King present the big critique of Republicans and self-defeating conservative philosophy, the promise and banality of abundant energy, some fusion energy stuff no one understands, the latest on Russia/Ukraine and more!
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
Producer: Spectre
National Justice Party - Get Vetted!
National Institute for Gamer Review / Kultur Terror
The Problem of Conservatism
Abundant Energy Article
Of course I find this thing three days later. Jeez.
Russell Kirk wasn’t a fag, or at least not a total fag. He explicitly criticized libertarians for being fags, for instance.
Yeah, this Christmas season was “off” … I had to put down my beloved 18 year old cat and my mom had a tumor removed from her brain and was therefore very limited. We made the best of it but emotionally it wasn’t as joyous as past years.
DK please stop vaping on stream it makes your voice sound all weird and cottony
The NSDAP didn’t achieve power by destroying the far Left Communist Party, or by destroying the Center Left Social Democrats, or by destroying Center Catholic Party. The NSDAP achieved power by destroying all the Right Wing Parties and collecting up all of their voters. Then they just needed the Catholic center to vote for the Enabling Act and they dissolved all other parties.
As much as the NSDAP was Anti-Hereditary Monarchy, the NSDAP were fervently Pro-Mono Archy as in the Leader System. Hitler was a Monarchy and the NSDAP was a Mono-Party. In this way, National Socialism is how you go back to Monarchy. Hitler likened it to the Papal Government where the Gauleiters were essentially Bishops and the Cabinet was essentially Cardinals and Hitler was essentially the Pope. The Party was essentially the Church and the SS was like Crusaders.
For a NatSoc podcast you guys take your sweet ass time between episodes
I’d recommend that you do a mia culpa on the fusion thing Lauritz. The fusion breakthrough was not primarily billed as an energy source by any of the scientists or engineers that did the work. At the announcement, they took a great deal of care to say that it would need a lot of work and funds to turn into an energy source. Of course media figures and lobbyists would jump on it as an opportunity to promote their infinite growth ideology saying it can provide clean energy, but that’s just jews being jews. The diamond itself isn’t pricey either… Read more »
The hotter temps have delayed the ground freeze which is what russia is really waiting for. Until then Russia will continue to soften the targets so the future onslaught will be successful.
Cant wait to see the narrative once gayto, whose only purpose is to counter russia, fails miserably in less than a couple of years.
There’s another fusion reactor that’s making great progress, the Helion reactor that uses magnets and some fancy gas bullshit
Hope Borzoi isn’t gone for good….
Get dark enlightenment on to talk about the nuclear fusion stuff so we can get completely fuckin lost lol
DE and Rusty (frequent guest on Ascending the Spectrum)
I appreciate the Third Rail is simulating my relationship with my father with how often it’s around
More like turd fail, AMIRITE???
Thanks for getting a new one out guys, I look forward to it