I was a secessionist for a long time. It took years for me to understand that an independent White homeland that was not itself a nuclear super-power would soon be cutoff from the world just as Rhodesia and South Africa were. Although obviously the circumstances were different in those two cases from a White homeland, the fate would have been the same. Economic strangulation and the eventually rise of a generation willing to compromise. We face a global threat which requires a global response and solution. At best, an independent WN nation would serve as a base of support for… Read more »
January 6, 2023 11:44 am
The HBO Spawn cartoon is the only HBO show I’ve ever seen start to finish.
PS read Xenozoic Tales/Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
January 6, 2023 11:18 am
This show is quickly becoming one of my favorites of the week. Keep this one going please.
January 6, 2023 10:58 am
Why would these beaners settle for low wages when there are so many of them and they have the racial cohesion to demand more
Labor organizing takes – patience, high trust, planning/organization, teamwork, collectiveness, stick-to-itiveness, discipline, faith, courage, and many other traits I am sure to be missing. None of these traits, with the exception of collectiveness, are ones non-White people have at all
January 6, 2023 10:34 am
The question is why the Halls Of Congress own a cooy of the Suoermancomic book?
January 6, 2023 9:52 am
This is why the “ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse breaking it” saying just doesn’t fly any more and one could easily BTFO some smarmy judge who gives you this midwit line
January 6, 2023 6:44 am
Warren someone very near and dear to me DIED from one of these nigger doctors so that cancels out your anecdote.
the worst part is that dr. blaygack was STILL the only attentive medical “professional” in that facility and it was in the nicest part of my city where this hospital was.
January 6, 2023 5:32 am
rush limmBOW
Maximus Decimus Meridius
January 6, 2023 5:32 am
The speaker drama.
It’s clearly a finklethink operation to increase “credibility” to republicans while achieving nothing.
It’s just the same as Ben Shapiro or Steven crowder getting pretend “cancelled”.
The reason force the vote wasn’t allowed last time, it was for something the system doesn’t want to give… Free healthcare in a pandemic… It’s clearly a winner..
Early retirement once made me indifferent to nonsense outside Our Local.
Thanks for making me pay attention to the national clownage.
Edit: but we should still focus on Local and our neighbors…hard lessons learned.
Last edited 2 years ago by swabbie
Dietrich Zauber (Formerly Nazbot’s)
January 6, 2023 12:20 am
ACKSHUALLY, I can think of one country that seceded peacefully from a larger state: Singapore. Originally, the city gained independence as part of Malaysia, but was soon kicked out of Malaysia because the Malays did not want their national politics to be dominated by Singapore’s Han Chinese majority.
January 5, 2023 11:46 pm
I don’t think it’s exactly new, but the blacks = hunter gatherers is very compelling narrative and should be more popular. In his books on the industrial revolution, Prof. Greg Clark studied both ancestral hunter gatherers and modern ones that still exist today, and it turns out all hunter gatherer societies share telltale signs: “Based on observation of modern forager and shifting cultivation societies we would expect that the early agriculturalists were impulsive, violent, innumerate, illiterate, and lazy” He describes how they are terrible at math – having only concepts “for 1, 2 and many,” – and that they only… Read more »
January 5, 2023 11:36 pm
Ukraine is an important territory because Poland and Ukraine combined cuts russias land access to europe.
I just think it’s a losing of face to jewish power. The threats need to have consequences. Which is incredibly dangerous that we can all understand.
Jewish military power would require at least 2 decades to rebuild, however I think once this Ukraine operation is over, Russia is going to face real terrorism at home, same for china.
Light Infantry
January 5, 2023 11:35 pm
I take no responsibility for the actions of the Boomers who killed this former country.
I think todays jewmerica is proof positive that the new country that the X’ers form should
be a Generational Republic with a counsel of 5 that represents each generation.
Each generation can vote on who they want to best represent them.
Boomers over the past 40 years have only represented themselves. This must stop.
January 5, 2023 11:14 pm
Everyone needs to stop using the word zionism. Just call them what they are.
January 5, 2023 10:28 pm
If they continue to control the money supply they always have control. Endless money is the only hold they have on whites.
January 5, 2023 10:07 pm
Zero interest in who becomes the house speaker.
January 5, 2023 8:21 pm
You see what we need to do is get Jeffries and Torres to start doing youtube dis tracks over who is a bigger zio-shill. Thus it will escalate until one kills the other but don’t worry the rap lyrics won’t be used as evidence
January 5, 2023 8:18 pm
Is Donnelly capable of understanding the strings attached to that AIPAC money. Something tells me he just sees a large donation gets happy and continues with whatever he was doing
Feminine Bulge
January 5, 2023 8:07 pm
its quite a laugh when its in front of you DEMONrat Hakeem Jeffries donors in 2022. 1. Pro-israel America PAC (israeli lobby) 2. NorPAC (israeli lobby) 3. Votesane PAC (Neo-liberal PAC donates equally to democrats and republicans) 4. Comcast (jewish owned and run, bipartisan donations) 5. AIPAC (israeli lobby) Republicans token black Byron Donalds 1. AIPAC (israeli lobby) 2. House Freedom Fund 3. Welsh, Carson et al (asset management, bipatisan neoliberal – donates equally to democrats and republicans) 4. Moran Wealth Management (more asset management, not much info) 5. Trian Partners (more asset management, jewish run and owned, bipartisan neoliberal… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Feminine Bulge
January 5, 2023 8:06 pm
K street and the K must be for kike. Just call it kike street
January 5, 2023 7:43 pm
ahhh yes exactly what the American people wanted, a black congress speaker
its funny to see the life contrast of the token black AIPAC blacks for speaker
hakeem jeffries being the higher cast black, both parents upbringing, multiple degrees political science and law
byron donalds real N hours, single mother, arrested for weed dealing, felony bribery charge against a bank then somehow started working in finance
Forest Elephant
January 5, 2023 7:34 pm
I’ve had conservatives seriously tell me “well you can fit the entire US population inside Texas and have people live off of one acre” in which I love to respond “ well Mr. boomer who wants to move to Florida and live a giant fucking McMansion, do you really want to live in a cyberpunk nightmare favela” because that’s what you’re going to get with importing 1 billion new “Americans”. You can’t have a comfortable life with western living standards for you and your kin while also having infinity niggers. We don’t live in the wonderful world of Star Trek… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Forest Elephant
January 5, 2023 7:25 pm
ill cash in the clout on zog using miitsnt groups that they create all through central asian under the banner of turkic nationalism, to drive a continent wide wedge betwee china russia and iran.
if they can split up russian theyll have forward operating bases all on chinas north and western border PLUS the 1st island chain that we have now.
zog wont mske a move til we get these chip production facilities running stateside.
china would be smart to make a move right now on taiwan, and iran on “kurdistan.”
Last edited 2 years ago by Energy🔻Wars
Mr Olonzo
January 5, 2023 6:41 pm
Listening at min 00:01, fucking based. Go warren. Fuck it, bring back back Red skull Ahab.
I know know a White Canadian that overstayed in the US two weeks past the 6 month point and he was arrested by ICE at his family member’s house he was staying at and deported back to Montreal. Three ICE agents showed up to the family member’s house(the family member is a US citizen) and he was taken out in handcuffs and deported 48 hours later. He is prohibited from entering the US for the next 5 years and if he does re-enter prior to that then he faces two to five years in federal prison, a $100,000 dollar fine,… Read more »
He’s funnier the more you can suppose he lied about.
January 5, 2023 4:40 pm
Is there a single straifgt white male in congress for NYC. So far I’ve seen nothing but gay beaners and a fat negro
January 5, 2023 4:36 pm
Im patiently going to wait for the video to be available. Thought wed have this show at 6pm. Only heard the last minute live. FML
January 5, 2023 4:25 pm
I mean what else is a lobby group than just another middle man position for Jews to be parasites. Don’t confront congressmen yourself and force them to explain themselves in a way that makes sense. You gotta go through a lobby goyim
Last edited 2 years ago by HyperboreanDad
Forest Elephant
January 5, 2023 4:22 pm
I know I’ve brought this up countless times in my comments but I remember when I was leftist in the aughts, talking about my concern about the rise of China whether it was Tibet, the treatment of Foxconn workers, or China literally consuming wildlife like elephants, rhinos, and tigers to extinction. These same people who now cry about “Da Chinese Communist Party” would talk to me about “muh free markets”and say “do you want to pay $100 made in America t-shirt libtard”. Now when these people have become China hawks and pathetically cry “ muh Uyghurs! Muh Hong Kong! Muh… Read more »
Conservatives are retards. And chinks have always been pieces of shit to animals. Also pressing X on rape of Nanking nonsense.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
January 5, 2023 4:11 pm
Not that, as a Whitemin, I have any dog in the fight, and ultimately I don’t care in the slightest, but… I’m becoming curious about why, from the System point of view, Kevin McCarthy and ONLY Kevin McCarthy MUST BE Speaker of the House of Retarded Faggots.
January 5, 2023 4:11 pm
Does anyone else notes the difference from mikes audio and warrens……
In my rewatches of just the past few years the CGI has started to really seem dated and detracting from the movie. When the NJP has control of Hollywood the law should be that a movie studio must get written and notarized confirmation from 3 appropriate practical effects places stating that a practical effect is impossible before CGI artists can be brought in. If the movie doesn’t have the budget to do it they will get subsidized from our treasury of assets seized from deposed Hollywood Jews. People with real artistic skill take precedence over limpwristed After Effects jockeys and… Read more »
Great analysis, as always. Thanks for exposing the whole stinking mess!
January 5, 2023 2:09 pm
Where’s Warren’s mustache?
January 5, 2023 1:56 pm
When I was a kid we had Storer Cable. Smaller, goy-founded company with roots in the community. They even sponsored my little league team one year. Long, long gone.
January 5, 2023 1:51 pm
I’m loving this stream! but Mikes mike (lol) is quiet and I am having troubles hearing him
LMAO Mike roasting COVIDniggers is classic
I was a secessionist for a long time. It took years for me to understand that an independent White homeland that was not itself a nuclear super-power would soon be cutoff from the world just as Rhodesia and South Africa were. Although obviously the circumstances were different in those two cases from a White homeland, the fate would have been the same. Economic strangulation and the eventually rise of a generation willing to compromise. We face a global threat which requires a global response and solution. At best, an independent WN nation would serve as a base of support for… Read more »
The HBO Spawn cartoon is the only HBO show I’ve ever seen start to finish.
PS read Xenozoic Tales/Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
This show is quickly becoming one of my favorites of the week. Keep this one going please.
Why would these beaners settle for low wages when there are so many of them and they have the racial cohesion to demand more
Because they are docile and not very smart.
Labor organizing takes – patience, high trust, planning/organization, teamwork, collectiveness, stick-to-itiveness, discipline, faith, courage, and many other traits I am sure to be missing. None of these traits, with the exception of collectiveness, are ones non-White people have at all
The question is why the Halls Of Congress own a cooy of the Suoermancomic book?
This is why the “ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse breaking it” saying just doesn’t fly any more and one could easily BTFO some smarmy judge who gives you this midwit line
Warren someone very near and dear to me DIED from one of these nigger doctors so that cancels out your anecdote.
the worst part is that dr. blaygack was STILL the only attentive medical “professional” in that facility and it was in the nicest part of my city where this hospital was.
rush limmBOW
The speaker drama.
It’s clearly a finklethink operation to increase “credibility” to republicans while achieving nothing.
It’s just the same as Ben Shapiro or Steven crowder getting pretend “cancelled”.
The reason force the vote wasn’t allowed last time, it was for something the system doesn’t want to give… Free healthcare in a pandemic… It’s clearly a winner..
What are these republicans wanting… Nothing…
It’s pure finklethink…
10/10 comment, my friend.
Early retirement once made me indifferent to nonsense outside Our Local.
Thanks for making me pay attention to the national clownage.
Edit: but we should still focus on Local and our neighbors…hard lessons learned.
ACKSHUALLY, I can think of one country that seceded peacefully from a larger state: Singapore. Originally, the city gained independence as part of Malaysia, but was soon kicked out of Malaysia because the Malays did not want their national politics to be dominated by Singapore’s Han Chinese majority.
I don’t think it’s exactly new, but the blacks = hunter gatherers is very compelling narrative and should be more popular. In his books on the industrial revolution, Prof. Greg Clark studied both ancestral hunter gatherers and modern ones that still exist today, and it turns out all hunter gatherer societies share telltale signs: “Based on observation of modern forager and shifting cultivation societies we would expect that the early agriculturalists were impulsive, violent, innumerate, illiterate, and lazy” He describes how they are terrible at math – having only concepts “for 1, 2 and many,” – and that they only… Read more »
Ukraine is an important territory because Poland and Ukraine combined cuts russias land access to europe.
I just think it’s a losing of face to jewish power. The threats need to have consequences. Which is incredibly dangerous that we can all understand.
Jewish military power would require at least 2 decades to rebuild, however I think once this Ukraine operation is over, Russia is going to face real terrorism at home, same for china.
I take no responsibility for the actions of the Boomers who killed this former country.
I think todays jewmerica is proof positive that the new country that the X’ers form should
be a Generational Republic with a counsel of 5 that represents each generation.
Each generation can vote on who they want to best represent them.
Boomers over the past 40 years have only represented themselves. This must stop.
Everyone needs to stop using the word zionism. Just call them what they are.
If they continue to control the money supply they always have control. Endless money is the only hold they have on whites.
Zero interest in who becomes the house speaker.
You see what we need to do is get Jeffries and Torres to start doing youtube dis tracks over who is a bigger zio-shill. Thus it will escalate until one kills the other but don’t worry the rap lyrics won’t be used as evidence
Is Donnelly capable of understanding the strings attached to that AIPAC money. Something tells me he just sees a large donation gets happy and continues with whatever he was doing
its quite a laugh when its in front of you DEMONrat Hakeem Jeffries donors in 2022. 1. Pro-israel America PAC (israeli lobby) 2. NorPAC (israeli lobby) 3. Votesane PAC (Neo-liberal PAC donates equally to democrats and republicans) 4. Comcast (jewish owned and run, bipartisan donations) 5. AIPAC (israeli lobby) Republicans token black Byron Donalds 1. AIPAC (israeli lobby) 2. House Freedom Fund 3. Welsh, Carson et al (asset management, bipatisan neoliberal – donates equally to democrats and republicans) 4. Moran Wealth Management (more asset management, not much info) 5. Trian Partners (more asset management, jewish run and owned, bipartisan neoliberal… Read more »
K street and the K must be for kike. Just call it kike street
ahhh yes exactly what the American people wanted, a black congress speaker
It’s what America deserves honestly.
Da House of Representin’, dog.
its funny to see the life contrast of the token black AIPAC blacks for speaker
hakeem jeffries being the higher cast black, both parents upbringing, multiple degrees political science and law
byron donalds real N hours, single mother, arrested for weed dealing, felony bribery charge against a bank then somehow started working in finance
I’ve had conservatives seriously tell me “well you can fit the entire US population inside Texas and have people live off of one acre” in which I love to respond “ well Mr. boomer who wants to move to Florida and live a giant fucking McMansion, do you really want to live in a cyberpunk nightmare favela” because that’s what you’re going to get with importing 1 billion new “Americans”. You can’t have a comfortable life with western living standards for you and your kin while also having infinity niggers. We don’t live in the wonderful world of Star Trek… Read more »
ill cash in the clout on zog using miitsnt groups that they create all through central asian under the banner of turkic nationalism, to drive a continent wide wedge betwee china russia and iran.
if they can split up russian theyll have forward operating bases all on chinas north and western border PLUS the 1st island chain that we have now.
zog wont mske a move til we get these chip production facilities running stateside.
china would be smart to make a move right now on taiwan, and iran on “kurdistan.”
Listening at min 00:01, fucking based. Go warren. Fuck it, bring back back Red skull Ahab.
Good afternoon I hate jews
What a cohencidence, me too. 😀
Whites can stay in the country just as illegally as latinos. The likelihood of ice checking whites papers are almost 0%.
Not, ICE vigorously pursues Irish and South Africans https://psmag.com/social-justice/how-the-immigration-crackdown-is-hitting-the-irish-community
I know know a White Canadian that overstayed in the US two weeks past the 6 month point and he was arrested by ICE at his family member’s house he was staying at and deported back to Montreal. Three ICE agents showed up to the family member’s house(the family member is a US citizen) and he was taken out in handcuffs and deported 48 hours later. He is prohibited from entering the US for the next 5 years and if he does re-enter prior to that then he faces two to five years in federal prison, a $100,000 dollar fine,… Read more »
He should file an equal protection suit.
It’s a historical fact that towards the end of his life Douglass stated that he was a communist. Douglass was also involved with at least one jewess.
Good news everybody! They’re saying that nigger was so retarded before the 10 minutes of CPR, that it’s going to make a full recovery.
You also notice that George Santos didn’t have a single bit of accent claiming to be straight out of Brazil. He may as well be lying about that too
He’s funnier the more you can suppose he lied about.
Is there a single straifgt white male in congress for NYC. So far I’ve seen nothing but gay beaners and a fat negro
Im patiently going to wait for the video to be available. Thought wed have this show at 6pm. Only heard the last minute live. FML
I mean what else is a lobby group than just another middle man position for Jews to be parasites. Don’t confront congressmen yourself and force them to explain themselves in a way that makes sense. You gotta go through a lobby goyim
I know I’ve brought this up countless times in my comments but I remember when I was leftist in the aughts, talking about my concern about the rise of China whether it was Tibet, the treatment of Foxconn workers, or China literally consuming wildlife like elephants, rhinos, and tigers to extinction. These same people who now cry about “Da Chinese Communist Party” would talk to me about “muh free markets”and say “do you want to pay $100 made in America t-shirt libtard”. Now when these people have become China hawks and pathetically cry “ muh Uyghurs! Muh Hong Kong! Muh… Read more »
Conservatives are retards. And chinks have always been pieces of shit to animals. Also pressing X on rape of Nanking nonsense.
Not that, as a Whitemin, I have any dog in the fight, and ultimately I don’t care in the slightest, but… I’m becoming curious about why, from the System point of view, Kevin McCarthy and ONLY Kevin McCarthy MUST BE Speaker of the House of Retarded Faggots.
Does anyone else notes the difference from mikes audio and warrens……
Warren’s audio has ellipses and run-on sentences.
Warren was a lot louder. Sometimes the recording sounds better.
Conan is very goyish.
D’uh, else it would be Cohen the Barbarian.
Cohen the Khazarian.
Warren, I know this is off topic but you once said you weren’t a fan of the Peter Jackson LotR trilogy
I’m not sure why Warren doesn’t like them, but for me personally they’re the film version of melatonin, plus the CGI in it looks shitty nowadays.
In my rewatches of just the past few years the CGI has started to really seem dated and detracting from the movie. When the NJP has control of Hollywood the law should be that a movie studio must get written and notarized confirmation from 3 appropriate practical effects places stating that a practical effect is impossible before CGI artists can be brought in. If the movie doesn’t have the budget to do it they will get subsidized from our treasury of assets seized from deposed Hollywood Jews. People with real artistic skill take precedence over limpwristed After Effects jockeys and… Read more »
Maybe he thinks they are big dumb CGI popcorn extravaganzas.
Hide the democracy along with the sausage. Oops! There it goes. LOL.
Great analysis, as always. Thanks for exposing the whole stinking mess!
Where’s Warren’s mustache?
When I was a kid we had Storer Cable. Smaller, goy-founded company with roots in the community. They even sponsored my little league team one year. Long, long gone.
I’m loving this stream! but Mikes mike (lol) is quiet and I am having troubles hearing him
Was the same way in the last Strike and Mike. If that nigger read the comments he’d know he has to turn up the volume!
o/ Either Mike’s too low or Warren’s too loud
I take it Gump is the token goy in that lobbying firm.
Democracy engine is a Tzadakah mechanism.
Damn. Early show.
Rise and shine ferengi!
No thank you. I don’t want to see a single one in 2023.