Hey i got scammed by clicking on the jfk to 911 video too
H.P. Hovercraft
January 9, 2023 4:38 am
Inside of you there are two clown shows.
January 6, 2023 1:59 pm
Easily one of my favorite just Jesse episodes. I can’t wait to see the mad reacts from the telegram clowns. Spot on, get em Sven!
January 6, 2023 1:47 pm
My main issue with the tds or normie think on covid is its become really light switch brained. Either it’s all someone talks about or they hate any discussion of it. Do the jabs have nano bots in them? I doubt it, but could they’re be possible long term effects due to lack of testing? Probably. Did the jab kill 6 million niggerball players? Probably not. Could it of killed some people due to unforseen circumstances? Yeah. Did vast amounts of people get covid unemployment checks? Yeah. Did many peoples livelihoods gets destroyed because of the shutdowns? Also yes. There… Read more »
The only way to stop infighting is to just get in lockstep with me.
January 6, 2023 11:48 am
That’s pink floyd one of the Animals songs
FUD-Thirsty Ghoul
January 6, 2023 11:28 am
Klaus Schwab being involved with the WEF should be a big red flag to let you know that it’s a diversion. German guy with German-sounding name, and they want you to believe THAT guy is in charge of everything? Come on, it’s just too perfect for the jewish narrative.
FUD-Thirsty Ghoul
January 6, 2023 11:20 am
Awesome, now let’s talk about the holocaust (it never happened)
January 6, 2023 10:32 am
If I downloaded your audio and uploaded it to a friendly area, would you be angry? Or would you please consider moving it from behind the paywall?
January 6, 2023 8:37 am
I understand we dont want to perpetuate ‘conspiracy theories’ but I think the propaganda to discrediting the vax is a more important point.
If that’s not the direction being pushed I understand. We should be able to disagree though and preferably not fracture on. Perhaps picking an over all point about the entire C0VID issue rather than getting into the weeds. For example why is the entire Globohomo Rat Alliance allowing virus research, which then escapes, only to conveniently solve such disaster with Pfizer the Kike Rat company.
The covid fanatics take offense to that narrative and will not allow you to do so. How do you think we got here?
January 6, 2023 8:30 am
Both my mother and sister still do the vaccine finkelthink, and I constantly have to tardwrangle their position on it by mentioning Israel’s booster campaign. It isn’t helped by the fact that the Netherlands is facing excess in deaths (+15% above normal) well past the covid/flu season so its fertile grounds for conspiracy theories. And we’ve had several direct friends suffer strokes from bloodclots after the boosters. So the one concession I have to give them, is that taking it isn’t without danger. And the downplaying of this during the booster campaigns is at best woefully negligent, at worst malicious.… Read more »
Rickert 🪂 🇵🇸
January 6, 2023 6:53 am
I think the point was largely lost in the ether or not articulated very well on TDS.
But you are right when you say there are legitimate criticisms of the jab, and its very curious why people like Tucker make up bullshit like this instead of hammering what we know is true.
As I pointed out before on the TDS episode, Tucker had a guest, Dr Peter McCullough, and it was his information Tucker reported on. Tucker didn’t make that information up.
Yes, but its Tuckers job to check if the information is true.
January 6, 2023 6:26 am
Invoking Ryan Dawson while doing a show on on vax kookery? Maybe you should have him on for a good old fashioned debate.
Last edited 2 years ago by Donny2Scoops
January 6, 2023 6:20 am
Politics is about what motivates people, not about what is actually right. Leftoids get white guilt, rightoids get universal indignation on behalf of everybody.
January 6, 2023 3:32 am
Sven, thank you so much for this. Seriously, this is the only site where normal guys can discuss jews and race without stupid crank shit. I shouldn’t have to prove bigfoot is real in order to advocate for whites.
I agree very good website would recommend I rate 88/14
January 5, 2023 10:15 pm
I love hearing people be mad. I love being mad. Good hour!
January 5, 2023 9:50 pm
The main issue with Covid has been consistent since the beginning, the lack of trustworthy scientific data, and the lack of political will to support scientific inquiry to ask questions that may lead to politically inconvenient narratives for the establishment, definitive proof of malice or incompetence would result in a backlash. How many people are actually dying from Covid, how many people are being injured or killed by the mRNA shots? Without solid reliable data to point to everyone is left running on gut instinct, anecdotes and hastily assembled unscientific back of the napkin statistical analysis. Things we do know… Read more »
January 5, 2023 7:08 pm
The stuff about the vax having nano-bots, everyone who took it will die, it has alien eggs in it, etc., was inserted into vax-skeptic communities to make the average person think anyone skeptical of the vax is a schizo, exactly like how 9/11 or JFK truthers who got a little too close to the Jewish issue were infiltrated by flat-earthers. It’s a classic Jewish tactic that is very effective. It is very disappointing that so many of us either won’t or can’t see through it. Like how the election fraud went from reasonable suspicions of mail in ballots to talking… Read more »
January 5, 2023 6:58 pm
I nominate Sven for TDS Covid Tsar as he has the best intuitive feel for how to talk about it in a way that is calm and cogent, hitting all the key nuance points, turning up the heat occasionally but then cooling it back down with humor.
TRS exposed / fool tide would have a field day with that claiming Mike was vaxxed
Last edited 2 years ago by High Chief Vercingetorix
January 5, 2023 5:33 pm
To anyone interested in a take on COVID psychology listen to Mike and Warren Episode 5. A guy calls in around 1:26:00 and has a good discussion and brings up some interesting points.
We took ivermectin after 2 days of being totally bedridden with Covid and felt almost totally better 8 hours later. Perhaps it was coincidence but whatever, if anything we just killed off some parasites. And we all have internal parasites (to one degree or another) so if anything, you’ll get a decent cleanse. Not to sound Jewey (oh gawd!) but my digestive system has never been better post-ivermectin…
Last edited 2 years ago by nul ptyx
January 5, 2023 4:52 pm
“Sheep” by Pink Floyd is a great song. That guitar ending is sublime.
Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Dr. Zeus: the bag-footed
January 5, 2023 4:52 pm
I think so many people are so touchy about COVID/vaccine stuff because of the blatant double standard that was present when it came to niggers rioting and Jews/elites having huge gatherings, while White gentiles couldn’t attend relatives funerals. I’m not a COVID enjoyer (either for or against) but I did have two older family members die during the lockdowns and we couldn’t have a funeral for either of them. It was infuriating. Hell, my wife even lost her job over not getting the vax. But I’m still not going to lose my shit over retard conservative narratives. This thing has… Read more »
sorry but I just don’t see the connection between anti-white lockdown policies and needing to believe bullshit medical studies like the one tucker carlson cited.
Agreed my grandfather passed just at the start of Covid. They wouldn’t let my Grandmother in to say their final goodbyes. We still had a funeral ceremony at cemetery but it was just the Children and Grandchildren and one of the Nephews (who bought some roast beef for sandwiches afterwards)
I lost my father in law to Covid. He was my 10 yr old son’s most favorite person in the world. Many of my friends & family’s health has greatly suffered since the pandemic. We’re convinced something serious happened. I couldn’t go to funerals or the birth of my only nephew. I never recovered my smell or taste fully. Something is definitely “off” about the experience. I want the young men in our thing to be healthy and strong. Wives & kids too. I don’t think we should go insane over the vax or Fauci, but sharing our Covid experiences… Read more »
Sorry for your losses, fellas. Covid had a big impact on my life, too.
It’d be great if we could all just say ‘jews made this so much worse’, in terms of lockdowns, sketchy vaccines, and libtard vs qtard gayops, and come together rather than get angry with each other.
January 5, 2023 3:52 pm
Any level of critical thinking will dispel these obvious covitard narratives. Jfc people, you’re supposed to be Nazis not conservatives. Tucker Carlson is allowed to be on television, so the idea that he’s really exposing the system is laughable.
January 5, 2023 3:51 pm
I remember scrolling the timeline on fedi and seeing a picture of Alex Jones, apparently criticizing him, saying something like “Coward! Refuses to discuss Crown infiltration of the American government”. I think about from time to time…
Hydrated Quadriceps
January 5, 2023 3:46 pm
I’ll admit I was somewhat of a covidtard (this was also before I found TRS), and the last straw for me was when exceptions were made for nigger riots but I couldn’t go to the fucking gym
yeah that was certainly retarded and beyond the pale, but why does that suddenly mean we have to side with tucker carlson when he cites bullshit studies that any intelligent person would throw in the garbage? do you understand the issue?
Lots of people, as far as I’ve read aren’t taking sides with Tucker in the comments from the other day (there are exceptions to this, some are justifying the study) and we shouldn’t as a movement. Yes, the bullshit study that TDS pulled apart was totally valid. My issue was being associated with these retards for the fact that based on other reasons for my skepticism, I didn’t get nor am I pro-vax as a more or less self preservation instinct. I remember Sven in one episode a while back expressed / ranted about this; that it was the fact… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by MoustacheManBad
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
January 5, 2023 3:38 pm
The Tucker lie is so egregious too. If 1,000 professional soccer players died on the field in a two year period it would cripple the leagues. It’s just such a retarded improbable lie.
I think 1000 is an overstatement. But, if you add up all professional leagues in Europe, usually they have a tier system so it’s more like 3 leagues per country times the countries that have a league there are thousands of teams. Add in that most of the deaths I’ve seen in the news from Europe are practice squad guys in lower tier teams, who are in a more economically precarious situation, than say a Messi, and would be easier to force a vaccination upon, 1000 deaths would not collapse European soccer nor is it an impossible figure. All that… Read more »
Even if that number of 1000 is off by an order of magnitude you are left with 100. Divide that by two years and it’s 50 which is almost double the previous year total of 29. That is an anomaly to be sure. But my above statement was pointed at 1000 over two years would be highly improbable but not impossible. Saying it’s impossible is a very weak point to argue from and eventually you’ll be left defending ever more schizo points to remain relevant.
There’s not even 100 guy, let it go. It’s made up.
January 5, 2023 2:42 pm
/salute on the foresight required to excise vaxx/incel/dumbshit people from this legitimate political movement as you plough ahead.
great time to do that and healthy.
Fatidicus (Sauna Commando)
January 5, 2023 2:17 pm
The problem here is that people took the bias confirmation meme to heart, pun intended. Every heart attack hits the bias confirmation now, whether or not you actually have a causal link, or even general data on your side.
January 5, 2023 2:05 pm
I think that you and Mark Collet should have a Jab debate!
The deep dive is that Jews thought of COVID the same way that right wing people now think of the vaccine so they overreacted and rushed to market a poorly developed medical solution that probably or definitely has more complications than the average vaccine, and now they basically don’t care anymore besides using it as an obstacle to throw in our path while we’re gaining on them.
Like the scooby doo character caught in the fallen chandelier.
Why don’t you enlighten us with your cogent, well researched theory on the ebil clot shot that is backed up by solid data and explains the exact purpose and the mechanism by which it works?
Since you are all so strongly opinionated on this issue it stands to reason there would have to be extremely strong evidence to support your ideas.
You seem to know what “doing your research” will yield. Why don’t you simply tell us and share some links?
How would you do a deep dive on any science regarding either COVID or the jab. That stuff is all heavily suppressed, with instances of medical researchers being told fall in line or lose your license.
Forest Elephant
January 5, 2023 1:54 pm
I have to wonder if these conservatives who pearl clutch and come up with crack pot conspiracy theories about “muh Bill Gates wants to depopulate Africa” or “so many Africans have died because we banned DDT” have any idea what a black dominated planet will look like? I’ll tell you one thing, you’re not going to be able talk about “muh free markets and constitution” while you’re being macheted and cooked in the cannibal pot.
I don’t think Bill Gates theoretically genociding Africans with some Dr Evil scheme is something I would support, considering just cutting off all “stop world hunger” programs would make it impossible for black African negresses to pop out 10 kids anyway (well they could do it they would all just starve though.)
Covid is like the Russia Ukraine equation where Russian information is 50% accurate and Ukraine information is 0% accurate, except the mainstream narrative is 1% accurate and the conspiracy narrative is maybe 0% accurate, but rightfully so because the bizarrely curated, secretive way the information has been release, censored etc SHOULD lead to paranoia, but not to the ridiculous claims that are made (nanobots, the “vaccines” are meant to intentionally kill people, 5g interaction with the jab.)
Last edited 2 years ago by dustblunt187
January 5, 2023 1:08 pm
With covid brains, I just want evidence. First I wanted evidence that covid was going to the the world. At the time all the people that brand anti vaccine loved me. Now I want evidence that the vaccine will the the world. Now those same people hate me.
January 5, 2023 1:02 pm
Lol they used Pink Floyd’s “Sheep” in that video. Get it? Because the sheeple are lining up to be slaughtered!
Waters is a horse’s ass, but Animals is a great album.
January 5, 2023 12:46 pm
Boutique, reactionary novelty takes are the junk food and degeneracy of right wing politics.
The extent to which people are categorically “American” in the worst ways, it’s a battle to get anything done simply because it’s a battle to get the wheels pointed in the same direction. Social media, magical thinking, exceptionalism, all decades long psy OPs that come home to roost when you observe the unwitting k fabe of two average Americans arguing about anything.
Too many of our people are still way too closely aligned with the Republican Party, the Fox News crowd and the grifters adjacent to them.
Massive Covid retard brain afflicting a huge swath of the population really is uniquely american.
Americans have been so thoroughly fincked that every emotion counts as an argument, anything mildly suspicious counts as proof and anybody with a dissenting opinion counts as an enemy.
I don’t care at all about the jab or covid arguments. All I was concerned with was being categorized as some kind of Fox News brain idiot.
I did find an epoch times article that had lots of links embedded to back up claims but I didn’t take the time to look at any of them because I genuinely don’t care. I do believe the jab causes heart issues, and probably death. But that Tucker bit should be embarrassing for anyone buying into it without looking at the sources like y’all did. Good job on that by the way.
Ok never mind. I thought y’all were implying the jab was safe. So you’re just saying the athletes dropping dead is bull shit? I don’t really care I hope it is true. Fuck those athletes.
N.A.Z.I. criminal Bill Gates is STERLIZING africans with PLANDEMIC DEATH SHOTS…. population control anyone? Look up Agenda 21! DEATH JAB created by WHITE SUPREMIST demonkkkrats, Fauci, W.E.F. and BIDEN CRIME FAMILY to kill off CONSERVATIVE black americans and orthodox Jews because they cherish traditional family values!! This is just like the HOLOCAUST!!! Are we going to stand back and let it happen? Or will we take back our country and PUNISH the N.A.Z.I. dumbocraps under the NUREMBERG CODE?
> Real Science
> Science needs open discussion anything else is totalitarian.
I wonder how they would feel about an open discussion on hydrogen cyanide levels found on certain chamber walls.
that’s my favorite type of good sciencing
Hey i got scammed by clicking on the jfk to 911 video too
Inside of you there are two clown shows.
Easily one of my favorite just Jesse episodes. I can’t wait to see the mad reacts from the telegram clowns. Spot on, get em Sven!
My main issue with the tds or normie think on covid is its become really light switch brained. Either it’s all someone talks about or they hate any discussion of it. Do the jabs have nano bots in them? I doubt it, but could they’re be possible long term effects due to lack of testing? Probably. Did the jab kill 6 million niggerball players? Probably not. Could it of killed some people due to unforseen circumstances? Yeah. Did vast amounts of people get covid unemployment checks? Yeah. Did many peoples livelihoods gets destroyed because of the shutdowns? Also yes. There… Read more »
The only way to stop infighting is to just get in lockstep with me.
That’s pink floyd one of the Animals songs
Klaus Schwab being involved with the WEF should be a big red flag to let you know that it’s a diversion. German guy with German-sounding name, and they want you to believe THAT guy is in charge of everything? Come on, it’s just too perfect for the jewish narrative.
Awesome, now let’s talk about the holocaust (it never happened)
If I downloaded your audio and uploaded it to a friendly area, would you be angry? Or would you please consider moving it from behind the paywall?
I understand we dont want to perpetuate ‘conspiracy theories’ but I think the propaganda to discrediting the vax is a more important point.
If that’s not the direction being pushed I understand. We should be able to disagree though and preferably not fracture on. Perhaps picking an over all point about the entire C0VID issue rather than getting into the weeds. For example why is the entire Globohomo Rat Alliance allowing virus research, which then escapes, only to conveniently solve such disaster with Pfizer the Kike Rat company.
The covid fanatics take offense to that narrative and will not allow you to do so. How do you think we got here?
Both my mother and sister still do the vaccine finkelthink, and I constantly have to tardwrangle their position on it by mentioning Israel’s booster campaign. It isn’t helped by the fact that the Netherlands is facing excess in deaths (+15% above normal) well past the covid/flu season so its fertile grounds for conspiracy theories. And we’ve had several direct friends suffer strokes from bloodclots after the boosters. So the one concession I have to give them, is that taking it isn’t without danger. And the downplaying of this during the booster campaigns is at best woefully negligent, at worst malicious.… Read more »
I think the point was largely lost in the ether or not articulated very well on TDS.
But you are right when you say there are legitimate criticisms of the jab, and its very curious why people like Tucker make up bullshit like this instead of hammering what we know is true.
As I pointed out before on the TDS episode, Tucker had a guest, Dr Peter McCullough, and it was his information Tucker reported on. Tucker didn’t make that information up.
Yes, but its Tuckers job to check if the information is true.
Invoking Ryan Dawson while doing a show on on vax kookery? Maybe you should have him on for a good old fashioned debate.
Politics is about what motivates people, not about what is actually right. Leftoids get white guilt, rightoids get universal indignation on behalf of everybody.
Sven, thank you so much for this. Seriously, this is the only site where normal guys can discuss jews and race without stupid crank shit. I shouldn’t have to prove bigfoot is real in order to advocate for whites.
I agree very good website would recommend I rate 88/14
I love hearing people be mad. I love being mad. Good hour!
The main issue with Covid has been consistent since the beginning, the lack of trustworthy scientific data, and the lack of political will to support scientific inquiry to ask questions that may lead to politically inconvenient narratives for the establishment, definitive proof of malice or incompetence would result in a backlash. How many people are actually dying from Covid, how many people are being injured or killed by the mRNA shots? Without solid reliable data to point to everyone is left running on gut instinct, anecdotes and hastily assembled unscientific back of the napkin statistical analysis. Things we do know… Read more »
The stuff about the vax having nano-bots, everyone who took it will die, it has alien eggs in it, etc., was inserted into vax-skeptic communities to make the average person think anyone skeptical of the vax is a schizo, exactly like how 9/11 or JFK truthers who got a little too close to the Jewish issue were infiltrated by flat-earthers. It’s a classic Jewish tactic that is very effective. It is very disappointing that so many of us either won’t or can’t see through it. Like how the election fraud went from reasonable suspicions of mail in ballots to talking… Read more »
I nominate Sven for TDS Covid Tsar as he has the best intuitive feel for how to talk about it in a way that is calm and cogent, hitting all the key nuance points, turning up the heat occasionally but then cooling it back down with humor.
Sometimes when this topic comes up I’m more worried about Mike going into cardiac arrest than the vaccinated
TRS exposed / fool tide would have a field day with that claiming Mike was vaxxed
To anyone interested in a take on COVID psychology listen to Mike and Warren Episode 5. A guy calls in around 1:26:00 and has a good discussion and brings up some interesting points.
You’re probably right but you fell for the Iraq stuff like I did so I can’t trust your judgement…or my judgement….wait..
I also kinda fell for the ivermectin stuff
We took ivermectin after 2 days of being totally bedridden with Covid and felt almost totally better 8 hours later. Perhaps it was coincidence but whatever, if anything we just killed off some parasites. And we all have internal parasites (to one degree or another) so if anything, you’ll get a decent cleanse. Not to sound Jewey (oh gawd!) but my digestive system has never been better post-ivermectin…
“Sheep” by Pink Floyd is a great song. That guitar ending is sublime.
It really is. The original version of it was called Raving and Drooling
I did not know that. Thanks man.
Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
I think so many people are so touchy about COVID/vaccine stuff because of the blatant double standard that was present when it came to niggers rioting and Jews/elites having huge gatherings, while White gentiles couldn’t attend relatives funerals. I’m not a COVID enjoyer (either for or against) but I did have two older family members die during the lockdowns and we couldn’t have a funeral for either of them. It was infuriating. Hell, my wife even lost her job over not getting the vax. But I’m still not going to lose my shit over retard conservative narratives. This thing has… Read more »
sorry but I just don’t see the connection between anti-white lockdown policies and needing to believe bullshit medical studies like the one tucker carlson cited.
I don’t either. I’m just saying that some people are a bit reactionary due to some trauma associated with COVID/vax shit.
Agreed my grandfather passed just at the start of Covid. They wouldn’t let my Grandmother in to say their final goodbyes. We still had a funeral ceremony at cemetery but it was just the Children and Grandchildren and one of the Nephews (who bought some roast beef for sandwiches afterwards)
I lost my father in law to Covid. He was my 10 yr old son’s most favorite person in the world. Many of my friends & family’s health has greatly suffered since the pandemic. We’re convinced something serious happened. I couldn’t go to funerals or the birth of my only nephew. I never recovered my smell or taste fully. Something is definitely “off” about the experience. I want the young men in our thing to be healthy and strong. Wives & kids too. I don’t think we should go insane over the vax or Fauci, but sharing our Covid experiences… Read more »
Sorry for your losses, fellas. Covid had a big impact on my life, too.
It’d be great if we could all just say ‘jews made this so much worse’, in terms of lockdowns, sketchy vaccines, and libtard vs qtard gayops, and come together rather than get angry with each other.
Any level of critical thinking will dispel these obvious covitard narratives. Jfc people, you’re supposed to be Nazis not conservatives. Tucker Carlson is allowed to be on television, so the idea that he’s really exposing the system is laughable.
I remember scrolling the timeline on fedi and seeing a picture of Alex Jones, apparently criticizing him, saying something like “Coward! Refuses to discuss Crown infiltration of the American government”. I think about from time to time…
I’ll admit I was somewhat of a covidtard (this was also before I found TRS), and the last straw for me was when exceptions were made for nigger riots but I couldn’t go to the fucking gym
yeah that was certainly retarded and beyond the pale, but why does that suddenly mean we have to side with tucker carlson when he cites bullshit studies that any intelligent person would throw in the garbage? do you understand the issue?
Yes. I am totally off that train.
Lots of people, as far as I’ve read aren’t taking sides with Tucker in the comments from the other day (there are exceptions to this, some are justifying the study) and we shouldn’t as a movement. Yes, the bullshit study that TDS pulled apart was totally valid. My issue was being associated with these retards for the fact that based on other reasons for my skepticism, I didn’t get nor am I pro-vax as a more or less self preservation instinct. I remember Sven in one episode a while back expressed / ranted about this; that it was the fact… Read more »
The Tucker lie is so egregious too. If 1,000 professional soccer players died on the field in a two year period it would cripple the leagues. It’s just such a retarded improbable lie.
I think 1000 is an overstatement. But, if you add up all professional leagues in Europe, usually they have a tier system so it’s more like 3 leagues per country times the countries that have a league there are thousands of teams. Add in that most of the deaths I’ve seen in the news from Europe are practice squad guys in lower tier teams, who are in a more economically precarious situation, than say a Messi, and would be easier to force a vaccination upon, 1000 deaths would not collapse European soccer nor is it an impossible figure. All that… Read more »
ok but there’s zero evidence that 1000 people died in european sports leagues in the past 2 years, let alone died of something vaccine-related.
Even if that number of 1000 is off by an order of magnitude you are left with 100. Divide that by two years and it’s 50 which is almost double the previous year total of 29. That is an anomaly to be sure. But my above statement was pointed at 1000 over two years would be highly improbable but not impossible. Saying it’s impossible is a very weak point to argue from and eventually you’ll be left defending ever more schizo points to remain relevant.
There’s not even 100 guy, let it go. It’s made up.
/salute on the foresight required to excise vaxx/incel/dumbshit people from this legitimate political movement as you plough ahead.
great time to do that and healthy.
The problem here is that people took the bias confirmation meme to heart, pun intended. Every heart attack hits the bias confirmation now, whether or not you actually have a causal link, or even general data on your side.
I think that you and Mark Collet should have a Jab debate!
How is two people agreeing with each other a debate
Do a deep dive on the COVID-19 vaccine and its effects, if any. If it takes up so much time on air it’s worth researching. Correct?
The deep dive is that Jews thought of COVID the same way that right wing people now think of the vaccine so they overreacted and rushed to market a poorly developed medical solution that probably or definitely has more complications than the average vaccine, and now they basically don’t care anymore besides using it as an obstacle to throw in our path while we’re gaining on them.
Like the scooby doo character caught in the fallen chandelier.
Why don’t you enlighten us with your cogent, well researched theory on the ebil clot shot that is backed up by solid data and explains the exact purpose and the mechanism by which it works?
Since you are all so strongly opinionated on this issue it stands to reason there would have to be extremely strong evidence to support your ideas.
You seem to know what “doing your research” will yield. Why don’t you simply tell us and share some links?
All I did was politely ask to explain your position and provide sound evidence.
Why can’t you simply do that?
You’re aware you’re proving my point, right?
How would you do a deep dive on any science regarding either COVID or the jab. That stuff is all heavily suppressed, with instances of medical researchers being told fall in line or lose your license.
I have to wonder if these conservatives who pearl clutch and come up with crack pot conspiracy theories about “muh Bill Gates wants to depopulate Africa” or “so many Africans have died because we banned DDT” have any idea what a black dominated planet will look like? I’ll tell you one thing, you’re not going to be able talk about “muh free markets and constitution” while you’re being macheted and cooked in the cannibal pot.
I don’t think Bill Gates theoretically genociding Africans with some Dr Evil scheme is something I would support, considering just cutting off all “stop world hunger” programs would make it impossible for black African negresses to pop out 10 kids anyway (well they could do it they would all just starve though.)
they should use ddt in white countries cause fuck mosquitoes but let africans still die to them
oh yea secret nazis
“like george slros!!”
all those JINOs are secret nazis i cann them JINOs get it? Buhgina.
Covid is like the Russia Ukraine equation where Russian information is 50% accurate and Ukraine information is 0% accurate, except the mainstream narrative is 1% accurate and the conspiracy narrative is maybe 0% accurate, but rightfully so because the bizarrely curated, secretive way the information has been release, censored etc SHOULD lead to paranoia, but not to the ridiculous claims that are made (nanobots, the “vaccines” are meant to intentionally kill people, 5g interaction with the jab.)
With covid brains, I just want evidence. First I wanted evidence that covid was going to the the world. At the time all the people that brand anti vaccine loved me. Now I want evidence that the vaccine will the the world. Now those same people hate me.
Lol they used Pink Floyd’s “Sheep” in that video. Get it? Because the sheeple are lining up to be slaughtered!
Sven’s right – $$$ had to change hands to use that song and I don’t think any of those guys are into anti-vax politics.
Waters on muh Covid – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APsBr9kIPgI
He hates Trump/Trumpers and I’m pretty sure he still has veto power over the stuff he performed on.
Waters is a horse’s ass, but Animals is a great album.
Boutique, reactionary novelty takes are the junk food and degeneracy of right wing politics.
The extent to which people are categorically “American” in the worst ways, it’s a battle to get anything done simply because it’s a battle to get the wheels pointed in the same direction. Social media, magical thinking, exceptionalism, all decades long psy OPs that come home to roost when you observe the unwitting k fabe of two average Americans arguing about anything.
Too many of our people are still way too closely aligned with the Republican Party, the Fox News crowd and the grifters adjacent to them.
Massive Covid retard brain afflicting a huge swath of the population really is uniquely american.
Americans have been so thoroughly fincked that every emotion counts as an argument, anything mildly suspicious counts as proof and anybody with a dissenting opinion counts as an enemy.
And for many, dissident politics has become a replacement or analogue for sports ball.
Regardless of how cynical anyone is, ZOG will always be more cynical, and if you chase shadows you are functionally equivalent to a golem.
post early warren n nike pruckrum. starting now but ending at the usual time
warren n nike wasnt a typo. get nike on it.
I don’t care at all about the jab or covid arguments. All I was concerned with was being categorized as some kind of Fox News brain idiot.
I did find an epoch times article that had lots of links embedded to back up claims but I didn’t take the time to look at any of them because I genuinely don’t care. I do believe the jab causes heart issues, and probably death. But that Tucker bit should be embarrassing for anyone buying into it without looking at the sources like y’all did. Good job on that by the way.
Ok never mind. I thought y’all were implying the jab was safe. So you’re just saying the athletes dropping dead is bull shit? I don’t really care I hope it is true. Fuck those athletes.
Yes exactly
Just Jesse is the real JJ vaxx
But nanobots bad bro! Henry Kissinger or something bro! And….. COLLAPSING SPORTS NIGGGERS BRO! LOTS OF COLLAPSING SPORTS NIGGERS BRO!
N.A.Z.I. criminal Bill Gates is STERLIZING africans with PLANDEMIC DEATH SHOTS…. population control anyone? Look up Agenda 21! DEATH JAB created by WHITE SUPREMIST demonkkkrats, Fauci, W.E.F. and BIDEN CRIME FAMILY to kill off CONSERVATIVE black americans and orthodox Jews because they cherish traditional family values!! This is just like the HOLOCAUST!!! Are we going to stand back and let it happen? Or will we take back our country and PUNISH the N.A.Z.I. dumbocraps under the NUREMBERG CODE?